The Cellar

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elSicomoro 06-30-2007 04:19 PM

I got a fresh bottle of DiSaronno and a 6-pack of Schlafly Oatmeal's gonna be a great night.

richlevy 06-30-2007 05:07 PM

Booted my Linux computer up to install some Karaoke software and realized that I'd forgotten my password. I was all set to reinstall when I realized I could reset it instead.

limey 06-30-2007 07:47 PM

I've knitted the first 83 rows of my latest project and it's lookin' FABULOSO!

kerosene 07-01-2007 07:10 PM


Originally Posted by monster (Post 360249)
Comgratulations, case. :)

Thank you very much!

Now, SAHM time for me. Although, there might not be a lot of SAH. We gotta get out of the heat. :D

busterb 07-01-2007 08:01 PM

Ex-wife called me yesterday, after about 10 years or so. No bad news for me.

Cloud 07-04-2007 11:32 AM

wow, called you out of the blue? strange.

I'm happy because I have a day off today. Woo! Not having to work always makes me happy.

Cicero 07-04-2007 11:39 AM

Fireworks....I'm happy about fireworks today! Boom! Pow! Awwwwww....

(yes, this is all it really takes for me)

monster 07-04-2007 12:04 PM

I enjoyed fireworks, beer and a little do-nothing time last night. Then didn't get our of bed 'til 11 :D

HungLikeJesus 07-04-2007 12:16 PM


Originally Posted by case (Post 360451)
Thank you very much!

Now, SAHM time for me. Although, there might not be a lot of SAH. We gotta get out of the heat. :D

case -- I've been trying to figure out SAHM. I'm afraid you're going to have to tell me.

Clodfobble 07-04-2007 12:49 PM

Stay At Home Mom

DanaC 07-04-2007 07:57 PM

I just got back from my friend's birthday eve. About fifteen of us hooked up at the Trades Club in Hebden to see some comedians and drink real ale.. Was very funny. Had a good laugh. After the comedians (who were showcasing their Edinburgh Fringe show) the dj played a cd with all Jan's fave tunes on it. That was pretty good fun, stuff from the late 70s early 80's mainly.

So I am very drunk on real ale (Daily Bread and Bishops Finger) and Jack Daniels. I danced, for which I have to be very drunk. Most importantly, the guy I like was there. Can't really slow dance to 'London Calling', but hey can't have everything right?

DucksNuts 07-04-2007 08:14 PM

You type very well for a drunk person Dana :p.

Things getting interesting 'tween you and Mr Hotpants?

piercehawkeye45 07-05-2007 10:13 PM

First night off of work in ten days.

bluecuracao 07-08-2007 11:21 PM

A firefly flew into my office this evening, first one I've seen in a long time. Just hovered around here and there, lighting up wherever it stopped. It seemed kind of impressed by one of my floor lamps for a few moments, then floated off...somewhere.

BigV 07-09-2007 07:27 PM

consolidated 9 gb of pictures from week long camping trip. Now to backup and distribute. then comes the viewing and culling.

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