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jinx 04-30-2009 11:33 AM

Just fyi - the original/vegan Earth Balance spread is gluten and dairy free, and tastes about a million times better than Fleishman's unsalted.

Clodfobble 04-30-2009 12:02 PM

Thanks jinx! I'll look for it at the store.

OnyxCougar 04-30-2009 01:06 PM

Not sure if you've heard this/tried this yet, but I found this today and thought of you:


By Dr. Joseph Mercola

I have treated many children with autism and developmental delays over the past 10 years. Most have had excellent responses to the No-Grain Diet that I advocate for adults.

However, many treatment regimens for autism call for a gluten- and casein-free diet. Gluten is the major protein found in wheat and casein is the protein in milk.

Over the last six months I have come to realize that the major reason why autistic children need to avoid milk is because it is pasteurized. The pasteurization process turns casein into a very dangerous molecule that can further precipitate the brain injury. If the children are fed real raw milk this will not occur.

I have recently started recommending this to my autistic patients but have not received any feedback yet. However, I recently received an e-mail from two independent researchers and parents of autistic children who have been getting tremendous results with this approach.

The approach involves fermenting raw milk with kefir grains. If you are interested in fermenting the raw milk with kefir grains please read this comprehensive article.

The e-mail mentioned above follows:

"Dr. Mercola,

My colleague, Mary Helen, and myself have been feeding our children daily raw milk--either the raw cow's milk, or the raw goat's milk.

In addition to raw milk, we also have been fermenting the raw milk with kefir grains. The changes in our children are incredible!

However, we cannot spark any interest among other parents with autistic children, because they are deadly afraid of milk's theorized opioid effect.

In August 2002, we began to research opioids and their behavioral effects. It is almost a tragedy that this fallacious theory as the explanation for autism's symptoms had to be challenged by two mothers and not some research scientist. If autism wasn't such a serious problem, the opioid theory as provocateur of autism's symptoms is almost comical.

How parents of autistic children were ever sold on the idea that opioids caused those symptoms exposes the politics of research and the rejection of logic.

What should be embarrassing for medical scientists is that the one thing that probably can explain some of the behaviors seen in autism is hyperammonia, and in all the literature ever written on autism, there are only about three doctors who gave it the attention it deserved.

If you have never tried the real kefir grains, then you are in for a treat. Actually, the first time we tried them, we all experienced an elevated temperature and cleansing, presumably due to real detoxification. In any event, our families have greatly benefited from raw fermented milk products.

You will have to see for yourself. As mothers, we will always pursue optimal health and wellness for our families; but to also improve and possibly recover the cognitive functioning of our autistic children, that is our heart's desire.

The pasteurization of milk has damaged the gift of life and health. Even heating milk above 100 degrees to make yogurt causes protein cross-linking where amino acids become fused together. Poor lysine really goes through a beating!

You will never heat milk again after studying heat treatments, nor will you want pasteurized beer, pasteurized soy sauce, pasteurized fruit juices or pasteurized eggs.

The foundation for this paper is all on the 'autism-challenge;' a list that was created for autism research. It is where all this unfolded--one article at a time.


Linda Carlton and Mary Helen Brauninger"


OnyxCougar 04-30-2009 01:08 PM

Part II:

Over the last six months I have come to realize that the major reason why autistic children need to avoid milk is because it is pasteurized. The pasteurization process turns casein into a very dangerous molecule that can further precipitate the brain injury. If the children are fed real raw milk this will not occur.

I have recently started recommending this to my autistic patients but have not received any feedback yet. However, I recently received an e-mail from Linda Carlton and Mary Brauninger, both independent researchers and parents of autistic children, who have been getting tremendous results with this approach and have compiled a paper on the topic.

The approach involves fermenting raw milk with kefir grains. If you are interested in fermenting the raw milk with kefir grains please read this comprehensive article.

