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It's Friday. And the weekend appears to be fairly quiet on the schedule front.....
shhhhh, don't tell fate/karma..... |
Wait, you named a Billy Goat after your wife?
WTF is going on in Grifftopia? |
I guess Pete (the goat) needs an internet handle. He's named for the Family Guy. Pete the woman was a Peterson.
Posting afloat. On the ferry. At the moment.
Tracking sissy-law in chicago marathon...nearing 15k! She's teh awesome!
Nope, past 15k now!
That is very cool!
She is turning 40 soon and decided to just train and do it. Brother texted she's at 21 miles and still looking good. We're all so proud of her! |
She did it!
5 hours and a minute! :jig: |
Awesome! What an inspiration! :)
I find it so impressive when someone decides to run a marathon, trains for it, and does it. A huge accomplishment. :notworthy: |
That's so sweet of you to say. I also think what an example she is for my nieces. Bro and she are hs sweethearts; one of those rare couples. Wonderful people. It makes me so happy; i love my family tons and their happiness makes me happy. :)
Now i need to get really inspired and follow her lead. Maybe just a 10k. Maybe just a fun run. Maybe i will walk around the block. ;) |
I'll run a 10K with you
Eva is the easiest baby I've ever had. She eats, flaps about, sleeps then wakes up and flaps about, then eats etc. I keep waiting for the bubble to burst. She's up to 4 hour feeds during the night, so I'm getting a reasonable amount of sleep. Hopefully she'll keep going this way and be sleeping through before too long at all.
I feel like all my Christmas's have come at once! |
It's girls, man, girl babies are so much easier. Until they hit their teenage years on their 5th birthday. ;)
Ali can control for that though. Just make sure the Australian equivalent of the Disney Channel is blocked so she isn't taught to be shallow teen at 5 years.
It's not about being shallow, it's about the drama. As in, Minifobette has to put on her shoes because nobody loves her. And lunch is 5 minutes late because the world is a dark abyss. I'd blame the neurological probems, but I'm pretty sure that being a female between the ages of 3 and 15 is, in fact, a universal neurological problem. :)
My oldest son and his girlfreind, her 2 yr old son are coming over for thanksgiving dinner tonight. The kids come over almost every other sunday, but most times the boy is at his dads. It is just so nice to see the child we were not sure would intgrate back into our lives on ANY level, is now doing so very well. He has held the same job for a year and a half, he lives with his girlfreind and her child. And now... they are expecting! I am so very proud of him.
I'm going to take the dogs for a long walk before they get here, so that Cameron can actually walk around hopefully, without getting knocked over to get kissed and sniffed by my boxers. On the thanksgiving front: Turkey is ready to be stuffed and put in the roaster, ribs have marinated for 24 hrs and are ready to go out on the smoker. Cranberry sauce was made last night. Potatoes and carrots are peeled and waiting. Just have to do the broc, cheese sauce and gravy. I will be making a quick apple crisp as well. Kitchen is cleaned up already, and it is 8 am. I will have all day to spend with family, and look like a miracle worker when I say "dinner is ready". :) |
Oh. Quote:
This morning my first-grader taught me that we actually do celebrate Canadian Thanksgiving, we just call it Columbus Day instead.
Barney Stinson: Did you just say Canadian Thanksgiving was, and I'm quoting, the "real Thanksgiving"? What do Canadians even have to celebrate "aboot"?
Robin Scherbatsky: Canadian Thanksgiving celebrates explorer Martin Frobisher's valiant yet ultimately unsuccessful attempt to find the northwest passage. Barney Stinson: Why are you guys even a country? :lol: |
p.s. I kid Canada. Canada is cool. ;)
Why is Canada called Canada?
Because there's nobody there. |
I am an expert in Canada because I can almost see it from my front porch, eh.
Eh, yah. You live on a beauty view of one of the lakes, eh? Nah, you're farther inland; the lake is a couple clicks away, eh?
I live by the beauty that is the Detroit River, which one could swim across to Windsor if it were not for the pollution. One could also take one's chances dodging cars on the Ambassador Bridge. I can definitely see Detroit's polution from here....
In a family scrapbook, there's a 1940 picture of 5-yr old me at Boblo Island on the Detroit River.
There was a ferry ride out to the island and it's amusement rides, but now, I guess, it's the only the for the landed gentry. |
Canadian Thanksgiving, hooray! Getting to celebrate twice - what could be bad about that??
@Jaydaan, your feast sounds fabulous. I'm guessing there weren't many leftovers. :) |
I thought everybody celebrated Thanksgiving twice...like the Hobbit tradition of Second Breakfast.
Hobbit tradition?
Make Way For Ducklings: ...and they had a second breakfast better than the first. |
I'm choosing to be happy about this. :)
We live in a great neighborhood. My wife just called me to let me know that she forgot to close the front door this morning, and it was wide open all day. She just got home and called me after checking the house and everything was fine. :facepalm: Screen door was closed, but not locked. We have a mail slot in our front door, so the mail lady just dropped the mail on our living room rug since the door was wide open.:3_eyes: I love my neighborhood. |
Where, exactly, did you say you live?
