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Thanks all. :)
Sundae: Not scary at all! It's a gorgeous piece of appliance. I think the coffee is strong enough with the right amount of crema. I've been reduced to instant coffee these past weeks, so this was absolute bliss. :D
Infinite Monkey: Wonderful news! Have a great lunch and dinner too! |
Yay, Infi! Hope you have a fabulous lunch!!
Yey for Infi's breasts!
I am feeling happy that I feel happy...or rather, I feel ok. Properly ok though, rather than just managing my way through the day. Which is nice.
Still have moments and the darkness is still hovering in the wings, but right now I feel quite light. |
Two tits four tits six tits a dollar All for boobies stand up and holler! :lol: Quote:
My first article got into a second editorial review. which means it is being considered for publication... which doesn't mean it will get accepted.
but if it will it will mark both: 1) the first good thing that happened to me after what has pretty much being the most miserable few months in my life so far. 2) the first time in my life getting paid for doing something i actually enjoy, a.k.a. not army-service/factory/farm/gas-station/kitchen/sales/management. the rational part of my brain is telling me to not keep my hopes up, but i am having a very hard time not getting extremely excited and gidy... the overdose of caffiene might be a part of it. |
Regardless of what happens from this point on, you've already taken a big step. Being accepted into a second editorial review is huge.
Whether it goes through or not, this is a triumph. If it doesn't go through ask them for ways to improve your output. There may be odd little things that they're looking for that you don't yet know about. If it does go through time to celebrate .... but frankly, at this point even if it doesn't you should already be celebrating *smiles* |
I got the Cesar Millan book 'How to Raise the Perfect Dog' on Kindle.
Thanks Dana :)
You right, that is worthy of celebrating. Quote:
She just wants pics of you in uniform.
Hang aroung long enough, trac....you'll find I get rather dewy over the armed forces.
so, hypothetically, let's say, if.... i behaved as un-army like as i could throughout my entire service, getting my tent buddies to sing with me led zeppling in boot camp to the trainers in the middle of marches, naming my gun after a chick i knew because it constantly kept breaking down on me just when it could have actually being useful, getting to know and using a medic that usually works in the army's human resource departments in the middle of the 2nd lebanon war to get me the hell away from the people who are trying to shoot me by getting an imagin.. completely real injury on my medical profile, only to fall into the HQ in the middle of one of the worst beurocatic scandel in IDF history and play drinking games throughout the night with my superior officer in the middle of a bunker because i can't fucking sleep with missiles striking everywhere & refusing to sign for officer training repeatedly because i'm only here since refusing a draft is a very long prision sentance why would i stay any longer and eventually getting to know a girl in reserve management and getting her to delete me from the list so i will never have to carry a gun unless there's a zombie apocalypse, and in the end of my service my unit gave me catch22 about a guy who runs away from WW2 as a joke about my military service which ended up being my all time favorite book... would that add to that wet spot?
because otherwise i'll just say i was an awesome soldier who survived the most badly handled war in his nation's history alongside a loyal Galil gun called Yonat, got injured in the line of duty, humbly refused officer training so he can bettter serve his country and aid in the recovery of the HQ in the middle of a missile crisis and finished his service with the highest of honors in obtaining classic literature from his superior officer as show of respect.... and i'll leave it at that. |
The Lake Oswego Review
Kara Hansen Murphey Jan 10, 2012 Lake Oswego council switch derials streetcar project Quote:
but aside from a pun in the headline, it is a significant political event for us. Umm....well, maybe for you a miniscule part of your US tax dollar will be spent on some more appropriate project. This City Councilor has shifted his vote, and so too the majority vote of the Council, on a project that has divided the city for years. It's one of those "re-development" projects where massive apartment complexes get built, with huge tax write-off's for developers and city-street and utility "incentives" get added to the local tax roles. At least the project has now been delayed into the future. P.S. Urge your Congressman to vote against it if it comes up again in the future ! :rolleyes: |
Meh....its really just about the uniform
All that other stuff is fluff. Although, if you boss me around occasionally...that will help, but pick your moments or ill just tell you to fuck off ;) |
Traceur, although your English is a little rough at times, I see you are highly fluent in bullshit. This is useful.
Just dig up an old uniform, making sure a few buttons are missing ("shot off") and send Ducks a few pics in manly poses. |
we can start from there. |
Am I in the right thread...?
All I wanted to say is that the irritation of the failure of school meals to match the menu has now been solved. Only one choice per day, although made in veggie and non-veggie versions. And the new menu is up on the school website. I had soup and bread again today, which is better for me! |
but I thought you were only having them occasionally? or is that what you meant by soup and bread -you brought it in as an alternative?
2 happys- goldfinches and great skiing in horrible conditions
My previous annoyance was that I'd made the choice before I left home, based on the menu. I had nothing else to eat. NOW the (new) menu matches the food, so I can choose in confidence. Looking ahead my choice will usually be to bring my own food in. I might succumb to a roast dinner once a week though :) |
Just got back from my Bro's house. Had a lovely takeout meal to celebrate Amelia's 18th Birthday. She's having her party proper at weekend, this was just a really nice little get together with Amelia, Soph, Jen, Martin, Mum and me.
