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for the slow.....
oh, not that king of creamy hot chocolate........? |
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I'm happy cause I closed on this house yesterday. I am officially a home owner. Never thought that would happen.
I like the stone facade, Joe. That's a really pretty house.
Yeah Joe !!!
Congratulations Joe! I had a small ranch style in a neighborhood off of Strickland Bridge Rd. south of Raeford Rd. that I lived in for 3 yrs.; then, leased out for 7 before selling. Your house looks like those I saw being constructed in any number of later developed neighborhoods around Cliffdale Rd. running E-W; or, Hope Mills Rd. running N-S. I'm just guessing of course, you could be up north past Spring Lake for all I know about that area today. I had occasion to pass by my old house 10 yrs. after I sold it and practically didn't recognize the neighborhood because of the build up (there was a shopping center where I used to jog past horses grazing on a farm). Anyway, it seems typical of the west/southwest side of Fayetteville and out away from the old neighborhoods right around Ft. Bragg of which some were practically like on post housing. Nice looking.
Very nice, Joe!
Wow, nice place. Any nicer and we'd have to call you Sarge 1%. :)
Congrats Joe!
I like it! Congrats!
Awesome Joe!
Nothing like home-ownership! (evil laugh here) but, seriously, a great looking place. |
Good for you Sarge, you've more than earned it.
Joe: That's a really nice house!
I'm off work until next Wednesday.
:D |
I've been working my ass out for a week now. So what I did is that I took my hubby and children out for dinner and then we headed off to a cafe, ate some cakes and pizza and just had fun. :)
That sounds fun d&l
I'm a slug. I am loving this doing nothing thing. Sure, a lot of folks would use this opportunity to get some things done, but I'm not a lot of folks. :lol: |
But you are getting things done - you're amusing me. That's important.
This has been a really tough few months for me.
Everything seems to be upside down or inside out or just effed up in general. Between the normal grind of my new existence coupled with losing my job back in July and tack on a car accident last month. Bills keep coming, I'm now paying for health insurance for me and my kids... I have no income to speak of and my expenses have skyrocketed. All round sucky. ANYWAY ... I haven't been in the mood for Christmas which is normally my favorite time of year. Yesterday Son1 (21yr old) who is home on break from college gets up early and says "It's time, lets do it." We got all the decorations out and up. We then went buying (real men don't shop) and scored presents for everyone. He was mature, thoughtful and surprisingly helpful in selecting gifts on a tight (realistically nonexistent) budget. He was the kick in the ass I needed to at least feel a little festive. The house looks and smells like Christmas and I'm gonna wrap a bunch of presents with music and coffee. For the moment, I am happy and content. |
That's wonderful. :) You raised good kids.
I'm happy that Christmas has arrived at Chateau Classic!
Apple doesn't fall far from the tree, classic. Give the boy a little punch in the shoulder from me, just in case a hug might still be embarrassing for him. :)
thanks all.
Clod, we're all Italian here - hugging is what we do best. :) |
You've got a good kid there Class, reflects well on the old man.
That just warms the cockles of my heart Classic. :)
I came here to post about my friend. I've mentioned before somewhere around here that my friend Kathy has a daughter who's way off the rails on drugs and just general attitude issues to the extent that Kath hadn't spoken to her daughter for almost 6 months and had no idea where she'd gone to. Anyway, I just had a message from her telling me that daughter had come home a couple of days ago and was communicating and trying to get her shit together. Anyway, she's going to stay for a few days till after Christmas then go back to her own place, but hopefully keep in touch with her Mum. It just made me so happy to hear this news. We've all be so worried about her, but at the same time, Kath had to do what she did when she kicked her out. She was just out of control and not facing the fact that she's an adult now (20) and shouldn't be relying on her mother to buy everything for her because she spent all her money on drugs and partying. It's early days for them yet, but the signs are hopeful. I am glad. Just about the best news I could have had for Christmas. :) |
You got you a Gooden there Classic !!!
Good news Ali , but tell your friend to watch out , stay hopefull but wary |
Thanks guys.