Their informative paper follows:

Heat-Killed Bacteria's Role in Inducing an Innate Immune Response and its Possible Link to Autism
By Linda Carlton and Mary Brauninger


Autism, a childhood disorder whose behavioral symptoms usually manifest within the first few months of life, has been recently linked to environmental etiology. This paper presents the hypothesis that autism may be the result of a disease created by man due to the aberrant use of chemicals, drugs, vaccinations, environmental toxins and poor nutrition.

History and Today

The first known cases of autism seem to have appeared around the 1940s in America. There were several programs of change occurring during those years: the chlorination of water, the pasteurization of milk, and newly established immunizations to protect the health of the public, children and adults alike. (Marr and Malloy 1996)

All three of the above-mentioned programs were initiated for public safety in the control of bacterial and viral diseases. Thimerosal, found in many vaccines, is an organomercurial antiseptic that is anti-fungal and bacteriostatic for many nonsporulating bacteria and is used as a topical anti-infective or as a pharmaceutical preservative.

Other methods employed today to eliminate or control bacterial growth include low or high temperatures, chemicals, gases, microfiltration, bactofugation, sanitation and flavors. (Champagne et al 1994) Pasteurization is a process that stops fermentation in which the medium is brought to up to temperature levels sufficient enough to cease fermentation and kill bacteria. Vaccine programs also use this method of heat-killing bacteria and viruses to induce an immune response or tolerance to disease without infecting the subject.

It is commonly known that raw milk will sour, but pasteurized milk will putrefy. The idea that putrefaction of the stools causes disease (i.e. intestinal autointoxication) originated with physicians in ancient Egypt (Chen and Chen 1989). The toxic process, however, was reversed by the consumption of lactic acid-producing bacteria that changed the colonic microflora and prevented proteolysis (Chen and Chen 1989).

Autointoxication is an ancient theory based on the belief that intestinal waste products can poison the body and are a major contributor to many, if not all, diseases (Ernst 1997). By ancient tradition, lactic acid bacteria (LAB) are involved in the production of fermented foods. German scientists found that foods rich in LAB constitute one quarter of the German diet and are characterized by a safe history, certain beneficial health effects, and an extended shelf life when compared with raw materials (Hammes and Tichaczek 1994).

Microflora--'Early Life Studies'

In Finland, a double blind study revealed that when pregnant and lactating mothers and their babies were administered LAB, the immunoprotective potential of the mother's breast milk was increased (Rautava et al 2002). The study found
that the amount of anti-inflammatory transforming growth factor beta2 (TGF-beta2) in the milk of mothers receiving LAB as compared to mothers receiving a placebo was significantly higher (Rautava et al 2002). Rautava documented that breast-fed babies, unlike bottle-fed babies, have a microbic intestinal flora characterized by a marked predominance of bifidobacteria and LAB (Coppa 2002).

A breast-fed, full-term baby has a preferred intestinal microbiota in which bifidobacteria predominate over potentially harmful bacteria, whereas, in formula-fed babies, coliforms, enterococci, and bacteroides predominate (Dai and Walker 1999). It is unlikely, however, that a lower ability to ferment carbohydrates is a major cause of increased risk of diarrhea in formula-fed babies, but individual short chain fatty acid (SCFA) production may be important (Parrett and Edwards 1997).

In essence, the formula-fed baby develops a much different microflora than that of a healthy, full-term, breast-fed baby.

Autism & Ammonia--'Behavioral Symptoms'

In 1989 Drukker documented the first case of a patient with autistic-like symptoms found to also have abnormal blood ammonia. Drukker reported that the subject had symptoms of dementia, amnesia, and cognitive disorders and reportedly 'misdiagnosed' as autistic.

Later in 2002, Cohen found that by an approximate one-third reduction of GABA and ammonia levels for an autistic patient, there was noticeable improvement of verbal/language skills and a reduction of repetitious, ritualistic, self-stimulatory behavior (stimming).

