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Spexxvet 09-01-2011 11:56 AM

That is really great news, Clod. Good for them. And hopefully life will get easier for you and Mr. Clod. And thank FSM for your doctor.

Sundae 09-01-2011 11:59 AM

Tiger could not have drawn that picture.
He writes well, and reads well, but cannot draw from imagination.
Give him something to refer to (he doesn't copy, but he needs someone else's imagination) and he has a very good eye for colour, shape and proportion.

If I simply requested a picture to illustrate I Like Playtime (recess) there is a good chance I would get a scribble.

I've bought him a structured doodle book for us to work through together. It has directions and examples on every page. I might be way off mark, but I really hope it will speak to his organised mind and we'll get some lovely patterns, colours and copied creatures.

Fantastic work, Clod.
Great to hear Fobette is progressing so well.
Of course she is different than Fob, but your experience with him has obviously helped you with her.

Pico and ME 09-01-2011 01:27 PM

Wow, I can relate to Tiger. I have absolutely no artistic imagination, but give me something to copy and Im not half bad. However, give me an organizational challenge and I'm a whiz - for instance, getting everything to fit in a suitcase or in cabinets when it doesn't look like there is enough space.

monster 09-01-2011 03:18 PM


classicman 09-01-2011 06:54 PM


they accidentally rang up the real price of the Entocort prescription, then undid it and put in the insurance copay.
One month's supply of Entocort for one child? $.805.95. No shit.
The real cost... $.08595.

I'm dealing with the same thing.
Total "no insurance cost" was over $2000.00 a month.
Medicaid cost, now that I finally found a pharmacy that accepts it, $0.

ZenGum 09-01-2011 09:40 PM

This thread always makes me think of Lorenzo's Oil.

Griff 09-03-2011 09:08 AM

He should draw for Hyperbole and a half.

Clodfobble 09-15-2011 10:05 AM

Well, it's happened. We got our very first "he must not have ever had autism to begin with" implication, just like I knew we would. (The comment was from a distant acquantaince, sparked by the latest progress video I posted on YouTube, seen below.)

Of course I couldn't let it stand, and I politely asked how many other kids out there with NotAutism (TM) are going untreated because their parents have been relentlessly told that their kids' disease is definitively not treatable. About 85% of the parents I have personally convinced to try treatment have seen major improvements, and at that ratio it kind of comes around full circle and becomes "children with a diagnosis of autism" again, because what other descriptors do we have? Might as well re-diagnose the non-responders instead, it would be less paperwork.

I can't wait until it turns out my daughter never had autism either.

classicman 09-15-2011 10:21 AM

Wonderful. I love seeing this after following this thread for so long.

Clodfobble 02-19-2012 10:59 AM

There's been way too much going on, I keep starting these long posts and then abandoning them because I don't have enough time to properly explain everything that's been happening. But I wanted to throw this tidbit up here.

Studies on the GI problems of autistic kids have been coming fast and furious recently, a new one is published at least once a week and there are a total of maybe 200 by now, confirming or exploring various aspects of autistic GI pathology. Now, when discussing one of the recent GI studies done as a joint effort between Harvard and Columbia, the Chief Medical Officer of the US Autism & Asperger Association has made the ballsy step of saying:


This reaffirms the published findings in autism from more than a decade ago of such groundbreakers as Wakefield, D’Eufemia, and Horvath, all of whom the authors reference.
For a mainstream, high-profile MD to speak positively of He Who Must Not Be Named... believe me, this is huge.

footfootfoot 02-19-2012 12:20 PM

"...Yeah, I bet they can't get in the car after it goes..."

I was cracking up at this whole conversation, it sounds just like the kinds of chats I have with my kids.

Oh, and your kid is clearly a malingerer. nothing wrong with him at all. ;)

Clodfobble 02-19-2012 02:54 PM

Nothing wrong that a good whipping wouldn't fix, anyway!

Actually, that's what has us in a major frenzy these last few months. It was time to wean off the steroids, and it did not go well. Minifobette got off them okay, but Minifob definitely still needs them, and at a relatively high dose, or he regresses severely. Except being on them forever is not an option, they will fuck your shit up.

So we are now working with the doctor on a different combination of meds, including a higher dose of the non-steroid anti-inflammatories, plus a very low dose of immune suppressors, which have had good results in people with severe autoimmune disease. On the one hand, these meds are serious business and I'm scared to death of them. But on the other, there are kids who get kidney transplants or whatever, and they take immune suppressors for the rest of their lives and somehow manage. As the doctor said, "These are drugs that are reserved for very serious conditions like cancer--but frankly, in my opinion this is worse than cancer." And I agree. It was pretty damn devastating to watch him fall apart again within just a couple weeks of going off the steroids. Fortunately his teacher has been very understanding, since she now has to deal with a very different kid than she started with. We've gained about half of the ground back, but right now he is as bad as he was a year ago in most respects. Stuttering and perseverating much, much worse than he was in that last video. Very difficult time focusing, major emotional upsets over imaginary problems.

I keep remembering how Lookout went through this same thing with his son and Abilify. I have the medicine right here in my cabinet that would make him all better, but I can't give it to him because it will eventually hurt him worse than he's hurting now.

Sundae 02-19-2012 04:52 PM

Sorry to hear about the setbacks Clod.
My thoughts are with you and the Fobs very much.

It's odd, rewatching G after all this time.
I know when you filmed this it was because of his extraordinary progress, but the Autism markers stand out so clearly to me now.

I've worked with Tiger for a whole year (wow!) and still new people to school do not understand why he gets help and other more obvious (more worthy?) children do not. He loves order, and aside from calling out and needing immediate attention if he has something to impart, he is considered polite, well mannered and no trouble.

Mars on the other hand (my 7 year old) is large for his age, less responsive to interaction, more insistent and has a history of physical aggression. People give me a slightly pained grin when they realise I work with him too. I am about to start a highly structured programme of lessons with him. During time he was previously allowed to run around and blow off steam (!!!) I knew it was coming and have prepared for the change by having Friendship Time, where we play games that involve turn taking or the potential for pushing and shoving (praise if it doesn't happen, discussion if it does). I have chosen the children and decided the games, to get him used to the fact I am in control. I've made them fun, but imposed definite rules to ease him into it.

In fact I structured one the other week involving two Piggy games (Piggy in the Middle and Squeak Piggy Squeak) in honour of Mars's obsession with Angry Birds. He was allowed to choose two children himself for this knockabout fun. He walks out with the only two Muslim boys in the class :facepalm:

Of course it didn't matter - we're a C of E school - tolerant but determinedly Christian. The boys would not be at our school if their parents had an issue with Western values. Just gave me a wry smile.

I'm freewheeling with Tiger at the moment, so the planned structure with Mars will be a change in gear for me too. Think of me on Wednesday.

ZenGum 02-19-2012 05:38 PM


In fact I structured one the other week involving two Piggy games (Piggy in the Middle and Squeak Piggy Squeak) in honour of Mars's obsession with Angry Birds. He was allowed to choose two children himself for this knockabout fun. He walks out with the only two Muslim boys in the class


Clodfobble 02-20-2012 09:18 AM


Originally Posted by Sundae
I know when you filmed this it was because of his extraordinary progress, but the Autism markers stand out so clearly to me now.

Tell me about it. I can pick out the spectrum kid(s) in the room in under 30 seconds now. But there's no point in telling the parents. A couple years ago one woman excitedly told me that Minifob must not have autism after all, because her little boy did all those same things! Yeah.

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