![]() |
Congrats footie!
My daughter and her husband came to visit one weekend and we were going over to my son's house. He asked how far was it, and my daughter said "About 20 minutes". (There was a standard joke where he came from, everything was about 20 minutes away.) He repeated "About 20 minutes." then looked at me driving, "Except when he's driving, then it's about 15." |
Limey drives like a rally driver.
But then the roads on the Isle of Arran are like a rally course. I don't expect the motorways to present the same challenge. I did tell her I'd sing to her on the way up, but I'm that emotionally drained right now I might just cry and sleep instead. And in fact that might be preferable. Can you imagine being in a van with me singing show tunes for five hours?! Limey can tuck me into the bag that holds my duvet and just get on with being the Stig. Wake me up when we get to Last of the Summer Wine country. I want to see Dani coming down the hill in a bathtub and falling in the water. |
My neighbors down the road were having a fire. The boys (actually men older than me) keep an eye on the older lady (she's 77 but she really can take care of herself, they're just all friends and keep an eye on each other) and she knocked on my door earlier and invited me down to the fire. So we're all sitting by the river with the fire going in the fire pit, making hot dogs, playing with a couple nice dogs, and generally enjoying the evening. It was nice.
Hanging out by a fire is awesome. I think it's hard wired into our DNA or something.
It's kinda weird. You might have ten people standing around, and you can't have a conversation for everybody talking to everybody.
Get that fire going, and all of a sudden, only a couple of people are talking. Everyone else is staring into the fire. ETA: Lawn chairs, riverbank, cheap cigar, a nice, fat doobie, a little liquid refreshment...Tonight, perhaps. Alone. |
That's how the early folks domesticated dogs and cats, luring them in with fire. It didn't work out well with the giant moths, however.
No great loss--they were so.... flighty.
Foot: congrats! I'm happy for you.
Infinite Monkey: that sounds so nice. Glad you were able to enjoy yourself. |
This is sad on my Mum's part, but it made me feel so special.
Text message: Keep smiling as u look lovely when u do. Dad not coping well. Miss u more than I thought in your calm way of handling him xx Actually I think it was more my way of handling her, handling him that she misses, but I get that she might not get that. If you get me. Seeing Dani this arvo. Enough to make anyone happy. |
It's nice that she acknowledged it.
Just waved Dani off on her bus.
Had to explain to here that she had pole position (upstairs, front seat). I think it comes under the heading of "Things Cherry has made up" along with all the various games I play. Anyway, the girl did good. Travelled for hours to come and clean my kitchen. I'm in a far better place mentally and emotionally than when I moved in. Having the boy with me, and having worked my first shift at work have helped enormously. Slowly unpacking and piecemeal cleaning have also helped. Having someone come and roll their sleeves up helped even more. Oh, and medication of course. Another mention for all the extraordinary help I've had from the Cellar. I don't know whether Limey shared my response to my house-moving card/gift with those who contributed. I cried so hard I had to go to bed. Okay, a good cry was what I needed, but how wonderful to feel loved at a time when I really was at my most vulnerable and emotional. I can never pay Limey back for the extraordinary kindness and organisation she showed in this most difficult of moves. And the most wonderful thing is she doesn't think that way, and will probably welcome me into her house in January next year. Oh and I had a nightmare that first night. Literally (by my definition). I was trying to scream in my dream, not entirely sure what noise I made in reality but it was enough for Limes to wake me up and reassure me I was safe. Priceless. Dana too, who has rescued me enough times for it to be boring. All I can say is when the zombie apocalypse comes I'm not leaving without her. And everyone. Everyone on the Cellar. If the wheel of fortune turns your way then it's probably coincidence, but it's certainly no more than you deserve. I don't wake up in a state of sheer distress every day just because of you. Thank you. |
Keep taking the tablets ;)
It was a pleasure to be able to share the start of your new adventure! |
Glad things are looking up for you Sundae. Xx
I finally managed to finish cultivating the vegetable patch. Hooray!
It is a task of time consuming drudgery which I put off if at all possible. Having managed to complete the first half a couple of weeks ago, I did the rest yesterday. The interregnum was due to the weather changing. The local earth becomes cloying with just the slightest of rainfall, or is turned to concrete when the sun shines. Having hacked the grass and weeds out of it with a mattock, I finished off the job with a rotary cultivator, which eases the pain. If any Dwellar, resident in Pennsylvania, is reading this, please would you call in at the Mantis factory in Southampton and relay my grateful thanks to them for helping to ease this Englishman's pain! ETA: It isn't a contender for the 'Tilth of the Year Award' but it's respectable enough and, what's more, it's finished! Praise the Lord. |
You can thank them yourself right here. :D
I just got my new washer. Yay!!!! The old one broke 10 days ago. But now I've got to figure a way to bring it upstairs. Boo! Someone ordered it for me and dumped it in the courtyard. If I can't find 2 abled men by tomorrow, I'm gonna hire some Mexicans. :angry face: I would do it myself if I weren't so damn weak.
You only need one able bodied man... and the right incentive.;)
But two is more fun, Bruce!
New Summer clothes.