LAB, lactitol, and lactulose have all been clinically shown to reduce blood ammonia (Loguercio et al 1987, Vince and Burridge 1980). Ammonia is produced by intestinal-bacteria (Vince and Burridge 1980). The largest amount of ammonia is generated by gram-negative anaerobes, clostridia, enterobacteria, and Bacillus spp (Vince and Burridge 1980).

Gram-positive non-sporing anaerobes, streptococci, and micrococci formed modest amounts of ammonia while lactobacilli and yeast formed very little ammonia; therefore ammonia may be predominantly formed from bacterial cells in the colon (Vince and Burridge 1980).

Gluten & Casein

Laboratory studies have provided evidence that casein, gliadins, and glutenins are hydrolyzed or degraded by fermentation with LAB, providing better digestibility and cereal tolerance. Dietary lipids influence the gastrointestinal microbiota and, specifically, the population of LAB (Bomba et al 2002).

The favorable protein utilization and body mass increment on fermented milk diets are attributed to a better digestibility of proteins in these products (Vass et al 1984, Chebbi et al 1977). A great deal may depend upon the dough acidification or quality of specific LAB species, live or heat-killed during processing, whether bleached or unbleached flour is used, pasteurized or raw milk in the processing of consumer goods.

Several autism studies have hypothesized that the behavioral symptoms in autism may occur due to opiate-like activity. Opiates are sleep-inducing drugs, and opioids are naturally occurring peptides with similar effects. An example would be that of warm milk, which induces sleep through a natural release of peptides into the system.

In autism, there are characteristic symptoms of sleeping disorders. In fact, a review of the literature on the behavioral effects of opioid-like peptides failed to include any of the common characteristic symptoms described in autism. Children with autism have been documented to have increased urinary peptides (Whiteley and Shattock in 2002). These peptides are broken down either by host bacteria or natural fermentation. These specific peptides were derived from dietary sources, in particular foods containing gluten and casein that are known to produce opiate-like affects (Whiteley and Shattock 2002).

Studies preformed on the effects of beta-casomorphin-7 indicate they activate a histamine release in vitro in the presence of copper (II) (Lodyga-Chruscinska et al 2000). Skin tests with opioid peptides naturally occurring in cow's milk (such as beta-casomorphin-7 and alpha-casein) showed wheal and flare reactions similar to histamine and codeine that were observed in all children (Kurek et al 1995, Kurek et al 1992).

Beta-casomorphin-7 and alpha-casein are noncytotoxic histamine releasers in humans (Kurek et al 1992, 1995). The bioactivities of peptides encrypted in major milk proteins are latent until released and activated by enzymatic proteolysis, e.g. during gastrointestinal digestion or food processing (Meisel H, Bockelmann

The proteolytic system of LAB can contribute to the liberation of bioactive peptides (Meisel H, Bockelmann 1999). LAB were shown to liberate oligopeptides from beta- and alpha-caseins that contain amino acid sequences present in casomorphins, casokinines, and immunopeptides (Meisel H, Bockelmann 1999). The further degradation of these peptides by endopeptidases and exopeptidases of LAB could lead to the liberation of bioactive peptides in fermented milk products (Meisel H, Bockelmann 1999).

Autism Microflora

According to recent laboratory findings by Finegold in 2002, some cases of late onset (regressive) autism may involve abnormal flora. The fecal flora of children with regressive autism showed much higher clostridial counts than that of control children, not unlike those studies done on breast-fed and infant formula-fed babies (Finegold et al 2002). Finegold found a total absence of non-sporulating bacteria in the autistic children; in effect, thimerosal, by definition, targets such strains.


OnyxCougar 04-30-2009 01:09 PM

part III:

The more popular among diet choices recommended for autistic children is the casein-free and gluten-free diet. While an elimination diet may avoid the offending proteins, it also removes all dietary sources of LAB. Elimination diets (just as in infant formulas replacing mother's milk) have inherent gaps that create a need for supplementation of vitamins, minerals and amino acids; but it is also the absence of LAB that makes these diets problematic.

