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Shawnee123 05-22-2008 12:39 PM

Those flowers are almost as pretty as you, SG. You remind me of a sunflower, they just make people smile and feel good. Thanks.

SteveDallas 05-22-2008 12:46 PM

The flowers are beautiful.

On behalf of all right-thinking Americans, I apologize for having exported Garfield.

Shawnee123 05-22-2008 01:51 PM

The auditor's findings did not include ANY of my work. :) The other stuff they found was small, normal mistakes, but they didn't find anything on my part. Yay!

HungLikeJesus 05-22-2008 01:54 PM

They couldn't find any of your work? Good job!

Flint 05-22-2008 02:53 PM

What exactly would you say... you do here?

classicman 05-22-2008 04:38 PM

Spending the weekend fishing with my Dad and my sons.

skysidhe 05-22-2008 05:29 PM

I asked the apartment management receptionist if they could install a ceiling fan if I bought one. My return call was yes do you want us to buy one? I said ok, with a light he asked? why yes thank you I said.

Then last night I ran into a co-worker. We were talking about those awful cardboard cat scratch boxes. I mentioned I was going to get a cat pole. She said she had a brand new one I could have. I said I would give her something for it but she said, oh no. Just come and get it.

I feel so lucky this week. :)

HungLikeJesus 05-22-2008 05:36 PM

You have a cardboard cat?

I'm sure it's low maintenance, but you probably don't want to get it wet.

(In Mexico, they call those Pinatas.)

skysidhe 05-22-2008 05:39 PM

*laughing* :)

I love those pinatas! As a child I was never strong enough to break one open or fast enough to get much but they were still fun. So of course when I grew up and made pinatas at those times I taught crafts.Lot's of fun!

Clodfobble 05-22-2008 05:54 PM

It's that time of year again (technically one of two times of the year,) when we must buy presents for the hardest girl to shop for in the world.

This would be in the "mildly irritating you" thread, BUT I am happy to say that after about 2 hours of aimless internet wandering this afternoon looking for inspiration, I have found not one but two very likely gifts. And I still have a month left to look!!

Cloud 05-22-2008 05:59 PM

awful cardboard cat scratch boxes? Why are they awful? Cats like 'em.

skysidhe 05-22-2008 06:14 PM


Originally Posted by Cloud (Post 456186)
awful cardboard cat scratch boxes? Why are they awful? Cats like 'em.

Well that's exactly what we were saying. We knew other people swore by them but our cats didn't use them so....I guess her cat dosn't like the cat pole either. So I get it...and they can be expensive so I am happy...

The cats tear up my furniture. I am planning on getting a wicker furniture set at some point. A nice set not any funky resin or white ones either.

Sundae 05-22-2008 07:01 PM


Originally Posted by Clodfobble (Post 456182)
I am happy to say that after about 2 hours of aimless internet wandering this afternoon looking for inspiration, I have found not one but two very likely gifts. And I still have a month left to look!!

Clod those are great gifts!
If my niece was 3 years younger I'd be after that pearl kit like a shot. And in fact I'm tempted by the toaster plates idea for my nephew. Best find out if he even eats toast first!

SteveDallas 05-22-2008 09:52 PM

The pearl thing looks cool. I would buy the toaster for myself, if these people would make a version of it.

Clodfobble 05-22-2008 10:18 PM

Well there's always this option, too.

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