The Cellar

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glatt 11-02-2007 05:31 PM

Stick a fork in this week. I'm outta here!

Cicero 11-02-2007 07:20 PM

Yea! We're outta here!!!

DucksNuts 11-03-2007 04:56 AM


Like real RAIN!

Oh n I am on the way to pissed :D

Aliantha 11-03-2007 05:04 AM

I heard today that the Murray is now lower than sea level on average. That's very bad news.

DucksNuts 11-03-2007 05:17 AM

We went to a market on the Murray today, you can walk across it in so many places....its weird.

Its nearly fucked in South Australia

Aliantha 11-03-2007 05:18 AM

what do you think about this new water plan?

DucksNuts 11-03-2007 05:21 AM

You mean the pipe to Melbourne?

I want more data before I decide. I think a lot of people are making decisions half cocked at the moment.

Aliantha 11-03-2007 05:24 AM

Well the whole idea of the murray darling being taken over federally to try and solve the water crisis. I know some people are dead set against it, but they're mostly the ones taking out further upstream in northern nsw and southern qld.

Ultimately I think it should have been done a long time ago.

There's water in the Condomine atm, so if we can just get a bit more rain it might make it downstream anyway.

DucksNuts 11-03-2007 05:38 AM

Oh, we are really focussed on the Sugarloaf Pipeline at the moment.

Plug the pipe are making a lot of noise

I have no probs with the Murray Darling

Elspode 11-04-2007 01:11 AM

I am happy that I was able to spend a couple of pleasant hours visiting with the woman with whom I most want to once again be intimate in the not too distant future (apart from my wife, of course, with whom I want to be intimate again as soon as she returns home tomorrow from her trip out of town). I was encouraged to find out that said woman has gone from "no more frolicking with married men, even those who have permission from their wives" to "it might not be out of the question" since we last spoke at length.

She was my correspondent in the polyamory foray Selene and I made almost six years ago now. We hit it off very well then, and have remained good friends. She is highly desired by me both physically and intellectually, and she seems to once again be returning that vibe. Makes me happy, despite absence of intimacy this evening when she called me and asked if she could drop by.


Aliantha 11-04-2007 01:34 AM

Dazza is home!

Michaela 11-04-2007 08:11 PM


Originally Posted by monster (Post 402674)
And we'd like to see it "pre-christening" please.

All moved. Too nice (for now) to "christen" but the other moist important piece definitely was. Great friends, good cheese and wine, lots of sore muscles.

monster 11-04-2007 11:50 PM


Originally Posted by Michaela (Post 403437)
All moved. Too nice (for now) to "christen" but the other moist important piece definitely was. Great friends, good cheese and wine, lots of sore muscles.

PICTURES. Or we may have to ..... um .... do something nasty to you....

glatt 11-05-2007 10:08 AM

I'm still happy from replacing the disc brake pads on my car myself yesterday (first time to do that,) and not one thing went wrong. Something always goes wrong when I'm doing a project, but not this time. Test drove the car and the brakes work flawlessly. Saved a few hundred bucks and even got better brake pads than I would have if I paid a garage to do it. Only took two hours. :D

Sundae 11-05-2007 10:13 AM

I'm happy because HM's brother is here on a visit and he is good company.

I'm very unhappy (yes I know, should be in the other thread) because I have waited in all day for a call. Unless it comes in the next 40 minutes I won't be able to go to the gym. It's an initial telephone assessment for free counselling so I don't have much right to complain - just that sitting round doing very little for 6 hours makes me antsy. At least I've had company is how I tie the two together.

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