In 1983, Siegenthaler suggested that under certain conditions cultured milk, rather than fluid milk, can be used for infant formula and child nutrition as well as for school milk programs. Inappropriate handling of pasteurized milk is often responsible for a high bacterial count and organoleptic defects (Siegenthaler 1983).

The advantage of LAB fermented milk is the low pH created by the high lactic acid content that detrimentally affects food spoilage and pathogenic organisms in milk (Siegenthaler 1983) resulting in a longer shelf life of the fermented product at ambient temperatures (Siegenthaler 1983). Fermented milk products contain the enzyme lactase that facilitates digestion of residual lactose even after ingestion (Siegenthaler 1983).

Proinflammatory Cytokines

In 2001, Jyonouchi tested innate and adaptive immune responses in children with developmental regression and autism spectrum disorders. She found that children with autism produced higher levels of proinflammatory and counter-regulatory cytokines without stimuli than controls. Her results indicate excessive innate immune responses in a number of autistic children that may be most evident in TNF-alpha production. A fermented-milk, kefir, contains a substance that enhances IFN-beta secretion, the active substance that was identified to be sphingomyelin (Osada et al 1993-94).

The gastrointestinal system is continually subjected to foreign antigenic stimuli from food and microbes (Schley and Field 2002). Intestinal epithelial cells respond to lipopolysaccharides from gram-negative bacteria (Vidal et al 2002) and observations suggest that gram-positive organisms from lactic acid bacteria temper this reaction and prevent an exaggerated inflammatory response (Vidal et al 2002).
The reason why I quoted this big old long article instead of just the link is that you have to sign up for a bunch of spam to get to the article, and I wanted to spare ya'll that. :)

Source page here:

OnyxCougar 04-30-2009 01:16 PM



Sixty-plus years have passed, and autism still remains a mystery.

Through the efforts made by modern technology to control bacteria and disease, the destruction of non-pathogenic bacteria has disabled our ability to battle disease.

The attempt to artificially replace mother's milk has created a flawed and harmful bacterial ecosystem in our offspring. Many rural societies provide a diet that contains sufficient quantities of non-pathogenic bacteria. Dietary proteins are broken down through a process of fermentation with non-pathogenic bacteria.

A feasible solution would be to ferment foods as has been practiced for many centuries rather than elimination of casein and gluten. Scientific studies have found that the use of antibiotics were futile in the attempt to control harmful fecal bacteria; however, non-pathogenic bacteria has been clinically shown to be effective in studies done on other diseases with far worse conditions.

Autism is a behavioral disorder defined by characteristic symptoms that we must compare with other diseases or conditions to lead us to a stronger association. Heat-killed bacteria induce an innate immune response; however, only live bacteria can repair mucosal barriers to temper immune responses.

Linda Carlton is an independent researcher and mother of an autistic son. Mary Brauninger is an independent researcher and mother of five. Two are autistic.
That's the end of the article.

Clodfobble 04-30-2009 02:05 PM

Thanks, OC, that had a lot of good information in it. I've read of many parents who have said that after an initial period of healing, their kids were able to tolerate goat's milk/yogurt/cheese, though I'm not sure if they were all referring to unpasteurized goat's milk or not. The Specific Carbohydrate Diet people ( are big into making your own yogurt at home with a machine and a starter culture, so that's definitely got the good bacteria in it.

jinx 04-30-2009 02:35 PM


Originally Posted by Clodfobble (Post 561602)
Thanks jinx! I'll look for it at the store.

Np.. although the Smart Balance ("Light - now with flax oil" variety only - all others have whey) might be easier to find.

xoxoxoBruce 05-01-2009 12:30 PM

Check out today's turkey chili... nom nom nom. :yum:

Jill 05-01-2009 01:12 PM

That does, indeed, look really yummy! I may be hitting the grocery store on my way home today.

Jill 05-01-2009 03:59 PM

Researchers find first common autism gene

Researchers have found the first common genetic link to autism and said on Tuesday it could potentially account for 15 percent of the disease's cases.