Ali ... I'm pessimistic about this young lady who just happens to appear at moms right before Christmas ... Seems to me that she very well could be using the attitude of the season to get something from mom. Been there - done that. Remember addicts are the most manipulative people on the planet. |
good one classic!
i'm getting ready to leave to go a concert. i've never seen TSO before so i'm sure it will be a blast! |
It's Christmas! yey! :D
The smell of bacon from downstairs.
It's not for me, but it's a lovely start to Christmas Eve. And in fact if I asked, Mum would cook me breakfast. She offers when she senses I'm low or not feeling 100% |
I love Christmas and its here!
My sister is coming (she still doesnt know about my meddling), my B.I.L (bah), nephew, his son, and Mum...the others will be up after Boxing Day. I cried several times today setting the table and other prep things as its my first Christmas without my Dad....but all in all its good times. I'll go update the nephew thread, too. Classic...glad youre all festived up. :) |
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Maybe it's been happening for years, but today I just discovered the NORAD tracking of Santa Claus.
There is quite a bit to it, not just spots on a Google map. There are photos and links to the places and other google goodies. It starts on the Google Web home page. My Grand-daughter (8 yrs) will be with us this year, so it will be noisy. |
yes, years :)
Ste and E are here.
Off downstairski. |
Oh well, glad you had a good time. I left about 2 songs after intermission.
( I know we just talked on the phone, but thought I'd share with the board/bored) |
I just spring cleaned the kitchen. It is teh awesome :D
But it aint spring !!!
It is somewhere......
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I'm happy because I got to spend some quality time with some high quality people, my children! This was from a couple nights ago. I couldn't be happier!
Attachment 36315 |
Der V Clan !!!
Worked 10hrs today, which is a drag, but the shift was relatively easy with only 4 calls. And with Christmas bonus pay I was making $24/hr, so that definitely takes the sting off.
V, your daughter is gorgeous! Great looking kids.
Waves at big V and his clan. Nice pic, bro.
awwww....I love happy family photos.
Lola, I 3D'd your star today.
So cute, thank you :) |
thank you thank you thank you all
they are my greatest joy, they are all beautiful, and BelovedDaughter most of all. Thanks, friends. |
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We had a small medical emergency on Christmas so I couldn't post then. But today will do fine.
My oldest daughter went through Nursing School with a small group of study-mates, who have remained friends all these years later, after kids, marriages, divorces, and all the things that happen in adult life. Each year they still exchange Christmas gifts, and this was the gift to my daughter, Murph, from her best friend, Donna. The two pages were hand-written, almost stream-of-conscious Page 1 ------------------------------------------ Quote:
... an hour glass ... a heart-shaped rock ... a plaque with a saying It all made me very happy to know my daughter has such good friends... who love her as much as her Mom and I do. |
Wonderful. I hope everyone is OK now.
Picasa has a new update today!
What's new? Glad you axed. Quote:
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And life is good again...:D Nothing beats a good cup of coffee, hehe.
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Lola, that looks frightening.
Not least because it bears a passing resemblance to a coffee machine disguised as a Cyberman (see below). I started my extra hours today. I like the teacher I am working with, and the Higher Level Teaching Assistant. My first afternoon seemed to go well, my new charge did not have a meltdown or try to hit me. Half j/k. I also got some silly bits & pieces sorted that I should have done a while back - putting my prescription in, checking what's going into and out of my bank account and resizing/ deleting my photos. Also I received the first set of 2nd hand books from eBay. They are sold on the understanding that they are in a good enough condition to read, but not to give as a present. They are a bit battered it's true, but will do me well. And certainly for the price. Have started on Jacob Have I Loved. It will make me cry before the end. Paterson's books invariably do. I'll review it in the Books thread. |
An all-clear mammo after a few weeks of intense boobeh pain. They squeezed me (that joke never gets old) in when I finally decided it was much too intense to be normal and saw my doc. And as my mom is a BC survivor and so was my grandma I was really scared. Inexplicable pain I can deal with. Just my old body being old. Such a relief! :)
I'm treating myself to a victory lunch. |
Fantastic news babba.
Make that a bloody good lunch. |
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