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Shawnee123 11-13-2007 12:35 PM

No, it's LESS responsibility.

I do what they are asking for as part of my current job. But here I also do 3 other MAJOR responsibilities that, in a larger school such as the one I"ll be applying to, are done by one person each, usually.

Cicero 11-13-2007 12:51 PM

I'm all for that! Hey, crossing the fingers. Go get it.

DanaC 11-13-2007 01:06 PM

*thinks good thoughts for Shawnee*

Good luck Shawnee, and Pilau said to tell you "Woof"...which i assume means good luck :P

Cicero 11-13-2007 01:09 PM

Dana, I love Pilau. I used to have a sheppard doggy, it looked much like yours. Very awesome dog.
Looking at the photos...Pilau makes me happy too.
(I want a dog so bad)

Spexxvet 11-13-2007 01:10 PM

Go for it Shawnee! Good luck!

Shawnee123 11-13-2007 01:21 PM

Thanks all!

Hey, I've got the Power of Pilau on my side, I can't lose!

Sundae 11-13-2007 04:30 PM

Good luck Shawnee!
Pleased that a good opportunity has come along - I'll keep everything crossed they see how perfect you'll be for the role.

HungLikeJesus 11-13-2007 04:36 PM


Originally Posted by Sundae Girl (Post 406660)
Good luck Shawnee!
Pleased that a good opportunity has come along - I'll keep everything crossed they see how perfect you'll be for the role.

Just don't cross your ankles.

jester 11-13-2007 04:47 PM

Good Luck Shawnee, kick ass

Clodfobble 11-13-2007 04:52 PM

Crazy music nostalgia going on today. I'm finally making further progress on importing my very large CD collection into iTunes (I made it to the S's sometime last spring, but then we packed up to move and I never got my momentum back.)

Anyway, early in my senior year in high school I went through this short but very intense punk phase, initiated primarily by having a thing for this guy at work who played in a punk band. I just came across this compilation CD of a bunch of different local bands that were all signed with this one tiny local record label. I listened to this thing like every night for 4 months, and then never again--until just this afternoon.

I remember every track, and I can still sing along with most of them. This must be why my brain is running out of room, I can't seem to clear out any of the old stuff.

DucksNuts 11-13-2007 04:53 PM

Good Luck Shawnee!!!! That sounds like an awesome job for you.

HungLikeJesus 11-13-2007 05:38 PM

I was reading the Cellar and tried to set my glass of coke on a table that didn't exist. Now my pants are wet and I have a meeting in 24 minutes.

That made me laugh.

Luckily I'm in a hotel and have other clothes.

Tink 11-13-2007 06:32 PM


BigV 11-13-2007 06:35 PM


Tink 11-13-2007 06:36 PM

Tag you're it!

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