The Cellar

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limey 12-30-2014 03:49 PM


Sent by thought transference

Clodfobble 12-30-2014 03:50 PM

Sure, Nirvana, it couldn't hurt. I wouldn't hang it on the wall or anything, but there's nothing wrong with discreetly having it on file, for the next time promotions come around.

Nirvana 12-30-2014 11:07 PM

Thanks Limey and CF. I am in unfamiliar territory.

xoxoxoBruce 12-31-2014 09:14 AM


Originally Posted by Clodfobble (Post 917705)
Sure, Nirvana, it couldn't hurt. I wouldn't hang it on the wall or anything, but there's nothing wrong with discreetly having it on file, for the next time promotions come around.

Promotions? Supervision? You might have a tough time there, because you don't seem to be able to get your head around the defeatist/victim mentality of some people. It's good not to have it, but you must understand it in order to deal with those people and retain your sanity. Their lack of logic will make your head spin.

Oh, and if you move up the corporate ladder everyone will be speculating who you slept with to get there. Sometimes it's good to be a mere peon. :lol2:
Seriously though, you go girl.

Nirvana 12-31-2014 10:22 AM


Originally Posted by xoxoxoBruce (Post 917765)
because you don't seem to be able to get your head around the defeatist/victim mentality of some people. It's good not to have it, but you must understand it in order to deal with those people and retain your sanity. Their lack of logic will make your head spin.

Seriously though, you go girl.

You know my secret! ;)

classicman 12-31-2014 09:04 PM


Beautiful girls griff. Good genes. Happy ho ho ho.

BigV 12-31-2014 09:30 PM

I am happy!

Today the shop crossed the $1,000,000 sales threshold.

But even better, we got to close after that goal was met.

Then, I went to the store and got groceries for dinner tonight. Twill is on her way and I'm making sirloin steak, with sauteed mushrooms and onions, roasted potatoes, steamed artichokes with hollandaise, and caesar salad. I've already opened the bar with a bourbon on the ROUND rock (singular). Later, we'll have a nice Shiraz with dinner. What happens after that can only be better.


Griff 12-31-2014 09:32 PM


Originally Posted by classicman (Post 917813)

Beautiful girls griff. Good genes. Happy ho ho ho.

Thanks dude.

BigV 12-31-2014 09:43 PM

Griff, you have such a lovely family. And they have a fine, capable, talented, devoted, competent father and husband. No wonder life's good in Griffotopia.


Griff 01-01-2015 08:11 AM


xoxoxoBruce 01-01-2015 11:53 AM

What V said is all true, and you may be slightly embarrassed by the accolades, but this doesn't negate your annoyances or right to bitch about them. Rag on, rag on!! :D

DanaC 01-01-2015 04:04 PM


Originally Posted by xoxoxoBruce (Post 917631)
Ahem... thesis. :rtfm:


No but yeah, but no but yeah...

I'm on it. Was working at it from 9am to 8pm today with two breaks to walk the dog.

xoxoxoBruce 01-01-2015 10:12 PM

1 Attachment(s)
You go, Doctor Dani...

orthodoc 01-02-2015 10:10 PM

Keep at it, Dani, you'll do it ... a page, a para, a citation at a time.

It seems it'll never be done, and then at last, it's done ...
You'll get there. Keep on, you're almost there.

Gravdigr 01-05-2015 01:22 PM

1 Attachment(s)
I got a Survival Kit last night. From a femalegirlwoman.

Attachment 50025


The Survival Kit

A stick of gum, to remind you to stick with it;
A Kiss, to remind you that you are loved;
A match, to light your fire when you feel burned out;
A Tootsie Roll, to remind you not to bite off more than you can chew;
A Smartie, to help you on those days when you don't feel so smart;
A Starburst, to give you a burst of energy when you don't have any;
A Snickers, to remind you to take time to laugh;
A bag, to help you keep it together, and give you food for thought;
And, most importantly, a candle, to remind you that you can brighten up someone's day.

xoxoxoBruce 01-05-2015 01:33 PM

That must have made your day, Grav.

DanaC 01-05-2015 01:39 PM

That's awesome Grav ;lol.

Re: Doctor Dani - not quite yet. It all kind of collapsed and went into meltdown this morning - a little under two days working, without a break and without sleep and it wasn't ready - I had a computer mishap and lost two current chapters - not entirely, I had the previous versions but had to start reconstructing and redoing - and then the thesis template was a nightmare and ate my graphs and tables then spewed them back out in a random fashion - so the had to go etc. etc.

