The Cellar

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BigV 07-06-2020 08:57 PM


Originally Posted by monster (Post 1054910)
Well, are the supports made of African or European timber?

I heard that in my head with a bad British accent....

ow, my toe!

monster 07-06-2020 10:24 PM

Don't cross the threads! :eek:

xoxoxoBruce 07-07-2020 12:26 AM

Lots of hens and chicks.

Gravdigr 07-07-2020 12:58 AM


Originally Posted by monster (Post 1054910)
Well, are the supports made of African or European timber?


Griff 07-07-2020 07:34 AM


xoxoxoBruce 07-08-2020 12:44 AM

Got a letter from my Insurance company saying after the two $44 checks I got they are going to continue to send me C-virus discount checks for the next four months. Don't have the heart to tell them about Watkins Glen in September.

Carruthers 07-10-2020 06:29 AM

I finally - FINALLY - had a haircut this morning.

I was in need of one at the time when lockdown commenced at the beginning of March, and things, not surprisingly, have gone from bad to worse.
I went through the badly thatched cottage phase some weeks ago and had become perilously close to bearing a horrible resemblance to Peter Stringfellow.

I had considered various courses of action during the interregnum, including the 'all off look', a pony tail and even, horror upon horror, a man bun.
I mentioned the latter option to a neighbour who said she wouldn't speak to me if I did that. :)

Anyway, I left behind enough hair (in a rather fetching shade of grey since you ask) to stuff a settee.
Chillingly, I also had to leave contact details which is only to have been expected in the current situation, but on balance I am HAPPY!

Clodfobble 07-10-2020 07:31 AM


Originally Posted by Carruthers (Post 1055067)

Chillingly, I also had to leave contact details which is only to have been expected in the current situation, but on balance I am HAPPY!

Oh, folks, you are in for a treat today--if you look out the left side of our rover, you'll see a beautiful specimen of Contactus tracetus, a rare beast indeed! C. tracetus can't thrive in our harsh American climate, but it does well in calmer, more level-headed habitats of the world. Get some good pictures, because you'll probably never see one of these beauts again!

Griff 07-10-2020 08:02 AM


Originally Posted by Clodfobble (Post 1055069)
Oh, folks, you are in for a treat today--if you look out the left side of our rover, you'll see a beautiful specimen of Contactus tracetus, a rare beast indeed! C. tracetus can't thrive in our harsh American climate, but it does well in calmer, more level-headed habitats of the world. Get some good pictures, because you'll probably never see one of these beauts again!

This says it all.

Happy: I'm on vacation and off Bacefook!

glatt 07-19-2020 11:13 AM

Griff 07-19-2020 12:02 PM


Clodfobble 07-19-2020 02:17 PM

Man, that's the epitome of adulthood joy, right there. Relax in a hammock and watch the young people have fun. Vicarious excitement without all the sunburn and sore muscles.

DanaC 07-19-2020 04:18 PM

My computer is fixed :):)

It full on died last weekend, and I got it back from the repair shop yesterday.

Carruthers 07-19-2020 06:20 PM


Originally Posted by DanaC (Post 1055388)
My computer is fixed :):)

It full on died last weekend, and I got it back from the repair shop yesterday.

Power supply, perchance?

Whatever it was, I hope it wasn't expensive.

Griff 07-20-2020 07:49 AM

Back on line!

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