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Finally got some sleep and my brain has rebooted - seems to be firing on all cylinders. At last! A working brain, just in time for starting this residency! Hooray!
Hooray for Orthodoc's brain!!
(I use tapatalk - but I type, not talk ....) |
[singing] My boy Carrotchops, be do be doop, he makes my heart gooooo giddyup, be do be doop...[/singing]
Heh. I was at my friends house last night and their dogs were so cool,especially the one I want to steal. He loved the ear scratching and the cooing, but he ain't leaving his castle. What a dog. :)
The college had a graduation ceremony today. (I was co-organiser and MC, but it was only about 100 people). The cool thing was one particular student. At the end, we gave out the prizes for best performance in each subject, and dux.
Going by subject, two different girls won accounting and chemistry, then a Chinese lad who I shall refer to by his English name Martin won Critical Thinking, but as he left the stage the speaker called him back for the prize for economics, then as he left the stage the speaker called him back for the prize for mathematical studies, then as he left the stage the speaker called him back for the prize for specialist maths. Four out of five. Not bad. Each came with a certificate and $50 text book voucher. He won the prize as dux, of course (certificate plus $100 voucher). At the reception, he was talking with some teachers and his friend who also got a very good mark. Turns out the friend got 93.2 and Martin 93.4. Says Martin "I'd like it if you would accept this, please" and gave the friend one of the gift vouchers. Nice lad. |
Ohh that's a nice thing to do.
There is hope... well done young man.
Notice, *only* because ZenGum has decided to share this sweet anecdote in our "happy today" thread that we know of it. It probably didn't make the news. Not on the crawl at the bottom of the screen. No headlines, etc. I'm glad ZenGum shared his story and that Martin shared his rewards. But classicman's comment that there's hope... These kinds of acts by young people (and some of us seniors too, once we shoo those hoodlums off the lawn) are all around us, everywhere. The hope's always there, we just don't always reach down into the bottom of the box and hold it up for all of us to see.
really belongs in the I'm laughing my ass off at the irony of it all thread
o teh irony :lol2: |
2 Attachment(s)
roommate came home today! yay! happy about that. now the work begins. we tested out just about everything with the house today and accessibility. fitted the potty chairs over the downstairs bathroom and his bathroom upstairs, put the shower chair in the downstairs shower and he tried them all to make sure he could use them no problem in case i wasn't around to help.
surprisingly he was able to negotiate the stairs up and down with no help at all. in fact, no help with anything.......until...... he sat in his lazyboy upstairs. now, he does have a walker upstairs and downstairs as well as canes and a wheelchair for downstairs. but when he sat down in the lazy boy there was no getting up by himself. i'm strong, but not that strong. i damn near dropped him on the floor trying to get him up. i just couldn't do it. i was able to just barely get his butt on the edge of the lazyboy seat and lay him back then run and grab my neighbor to help me get him up. no harm, no foul. i just don't want to hurt his back and the seemingly great job Doc did on him. i honestly didn't think he'd be able to do the stairs. that's a huge plus. i'm still afraid for when i leave to go to the office due to the distance of travel, 38 miles one way. if he fucks up and i'm at work.....i shudder to think. all in all though his back is healing nicely and he starts therapy next week. oh, that, and in the next two weeks i'm getting a raise at work. here's a pic of the roommates back just after surgery..... |
jesu le christy
what in the hell happened to him?
Any possibility of home care to check on him while you're at work (referral through his PCP)? Sounds like he needs to use firmer surfaces than a lazyboy ... and watch out for your own back. It's easy to hurt yourself trying to assist someone while leaning over.
You've done an amazing job getting everything in place for him - hope all goes well with his recovery. And congrats on the upcoming raise! |
we're looking into that but ya know how insurance companies work. probably won't happen.
my back is already screwed so i do my best to watch it. i hurt it real bad almost 3 months ago on a fishing trip when the boat bounced off a party barge wake and launched about 3 feet or so in the air while doing 30 knots. aggravated my old supercross days of racing motorcycle numerous injuries. i'm doing the best i can with him and that's precisely why i went and got my neighbor to help me get him up. and thanks on the later! monnie it's years of abuse. he is an aikedo and judo instructor and in fact, i only found this out through his best friend when he was here a few weeks back, that roommate almost made the Olympics some years back for judo. he's a very humble man and doesn't talk about all that. he'd rather sit there and let you think he's some dude just hanging out. try to fight him? even now he'll put you on the ground from a wheelchair! lol! i know. he damn near just did it to me when i was making fun of him just now! (hey! laughter is the best medicine!) to cut a long story short mon, about 15,000 back slams on the mat did it. |
I just went out for a late night ride on the motorcycle. I've been doing that lately when its hot cuz it feels so nice. tonight I just barely beat the rain home. caught a few sprinkles but nothing to speak of. now I'm standing on my front porch watching the light show .....crazy zig zag lightning.
spoken in to my phone using tapatalk |
ugh. glad he's back and you're all happy, tho'
Soudns lovely Jim.
