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lookout123 05-09-2011 01:59 PM


Sundae 05-09-2011 02:05 PM

So glad to hear it was negative.
Throws up as many questions as it answers I guess.
And I'm so sorry to hear about the extremely intrusive op. Damn, there's a man who loves his kids. And you.

classicman 05-09-2011 02:35 PM

Wonderful to hear the good news, Clod. I sincerely hope that all of this bring some type of positive to you and your family ... somehow.

Big Sarge 05-09-2011 02:36 PM

excellent news!!

DanaC 05-09-2011 02:43 PM


Originally Posted by Clodfobble (Post 732272)
:rolleyes: Because if your vaccines are problematic, just redefine what a vaccine is, right? This is not a vaccine by any common understanding of the word. It is a frequent series of injections of tiny, almost imperceptible amounts of gluten, in an attempt to desensitize the immune system. It does not cause an immune response, does not generate antibodies, and does not confer any sort of "immunity" to a pathogen. It has more in common with homeopathy* than the traditional vaccination mechanism.

*Not something I subscribe to, mind you, but they are the ones who would tell you that a homeopathic tincture of imperceptible amounts of gluten taken over a long period of time is what you would need in order to get over your gluten-related disease.


Trouble with that is, as far as I can see, that you could just as easily sensitize as desensitize someone to gluten.

Clodfobble 05-09-2011 03:38 PM

In theory they're only giving these "desensitization" shots to people who already have been diagnosed with celiac disease. But the idea of sensitization is real: among mothers with celiac disease, their babies are more likely to also have celiac disease the earlier they had wheat products introduced into their diet as babies. But even the diagnosis isn't everything. Among patients with chronic GI symptoms who were all definitively negative for celiac disease, the ones who kept ingesting gluten had a death rate 4 times higher than those who decided to eliminate gluten despite being negative for celiac.

Why yes, I did write a final research paper this semester on gluten intolerance, why do you ask? :) Another fun tidbit: in a study of over 1400 patients diagnosed with schizophrenia who had no gastrointestinal symptoms at all, 23% of them blood-tested positive for celiac antibodies, and their "schizophrenic" symptoms improved dramatically when they were taken off gluten.

DanaC 05-09-2011 07:59 PM

Ooooh. Intriguing.

BigV 05-10-2011 05:45 PM

At 3:36 in the video:



monster 05-11-2011 09:04 AM

Is Mr Fob back home safe and well? How's his leg?

Clodfobble 05-11-2011 10:01 AM

Oh yes, he's doing well. As it turned out, it was very fortunate that his mother insisted on traveling with him, because the doctor later said to her that Mr. Clod never would have been allowed to be discharged without a responsible adult. I maintain that they couldn't keep him there if he was determined to walk out the door, anyone can discharge themselves against doctor's orders, but better not to have to fight it. Fact was, he couldn't have actually walked out the door regardless. The pain hasn't been bad, but the leg is just weak and unable to support any weight at all. I went and bought him a pair of crutches at Goodwill yesterday morning, and he's doing fine now that he has those. He's off the percocets, and only needing occasional ibuprofen, so he's cleared to drive (the procedure was done on his left leg) and is back at work today.

Spexxvet 05-11-2011 10:41 AM

Clod, I have have immense admiration for you. I don't think I would be able to handle all this stuff at all - let alone as well as you are.

BigV 05-11-2011 11:40 AM

I'm glad he's well, and I'm also glad the results of the test were favorable.

Clodfobble 05-11-2011 12:07 PM


Originally Posted by Spexxvet
Clod, I have have immense admiration for you. I don't think I would be able to handle all this stuff at all - let alone as well as you are.

So many people express stuff like this, but I just don't think it's true. For one thing, most people tend to rise to the occasion, especially where their kids are involved. I do know a few parents who have just cashed out and mentally/emotionally walked away from everything, but I know a lot more who are doing no worse than we are. For another, I've also had plenty of my own moments where I'm so depressed that I'm refusing to go to bed because it means morning will come that much sooner--I just don't usually get on here and write about it.

I showed Mr. Clod some of the cheering he received, and he was grateful to know people cared. But to the idea that he was somehow extra-dedicated to the kids, he said, "But that's dumb. Every one of them would have done it for their own kids. Any dad would have." I have to say though, I don't think the kids' doctors really realized the level of the procedure they were insisting on. I told Mr. Clod that he absolutely must wear shorts on Scope Day, so they can get a look at his sutures. I doubt he'll still be on crutches by then, but maybe we'll bring them just for sympathy. :)

BigV 05-11-2011 01:13 PM

Dear CF, and Mr Clod as well.

I'd like to comment on your last post.

You're right when you say any parent would step up for their child. You're absolutely right. And you're also right when you say that some parents just check out. I've seen both kinds, many more of the stepper-uppers than the checker-outers though.

What I feel, similar to Spexx's remark, is this. You and Mr Clod are in the stepper-upper group, of course. But what is unsaid is that the size and number of steps in your journey are exceptionally large. Larger than most parents face. *That* extra effort is worthy of extra acknowledgment. You can bask in it or deflect it as you like. I'm just telling you what it looks like from out here.

I do have some first hand experience here. I've been praised in the way you're being praised, and it did feel a little uncomfortable for just the reasons you express. I have step children (as an aside, they are every bit as much MY children as any other, blood relations or not. Anyone suggesting otherwise will be dismissed and an ignorant idiot until my tolerance runs dry at which time the beatdown will commence) and marrying into children is itself an additional degree of parenting difficulty. Taking on such a challenge deliberately is extra noble by itself. Having children (step or otherwise) that have physical challenges (please, I don't want to argue the pc-ness of the description) is more extra work for parents. I have one son who is deaf. I have another son who has epilepsy.

These complications are different from your kids' complications--I am not comparing them. I'm just pointing out that I know what it's like to have hard work, different work than most other parents have. Your kids may never know what went into rearing them. They undoubtedly know they're loved, and that's what counts. Our mutual friend, Pete Zicato nee dar512 said it best: Welcome to the hardest work you'll ever love. It sure is, and I sure do. We can all see you do too.

Clodfobble 05-11-2011 01:23 PM

Well thanks, both of you. I'm not that great at receiving praise, but I'll work on just saying thank you. :)

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