![]() |
One correction - Quote:
At mom and dad's, and my brothers are there. They're going to try to find some sneaky spot from which to see the blue angels. My brother had just the spot. I rode with older brother, dad, a kid friend of the family. In the other vehicle was little brother and wife and their girls. Later, my oldest nephew came. It was in a ________ (let's just say a place where people are dying to get in) and it was filling up. No one was bothering anything, of course. A man came around to tell us we had to leave. We sort of started packing up but none of the other crowds were really moving either. Like dad said, he was just doing his job, but no one was making an effort to leave, they just kept pulling in. About 600-800 people probably. Guy gave up...what can you do. Dad said if they decided to arrest anyone they could have him since he's retired. :lol: Anyway, the Angels' flight path back to the show was right over our heads. At one point you could see the guys heads (who were flying upside down in formation) and see the heat/fire from the jet engines. And the SOUND. You can't be that close to that sort of thing without it filling you UP. It was beautiful. I saw the numbers on the planes and saw my buddy from the presentation. I was so glad I had the opportunity. I can't explain how thrilling it is to me, to all of us. |
That's cool. I've seen both the Blue Angles and the Thunderbirds, and now that I think of it, I've never taken the kids. I should do that next time they come by.
I've seen the t-birds too. Angels, probably because of the Marine thing, have a special spot in my heart.
You should take the kids. Mom took us, and in particular my younger brother, when we were kids...now my younger brother is taking his daughters and they are thrilled. Wouldn't be surpised if one of them took up piloting. :) |
The City of Seattle has joined the federal case against DOMA.
wtg Seattle. |
I am divorced. Got my decree in the mail today. I've actually been divorced for four days, I just didn't know it.
Not quite sure how I feel ... no gloating. Relief. Sadness. Grief for all the wasted years. But on some level, happy ... happy to be able to move forward. I hope I will be wiser in this new part of my life. |
I got divorced on my birthday...its the only reason I celebrate that day now :)
You may well be wiser, this would not surprise me. But, if you are wiser, then "all those years" were not wasted. I'm not just being pedantic. I have walked this road, and I'm a few miles ahead of you. I know something about what's behind me and ahead of you. I know I felt my time was wasted; later I realized I didn't waste my time. Some of it was genuinely good, and the parts that weren't good were instructive. But not a waste. I'm happy you're in a much better place now, regardless. Congratulations. |
Already? Blimey.
Congratulations chika! Onwards and upwards from here :) |
What's making me happy is that Carrot no longer has to be shut in his crate at night!
Took the plunge night before last and let him have the whole of downstairs (it' such a small space anyway not like he had oceans to rattle about it!). It was time. The last week or so every now and again at night he'd attempt to settle on a cushion outside the crate (pen) and I'd have to scurry him in instead. I'd already decided in the day that's what I'd do, and had been about the place to make sure nothing to dangerous was left about for him to chew. Turned off all electrical outlets at the plug etc. Come nighttime, I said to him 'ok, Carrot, time for bed' as normal and he slunk off to his crate. I called him back out and told him to get on the couch. As he lay down on the couch I said 'there you go. bed time, night night' so he knew this was his new bedtime routine. Oh he was soooo pleased. Kicked his little legs back behind him and snuggled right into the cushions. letf him there and closed the door to the stairs so he couldnt follow me up. Woke up late the next morning and he was fine. He'd done nothing untoward, no mad chewing that I could see. He'd obviously been awake for some time before me as the recylcing van had been and crashing bottles would have woken him up no doubt. Last night again he was fine. Came down this morning to find him sat in the middle of the living room waiting for me (he'd have heard me moving ariound upstairs). Really pleased. Been wanting to do this for a while. nearly did about a month ago, but held off as he was mad teething. But I am convinced thathe hasnt been sleeping well in the crate. Hot stuff nights despite the daytime rain. Room in the crate to move about and lie down, but not to change sleepng spot if it gets too hot. He'd been really tired a few mornings in a row. Now he's all full of bounce and happiness :0 |
Hooray for Bounce!!! :)
However. I've had some good experiences in other areas of my life. And it all adds up to where I am today, and from now on I can choose who I wll be with, and under what circumstances. I'll happily be alone for the rest of my life rather than be in a bad relationship. For now I'll take a little time for myself. As you say, Limey, I need time to adjust. And thanks, Dana, hopefully things will look up from here! |
Our lovely Deputy Head is back.