The poem I wrote for her went down really well. She seemed very touched. Am dead happy about that. Worked on it most of the day. Hard to believe it's 18 years since she was born. My eldest niece, my Big Brother's first born. I remember the first time I held her. Martin's little girl. All of a sudden the state of the world really mattered. And there she was tonight, parading the new party frock she'll be wearing on Saturday. Black sequins, figure hugging, plunging backline, and platform heels. She looked drop dead gorgeous. All the world at her feet. *smiles* Happy happy. |
You know that's something she'll keep always.
Nothing like an awesome aunt, Aunt DanaC. :) |
I was dead pleased she liked it. She's exactly the kind to keep stuff forever as well. Watching her last night I was struck afresh at just how lovely she is. Talk about the whole package. Looks to kill for and yet sweet as sunlight. Clever and talented but not an arrogant bone in her body. I'm just so damned pleased with the young woman she's grown into. |
Just gave my two week notice. I have a new job. Go me.
A change is as good as a rest, they say.
Good for you Pete! I got a couple promising leads in the mix right now.
For the first time in months, I'm optimistic. |
Oh that sounds good Classic. Keep us posted eh :)
Nice! Congrats Pete, and two pairs of crossed fingers for you, classic.
Making me happy is I finally forced myself to make time for a chiropractor appointment, and he fixed my neck and upper back right the hell up. Best damn chiropractor I've ever had.
Thanks all ... ... ...
This whole interview process is bizarre to me. They made a BIG DEAL out of calling 5 mins in advance and being well prepared with a list of items at the ready. OK I was to call a number and enter a code. Code only valid for this timeframe blah blah blah OK. I do my part and call as directed with all the "items" on hand .... I am put on hold while the interviewer is notified and takes the call. (sigh) OK After 30 minutes on hold with only the most AWFUL elevator music to keep me company, a computer generated voice comes on, says the interviewer is "unavailable" and to try the call later. The call was then disconnected. Lil pissed, I call back and the code is no longer valid. WTF? |
On the positive side, I was offered a 2nd interview through another option.
We'll see. |
I am happy, and as a result perplexed, that I found my bundle of sinew when I was cleaning up my desk. (yes)
Now I am wondering what the hell was in the bag that was dragged into the hole in the basement wall. |
pssst .. ur weed.
I collected Pilau's ashes today. I put if off for days since they phoned to say they were ready. Then suddenly I thought...what am i doing? I can't keep leaving him there day after day. He hated being at the vets...
Thought it would really upset me, but actually, I feel a bit like I have brought him home. It's a nice feeling. When I collected them they were in this big, square white box. Not terrible, but a bit cold and clinical looking. And too big. Got home and knew I had to open it up and look. Was expecting just to see the bag of ashes. Instead there was another, smaller box. Rectangular and completely covered with a forest scene print. Coincidentally it is all of Pilau's colours. From when he was a pup. Rich dark browns, light honey colours and so on. It's lovely. I feel like I have him here with me. Like...he's physically here now. Tangible. It felt good to hold him. Only a small weight, but a weight nonetheles. |
EZ PZ! Wtg on the new job! Do you get "gardening leave" now?
New socks!
New socks always make me happy. |
Dana - how nice that you feel good having Pilau's ashes home. I wonder a lot about the symbolism of ashes after a cremation. They are important (to me, at least).
Dana ... I still have the ashes of my high school dog at my parents. We were just talking about spreading them in the woods he loved to roam all the time.
I just got in the mail the letter my stepson sent me at his grandmother's house. the best and only chrismas card i ever got - "to daddy", signed "love from sloan" with a tiny drawing of us with a big heart in the middle.
making me cry, and i usually have a very hard time doing that... |
Ahh Trace *hugs* that's one to treasure.
Sundae sent me the cutest card! I've mentioned my eroding butt and this card is perfect. I think I am around a 9 on the scale. I'll try to post a NSFW pic this weekend & let you decide. LMAO
This has really made me laugh!! |
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oh lawd! love ya sarge but don't wanna see yer butt! (don't worry, i'll close my eyes and bypass those and let the ladies decide!)
now. today. i've got a project due tuesday p.m. when i'm at work i have a docking station for my laptop but when i'm home i only have the laptop, or so i played it. well i accidentally hit a command in autocad that made a pop up appear on the second screen.......houston we have a problem. no second screen is on the puter. no way to cancel said popup. i was shittin' (can i get a g monnie?) a brick but came upstairs and unplugged my pc monitor and hit it with my laptop and fixed things. was a relief. an hours worth of work saved. after i saved i went to office depot and finally bought a table/desk for my room. sorry long story but this is what i came out with: eta: damn i'm tired. bought the desk so i could have space for two monitors which makes cad much easier and to simplify as well |
Geee plth...it's a bit blurry. lol I must have been drinking!
Cool !!!
my nikon is finicky. i have been using the auto focus and sometimes it works flawlessly and other times it sucks.
You were supposed to tell me to just shut up. lol
i think. um. what you said. shut up! |
Don't look Philthy, there are TWO! And there will be the mother of all rows if we have negative reponses from male Dwellars again. What is making me happy this morning? The smell of my parents' breakfast. I don't have to eat it (I'd really rather not as Mum is at her worst in the mornings). Just the smell will do for me. Although I admit if I could eat it up here I would. Bacon, beans, poached eggs and toast. Nomnomnom. |
(pssst: love ya bro, just tryin' (can i get a "g" here?) to get the chickies to show us some) |
haha...sarges butt scared you or scarred you?
or both?
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23F 6" of snow :cool:
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Oh Griff that's beautiful!
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