The Cellar

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Griff 03-02-2008 07:42 AM

Can you start a thread to review it? I'd like to hear how it works out for you.

Cloud 03-02-2008 08:36 PM

Wow. Got "the box" and did my complete tax return, including e-filing it, in half an hour. Soooo much easier than doing it by hand like I have been doing it's not funny.

And I even got a refund this year--first time in years and years. Only $150, but still!

Happy Monkey 03-03-2008 12:06 AM


Originally Posted by xoxoxoBruce (Post 436268)
I read the hybrid is much faster, and loads more fun, than the regular Civic. Have a ball.


Originally Posted by Griff (Post 436294)
Can you start a thread to review it? I'd like to hear how it works out for you.

I'll try. Work has been interfering with my Cellar time, though.

Cloud 03-03-2008 12:50 AM

'magine that!

elSicomoro 03-03-2008 02:05 AM

Nothing in particular...just feel good right now. I had a productive weekend, but still made time to relax. Later in the week, I'm going to buy a bass guitar, and hopefully Sycamore (the band) will have some music up on MySpace in the next month or two.

(Shameless plug: If you have MySpace, please friend the band. :))

binky 03-03-2008 10:18 AM

Yayy!! Daughter's bread mold experiment for science fair is finally off to school and out of my kitchen - that stuff can really stink after 2 weeks

Cloud 03-03-2008 10:26 AM

LOL! Should have let her culture sourdough starter--at yeast you could make bread from that. :)

Trilby 03-03-2008 11:10 AM

RUSH is on the radio.

Is that geeky, to like RUSH?

Is it geeky to be listening on a radio?

binky 03-03-2008 11:14 AM

true she loves sourdough bread, but that wouldn't turn green, orange and black

DanaC 03-04-2008 07:12 AM

I had to hand a project proposal in on Friday last. It's worth 30% of the module's final mark. I have never done a project proposal before...hell I never even plan essays I just hold it all in my head and write off the cuff from the notes I've taken, with the essay or research project kind of taking shape around me...found it really hard to plan in advance what the project was and where it was going to go. Anyway...I also had a second assignment to hand in on Friday and had spent about a day and a half of available time doing that (an article review) which was much easier...and only worth 5% of that module's final mark.

Got to Thursday last week, having had evening meetings every night that week and was really struggling with the proposal. Could really have done with some extra time on it...then discovered I'd got the dates wrong on the article review, wasn't in til friday after...could have had the extra day and a half to use on the really difficult and more important proposal! Threw an all nighter and just about managed to get it in under the door of the 12:00 deadline....

I wasn't at all happy with it. Was really worried I'd dragged my overall mark down with it in a module that I really want to do well in...

Got my mark today *does the happy dance* A High First :) All that worryin' for nowt! Now all I gots to do is pull the project itself together into a wiki site.......

LabRat 03-05-2008 10:41 AM

OH Yeah!!!

Girl Scout cookies showed up today. Thin Mints and Peanut Butter Sandwiches. Mmmmmmmm....

Aliantha 03-05-2008 05:32 PM

Tomorrow we're going to look at a property a couple of hours north. I hope it's as good as it looks in the pics.

Clodfobble 03-05-2008 07:05 PM

I just found a baby monitor that can do multiple rooms (i.e., multiple kids) on a single receiver! And, unlike every other monitor we've tried so far, it doesn't have constant interference inside our house.

Cloud 03-05-2008 08:04 PM

absolutely nothing. Rotten fucking day. missiles launching!

Cicero 03-08-2008 05:48 PM

Remember this?!?

Well...the computer didn't work that I was given. That was pretty disappointing, but

Today I'm buying myself a computer!!! A new one! I have never had a new computer or one that wasn't put together by random parts just to get on the internet (nice friends bless 'em).....

Ooooh a computer that isn't out-dated by 7 years just for me! Finally!YEAH!

I'm actually going to buy it right now. See ya!!!
Did I say woo-hoo? Well woo-hoo!

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