The Cellar

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squirell nutkin 07-26-2010 09:11 PM

Shooted, shooted. At least according to my kid.

monster 07-26-2010 09:19 PM

That makes me sad. I still want to see a live 'dillo in the wild. Only seen roadkill so far. And ones in zoos in the UK.

DucksNuts 07-27-2010 05:58 AM

Second phone interview for a new job went well, I think I will have a face to face next week :)

Trilby 07-27-2010 06:40 AM

Leaving for Maine on Friday.

glatt 07-27-2010 07:18 AM


Originally Posted by Brianna (Post 672956)
Leaving for Maine on Friday.



Griff 07-27-2010 07:43 AM


Originally Posted by glatt (Post 672959)



We fenced the Keystone games over the weekend. Lil' Pete brought home two golds and her old man got a silver, a bronze, and a foil rating. I am just now in a happy place about this because my lack of foresight (I didn't eat right and bonked) cost me better finishes. Even with that, I fenced a couple beautiful bouts this weekend.

xoxoxoBruce 07-27-2010 09:18 AM

Kudos, Griff.:D

Lamplighter 07-27-2010 10:21 AM

1 Attachment(s)
We put in a path several years ago and and a few of these sprouted up from nowhere.
They are spreading naturally along the path, and bloom out in late July.

It's always better when you get something for free.

Griff 07-27-2010 12:32 PM

I transplanted some roadside tiger lillies in the yard that have really thrived. Free is a nice price.

glatt 07-27-2010 12:37 PM

tiger lillies do well

squirell nutkin 07-27-2010 04:46 PM

yes, thank god they aren't weeds.

limey 07-27-2010 05:47 PM


Originally Posted by Lamplighter (Post 673020)
We put in a path several years ago and and a few of these sprouted up from nowhere.
They are spreading naturally along the path, and bloom out in late July.

It's always better when you get something for free.

We call these montbretia ...

Lamplighter 07-27-2010 06:30 PM


Originally Posted by limey (Post 673103)
We call these montbretia ...

Thx for giving a name.

Just did a Google and found them on EBay @ about $1 - $2 per bulb !
We must be rich, and to think I've been keeping them in check with the lawnmower !

Griff 07-28-2010 06:48 AM


Originally Posted by squirell nutkin (Post 673096)
yes, thank god they aren't weeds.

Weeds is such an ugly bigoted word... did you know it is derived from the word weed a term of endearment? The more you know.

Lamplighter 07-28-2010 12:16 PM

Clodfobble 08-02-2010 03:04 PM

Today I caulked the bathroom sink (it's been completely uncaulked since we installed it over a year ago,) then re-caulked the kitchen sink and backsplash while I was at it.

It feels so good to accomplish something that no one can eat, break, or get dirty again in the next few hours. This has made me realize just how much I need more non-cyclical tasks in my day.

glatt 08-02-2010 03:25 PM

You should build a boat...

Clodfobble 08-02-2010 03:31 PM


Originally Posted by Clodfobble
This has made me realize just how much I need more free non-cyclical tasks in my day.


classicman 08-02-2010 03:39 PM


Originally Posted by glatt (Post 674048)
You should build a boat...


lookout123 08-04-2010 12:12 PM

I didn't have to kill a man today. Seriously.

I stopped at Subway this morning and it was crazy busy. Long story short is the guy in front of me was a complete nutjob. He was holding up the line, chewing out the poor girls trying to make his multiple sandwiches, and purposely blocking the aisle so people couldn't get around him. The whole time he is swearing and scaring the shit out of the counter girls.

I stood back quietly just watching the whole scene unfold but figuring it was best if the douchebag was just allowed to be a douche and leave on his own. Then some guy behind me with his kids tells him to quit "being a dick". Douchebag screams a bit more then storms out. Everyone nervously chuckles and continues about their business until douchebag opens the door and comes in with a baseball bat raised.

I decided before I ever started carrying a gun I don't want anyone to know I have it until they hear the bang. It is a good rule for a number of reasons, and I stand by it. Today I broke that rule. Before he got all the way in I was able to hit him with a knee strike throwing him off balance while I drew my gun. Rather than pull the trigger as I was prepared to do, I commanded him to get on the floor or I would fire. I was very pleasantly surprised to see him do so immediately.

