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HungLikeJesus 06-03-2008 06:28 PM


Originally Posted by Undertoad (Post 459240)
Firefox 3 release candidate 1 is excellent!

UT, I've been using SeaMonkey (1.1.9), but I don't really know the difference between SeaMonkey and Firefox. Any idea?

Undertoad 06-03-2008 09:43 PM

Some of the guts are the same. SeaMonkey is a bundle of different software, Firefox was developed just to be a browser standalone. Which is what most people want.

Sundae 06-04-2008 05:05 AM

It's Derren Brown day!
Yes I am off to see the renowned mentalist and professional beard wearer tonight. It's being filmed, and we have good seats, so I am wearing my new dress.

Really looking forward to it - have been since I booked the tickets.
Just wish I'd done more cleaning and less surfing last night - I'm gonna have to get up mega early tomorrow morning to sort this place out for the cat interview Thursday...

jinx 06-04-2008 11:27 AM

Just got back from having Spencer's portfolio evaluated - so school is officially OVER for the summer!!! Woohoo!!! :devil:

warch 06-04-2008 11:53 AM

Riding the energy wave from the Obama rally last night!

DanaC 06-04-2008 12:58 PM

Despite having been mildly irritated (see mildly irritating thread) by having to trundle over to my ward to attend a consultation event whilst supposedly on turned out to be very pleasant. Beautiful sunshine, a chance to sashay about in my favourite long linen skirt and some khaki pumps (uk def. of pumps. bit like tennis shoes) and bumped into a couple of constituents I haven't seen in a few weeks. Was nice to catch up and Jill had some really nice photos with her of the community farm which used to be on the site (about twenty years ago). Having spent about half an hour there I headed off into town to take my election returns (expenses) into the office and that put me in town on a lovely sunny day an hour before shops shut and in no rush :)

I need some new boots, I need some new jeans.....I wanted Dr Who books. So, am now home with new Dr Who books, sunlight streaming in through the window, a smoke in one hand, a Budwaar in the other and nothing to do this evening and all day tomorrow but chill :)

Sundae 06-04-2008 07:04 PM

Just back from seeing Derren.
It was amazing!

I was picked as one of the people in the Oracle section of the show and interviewed on camera after, so if they use tonight's filming I will be on tv around about Christmas. Yay me!

Even with that aside, it was a wonderful night. We had such good seats (4 rows back and on the aisle) and could see every detail. What he does, he does so well - so slick. He's quite smug, but I find that attractive in a man! Very yummy. Gay, but yummy.

Even though I knew some of what was coming up he still made me gasp with astonishment. I have no idea how he does most of it, and I don't want to. I just enjoyed the spectacle.

Oh and as the Oracle he told me I should get another cat. That's that sorted then!

DanaC 06-04-2008 07:12 PM

Sundae, if Derren says you should get a cat, then you'd better get a cat. He knows.....stuff.

Sundae 06-07-2008 04:49 AM

Monkey Faced Spawn of Satan - aka Diz - woke me at 07.00.
Cheers babba, my only day off.

But he's asleep in his bedski now, I am surfing the net and fully intend to go back to sleep - languorously, luxuriantly - in about 5 minutes.

Night night people.

TheMercenary 06-07-2008 02:10 PM

I just scored 4 tickets to Dave Mathews Band.

xoxoxoBruce 06-07-2008 04:32 PM

That ought to get you laid. DM is a great aphrodisiac for chicas.

TheMercenary 06-07-2008 05:32 PM

Yea, I took my son last year for his senior gift, this year I am taking momma. :D

sweetwater 06-08-2008 03:37 PM

We offered a guy a place to stay until he could find his own digs. That was the end of February. He is leaving today. Today! Ain't nobody happier than sweetwater right now.:D

Cicero 06-08-2008 04:23 PM

I went dog shopping at the shelter today! Yea!! I think I want a herding dog. As it will be more likely to stay on the property because they feel responsible for it. It's really hard to not walk out with 4 dogs. But I was a good potential owner and know I am not ready as I don't even have dog food yet. I think I know which little critter is going to go with me! Hope it won't be too long!

Downside: My husband wanted me to ask the shelter if I could leave with a dog to see how it reacts to someone elses dog on the property, and an open door to take it back immediately. Immediate arguement right at the shelter. My husband seems to be railing against the idea of a dog, and it is manifesting in many ways. He doesn't like animals as much as I do. I think it isn't healthy for me to not have a pet (dog person). I guess this is the beginning of the dogfight. (darned humans)

If we get a dog we aren't taking it back for any reason. Which is the reason you would train it and choose wisely in the first place. I don't know how many ways to spell that out for him. It's just cruel to choose a dog and give it home, then decide it isn't the one for you. To me you should make a choice and stick with it. Be responsible. My door has never served as a rotating door for pets and never will. I don't just get rid of dogs. Hell I lived with a dog as a kid that was a bighter. We still loved the dog. It was just a crazy dalmatian and no one ever for an instant, thought of taking it to the pound. It was like the other members of the family.

As soon as you decide on the dog, it's family. That's how I see it. I guess I'm naive about how the rest of the world works and how disposable things can be if you let people get away with it.

I'm still happy! I think I found a good doggy! She's a sweet little thing! What a sweetheart!

HungLikeJesus 06-08-2008 04:39 PM

Cicero, our neighbors on both sides each have two Australian Shepards.

One set lives in a yard that is well fenced, but they bark and dig all day. I can't enjoy being in my own yard because every time I go outside they continuously bark at me. This has become more of an issue since I've been working mostly from home.

The second set frequently escapes. They like to chase cars and will stand in front of the car as if herding it. They also harass anyone walking, running or biking in the neighborhood, nipping and barking, one on each side. I almost smashed one with a large rock when it came running at me in my own yard. It veered away at the last second.

I don't think I would own a herding dog unless I was home most of the day to keep them in check.

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