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ok, maybe not.... :lol: |
1 Attachment(s)
That is definitely something I would do... if I hadn't already mentioned several weeks ago that the pill cams were disposable.
I did, however, get Minifobette's back, and learned in the process that they float, so I know I haven't missed Minifob's yet. He says he didn't poop at school, and he's generally accurate about that sort of thing because he likes to tell me which bathroom he used each time at school. But I'm actually getting a little concerned because he has pooped three times now, and by definition the food all went in after the pill cam. So now I'm imagining it stuck at some swollen stricture, his generally liquid poop just flowing right around it, never pushing it out. They said not to be concerned if it takes 2-3 days to come out, so I guess it's not hugely dangerous if it gets stuck for awhile, but still. |
that is so crazy small and incomprehensive...
(You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means) |
Wow just wow!
A sample of what a 3-year-old autistic child's mind is like:
For the last two days, my daughter was refusing to eat. She would drink her pureed veggie smoothie-esque things I make for her, but no solid food at all unless I spent half an hour forcing each bite in amidst screams. We ran through all the possibilities: sore throat, her cavity has suddenly reached the point of being painful, some sort of new indigestion with something making her afraid to eat anything... of course she wouldn't fucking tell us a thing, just lay silently on the couch in a low-caloric daze and freaked out anytime food was suggested or offered. So just now, I figured it out. Two days ago--the last time she willingly ate food--she had eaten out of her lunchbox at the kitchen table, because my mom was watching her for a few hours and wasn't up for preparing her food, so I packed it before I left. Apparently, Minifobette wishes to eat all of her meals out of her school lunchbox from now on. As soon as I showed her the food inside it, she bolted into the kitchen and scarfed it down. But attempting to communicate that to me was impossible, as was allowing herself to eat the exact same foods on a plate once she'd decided the lunchbox was the way she wanted it. Letting herself starve was the only option she could come up with. |
Oh God, CF! How do you cope?!
Holy Carp!
Sounds like a Turbo 3 yr old. Ours recently went on a hunger strike and wouldn't say anything, finally mrs foot figured out that the pancakes weren't cut properly or something crazy like that.
It is maddening. |
I don't think you have to be autistic to enjoy that... |
Hi Clod--
Our parenting experiences are different, they overlap but not everywhere. For example, I don't think I would have made the connection you did. I'm smart, you're smart, I love my kids, you love your kids, I pay attention, you pay attention.... My kid would have starved though. I try to think about what I would have done in that situation and I think I would have continued the smoothies, and then tried to force/compel/cajole/trick her to eat the regular stuff that she'd been eating only recently. And then, given up. "She must not be that hungry." True or otherwise, I don't know what I'd have done, short of force feeding her. I (I emphasize *I*) don't believe she (my imaginary daughter) could/would starve themselves. Probably wrong, certainly they can make things much worse for themselves by not eating properly or regularly. I would have concluded that whatever thought process led to such a conclusion could happen again and then food would be "OK" again. And by the same process, who knows, tomorrow something else might be just as inexplicably impossible. But the insight you describe, I have had some lucky looking guesses in my day, informed by my accumulated parenting instincts, I read what you wrote, and I just don't see myself making the same leap. I'm so glad she's eating again, really I am. |
My son's friend is autistic, and when he was about 6 yrs old, he injured the inside of his mouth (I forget how). He hardly opened his mouth for 3 weeks. Didn't talk, and I never saw him eat.
I tip my cap to you Clodfobble, I really do.
There's precious little in my whole life that is more important to me than my kids and my role as their father. I take it as seriously as I can. Naturally, this doesn't mean being a hard case all the time. I goof with them, and play and set adamantine limits which they cannot break (but manage to outgrow and bypass). I'm just dazzled that you pulled that rabbit out of your hat. When they were little they were *so* cute. And I loved them and was infatuated by their cuteness. I remember being a little wistful, nostalgic as they grew out of little and cute. *sigh* But then I noticed other new aspects that I loved, principally, as they grew older, I traded saccharine cuteness for sage wisdom. I could *REASON* with them. Who of thunk it? And that has become the new awesome. This fades, by the way, as you/I become dumber and dumber as they progress through their teenage years. Have courage, it is temporary. I'm rambling. You don't need any lecturing from me. I'm just happy and amazed at your story. I love a happy ending. :) Yours, |
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