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glatt 05-06-2020 08:23 AM

1 Attachment(s)

Originally Posted by footfootfoot (Post 1052173)
in the process of looking for a tool in the basement I found about 8 unused N-95 dust masks in their package.

I was getting worried because I have legitimate, non-covid need of these things for work and you can't get them unless you are a major donor to Trump.

Sweet. This also happened to me on Saturday evening.

I was digging around through a bucket of junk, looking for some hose clamps to lock a flip-floppy lawnmower handle in place, when I stumbled upon a big ziploc bag containing half a dozen N95 masks all in their individual plastic wrapping. Also in the bag were two emergency blankets and a half dozen high intensity glow sticks.

I THOUGHT I had another stash of masks somewhere, but couldn't find them a month ago when I was taking inventory. Good thing I was looking for those hose clamps over the weekend. (found the hose clamps too, and fixed the lawnmower.)
Attachment 70522

Griff 05-06-2020 11:41 AM


Originally Posted by footfootfoot (Post 1052173)
I was helping the 75inch make a ramp/jump for his mountain biking cure and in the process of looking for a tool in the basement I found about 8 unused N-95 dust masks in their package.

I was getting worried because I have legitimate, non-covid need of these things for work and you can't get them unless you are a major donor to Trump.

Have you guys built a pump track yet? I'm kind of tempted.

monster 05-06-2020 02:47 PM


Originally Posted by Griff (Post 1052234)
Have you guys built a pump track yet? .

Oh good lord... I misread: Trump Pack

Griff 05-07-2020 07:58 AM

I gotta stop typing that name.

sexobon 05-07-2020 11:55 PM

I found something to like about wearing masks in public. I can whistle at an attractive gal; then, look at the guy nearest to me and say: Stop that!

DanaC 05-08-2020 05:44 AM


Fun times, sexobon.

What's making me happy is that my friend's mum is out of hospital and recovering.

That's actually a few days old news, but I have just been chatting to her so its on my mind.

Clearly her recovery is going well, because Clo's back to being pissed off with her :P

Griff 05-08-2020 07:09 AM

Ha! The way it should be.

BigV 05-08-2020 12:44 PM


I'm happy too!

glatt 05-09-2020 11:03 AM

I took a shower and am dressed before 11am. Think I might go for a long walk. Woo! Look at me all eager to take on the day.

BigV 05-09-2020 11:49 AM

Carpe diem!

(Ex longinquo tutoque speculetur)

monster 05-11-2020 01:27 PM

Yesterday, I pulled my "Ministry of Silly Walks" signs to mow the lawn and put them away in the garage because I thought maybe their time was done.... but as I was standing there, some people passed and asked me if I was the one with the signs, their mom had told them about them and how much she enjoyed them every day when she went to get the mail. So I pulled them out of the garage to show them and they're back up, and this afternoon I'm redoing the feet that weren't waterproof enough to weather last night's storm and are a tad limp :D

I think the mom in question was my first "customer" and Bajaboi mentioned seeing her silly walking too

monster 05-11-2020 01:29 PM


Originally Posted by sexobon (Post 1052310)
I found something to like about wearing masks in public. I can whistle at an attractive gal; then, look at the guy nearest to me and say: Stop that!

So it's OK to make her feel uncomfortable because you don't have to take responsibility


Originally Posted by DanaC (Post 1052315)

Fun times, sexobon.


Gravdigr 05-11-2020 04:04 PM

Oh, good grief...

limey 05-12-2020 03:33 AM


Originally Posted by Gravdigr (Post 1052465)
Oh, good grief...

If this is addressed to Monster then the best analogy I can give is that you should imagine you are the new boy in prison, in the communal shower, and you don’t know which of the inmates around you has just playfully flicked your arse with their towel.

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk

Gravdigr 05-12-2020 10:24 AM

Sure, because that's exactly the same.

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