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monster 05-27-2014 10:47 PM

Congrats, UT :D

BigV 05-28-2014 02:16 AM


Originally Posted by monster (Post 899919)

Beest's sister lives there.

Does she or her neighbors sound like Kelly?

Sundae 05-28-2014 09:42 AM

V I love you more than ever.
I found myself sounding like Kelly after a Misfits marathon. But then I'd been prepped by living in Leicester after all.

I'll probably go home sounding like Compo these days..

Anyway, what made me happy yesterday was meeting up with the Dana in Leeds.
She'd had a rubbish morning, so I tried my best to improve her afternoon. She certainly improved mine.
The weather was patchy, so although we had a brief wander, what we did more of was sitting indoors, eating and talking.
I was having a (not unusual) crisis of confidence, and instead of slapping me about the chops, Dana was kind and complimentary and made me feel bettered.

Photos will follow at some point I guess. I have so many to post though.
Dana balked at taking a pic of me with a replica of a terracotta warrior fondling my breast.
Well I thought it was funny anyway.
If you ask her nicely she might even post the alternative one she took, which was much more proper.

xoxoxoBruce 05-28-2014 04:29 PM


Originally Posted by footfootfoot (Post 899917)
Billy was a dwellar from China who posted frequently then went to ground.

After working in Shanghai, and a couple spots in Europe, he's in Germany now. Takes every opportunity to go sightseeing with week long and weekend trips.

infinite monkey 05-28-2014 04:39 PM

Today: playing all day with my 2 1/2 year old great-niece and my 8 week old new niece puppy... a 'silver' Labrador Retriever. OMG they're both so funny. And I am worn out and old. ;)

infinite monkey 05-28-2014 05:09 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Introducing R0XIE:

DanaC 05-28-2014 05:56 PM

Awwwwwww. Oh she's adorable! Is that her puppeh pen I see in the background?

infinite monkey 05-28-2014 06:14 PM

Hee. No actually that's my great-nieces foldy uppy princess house.

They're gonna be great pals! :)

Thanks Dana!

footfootfoot 05-28-2014 07:30 PM


Originally Posted by xoxoxoBruce (Post 899981)
After working in Shanghai, and a couple spots in Europe, he's in Germany now. Takes every opportunity to go sightseeing with week long and weekend trips.

Good to hear!

Griff 05-29-2014 05:42 AM


Carruthers 06-01-2014 03:08 PM

Runner Beans
I constructed the bamboo cane framework and planted the Runner Beans this evening.

It isn't a masterclass in geometric perfection, but I did it for the beans and not for the benefit of passing structural engineers.:):):)

limey 06-01-2014 03:13 PM

Yay, Carruthers! I'm sure the beans will thank you in their own little way!

Sent by thought transference

wolf 06-01-2014 09:35 PM

I've been off since last weekend, which was my regular weekend off. I took off because I was at a training for three days this week. I took Monday off because I didn't want to be up all night before having to go to the class at 8am. Then I decided that taking the rest of the week, including my regular weekend to work off, would be a good idea.

So today I was reflecting on how I managed not to do one productive thing these last couple days, and that I would have to go back to work and ... suddenly realized that I don't work the Monday after my weekend on and ... that's TOMORROW.

Another day of completely lazy slacking!

(okay, I did something, just not terribly productive. I tried to sort some of my google drive documents into folders.)

xoxoxoBruce 06-01-2014 11:15 PM

Hey, consistency should be recognized and rewarded too. :elkgrin:

Griff 06-02-2014 05:43 AM

We had a newbie beekeeper challenge over the weekend. Minutes before we went out to add deeps to both hives Lil' Pete looks out the window and asks, "Are those your bees?" A cloud of bees were in the air. One hive swarmed meaning the old queen and about half the workers took off. The other half of the workers stayed in the hive to raise a new queen. I found the swarm on the ground. They had flattened some weed the queen landed on. We carefully scooped them into a cardboard box with a brood frame from the other hive. Pete's gonna pick up a hive box tonight and we'll attempt an install. If it works out, we'll have three hives!

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