So, there I was an hour away from the last possible time that i could email a copy to the printers, and I had no finished conclusion, no graphs and tables, no acknowledgement page or contents, virtually no bibliography and a bunch of missing footnotes that I'd spent hours sorting out before losing the work.

Thankfully my supervisor is awesome and even more thankfully was answering his emails straight away. I mailed him to warn him that i was essentially submitting a partially complete thesis (better to hand in something incomplete than not hand in anything at all). He got straight onto the exam people and next thing I know he's sorting out a 2 week extension.

Still a fair old whack of work to do - but doable and I'll be handing in a thesis that better reflects the amount of work I have put in :P

Currently on 273 pages. Gonna have to tighten up a bit to get the bibliography and tables in without going over the 300 page limit :)

Am now feeling really upbeat - but drained. almost 2 full days mainlining coffee and baileys (:p) and staring at screen and books and papers.
I'm having the evening off. And I am going to turn off the comp and giove my eyes a rest so I can hit it fresh tomorrow morning :)

I came in here though because I wanted to say how happy my dwellar friends make me. I swear to dog, you guys keep me borderline sane.

lumberjim 01-05-2015 01:42 PM

That's nice, Diggr

made me a little happy too

glatt 01-05-2015 01:43 PM


Originally Posted by DanaC (Post 918201)
TAnd I am going to turn off the comp and giove my eyes a rest so I can hit it fresh tomorrow morning :)


Don't get sucked in to anything. Go to bed early. Hit this in the morning with fresh eyes and a clear head.

DanaC 01-05-2015 01:53 PM

Bingo. I figured I'd nip in here and touch base (fnarr fnarr) and also thank bruce for being awesome and kind and thoughtful. And now I am switching the computer off :) I have a date with a sofa, some salmon paste sandwiches (childhood favourite = comfort food) and a very beardie dog.


Lola Bunny 01-05-2015 03:18 PM


Originally Posted by Gravdigr (Post 918196)
I got a Survival Kit last night. From a femalegirlwoman.



Gravdigr 01-05-2015 05:07 PM


Originally Posted by xoxoxoBruce (Post 918198)
That must have made your day, Grav.

Li'l bit.

Be better if she'd made my night.


Gravdigr 01-05-2015 05:08 PM


Originally Posted by DanaC (Post 918208)
I have a date with a sofa, some salmon paste sandwiches (childhood favourite = comfort food) and a very beardie dog.

You. Kinky. Heifer.


Carruthers 01-06-2015 05:49 AM


Originally Posted by Gravdigr (Post 918196)
...a femalegirlwoman.

It is my considered opinion that they are the best sort. ;)

Gravdigr 01-06-2015 09:43 AM


Undertoad 01-14-2015 04:44 PM

I have a great podiatrist. He knows his stuff inside out, follows the latest findings, treats the whole patient, and has a remarkable attitude.

If my feet eventually improve to the point where I don't need him, I'm going to injure them again so I can keep seeing him every 6 weeks.

footfootfoot 01-14-2015 05:04 PM

I had an oral surgeon like that, eventually I ran out of wisdom teeth. He was awesome.

BigV 01-14-2015 09:04 PM

that was unwise, footfootfoot.

Griff 01-15-2015 06:23 AM

My regular Doc is one of those guys, you just want to check in with him to see what's going on. He resides in a sweet spot between Orthodox Christianity and hippyland. Just a cool dude and smrt.

footfootfoot 01-15-2015 08:26 AM


Originally Posted by BigV (Post 919191)
that was unwise, footfootfoot.

Apparently my decision making gradually declined.

BigV 01-15-2015 10:12 AM


Originally Posted by footfootfoot (Post 919235)
Apparently my decision making gradually declined.

You've dispensed wisdom in the past, and now you're saying it's all been extracted?

infinite monkey 01-15-2015 11:27 AM

Nephew Dog
My nephew dog was the dog o' the day on a local station this morning.

He was also featured on the Ducks Unlimited website in a different photo of him with the geese my brother and his buddies hunted.

He's also a therapy dog, goes into nursing homes and such.

We all pretty much love this dog. :D

footfootfoot 01-15-2015 11:29 AM


Originally Posted by BigV (Post 919245)
You've dispensed wisdom in the past, and now you're saying it's all been extracted?

Indeed. And to what impact?

footfootfoot 01-15-2015 11:31 AM


Originally Posted by infinite monkey (Post 919257)
My nephew dog was the dog o' the day on a local station this morning.