And she brought me in some clothes and bits for the twins (she's been off on materniry leave). No idea how this will go down with my sister, but I hope Abs will appreciate them, as they are mostly larger sizes and all good names (like Gap) and most don't even look as though they have been worn. I raised this in conversation with her about four months ago, but she is just the sort of good person who remembers and then delivers. She's included some toiletries and bottles as well as a couple of gift items which I could tell weren't to her taste :) So kind. Am going to pass them on to Abs when she goes home, which may be as soon as tomorrow! Question - I would really like her to send Ms Mc a Thank You card. How do I broach that? Take a card round and ask her to sign it? She won't do it off her own back. And I think it would seem like an arse-lick if I did it... Tempted to get one and get Mum to sign it so she doesn't recognise my writing! |
Well, she did the favor for you. Not for Abs, not for the boys, though they are the direct beneficiaries of the gifts. It's not inappropriate to thank her yourself. It would be additionally nice to be thanked by Abs, and she's capable of understanding and doing. How much help/support/motivation is needed to get that done... I don't know. I'd be fine with getting the card and asking Abs directly to sign it after you've shown her the haul. Of course she'd sign it.
my two cent's worth. :) |
I have thanked her verbally, of course. I think a card is appropriate in situations where you are unable to do that. Abigail doesn't really do cards though. Or thank you letters since she was about 12. She sends texts and emails, which aren't really appropriate in this case.
You know what? I'm talking myself out of it. Abs is likely to ask me to thank Ms Mc for her and I will pass that on. She's 17 after all, it might seem a little olde-worldy of her to put something in writing! ETA - Dana, major congrats on the latest stage in Carrot's life. It must be lovely to leave him sleepy and comfortable with room to roam. |
Yes, Dana, congrats on Carrot reaching the point where he doesn't need to be crated at night! It's so much better for one's peace of mind to know that your dog can move around and get comfortable as needed. He's such a cutie - keep posting pics!
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I'm happy because I sent my 12 year old Marmot tent back to the manufacturer for a possible warranty issue on the rain fly delaminating and they sent me a reply that they would give me a $399 credit towards a new tent! I don't backpack very much any more and mostly car camp with my grandkids so I am going to get a big 6 person tent. Here is what I am getting, the Limestone 6P. It goes for $449 so I won't have to pay much.
Nice tent!
Verry nice tent !!!
Well, it is big and heavy but for car camping it works. I usually share with my wife and our dog and if we are weekend camping or longer it's nice not to be cramped. I also have a nice Sierra Designs 2 person if I decide to hit a trail.
I also store all my tents and sleeping bags in the house in cotton bags that allow breathability so it should last at least another 10-15 years! |
cool tent!
talked to my boss today (not the engineering company i work for but rather the guy who signs my checks since i'm contract through him) anyway, i've been training a friend on autocad here at the house about once a week for the last several months. he's got an interview with my boss next week. i'm proud! |
lotta good stuff today for a lot of dwellars!
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It's Mav's birthday today and as per usual, I made his cake.
Here it is in all it's glory (except the candles aren't on yet) Attachment 39571 |
Wow! What is the charmeleon made of? And is the rainbow stuff crushed breakfast cereal? Very nice.
charmeleon is just rolled out plastic icing (that stuff wedding cakes are usually iced with) which I then cut the shape out of and then coloured in with a brush and food colouring. After I iced the cake with some butter frosting, I then simply plopped my artwork onto the cake. The rainbow stuff is just coloured sprinkles. I figured these types of creatures always seem to be standing on weird stuff, so I figured rainbow grass would be ok.
