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What'll they give ya for a whole kid? ;)
They look good tonight. I'm giving Mom a shot of penicillin 2x a day, because somebody was up the her elbow in her, which will be an adventure because some goats will tank when you stick 'em and Eary is one of those goats. You have to stand her up and get her moving again...
Those little goats are so cute.
They look a lot like the sheep my father keeps. His are mainly Damara with a bit of cross breeding. The lambs are so cute, and all different colours. |
I just got the news that my sister had a baby girl :)
Jeeby those are some cute baby goats. :)
2 Attachment(s)
State Team shirts are done! I had them all set to go last week, then one swimmer got a surprise State Cut at the weekend and so I had to scramble to get her name added to the back and get them done in time -the 12 & under Championships start this Friday morning. The printer told me Thursday, but they were ready today and all the swimmers families and coaches love them. The team are the Otters so the State Team is the......
Attachment 37691 The picture doesn't really capture that the print is sparkly gold (team colors are Maize and Blue like.... yup (University of Michigan)) and here's the back: Attachment 37692 Initially, there was a State Team of 1 -Hebe. But we knew Steven would get loads of cuts and he did. So these two (and their moms) were throwing around ideas and I jokingly suggested this one and the teenagers loved it. We though fine, they're 14, they can be a little risque...... Then Elizabeth decided to join the USA swimming team, and we knew she'd get cuts, and she did. Susana was the surprise. These two are 10. oops. Oh well, they like the sparkly gold and if you're 10, you don't think of it that way..... :lol: Their parents are just so pumped they made it I suspect they'd let them wear almost anything. |
oh and consider that an RFN shot too. The light doesn't show the hair color well either, which is actually quite bright right now......
looking good monster
glad to hear the good news griff clodfobble, wtg on your dental arbitrage you sly devil you **** SonofV has asked me for the fifth time "What smells so good?" I told him (for the fifth time) I'm making dinner! That makes me happy! |
this just in:
"Dad! That was good!" and a big thumbs up gesture from SonofV; a spontaneous affirmation that if you hold off on giving them food, they will like whateverthehell you feed them, when you feed them. |
that is the awesomeness that is larger than any other awesomeness.
Aw, can you raisse goats in a back yard? Cuz I really want goats now.
Hotter Otters, Monster, you svelte thing!
har. I cropped the pics carefully ;)
I'm happy that max and I cleaned up the back porch and spa area today and did some other chores around the place, and now we've got a couple of chocolate cakes in the oven. I hope they turn out ok since I couldn't be bothered looking up a recipe. lol
All this is making me tired, and I still have to take max and mav for a swim in an hour or so, then off to footy training and a gossip with the other mums, then home to cook dinner. Hmmmm...I think I might sleep better tonight. |
glad e-one is happy! congrats to all!
i'm happy that i'm going to have a friend fly down to go to the six minute century show in April. the cellar's own dr. froth (a lurker) is the bassist as is my friend from Iowa. that and i replaced an aviator watch i used to have from years ago that was stolen with.... This only this one is WAY better than my original. atomic clock, eco-drive.....i'm loving it! ETA: oh, here are my Nikon camera break in pics: here |
Griff - is eclampsia an issue with goats? Calcium injections, perhaps?
I guess it can happen in goats. This particular doe is very sensitive to needles all the time though, not just when pregnant or after birthing. She will sometimes go down when being wormed. Her sister isn't affected in the least. I did give her a goat specific nutrient drench.
Chocolate: Mini Eggs. Easter is great. We should have Easter all year.
i bought a new watch yesterday. years ago, before the disaster, i had one like it but it was the base model and was stolen out of my truck when i took it off because the latch broke. this time around with the help of a friend that works for a major jewelry chain i got this sucker CHEAP! i wore it today and LOVE it! i bought the Citizen Eco-Drive Skyhawk Blue Angel edition. i love the E6B on a wrist! all around, i'm a happy camper!
Yesterday Max wanted to make a chocolate cake, so we made one.
I decided not to bother looking through umpteen chocolate cake recipes and just make one up myself. It turned out really well. Moist and chocolaty, but light and fluffy at the same time. It really was a good cake. Today I've just been reflecting on it a bit and thinking of my Mum. She really was a great cook. Making that cake yesterday made me feel like she'd have been really proud of me if she could have seen it. I miss my Mum. Some days more than others. Today a lot. gosh, now I should be in the sad thread. I am a sook. :( |
You should congratulate yourself. Chocolate cake is very tricky even with a tested recipe. To pull one out of the air like that means you are like a baking Ninja.
lol...thanks foot. My big boys would be impressed that someone thinks I'm ninja at something.
Yes, it is.
Just don't dive more than 660 ft with it, or you'll lose the warranty ! |
a sook? check it: at least you're no chook to make a cake that's choc, chick.
