![]() |
curry! :vomit:
Aramis is small enough to tuck into a goose, which would fit into a large turkey. :yum: |
Is that what people mean when they refer to Chupacabre?
Happy Birthday Max!!
One week til carrot is street legal! |
What does street legal mean?
Means his innoculations and stuff are all done with and he can walk on the public pavements (sidewalks) and parks.
Ohhh...want to see video of his little puppy self running around outside.
2 Attachment(s)
I have a LOT of new bottles and crates to hold them.
I haggled a bit and got all six bins with 30 bottles per case for $100. I'll be bottling my mead tonight and/or tomorrow. After I wash and sterilize them. *sigh* Attachment 37905 Attachment 37906 |
I start a new job next week!
It's long-term freelance to start, but may become permanent. The freelance period can be kind of a test phase for both parties, which I've found has worked out well in the past. Bonus: I can walk to work. The stress and expense this will eliminate, compared to the trek out to my last job, is a huge relief. I was dreading the possibility that I would have to take another job with a ridiculous commute. I really hope this turns into a trend, and other folks on here looking for work start getting some good news! :fingerx: :fingerx: |
That's great, blue! :)
Nice to have a close-by job. |
I was just recently converted from a one-year contract to a permanent employee at my current job, so maybe the economy is improving.
That's awesome!
Benefits now? Vacation? 401K? |
None of that will change, but the little diamond next to my name indicating temp worker will be gone from the next version of the org chart.
And maybe I can stop working so hard. |
Asterisks by your name are never good...
Daisy Head Mayzie is back with her rightful owner. :driving:
Only I can't figure out how to move the steering wheel back up. Where'd the knob go? I don't remember ever moving it because I had it where I wanted it but now I can't find the knob to move it back up from where the mechanics moved it down. |
It's under the car, next to the muffler.
Make sure you wear gloves. |
If you feel the bottom of the steering column there should be a lever that will pull down then you can adjust it where you need to. It's pretty much flush when it's in the locked/closed position.
HLJ, Mr Car, you silly.
YEah, I was feeling under there. There's a thingy that seems like it might move but it didn't seem right. I thought for sure there was one of those levers that you push, then push back into place. I'll find it. |
Guessing without appropriate data and details provided ;)
There may be two of them. One underneath to adjust the steering wheel closer or farther from you and another (on left or right) to adjust the angle. (note - I don't have a VW, so ...) |
Is the CHECK STEERING COLUMN light on? What are the error codes?
Numbers, woman, not posted were specific numbers! |
I found it. It was what I thought had to be it but I didn't have time to really mess with it. Steering wheel in appropriate spot. Daisy asleep in the carport. All is good. ;) |
I hope you wore gloves.
And eye protection. |
No. I'm typing this in braille, with my toes.
Husband got a new job...this time permanent. Means we will have benefits, finally. He lost his last job 2 weeks ago, but it was a contract and the new one pays better, too!
Great stuff kero. :)
I'm glad to hear that K-sene.
kerosene, I'm so, so happy to hear this wonderful news! Congratulations to him! wooohooooo!!
Win. Grats, Dakota!
"making me happy today" is a bit of a stretch, but I did read this bit as the signature of one of the posters in a thread about cider making. I got a big laugh from it.
Using nothing but her wits and good luck, J scored tickets to a taping of the Daily Show w/Jon Stewart!
I am planning the day in Manhattan. Not only are the tickets free, but they come with $10 parking for the day. $10 all-day weekday parking in Manhattan! It may be worth it just for that. I'm trying to figure out what to do and stuff. TDS time requirements leave us only a few hours to play with before and after. expect pics in upcoming weeks |
Very cool, UT. I am jealous.
Kero, that is FANTASTIC!
UT - awesome - sounds like a great time. |
Thanks, you guys. And congrats to you, too, UT. :)
What dates, UT?
I won't say!
Ve haff vays....
