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lookout123 05-13-2008 11:48 AM

wow. I'm totally jealous. I've considered ditching my FJ for something that won't cost as much in fuel department.

Shawnee123 05-13-2008 12:00 PM

Still happy from graduation ceremony Friday. The faculty/administrative staff leaves the ceremony before the graduated students. On my way out, I heard a couple voices yell "Thank you (Shawnee!)" I turned and looked and it was this young married couple I have been helping for the last few years. They worked hard and made it and to be thanked like that was more than I could ask for, and more than upper management would ever acknowledge. I will float by on that for at least a couple months. :)

HungLikeJesus 05-13-2008 12:48 PM

It's perfect snow-man making weather. We have about 6 or 8 inches of wet heavy snow on the ground, and it's still coming down. The tree branches are loaded and I see an occasional avalanche drop in front of my window.

Of course, I'm sitting in my (home) office working, and am not outside playing. Maybe I'll go out at lunch and throw some snowballs at the neighbor's dogs.

Sundae 05-13-2008 01:00 PM

1 Attachment(s)

It's super duper hot here (won't last)
So I've just bought myself a cute little dress off eBay

Am already training my ankles for heels - then I'll have to break in each individual pair (lots of blisters, bleeding, scabs, sigh)
Even with all those I gave to charity when I moved I still have at least three pairs that will look great with this!

DanaC 05-13-2008 03:20 PM

That's very you, sundae!

kerosene 05-13-2008 04:42 PM

That is adorable, Sundae! It will look great on you.

BigV 05-15-2008 11:35 AM

NORTHBOUND pdf file!!!!!!!!!

:does happy dance:

Shawnee123 05-15-2008 12:35 PM

Starting next week, the campus will be closed on Fri, Sat and Sun throughout summer. This is supposed to save costs. We will still be getting our hours in, but it will be difficult to do the extra hours we are used to since the day will already be 10 hours and there will be no popping in on the weekend to catch up. When they say closed they mean NO access. I can't work from home like some because 1) I don't have internet 2) DOE software could not be installed at home and 3) We're not allowed to lug SSNs around.

But, we will have 3 day weekends every weekend until August, and we will actually have a 4 day weekend for Memorial Day and the Fourth of July.

The days will seem long but I think it will be great. We will also save on gas and I don't have to figure out clothing rotations for an extra day each week. ;)

HungLikeJesus 05-15-2008 12:40 PM

That's great Shawnee, though I guess you'll only be here four days per week then? If you're not here on Fridays then I won't be here either.

Shawnee123 05-15-2008 12:41 PM


Yeah, I was thinking I heard a collective sigh of relief from Dwellars and a "Can't wait for Friday" rejoicing sound.


elSicomoro 05-15-2008 01:05 PM

This was the day before I traded in my Malibu, when it hit 100,000 miles. I finally learned how to take a video on my phone and get it into YouTube:

What can I say? I'm retarded.

Sundae 05-15-2008 07:48 PM

The return of the Wolf.
Welcome back.

HungLikeJesus 05-16-2008 10:37 AM

I might actually have high speed internet by this afternoon (after living with dial-up for the last thousand years).

BigV 05-16-2008 04:31 PM

:heartpump :heartpump :heartpump Tink!!! :heartpump :heartpump :heartpump

SteveDallas 05-16-2008 06:38 PM

How come? She finally let you install that electric griddle in the backyard pool?

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