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Well it sure seems you have a ton of virtual friends backing you up right here. We have all seen the progress - how can we possibly dismiss it when we've all seen the proof? I say send every doubter a link to this thread, and if they still don't believe, tell them to Eat A Big Bowl of D*cks.
You may note that TheMercenary, the only medical doctor on this board that I'm aware of, is supportive of my general situation, but has not chimed in with regard to my son's alleged improvement. And based on his posts in the Vaccination & Epidemic thread, I'd say he's actually one of the more open-minded doctors I've met. He at least takes the line of "nothing's proven, we need more research," rather than "we have 16 studies on it and that's all we'll ever need." But let's ask him: have biomedical treatments improved my son's condition, or not? He will not give you a straight answer. None of them will, because they know exactly where that line of thought leads. |
I don't understand why doctor's are so anti-biomedical treatment? Is it because then their cohorts won't get paid for therapy and prescriptions?
And I understand causation is VERY important to discover, but in the meantime, THE BIOMED ROUTE IS WORKING FOR GID. LOOK PEOPLE! WHO GIVES A RAT'S ARSE WHAT CAUSED IT AT THIS POINT - IT'S WORKING. /rant off. |
Holy Hell. It's a no-win situation then. Friggin politics to sell more vaccines. Amazing. My sympathies, and keep fighting the good fight. You're a much stronger woman than I.
BTW, I've recently been in touch with an organizaiton called Best Buddies, that sets up one on one friends for those with special needs, learning disabilites, etc. including autistics. I'm working on getting a program going here in Colorado - I'll keep you posted. Also the friend whose autistic son started piano lessons: the teacher said he has perfect pitch. When she plays he hums along. He's now learning to play chopsticks on his own. |
Ah well, there you have it. 1 in 100 kids being autistic is apparently better than 1 in 500,000 kids dying of measles. That also assumes that the treatment of measles will have improved in no way since 1968.
I think I can participate in this thread in the social matter --
Loss of friends over changes in one's belief system? Let me tell you my story. For many years, I was a hardcore Libertarian and worked inside the L party to try to develop it and to angle politically. My then-wife was 100% with me on that, and so most of our friends were fellow L party travelers and their associates who enjoyed the ride. After a decade of believing and working and developing friendships, I began to realize that although it had many good points, the hard core libertarianism also had deep flaws as a school of thought. Once I started to be at odds with some of the oft-repeated mantras, it all sort of broke away and over a period of two years I found myself no longer in the group-think. Then, as a result, I lost most of my friends over a period of that two years. And it was also probably the first crack leading to my divorce -- although I consider the divorce the best thing to happen, so I'm not sure that matters so much. One of my current best friends (and being all anti-social, I have like six friends, and two I'd regard as "best") is one of the hardest-core libertarians in the country. But just like I learned about marriage, real friendship overrides philosophy somehow. The disagreements become part of why we're friends. Do I have a conclusion here... no I guess not... but I should say, Clod and this goes for you jinx too, although I am not directly in your belief system, I want to remain efriends, because to me you are beautiful people and when it comes to beliefs, we all struggle to understand, the struggle is the beautiful part. And intellectual honesty requires me to admit I may be wrong, as well so what does it matter? |
I wish all my friends saw it that way, Toad. :) It would also help if the disagreements I have with them were more philosophical and less concrete. If you watched some libertarians physically hurt your child, and then deny it ever happened, it would take on a whole new light. I can still be friends with people who continue to raise their own children as libertarians, but I'm still taking my kid to the hospital, even if it's run by fascists.
I'm ok with disagreeing for the most part UT. Fuck, if I'm wrong, and vaccines are harmless and the greatest medical advancement ever - well that's good news isn't it? I could make a Dr. appointment and get my kids all shot up and move on, knowing they are the picture of health. If I'm right though, well that thought is pretty terrifying. |
:::kicks Undertoad in his stupid balls:::
Allergy test results came in the mail today, by the way.
Peaches: no Oranges: yes Cashews: yes Peanuts: double yes (get to that in a minute) Egg: double yes Tomatoes: yes I am quite frankly stunned that peaches came up negative. I am now certain that they would mark positively on an IgE panel, however. Here's the thing--there are IgG allergies (officially known as "sensitivities") and IgE allergies ("true allergies.") The two big differences are 1.) IgG causes digestive distress, while IgE is the typical itchy eyes/rash/wheezing/sneezing response, and 2.) IgG can fluctuate over time, and a damaged digestive system is going to react poorly to more things than a healthy one, so there is a chance to heal, while IgE is usually a lifelong immune dysfunction. Both can cause behavioral symptoms. Because the assumption behind all of this is that we're more concerned with digestive problems, they do a comprehensive IgG panel for 118 different foods, and an IgE panel for the most common allergens, plus any you choose to add. (You can add as many as you want, but it's $7 per food, so it's best to be moderate.) Minifob's tests came back with both an IgG and an IgE reaction to eggs and peanuts, but peaches weren't on the IgE panel, only the IgG. Anyway, what is really useful about all this is not confirming what I already knew, but alerting me to things I didn't know. The number one highest-ranked allergen, almost off the scale? Garlic. Go figure. I'll have to check the seasonings on a few of his chips, but as far as I know he's not eating any garlic anyway. Other very high results (everything's on a severity scale, the above suspected ones were also all in the highest range): Things he won't eat, or has never had: Cantaloupe, Honeydew, Watermelon, Carrot, Green Peas, Lentils, Safflower, Cottonseed, Flaxseed, Walnuts, Hazelnuts, Brazil nuts, White Beans Gluten, Oats, Rye, Wheat: no shocker there Sesame: there are small amounts in one type of GF pretzel he eats Mustard: sometimes has a small amount on hamburgers Pinto beans: this one's the kicker. He eats pinto beans (in the form of refried beans) every single freaking day, sometimes twice a day. I'd have no idea if it were making him worse than he could be without it, because he's never without it. I'm pretty sure I've seen refried black beans at our grocery store though, so I'll switch him out and see what happens. There's a handful of others in the lower ranges, but I'm not going to worry about those for now. We're totally safe with corn, chickpeas, most fruits and vegetables, and all meats, so I'm happy about that. |
The more you know, the better equipped to do what's best, and less likely to be blindsided. You go, girl.:thumb:
I am amazed by both the irrationailty and dogmatism described in Clod's post #437 (not Clod's, the position she is describing).
Maybe Autism is caused by genes, maybe vaccination, maybe both, neither, mixtures, other etc. Maybe is treatable by diet, maybe behavioural therapy, maybe both, neither, mixtures, other etc. As far as I can see, there is NO necessary connection between treating it with diet and believing it was caused by vaccination. These beliefs may often be found together, but they are conceptually independent. It amazes me that anyone, especially a helath professional, could be so dogmatic. Medicine is an empirical science. Try things, see if they work. There is widespread evidence - largely anecdotal, but lots of it - that diet helps. That is perfectly compatible with autism being genetically caused. What is so hard about that? |
Clod, regarding the allergy tests, have all of you in your family gotten this testing? I am interested whether or not perhaps these sensitivities and allergies are present in sibling/parents. And I wonder how many of us have these s/a on a lower scale, but we just never find out?
I'm sorry you lost your acquaintence. I don't want to see you isolating yourself from others in the "real world" (as opposed to us, your e-friends) because that sense of disconnection will wear you down faster than if you had a better support group. Not that we're not your support group. *sigh* You know what I mean. |
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