@ Philthy: you're a good egg. |
Man, that's a lot of hardware to be carrying.
I'd say, get well soon, but I suspect there is a rehab plan and the only bit marked "soon" is "begin". So: get well thoroughly. |
he's been able to sleep really well the last two nights which is a huge plus. he's in good spirits and getting around the house. taking care of him is a chore though. from laundry to cooking among a few other duties.....hell i'm trying to get office work done and it's hard. i'm on the last drawing of 12 that i started yesterday and when i finish that i have to start another project i was supposed to of started yesterday. gonna be a busy next few weeks i think. |
Glad to hear your friend's getting some sleep and in good spirits. That goes a long way ... still, it's a lot for you. He's lucky to have such a good friend. Take care of yourself in the next few weeks, too.
I finally got the last boxes unpacked, broken down, and into storage ... now have to hang a few pics and get this place looking homey. I'm loving just having my own space. It's making me happy today! |
nothing like having your own space/place. do what ya want, when ya want and how ya want!
Roommate was able to walk to the corner of the street earlier (about 250 yds or so). i was up here working on a project and had no idea he'd even left. (that kinda irked/startled me a bit him not saying he was leaving) but anyway he'd gotten back and decided to take a shower. the downstairs bathroom isn't that big but i am thankful that when we remodeled the shower we made it as big as possible. if we'd of kept the old shower there's no way his chair and him would've fit in there. the shower however went really well. i was surprised to see how well he got in and out. hell i'm amazed at the progress he's made in the 2 days he's been home! |
Dude, smack him on the arm for me and tell him that's not cool! What if he'd fallen down three houses away? How long before someone came to help him?
Umm, yeah. He needs to work with you, here ... I'm sure he's anxious to regain his independence, but - a little common sense goes a long way.
he just laid down for a nap then asked me to clip his toenails :vomit:
i did ask him to let me know if he leaves like that. so i know to either expect him back or walk with him. something. just to be aware. |
sorry ... no greater love hath a friend ... :lol: |
hey at least it wasn't dingleberries! that'd of thrown me off the chain! |
I'm going to google this, and I KNOW I'll regret it ... :yelsick: |
oh you will
Okay, regretting, regretting, regretting ... :vomitblu:
Lovely lady at work told me I've made this term bearable for her.
I mean, not me personally, but my cakes. Still - she sees it as the same thing. She has had a tough term, uncertaincy about her future, long term illness of her class teacher (who she works with very well) which meant a succession of fill-ins and temps, and eventually discovering he had accepted a promotion at another school. Not connected to his illness, but it meant things went from bad to worse for her. She said even when things were grim she had an element of hope coming in on a Monday morning, wondering if I had made something. She's said something similar before, but I know she genuinely means it. Things are better for her now at work as the replacement is named and she knows her. Also her job is no longer in jeopardy; it never was but communication was poor for a while. It really made me day. I will bake next week even if it is cupcakes. I might try the Olympic rings. If I don't get slapped with a suit for copyright infringement that is! (note, the above is from The Mail, so I take my icing with a pinch of salt) |
I received a lovely card in the mail today from Sundae's Mum thanking me for our lunch date. It made my day. :)
What's making me happy today?
Fred helping his friend.
Yeah. Thta's been making me smile quite a bit.
Two things are making me happy right now. 1st I managed to get in to see the dermatology doctor at my practice. She's really good. I was pretty sure I knew what I was looking at as it seems very similar to what went on with my skin about 18 months back. But I wanted to make sure. And yes, it does seem to be an underlying viral infection which is causiong the continued itch and reinfection (bacterial). So, I have antivirals and am feeling a little more in control of the situation again. 2nd: Carrot's been really funny the last few days. He's such a little comedian. And if he does something that makes me laugh my laughing makes him do it more :p proper little character he is. |
reading this thread. awww shucks!
i'm tired as all get out but smiling the whole time. now it's time to go make supper. fresh atlantic salmon with dill, salad and rolls |
We had chicken, pintos, and fresh corn on the cob. :yum:
I thought I'd been gypped by a website I use.