The idea is to light the candles and it looks like the character is breathing fire. :) |
I love it!
awesome cake!
Thanks guys. :)
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haha...thanks fellas.
Don't think I ever had a hof nomination before. lol I feel so important now! |
I love it. Well done.
The fire totally makes it!
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Attachment 39604 After I grabbed a box, I only had two left on deck. I thought these would last me from December until August, but it's only mid July. They will be gone by July 25th. |
Not good preparation for the zombie apocalypse!
You're lucky the Feds haven't come down on you for stockpiling ... something ...
um, this whole empty shelf thing is scary
/hoarder |
I'm disappointed that no one ever restocked the Crispix. When you open the last box (or can or bottle) of something, you're supposed to put it on the list!
Dude. Clam juice? WTF? :lol:
I can't imagine ever needing ANY clam juice and certainly not like 6 jars of it! |
Clams got juice?
Ali, I missed the party! (hang on, I wasn't invited...)
Your cake is teh awesome. |
Clams got juice?
How else do you think they make Little clams ?? |
Good point.
so i've been in a pretty bad mood all weekend. started friday night and until just recently, have gotten in a better mood. Dr. Froth, a member here and bassist for a few local bands here in houston sent me this LINK for a solo album he's putting together using his NS/Stick. i always enjoy hearing/watching him play. on the above link are 3 different genres of playing. hope you enjoy them as much as i did! :)
*ETA: these are demo, he's still tweaking and tuning ;) |
I'm ecstatic as I have won a big Google lottery that I don't seem to remember having entered. I received the email with the UK office address listed as:
Google Corporation® Belgrave House, 76 Buckingham Palace Road, London SW1W 9TQ, United Kingdom. It goes on to say this is a consolation prize of 850,000.00 GBP! I just need to send in the following information and they will get back with me: (1) Your contact address: (2) Your Tel/Fax numbers: (3) Your Nationality/Country: (4) Your Full Name: (5) Sex: (6) Occupation: (7) Age: (8) Ever won an online lottery? Oh and the contact email address is out of their Vietnam office. Imagine that, Google now has an office in Vietnam! I assume it might be a way to get around paying some kind of big UK prize tax! CONTACT CLAIMS OFFICE: Google Promotion Board Dr. Williams Gibson google.claim@zing.vn I promise to remember all of my Cellar friends when I get my check. |
Oh Chris, that's outstanding for you. Congratulations.
I'll try not to be envious. |
At 1405 hrs today Juju & I were blessed with a perfectly healthy, beautiful Grand-daughter. I was there when she was born and I'm at home getting ready to go back to hospital now. What an amazing thing. Quite a miracle. :)
Awesome capn! Congratulations!
Kudos to you capnhowdy! Grandchildren are awesome!
That really is very good news. Congratulations!
Brilliant news capn! Congrats :)
Way to go Cap'n & Juju!!!!
Can we call you Cap'n grandpa now ;) |
Aye aye capn
•spoken in to my phone |
Carrot no longer has a crate at all. It's gone! I have folded it away. No more ruddy great crate taking up a massive chunk of my tiny living room! Hurrah :
And Carrotchops loves the new arrangement. He has his sloggy bed and blanket thathe pulls about and makes into a gorillas in the mist style nest, and then come sleep time, he transfers to a little area under the worksurface, where a washing machine used to live. That way he can keep an eye on the stairs door, and the front door at the same time. Last night having gone to bed an hour earlier to read for a bit before sleeping, I crept downstairs to make a cuppa and there he was. All snuggled up with his blanket under the work surface. He didn't get up, he just lifted his head and watched me sleepily. I patted his head told him to go back to sleep and he lay back down. I went upstairs with a lump in my throat. He's not just my puppeh now, he's my dog. |
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