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Flint 11-20-2008 06:05 PM

Powershots are nice. You can feel good about that.

Cicero 11-20-2008 06:10 PM

Huh. I hate mine. You probably got the one with the good lense though. Mine is the A510 and I don't like it at all.

Aliantha 11-20-2008 06:11 PM

We're getting a new camera for Christmas.

I think it's going to be this one.

Sundae 11-20-2008 06:17 PM

Blimey! I wouldn't know what to do with that!
I got a new camera second hand before I lost my job. I love it. It's pink. That'll do for me.

Got an email from my ex-boss suggesting I might still get payment tomorrow, if not Monday. This is better than I hoped. Fingers crossed.

HungLikeJesus 11-20-2008 06:20 PM


Originally Posted by Aliantha (Post 506346)
We're getting a new camera for Christmas.

I think it's going to be this one.

I've got the D70 and I really like it. That D90 has a lot of cool features.

I'm trying to decide if I want to bring the D70 or the Canon Powershot SD950 when I go to Mexico. I'll probably end up bringing both.

Aliantha 11-20-2008 06:21 PM

We just have a happy snaps one at the moment which is good for ordinary stuff, but there is some beautiful scenery around here which has motivated me to want to take some decent shots and maybe think about selling them at local markets for tourists etc. I want something that'll take landscape shots as well as macro type stuff too and that one looks like it should do the job.

NB: Dazza will be able to write it off on his tax also, so that's a bonus and means the actual expense is less.

footfootfoot 11-20-2008 11:50 PM

My power shot makes your all y'all's cameras cry and run into the bathroom to wipe all its raccoon eye looking makeup off its cheap ass lens having face.

HungLikeJesus 11-21-2008 12:11 AM


Originally Posted by footfootfoot (Post 506426)
My power shot makes your all y'all's cameras cry and run into the bathroom to wipe all its raccoon eye looking makeup off its cheap ass lens having face.

And you're not talking about your camera, are you?

footfootfoot 11-21-2008 12:13 AM


Originally Posted by HungLikeJesus (Post 506430)
And you're not talking about your camera, are you?

That's right. And you don't even want to know about my money shot.:eek:

Treasenuak 11-21-2008 08:53 AM

...we don't? -is now rabidly curious-

Treasenuak 11-21-2008 08:53 AM

I HAS A HUMONGOUS HAPPEE!!! Turns out the kidlet is NOT leaving for Hawaii for a while yet... the Other has no $$ -wicked laughter-

DanaC 11-21-2008 09:04 AM

*grins* good stuff trease

Treasenuak 11-21-2008 09:08 AM

Well, it's what he gets for spending close to a thousand dollars to get his dress blues and get them tailored and get the chevrons sewed on and get the ribbons and medals that he's supposed to get on it and get the cover and bloodstripes and buttons and so on and so forth, let ALONE spending sixty bucks for tickets to the Marine Corps Ball this year and buying a car and insuring it and so on and so forth. We see what his priorities are here...

Edit: wow, I'm really not doing so good with the communication these days. The above statement was written ENTIRELY tongue in cheek; I understand how his finances can be in a jumble, and the whole Ball thing is mandatory for his shop this year so it's not like the uniform was debatable....

SteveDallas 11-21-2008 10:08 AM


Originally Posted by Clodfobble (Post 506327)
Turns out all but two models have no viewfinder. What is up with that?

Apparently people who didn't grow up using them on cameras tend not to like them.

Flint 11-21-2008 10:25 AM

Get over it, grandpa!

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