He was also featured on the Ducks Unlimited website in a different photo of him with the geese my brother and his buddies hunted.

He's also a therapy dog, goes into nursing homes and such.

We all pretty much love this dog. :D

Who's a good boy?

infinite monkey 01-15-2015 11:31 AM

Him is....ess eee is!

glatt 01-15-2015 12:06 PM

Good boy, Jack!

limey 01-20-2015 05:00 PM

Nice chat with Sundae on the phone this evening.

Sent by thought transference

DanaC 01-21-2015 05:18 AM

Second day off in a row!

I was supposed to attend a work programme session this afternoon. But I have the lurgi - it descended on me yesterday. Now - this does not mean I am too ill to attend the appointment - but it does mean i sound uber croaky - and I do feel quite ropey. So I phoned and asked if it was possible to rearrange. I told said was going to cause problems then I'd come in today - but that I felt I would get much more from the coaching session if I wasn't slightly out of it and hopped up on lemsip - and didn't particularly want to pass this to everybody else. All of which is quite true.

What i didn't say was that since it is thick snow outside and still falling, i also really didn't fancy arsing about on buses.

So - she is reappointing *smiles* and I get the day off. hurrah.

Yesterday was my first day off since Boxing Day, and my first day off without the thesis hanging over me since early '14, lol.

At some point I need to deal with all the stuff I've not been dealing with until thesis completion. So - basically the various debts and people who are threatening to take me to court/cut off services etc for non-payment. But not today - in fact not til either Friday, if I can find the motivation, or Monday, whether I feel like it or not.

Griff 01-21-2015 06:14 AM

Enjoy the down day. :)

xoxoxoBruce 01-21-2015 11:56 AM

And you'll milk this for all it's worth, won't you. :lol2:

DanaC 01-21-2015 12:06 PM

It has been glorious. I must say:)

Also - it's really nice to see the snow and not feel panicked. For the last week there's been odd bits of snowfall, sticking a bitthen washing away, and predictions of heavy snow on the way. And each time it snowed I'd be praying we didn't get snowed in and the trains cancelled for Monday when I had to go hand in.

Now I'm looking at the whiteout outside my window and I don't care! Snow us in, see if i care :P

xoxoxoBruce 01-21-2015 02:59 PM

It's nice to not have pressure. Here they say snow tonight and maybe twice more before next week. I've got nowhere I have to be and it'll keep the whippersnappers off the lawn... except the ones that don't drive well. :haha:

orthodoc 01-21-2015 08:14 PM

The power just came back on.

Now I don't have to carry my elderly father on my back through the snowdrifts, to some warm haven. After working 12 hours because the resident forgot she was being paid to come in at 4:00. So, that qualifies for happyness. Now I can throw one last log on the fire and go to bed.

limey 01-22-2015 06:34 AM

Hope the resident doesn't get paid for the hours she didn't do.

Sundae 01-22-2015 01:06 PM

Alice fell down a rabbithole. Poor cow. She found oddities, dreams & delirium thanks to a mathematician's fevered brain.

I fell into the Cellar. My own poorly wired brain provided me with far stranger creatures than mice in pools of tears, Red Queens or walrus. But more than that, far more than that, the Cellar has given me an array of practical goods. Food. Transport. Internet access. Housing help. Holidays.

Some of this is down to the fact that this is an American board (so I said before and still believe) and y'all look out for your own, and those lucky enough to be adopted.

And definitely and very much recently down my fellow Brit-Dwellers who are my family in every way.

Carruthers 01-22-2015 01:17 PM


Originally Posted by Sundae (Post 919976)
Alice fell down a rabbithole. Poor cow. She found oddities, dreams & delirium....

...and absolutely no sign of the Health and Safety Executive. :D

glatt 01-22-2015 01:41 PM

"and in the end, the love you take is equal to the love you make''

You credit the Cellar, but you should credit yourself, Sundae. You're worth it.

chrisinhouston 01-23-2015 12:14 PM

3 Attachment(s)
I just sold something on Ebay for $2000!

For some time now I've been wanting to upgrade some of my camera gear and have been leaning towards a Sony a7R, a fantastic mirrorless camera with 36MP sensor and a host of other features. But my wife and I have an agreement that my addiction to camera gear should be a cost neutral as possible. I can get a used one in LN condition for around $1400 and I would probably get a few other things like the Canon lens adapter and the battery grip. Maybe eventually some Sony/Zeiss lenses.