Despite entering a coupon code, the free item I was expecting did not appear on the invoice. I emailed the Customer Service Dept immediately, saying that if the free item was not available I wanted to lower the value of my order - I needed everything I had ordered, but not all at that precise time. I ordered more than usual to claim the free gift. I had an email response to say they had entered the relevant code for me. Huh? The next response was to tell me my parcel was despatched. I read both mails at the same time. So I called them. Oh no sorry, looks like the item wasn't added at all. I queried why the deal was still being advertised if they were out of stock. I also pointed out that I had requested a smaller order immediately after purchase, and it wasn't my error. Since it had already been packed and sent I was offered a 10% discount voucher. Free items cannot be despatched separately, the system will not allow it. I agreed with reasonably good grace - she'd tried to resolve the situation after all. The next day I got to thinking. The free gift was worth £7.99. In order to recoup that I'd have to spend £79 on my next order?! No thank you! Luckily when I got home my delivery was there. They'd included £8 extra of the cat food I'd ordered. So I got free cat food and a £10 voucher. Yay for ZooPlus Customer Service! |
My wife and I now have a brand new refrigerator! Yikes, it cost as much as the first car I bought back in 1974 but it's a beauty. An LG french door model in a midnight black semigloss finish with soft blue LED lighting! It has an alarm system to warn if the door is left open or breached in time of war and 32 separate temperature sensors, an interior air filtration system. And it comes with a 50 caliber rapid fire machine gun just in case of enemy attack!
There's a teeny-tiny part of me that longs for a massive fridge, in a large kitchen. |
Don't worry Dana - no one here is a Freudian.
http://cellar.org/2012/lc-main.jpg Remember the movie 9 to 5 where they used a remote controlled garage door opener to lift the guy off the floor? They're cheap and hooked to one of those water skier tow ropes he might me able to pull himself out of the lazyboy. Not very elegant, but we're looking for results, amirite? :blush: |
Three years ago I was told to pull the plug on my son.
Yesterday he and I along with my father, my brother & his son went fishing 60 miles offshore. My son helped reel in a 50+lb tuna. Happy? I'm fucking ecstatic. Fukkin' doctors... The irony you ask? (just play along) The hospital called a few weeks ago asking us to be in a commercial as one of their "success stories" I replied, not calmly, "Really? If I had listened to you he'd be dead today - go fuck yourself." I then hung up. Upon reflection ... yep ... Go fuck yourself HARRRRRRRD. Happy Anniversary bud. |
Holy shit, it's three years ago? Doesn't seem that long. Probably seems longer to you though :P
Happy Anniversary to you and your lad. It's a good day to be alive. |
Good for you, and good for your son. Happy anniversary, classic.
So pleased you made that decision and have no need for regrets.
Much love to you and Classic-son. Chris - would you be able to hide in that fridge and survive an atom bomb blast? |
I just saw a presentation by a Blue Angel pilot and his crew chief and logistics guy.
Just. Wow. The Angels have long been a family favorite: we used to watch the air show from my dad's lake/land and they often did their turnarounds right over our heads. And my nephew now being in flight school for the Marines...I get choked up just thinking of it all. God Bless America!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! |
Going to see Tiger tomorrow. And his two new kittehs!!!
Must take splendid treats to make sure kittehs love me. Tiger and Kitty wouldn't expect anything less, as I am a Very Important Person as far as they are concerned. Florence Nightingale crossed with Glinda the Good Witch crossed with Julia Donaldson would be about right. I hope to return with photos of Fluffy and Snowy for you. Yup, the children named them :) |
thanks all.
The freeware program Lego Digital Designer is making Minifob very happy today. And when he's happy, I'm happy.
I'm happy today because I just got a letter from Colorado Voc-Rehab authorizing me to help a disabled man learn the basics of using a computer - $700 bucks for 20 hours of tutoring during the month of July. That's a godsend since I haven't found other work yet and my unemployment STILL has come through. |
Your smiles make me smile, Sundae, Clod, Samiam, Infi and last but not least Classic!
That's a nice bit of good karma Sam :) Bout time I'd say.
Thanks Griff
I also agree with Dana. You've been overdue Sami. |
Why, thank you Classic and Dana! There is a chance that this voc-rehab thing could turn into a regular gig. Apparently, a bunch of funding came through for programs targeted at those who have suffered a traumatic brain injury. Some folks with TBI have too much damage to master computer skills, but many still have the ability to learn - especially if the teacher is patient and doesn't mind repeating themselves about 20 times.
Needless to say, I understand all too well what my client is going through and I don't mind repeating lessons until he gets it. I would love to work with other TBI folks. We'll see what happens. *crosses fingers* |
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