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Beestie 03-19-2009 07:54 PM


Originally Posted by lumberjim (Post 546995)

Making the waffles is the easy part.

Trying to get them back in the SPONGE BOB SQUARE PANTS MEETS SPIDERMAN WITH WALL-E AND TICKETS TO DISNEY!! waffle box without miniFob seeing you is the hard part. :-)

Clod - don't let the so-called support people get you down. You know what's best for your son and you know what your limits are. Do your best and ignore the know-it-alls. Your son needs you more than all those bozos put together and he's a lucky kid to have you taking care of all this.

I know this has to be back-breakingly hard - I just hope you and mini-Fob are able to steal a couple moments during the day that can only happen between a mother and her son. Those times can make up for a lot.

Clodfobble 03-19-2009 08:04 PM


Originally Posted by lumberjim

I currently have two different kinds of gluten-free waffles, one of which was homemade, and two additional kinds of just-dairy-free waffles in the house. He will eat none of them.

What I have available next is yet another kind of gluten-free baking mix and some yellow food coloring, because if they're bright freaking yellow that may help appease him--but I can't do anything about the fact that the only kind of home waffle iron I could find was either square, or hugely round like a Belgian waffle, and neither of those are the "right" shape.

We did try the gluten-free diet for three days, and I was reduced to tears every single day. I just want proof it's going to be worth it, which is something they can't give me.

HungLikeJesus 03-19-2009 08:15 PM

It's a lot like the climate change situation.

lumberjim 03-19-2009 09:36 PM

cant even imagine....sorry if i came off wrong...

we think about you guys a lot....i hope you figure it out clobble

monster 03-19-2009 09:42 PM

Oh Fob...... :(:(:(

You and yours are always welcome to come up to Michigan for a cooler week or so in the summer if a reasonably cheap (althoug distant) getaway would help

monster 03-19-2009 09:45 PM

Can you do the gluten-free diet by not doing subsitute foods at all to start? using potatos in various forms for the "stodge" of the meal instead of bread, pasta etc? Does he like fries?

What does he like to eat?

Clodfobble 03-19-2009 11:34 PM


Originally Posted by lumberjim
sorry if i came off wrong...

No worries, I wasn't ranting at you. It's just general frustration. Today was actually really good--he started off the morning deciding he wanted cheerios instead of a waffle, so we got to avoid that whole debacle. Someday he'll forget the concept of a yellow waffle... someday.


Originally Posted by monster
Can you do the gluten-free diet by not doing subsitute foods at all to start? using potatos in various forms for the "stodge" of the meal instead of bread, pasta etc? Does he like fries?

What does he like to eat?

He's been steadily scaling back since he turned two. Mac & cheese and pizza are gone without dairy... burgers and sandwiches are still okay in general, but most commercial bread products have dairy in them so we have to check... he'll do dairy-free chicken nuggets, spaghetti, and tostadas with refried beans. And that's basically it. Of those, only the tostadas with beans survive going gluten-free. (He already rejected the GF chicken nuggets and GF pasta, multiple times.) You're right in general, most of the people who have done the diet say don't even bother with the substitutes, just find one thing they can eat, and let them have it at every meal for however many months it takes for them to forget what all the good stuff tastes like.

jinx 03-19-2009 11:43 PM

My kids like these mac and chreese products. The penne is brown rice pasta.
Can you do goat cheese?

Clodfobble 03-20-2009 12:08 AM

Supposedly not, nothing with casein. The one substitute he has gotten used to is rice milk, so we're good for cereal at least. I'll try the mac & chreese things, thanks for the link.

classicman 03-20-2009 12:20 AM

Good luck Clod - I have nothing to offer other than well wishes. :(

monster 03-20-2009 08:07 AM


Originally Posted by jinx (Post 547143)
My kids like these mac and chreese products. The penne is brown rice pasta.
Can you do goat cheese?

What you need is that packaged up with kiddie TV charaters on the front. Those guys in the blue jumpsuits that he was for Halloween. Then leave it lying around until he's begging for movers' mac (or whatever they were called....)

Clodfobble 03-23-2009 11:38 AM

Son of a bitch
My toddler got high this weekend.

We had a miscommunication with one of his Sunday School teachers--they rotate every two weeks, and while we'd had a long group email thread with all of them about his new diet, this particular one doesn't ever check her email and apparently was never following along at all. So this Sunday was her day, and she gave him cheddar goldfish crackers for snack. Two whole cups full, because of course after the first half-cup he demanded another one, and another, and after they finally cut him off at four servings he collapsed to the floor in a junkie rage... I knew as soon as I came to pick him up that something was wrong, because he was over in the corner spinning a toy car two inches from his face, and he hasn't done that in weeks.

Anyway, it's been sorted out with that teacher now, and she was deeply apologetic when she found out what she'd inadvertently done. But in the meantime I've got my old nutter back for at least 3-4 days until it clears his system. I had to shut off the water to the kitchen sink at the valve, because he couldn't be persuaded away from the faucets and I was terrified he'd discover the little black water gun handle (who the hell uses that thing anyway? What a stupid feature.) Now he's finally moved on to watching Cars, just like the old days:

Ah, hindsight. I'm eagerly awaiting the time when it becomes less bitter, and more funny.

BUT! The silver lining is this event finally convinced Mr. Clod that the dairy thing is real. Before, he was just sort of taking my word for it, in the way that husbands don't question their wives when it comes to the children. But this, he saw with his own eyes. So now he's enthusiastically on board when I start questioning things like whether Minifob's skin lotion has dairy in it (it fucking DOES) instead of just nodding politely.

And in other good news, I think Subsitute Waffle v. 5.0 (that's the new homemade baking mix with yellow food coloring added) has been deemed acceptable. We'll see if he changes his mind in the next few days, but he's eaten three of them so far. I think we finally have a dairy-free waffle solution, and just as a bonus it happens to be gluten-free too.

Sundae 03-23-2009 11:57 AM

Clod, you are wonderful.
As is your boy.
I know people here think I hate the kinder, but if you ever make it over here, you are so welcome.

And saying all that, can I just congratulate you for staying sane & not killing him?
Said with love.

classicman 03-23-2009 12:03 PM


Originally Posted by Sundae Girl (Post 548689)
And saying all that, can I just congratulate you for staying sane & not killing him?
Said with love.

As a father of three - thats exactly how I feel. OMG - your patience absolutely amazes me - you deserve a crown and prizes and and and stuff.

lumberjim 03-23-2009 04:26 PM

prizes fo sho

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