Going away this weekend to visit a friend at a University. I miss Uni; it'll be cool to be at one again.
A friend called earlier in the day and told me to call him when I get home. Been home but forgot to call him. Just called him a moment ago. He came by to give me a box of truffles and cookie cutters from Godiva. I'm gonna be happy for 5 minutes then go to sleep, hihi. Thought I'd share my smile with y'all. :D (Yes, it doesn't take much to make me happy, hehe.)
Happy #1 - After scouring the house top-to-bottom, I finally found the original survey on our house from when we bought it, so we can refinance without having to pay for another one.
Happy #2 - Minifobette has finally stopped being a royal bitch, with the advent of a little Zithromax. Happy #3 - Thanks to #1, my closet is now completely cleaned out and organized (the survey wasn't even in the closet, but it's a nice side effect.) Happy #4 - We're having leftovers tonight which means I don't have to cook. |
24 hrs from now i will be in Reno, NV playing in a poker tournament.
hi hi hi
he he he Lil Lola Bun how we love thee |
Lil Pete just got her Bennington acceptance plus a large scholarship. She's not going but it is a nice pat on the back for her hard work.
hurrah! Well done that young lady!
Congrats to her, and you guys. Ya'll done well.
I say hihihi as a greeting or as a positive affirmation.
One from Hot Fuzz and the other from the Japanese for yes. I do say them slightly differently, but until now, only I have known this. I was hoping it might spread. It obviously has, and I'm happy. Hai. Congrats Lil Pete. Did I miss why she wasn't going to Bennington? (is it something to do with Ibram?) |
My little Carrotcake.
I'm in horrible pain with bad back (see upset thread) and bless his little cotton socks, but he's really being good. he started a little with the trouser biting (which then progresses to leg chomping and a telling off, which is all part o fthe game as far as he;'s concerned), but when i told him to stop he did pretty much straight away. It's like he knows he has to be really good today. |
Awwwww. :)
And he gave me a wet puppy kiss (with teeth) and that made me feel much better.
My car is working!
I'm not! I'm shooting through for a coupla weeks. Bump ya later, peeps. Take care of the tip mug while I'm away, will ya? |
I tidied my room, and I solved the mysterious case of my missing eye drops. They were, inexplicably, living in my clothes pile.
And for the record, when I say clothes pile, I mean a pile of clean clothes that I'm just too lazy to hang up/put in drawers. But I feel better for having a tidy room. Ordered room, ordered mind. |
I have a few things to add to this thread.
1. As I mentioned in the "irks me but might be okay in the end" thread, husband's new job is a go, starting Monday. 2. I just tested out of speech class today, which means in 3 weeks I will be done with my degree. 3. I just got HBO, so I can see this season's Game of Thrones series! 4. Husband is finally feeling better and I think he is truly on the mend, this time. I haven't had this much good stuff happen in god knows how long! |
this gave me a happy moment, despite my personal current slightly apprehensive situation. Good luck in the new job Mr Kero, enjoy the new TV, all.
Thanks, monster. I hope the apprehension is alleviated with some resolution. I assume you are referring to the hockey situation with your son? I can almost kind of relate as every year, I go through this travel team vs rec team debate every year for my son's football interests. He wants to do travel, but I don't like the idea that it takes a parent getting up at 2 in the morning to go wait in line to get him on the team....I wouldn't mind the lack of sleep, I just think it is wrong. I could go into more detail, but it doesn't seem worth it. Anyway, I hope things work out. It sounds like he's going to do well no matter what team he ends up with, monster.
It's official. In a week and a half, I will be teaching a gluten-free cooking class at my local community center. I'm excited that enough people have registered, but... I'm kind of terrified, now that I realize what I've gotten myself into.
that's awesome Clod :)
You'll be great. |
That'd great clod! you'll be fantastic.
Kero, no, not the hockey this time -the lifeguarding certification exam I was about to take. Which I passed :D |
yey Monster!!!
Way to go, monster!
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