;) |
Eva has gained 470gms (that's about 1lb) since birth. She's not even 2 weeks old. She's a clever girl!
I was quoting from How I Met Your Mother: they always tease Robin for being Canadian. I love the humor, but I have nothing against Canada, eh? I'd like to visit, if I ever get out of this state again. In fact, I'd like to move there if Romney gets elected.
grumble grumble can't find the Canadian flag in the smilies. |
would you move to French Canada or the bullshit Canada? |
:f32: :f32
I don't know. I'd love Montreal, I'm sure...but right now being in the middle of nowhere sounds nice (think Northern Exposure..those people were all kind of laid back and weird and stuff, weren't they? Just the ticket!) :f32: |
Umm that would be the Alaskan part of Canada...
Oh. Yeah, I never really watched the show. Close enough.
Thanks for checking in. Come back soon! ;) |
Don't go to Alaska. Truly.
Head for St. Edward's Island or some such - a place like where the Shipping News took place. My Pepere was originally from a very tiny town called Kamarouska. Sounds Russian for a French town, eh? OH, I googled it.. It's Algonquin for where reeds meet the water or something. Voted one of the most beautiful towns in Quebec. Not when Pepere was a little guy, though, I'll bet. He nearly starved to death. He told me one winter they ate flour mixed with water and maybe an onion if they were lucky. |
Today we received a lovely card from Sundae and also one from her Mum. Such a lovely surprise.
We've had so many lovely cards and small gifts for Eva. The generosity and care of the people in my life warms the cockles of my heart. Honestly. :) |
They hate in Montreal, bunch of haters, they are all about the separating and the French speaking
It's all about the Vancouver these days |
Move to Windsor, Ontario, infi, we could do lunch......
What UT said but apply it to most of Canada. Part of the Canadian identity is a deep-rooted, taught-in-school-and-home hatred of Americans. We grow up learning from our teachers and parents that Americans are a bunch of greedy, crazy, gun-toting, arbitrarily violent sociopaths who want nothing more than to shoot you in the face and go all Deliverance on you should you be so unwise as to stop for coffee at a rest stop along the interstate. Oh, and they throw their loved ones into the street to die because no one here gets health care. Of any kind. At all.
And don't even think you'd be welcome as an immigrant from the US, not unless you meet specific criteria that government officials have decided. Are you skilled? Hard working, looking for a job? Able to hit the ground running and contribute to the economy and the society? Back o' the line, Bub. We don't want your sort here! As long as you're a tourist, though, Canadians will play nice and be more than happy to take your money. It's all good as long as you don't delude yourself that they actually like you. Let's just say that Canadian attitudes, and Canadian immigration policy, are not what Americans imagine. |
What's making me happy today?
Lying in bed with Twil, snuggling and cuddling, spooning and forking. mmmmmm... |
There was a recent job offer at a school near you, but you didn't build a room on for me so I didn't take the job. :sniff: |
Oh, and :vomit:
This is kind of related to a post in the unhappy thread...
Carrot is really liking his hydrotherapy sessions. And he lurves Rhona the hydro vet. Really, lurves her. Within five minutes of meeting her he was eating out of her hand doing anything she asked him to do lol. This makes me happy. Because I'm gonna have to take him twice weekly for a few weeks and then probably weekly for a few more. So, I am really, really happy that I am not going to have to drag him, protesting, through the door every time. I don't have to feel bad about inflicting medical stuff on him having got him into the car all jolly and expecting fun and frolics. Not sure what he'll make of the acupuncture mind...still, we can burn that bridge when we come to it eh? For tonight, I am just happy that this thing he has to do so regularly is something that he enjoys. |
I am happy right now, in this moment, because sometimes when I reach out I get what I need.
I'm happy because I realize I am cared about more than I let myself know. Thanks, friend. |
thanks, friend of a friend.
:) |
This season's table grapes
I'm too lazy to find an appropriate thread in Food and Drink...
But I hope people are taking advantage of this season's crop of table grapes. We (PDX) are getting both green and red table grapes like I've never seen or tasted before. They are huge and firm and sweet. The greens are seedless; the reds have fewer seeds. Grape horticulture has reached a new high standard this year. |
I was going to stay on campus after my weekly office hour (post grad tutor's office, each have it for an hour a week so students can drop in) to do some marking, but changed my mind. I'm off down to my bro's this evening to see Amelia (she's back from uni for the first time since term started :P) and won;t be taking Carrotchops with me. Seemed unfair to leave him for the evening after hardly seeing him all day.
So, came home on the train, met Ma and Carrot at the station and she dropped us both at my house. And then Carrot and I had the longest cuddle. He was all floppy and tired puppeh and licked my ear in sheer joy that I was home. I'm so pleased with him. I know he has some horrid physical problems to deal with, but I couldn't have asked for a better temperament. He's so sweet. Everyone he says hello to seems utterly charmed by him. |
http://theoatmeal.com/comics/dog_paradox |
Oh! That was marvellous. I laughed so much.
I love that. It's so true! :lol:
1 Attachment(s)
I had a plott hound mix years ago who really would've enjoyed that scene. Merlin might have a go but Benny may have a self-preservation gene, although with his smarts he might build a primitive projectile launcher and drive him off.
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