Three studies, two in the journal Nature and one in Molecular Psychiatry, suggest changes in brain connections could underlie some cases.

While the findings do not immediately offer hope for a treatment, they do help explain the underlying causes of the condition, which affects as many as one in 150 children, according to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

"These findings establish that genetic factors play a strong role in autism spectrum disorder," National Institutes of Health acting director Dr. Raynard Kington said in a statement.

"Detailed analysis of the genes and how they affect brain development is likely to yield better strategies for diagnosing and treating children with autism."

. . .

Clodfobble 05-01-2009 05:54 PM

We visited his PPCD classroom yesterday, which left me with mixed feelings. It was encouraging to see how well everything was run, and the total of three adults had what seemed to me to be a large number of kids completely under control. I was left feeling confident about putting him in their class next August. At the same time, it was awkward for me to see his classmates--mostly the discomfort of having to mentally group him in with kids who were obviously worse-off than he is, even though most of them clearly had other disabilities besides autism. But of the kids that I was guessing were autistic, some of them were more proficient at certain things than he is, so I can't claim he doesn't need to be there. (And yet, I still feel the need to remind myself that it's not a fair comparison because they are all older than he is, some by a full year or more, and they are all accustomed to the classroom routine already. It's hard to stop that "precious snowflake" mentality even in the face of direct evidence to the contrary... like my kid is totally going to be the best student in his remedial class, you know? :right:)

The other good news is there are 3 or 4 other kids in the class who are all on the GFCF diet, so I don't need to worry about explaining how to do it or why it's important for him; they know all about it. And here's another stupid little thing that made me happy: it was plain that 100% of these kids have issues getting their hair cut just like Minifob does. Every single one of them had either a "Hair By Mommy" cut, or the "Just Pin Him Down and Buzzcut It Every Ten Weeks" style. In all objectivity, Minifob had the best-looking hair of any kid in the class, hands-down. I've developed quite a talent, if I do say so myself.

I have to constantly remind myself to take the stress items in chronological order: 1.) getting the stepkids set up for summer vacation, 2.) Minifob's birthday, 3.) Family reunion wherein I am expected to host and plan most activities/food and at least two relatives will be staying at my house, 4.) actual occurrence of summer vacation with the stepkids, and only then 5.) Minifob's first day of (screaming at his abandonment in) school. Oh, and somewhere between steps 2 and 5 there will be a formal evaluation of Minifobette, and I will probably not be thrilled with the results. :yelsick:

monster 05-01-2009 11:11 PM

juat a reminder because I know you already know this, but it's easy to lose sight of......

Don't judge the learning environment solely by the other kids in it. the best learning (IMO) is non-competitive. it's about improving the skills of the individual. Individuals may have similar learning disabilities, but that doesn't mean they have the same learning abilities, and that's what really matters. Some kids with autism do pretty well in mainstream schools. Many don't. Some do great is specialized programs. Some don't.

xoxoxoBruce 05-01-2009 11:38 PM

More research with blue lasers.

xoxoxoBruce 05-03-2009 11:12 AM

OMG, this is unbelievable.

They are neighbors Sarah Fisher, Danielle Harway and Kelly Plaster. All three filed court papers asking that Spencer, his sister Olivia, and mom and dad be restricted to their own home and driveway.

The Trussells said there were no issues until Gary Trussell confronted another father on the cul de sac whose son was picking on Spencer.

It didn't go well.

Sarah Fisher reported the Trussells to Child Protective Services. She called Gary Trussell's employer, Continental Airlines, where he's a captain. She also made a call to 911, claiming he couldn't control his young children.

But the San Diego sheriff's deputy who responded declined to write a report. CPS dropped the case as unsubstantiated, and Continental Airlines stood by their longtime employee.

"I'm offended that someone would try to involve my employment, my profession in this matter," Gary Trussell said.

He has one firearm that's locked up. It was issued to him by the Department of Homeland Security for his job. He's a former lieutenant colonel in the Marines, who served his country for 25 years.

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