So I made a difficult decision to sell an old family heirloom. My grandfather went out to China and I inherited many of the beautiful things he and my grandmother (she was born in China) had. One of them was a Mandarin robe worn by a civil servant, the robe is called a Pufu. The robe is polished black silk and has a rank badge on the front and back, the 5th level Silver Pheasant. You see these badges all the time on Ebay, some are real antiques and usually showing their age and others are complete knock offs from China claiming to be genuine. Sometimes you see real court style robes but I've only once seen a Pufu like mine.

So I put it up for auction on Wednesday night with a starting bid of $100 and a "buy it now" price of $2000. I set a reserve of $1200 hoping that if it got bit up to there it might reach $1500 or so by the end. So yesterday an Ebay user contacts me saying they will pay $1500 if I am interested. I responded in a nice way that I already set a "buy it now" price and he was welcome to bid on it anytime if that was too high. With in 20 minutes I got an email from Paypal saying I had just received $2000 a guy in Los Angeles with a confirmed Paypal account. He had a 100% + feedback score of 58 which isn't a lot but good enough and no negatives.

So today I packed it up carefully and sent it off. I hope my grandfather won't be saddened by my selling it. I had no way to display it and it has been stored in an old Chinese camphor wood chest to keep it safe for all these years since he got it in 1905.

Here are 2 pictures of it:

glatt 01-23-2015 01:13 PM


I'd heard that rich people in China were buying back all their national treasures from Americans.

There is an auction house by my office that I visit to inspect the stuff each Monday before the Tuesday auction. They always have the Asian stuff on display right by the front door.

chrisinhouston 01-23-2015 01:15 PM

Funny but the guy who bought it had a Chinese name and when I looked at some of his feedback history he had purchased items from sellers or ebay stores dealing in Chinese stuff. Maybe he will sell it for more, maybe he just wants to collect things like that. I figure it will get more use by someone else than our family. Other than my dad wearing it to a costume party back in then mid 60's it's been in storage!

footfootfoot 01-23-2015 01:40 PM

In less than two weeks I'll have my final dvrce papers to sign!

xoxoxoBruce 01-23-2015 01:51 PM

Damn, that's gorgeous! But it would be hard to display, and would be a travesty to wear it, even for special occasions. I wonder if it had been used before Granddad got it, it looks like it's mint. If it makes it's way back to China that's fine, you got two grand for storage.

The only question I have is, after seeing your photographs for a couple years, what the hell do you need "better" equipment for? :haha:

glatt 01-23-2015 02:11 PM

Congratulations Foot!

xoxoxoBruce 01-23-2015 02:45 PM

Oh, foots slipped in while I wasn't paying attention. Yes, congratulations, it's one of the mile markers we look forward to on the journey. Time to figure out what's next because it can be an emotional crash, after waiting and waiting for it, then not knowing what direction you're going.

DanaC 01-23-2015 03:15 PM

Wow, that came around fast, foots.

Sundae 01-23-2015 03:33 PM

I was the one who left my husband, and the marriage was unsalvageable (my bad, I shouldn't ever have said yes) but when my divorce papers came through it still hurt. If it was up to me, I'd still be married on paper, I just never would have got round to sorting out the formalities.
The surname you know me by (those of you that know it I mean) is his.

I'm glad it's different for you, Foot.

Clodfobble 01-24-2015 07:48 AM

My youngest has finally figured out how to entertain herself when she first wakes up in the morning, and I am routinely sleeping past 6:15 on weekends for the first time in almost 9 years.

classicman 01-24-2015 11:52 AM


chrisinhouston 01-24-2015 03:56 PM

Just got a check in the mail from the valet parking service that damaged the roof rack on my Land Rover when they tried to fit in in the garage. That was just after I turned it over to the attendant and pointed out it had to go in the oversize lot!

The roof rack was just a bit scratched up but they admitted the damage was their fault and told me to get an estimate from a body shop. I took it to one near my and the adjuster said they couldn't repair the roof rack as it wasn't original equipment but did notice a dent in my roof and some scratches and some of plastic trim was cracked. I didn't say anything but that happened last year while I was off roading! The valet service said to send in the estimate and to just send in wep pages with the roof rack parts that showed prices and I did.

Got the check today for $3244.57!!!!:D:D:D:D:D

Sadly, my wife says she needs about $1000 of that for bills that are due.... guess that's how it goes! :rolleyes:

Going to buy a new laptop that is pretty much for high end photo and video editing.

Griff 01-24-2015 05:09 PM

15 miles of downhill skiing today. still buzzing

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