New to me anyway. Hit the charity shops today. When the sun came out last weekend I realised how little I had to wear in warm weather. I mean in a real Lady Godiva way. Got rid of my large Summer clothes in one of my pre-move purges. And if I still had them I wouldn't be able to wear them anyway, the skirts were literally falling off me. So I got some nice new ice-cream colours in case the sun ever comes out on a day I'm not working again. Not today. Rain seems to be the default setting in Otley. Also got a second hand copy of Game of Thrones. It may have been an unwanted gift because it looks more lived in after I've had it half a day than it did when I bought it. I've started my journey, people. And as I know what happened to Sean Bean because of an interview he gave, I dont want to know which character he plays. Not all that hard to guess though... I will have to stay away from the thread from now on. The names will begin to mean more to me. And again, so sorry for Mum, but bittersweet for me. Had a letter from her saying again how she misses the way I calm her down and diffuse situations between her and Dad. Of course it only happened occasionally; most of the time I either hid or it backfired, making her even more angry. But she also added that I made her laugh every day. And that's not quite so wide of the mark. |
Sundae: You know what they say, "You don't know what you have until it's gone." Your mom finally appreciates you and actually tells you. That's a good thing. I'm glad. :)
Bruce: I found two, and one of them actually knows how and connected the new washer for me too. :thumb2: And I didn't even have to offer incentives. :D |
This made me happy when I found it hiding at the back of a row of black ones at target this morning:
http://img.tapatalk.com/d/14/05/24/tegerude.jpg Kind of mitigated when I got home to use it, and realized that I forgot staples. No starter strip in the package either, unfortunately. Oh well. This baby is coming to work with me today. I'll grab some there and bring the work one home. |
My generator died almost 3 weeks ago and Sears sent it to be fixed. It had a 3yr warranty that cost me almost nothing. [YAY!] They called me this AM and decided they could not fix it and they are giving me a $599. credit towards a new one. [YAY!] The same model is now $120 more than my credited amount. The same warranty is now $109. Should I get the warranty too?
Sounds like with this generator, a warranty is a good idea.
No picking on the generator Glatt! ;) It worked hard every day 4 hours a day at least, and double time and over nite when the lights when out, for 2 1/2 years. [/run on sentence] For whatever reason they did not want to replace the alternator.:eyebrow: The engine still ran quite well.
'thought the warranty was a good idea just wondered what others thought. |
At this end of the village, power comes by overhead line through the woods so we tend to get power cuts as a consequence of winter storms. I've been contemplating buying a genny of about 2kw capacity, but they are terribly expensive in the UK so have yet to take the plunge. I take it that you would recommend your current model, given the service it has shown? Ta, Carruthers. |
When SEARS contracts with a manufacturer it's usually based on an existing model with some changes to make it cheaper. The problem is down the road when you need parts, the parts with those changes aren't available. Sometimes the parts from the original model will work but for SEARS it's more expedient to throw money/credit at you than screw with it. That's when you win. :D
Carruthers, it is/was a Briggs and Stratton 5500 always very pleased with B&S small engines.
xoxoxoBruce, I almost knew SEARs would replace it when I took it in for repair. Very annoying to have to have it shipped [ their dime]from Indiana to Ohio and wait almost 3 weeks for this news though. I am borrowing the neighbors and probably wearing out my welcome ;) SEARs price matched the generator for me 2 1/2 years ago Big R had them too, and the whole generator with the 3 yr warranty was only $449. The generator is now $719 owwie This generator has to be ordered and I will have to maybe wait another 3-4 weeks for it's arrival. :/ |
In case I wasn't clear before, you should get the warranty. I think it's worth it.
Oh, and look at this thread. Almost ten thousand posts in it, and the dwellar who started it isn't even here to see how it's all gown up.
Thanks again. Carruthers |
Where/why did cloud go?
Nicely done. |
1 Attachment(s)
Woke up to these on my patio this morning. I use 'morning' loosely, it was noon.
The Strawberry Fairy, I must've missed that one growing up... Attachment 47729 I hesitate to say it made me happy, but, someone crawled on their hands and knees to pick strawberries, and then, gave me a couple quarts worth for nothing, not even credit. So, that was fairly cool. :D |
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I747 using Tapatalk |
You mean having two able bodied men WITH incentives?
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I747 using Tapatalk |
I'd assume that's what she meant but you'll have to ask her
They are delicious, and so, so sweet!
I bought some from SC at the fruit stand yesterday, much better than the CA winter berries. The smell in the car coming home was fruitelicious. ;)
Last evening I was chatting with a buddy when his phone announced, loudly, "You have a message from Janet."
I immediately asked him if it does that when I text him. It does, he informed me. I then asked if he would change my name in his contacts list. He said he would be glad to, thinking, I'm sure, that I just didn't want it saying my name out loud every time I texted him. When I told him what I wanted it changed to, he made a point to make eye contact, and then said "You are a fucking genius." When I text him or leave a voicemail for him, his phone now announces "You have a message from Satan Himself." He spent the rest of the evening changes peoples' names in his phone. His girlfriend is now Tits McGee. His dad is The Lord, God Almighty. His mother is The Boss Of The Lord, God Almighty. Someone got changed so that the phone announces "You have a message from Oh Dear God What Is That Smell?" |
I start work today at a new job in which I hope I will be resurrecting my career. No more tweakers, it's for the North American side of a British technology company.
Go toad! Don't hurt anyone. ;)
Far Out, Toad.
That's excellent!
And within my first hour, they asked me to renew my passport so I can go get training at the HQ in Derby!
Now THAT makes me happy! WTG UT!
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