Today started with me in a horrible mood. MB was being crabby and snippy, which, along with knowing I would be cleaning our disaster zone of a living room by myself all day, turned me into Super Bitch.
But now, the living room is lovely and clean. I have a delicious-smelling meatloaf in the oven, a glass of crisp Cava in my hand...and MB texted me from work a little while ago, saying he would help to clean when he got home. No need for that now, but awwww. :lovers: |
Thin Mints. One small box equals a lot of happiness.
Ali can pull recipes out of the ferment and plthijinx can do slide rule calculations while flying... all we need are super hero costumes!:cool:
Cheeky roses construction journal posted. That was something of an ordeal in itself. Whew!
maybe i can slide rule a chocolate cake!! warranty doesn't say anything about chocolate icing!!
ETA: i've dropped barf bags out of the plane before (well, the passengers, not me. too busy trying to fly whilst gagging) i wonder how a cake would do? |
My little lad is making me happy. I was sitting on the sofa watching breakfast telly, and he was lying on the floor happily chewing a toy and it just felt right :)
The house is quite this morning.
My G-daughter and her Mom live with us now. They've been with us since mid-January, and our place changed. Yesterday they went back to central Oregon... just for the weekend. But it's was nice to have a quiet breakfast with my wife. Of course, by lunchtime tomorrow we'll both be looking forward to their return. |
1. my plan to replace my addictions is working perfectly
old addiction: smoking. new addiction: working out. pretty much being the only thing that makes me feel good these days, it's difficult to not get addicted to it or be pulled into doing it multiply times a day. |
Carrot had his first walk today :)
he isn't street legal for another week and a half, but vet said should be ok, after 48 hours, to go somewhere off the beaten track. So Mum and I went off onto the moors with him :) |
I've written 2,000 words for what I jokingly call my novel in less than 24 hours. It happens it fits and starts. Maybe I'll finish it someday.
Maybe tomemorrow
Today, it was beautiful outside and I and my mom and dad and younger brother and sissy-law and my three nieces and my older brother's chocolate lab (bro and wife out of town, my 'rents are the dogsitters) played outside. Me and S (2 of 3) made an obstacle course and we timed the girls, each wanting another turn to see if they could do it faster.
i have gotten almost 4000 shekels (about 1000USD) in military veteran benefits while i was away, which i didn't find out about until today, contacting the military veteran call center for completely different reasons... seriously you'd think they'd tell you those things? anyway it was nice to find out.
also i have a new business idea which i am researching about, i am loosing weight, i am getting into shape, i am mastering the art of stuffing myself on salads and i am fitting into clothes which i haven't fitted into in months. the new breathing techniques i have learned a few weeks back are becoming increasingly habitual, and i have had only two panic attacks from thinking about my stepson in the last week (trust me it's a huge improvement). it isn't fading but at least i know what i am dealing with and know i can live with it - i am learning better and better to see those bastards coming. knowing how much i obsess about birthdays (mine, hers, birthdays in general.. lov' em), since it was just my ex-wife birthday, i have the nice feeling of knowing she'll be expecting me to call or try to contact her, and that i am not (i am keeping to my no-contact-to-get-over-her rule), which will probably be a combination of relief and disappointment for her. its always nice remembering that the person your having such a hard time not thinking about is probably thinking about you. i am starting to be able to look at other women sexually, which is a huge improvement. my usual sense of optimism - the knowledge i can overcome every obstacle and always figure out a way - is coming back. my old energetic self... also it helps that i am over caffeinated like hell. |
Sounds good, traceur!
Sent by thought transference |
Those are some *cute kids*. (nyuk nyuk nyuk) |
Oh Oh the cute li'l noises!!!
ETA: Glad that ma is doing well, too! |
I copped an attitude today, decided to take the day off from looking for work and to just go out and play. I feel good, tired as hell, but good!
Awwwww Bless 'em. They're so cute!
not afraid of falling, are they? sooo adorable.
y'know... I don't **love** my shrubbery. I mean it's green everywhere around here, having a little contrast wouldn't be bad. Not if it meant I could see that kind of silliness in the back yard. |
What cute kids!
are they named?
Max turns 3 tomorrow. I was going to go get his present this arvy, but a friend of mine just found the bike I was going to get him for 30 dollars less in another store, so that's nice. I just have to go get it from her place now instead. :)
I am making a train cake for the little monster. I was originally planning on making the cake(s), but decided that since I feel like shit most of the time atm, I'd do myself a favour and just buy bar loaf Madeira cakes at the supermarket. It's probably worked out cheaper doing it that way anyway. |
Happy bday Max
Athos: Shish Kebabbed
Porthos: Slow BBQd Aramis: Curried |
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