The Cellar

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glatt 08-25-2017 08:28 AM

What a piece of shit.

Gravdigr 08-25-2017 12:40 PM

Hang 'em high, and make sure they're dead.

Griff 08-26-2017 08:46 AM

Justice. Good.

monster 09-16-2017 10:57 PM

Beest is home after an unexpected 5-day stay in the hospital. All fixed up and ready to fight some more. I missed him. And I was there a good deal of the time. We are so lucky to live where we do.

That said.....hospitals suck and I saw stuff here that I can't even imagine happening in the most underfunded NHS hospitals. No pillows to be found in the ER for example. ...and yet one miraculously appeared when I threatened to head up to the geriatric ward and mug a granny/distract her with knitting while I stole one

Clodfobble 09-17-2017 07:45 AM

Glad he's home.

BigV 09-17-2017 10:37 AM

welcome home Beest.

don't, um, complain about the pillows.

Gravdigr 09-17-2017 01:30 PM

The worst, slowest time I ever experienced was waiting in a hospital.

Fuck cancer.

Gravdigr 09-17-2017 01:31 PM

Time to re-engage Beest-Mode!!

fargon 09-17-2017 01:33 PM

Glad to hear that you are better.

Griff 09-17-2017 06:46 PM

I'm glad you're home Beest.

Pico and ME 09-17-2017 08:32 PM

Sorry that trouble put Beest in the hospital in the first place...fuck cancer and fuck chemo. Glad he is back in the nest with Monster.

xoxoxoBruce 09-17-2017 11:50 PM

I dunno, we haven't heard from Beest. He might have enjoyed five days of not getting calls to unload groceries, plus hot and cold running young nurses. ;)

Gravdigr 09-20-2017 01:38 PM


Originally Posted by xoxoxoBruce (Post 995862) hot and cold running young nurses. ;)

Yeahyeah, nice and hot. If I'm just looking.

If'n I'm actually ailing, I prefer my nurses 40 pounds overweight, 50 years or older, 25 years on the job, not phased by anything. Y'know, the good ones.

sexobon 09-27-2017 08:21 PM

I got my flu shot, nice and early.

BigV 09-28-2017 09:46 PM

Tonight we're going to Julia's on Broadway to see Le Faux.

Gonna be great! As is everything Twil arranges. :heartpump

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