The police were there within minutes and took some statements. Douchebag left in handcuffs and I am back at my desk a bit shaky and with an understandable loss of appetite, but happy in the outcome of situation.

I think I might splurge for a starbucks this afternoon.

Griff 08-04-2010 12:36 PM

Whoa! Crazy. Did you get a satisfying crunch outa that knee? I'm glad you were there.

Nirvana 08-04-2010 01:08 PM

Holy douchebag Batman! :eek: I would need a shot of crown not a starbucks! :)

lookout123 08-04-2010 01:26 PM

No, no crunching at all. It wasn't like the movies where I would have made some heroic badass jason bourne type move. I saw him coming and just drove my left foot into his knee then backpedaled while drawing so I'd be out of his range if he attacked.

He'll be bruised and have some legal problems but that's it.

HungLikeJesus 08-04-2010 01:31 PM

Wow! Superlookout. Well done. I hope the Subway people gave you a free sandwich or something.

Clodfobble 08-04-2010 02:20 PM

Way to go, Lookout! The manager ought to put your picture on the wall.

xoxoxoBruce 08-04-2010 02:29 PM

You look enough like a cop to make him think twice. Screw Starbucks go back to Subway and bask.;)

skysidhe 08-04-2010 11:23 PM

I never heard anyone ever tell a citizens arrest story with OR without using a legal handgun. :eek:

I am glad you and everyone's ok lookout.

glatt 08-05-2010 09:58 AM

Yeah, I'm glad you were there to save the day. Great job!

classicman 08-05-2010 11:45 AM

So you are eating for free at Subway for how long?

Good job.

Sundae 08-05-2010 12:03 PM

Bloody hell Lookout.
You terrify me.

[takes a deep breath]
Yeah mine is pretty pedestrian after that. But then I'd have been in shock for days rather than happy, so it's horses for courses.

I saw one of my favourite children in the library today.
I saw her desk-mate on the bus a week ago. And seeing her today was like getting a pair in cards. Both were delighted to see me and went out of their way to tell me what they were doing. The girl I saw today is also a staffroom favourite - she is kind, considerate, well-mannered, not at the top of the class but with a balanced intelligence across the subjects and neat and meticulous with it. It's too early to tell, but if she carries on as she is, she'll be Head Girl some day.

I almost hoped to still be job-seeking in September so I can be back in the same school.
But I know I'd warm to the children wherever I worked.
But just imagine... if I could be paid for it? How wonderful. It's keeping the stars apart :)

Pico and ME 08-05-2010 12:20 PM

I love that phrase.

lookout123 08-05-2010 12:56 PM


Originally Posted by Sundae Girl (Post 674698)
Bloody hell Lookout.
You terrify me.

[takes a deep breath]
Yeah mine is pretty pedestrian after that. But then I'd have been in shock for days rather than happy, so it's horses for courses.

I saw one of my favourite children in the library today.
I saw her desk-mate on the bus a week ago. And seeing her today was like getting a pair in cards. Both were delighted to see me and went out of their way to tell me what they were doing. The girl I saw today is also a staffroom favourite - she is kind, considerate, well-mannered, not at the top of the class but with a balanced intelligence across the subjects and neat and meticulous with it. It's too early to tell, but if she carries on as she is, she'll be Head Girl some day.

I almost hoped to still be job-seeking in September so I can be back in the same school.
But I know I'd warm to the children wherever I worked.
But just imagine... if I could be paid for it? How wonderful. It's keeping the stars apart :)

No need to be afraid. Aside from my obviously racist and evil political, religious, and social beliefs I'm actually a fairly nice guy. ;)

Your happy story is truly happy though. I love when kids I've coached go out of their way to stop me at the mall or when we're out to dinner. It's nice to know you matter to someone who doesn't rely on you to survive.

classicman 08-05-2010 02:11 PM


Originally Posted by Sundae Girl (Post 674698)
...she'll be Head Girl some day.


Yznhymr 08-05-2010 03:09 PM

Got a new puppy. That makes me very happy. :D

classicman 08-05-2010 03:56 PM

pics Pics PICS PICS REQUIRED of teh nu puppeh

ZenGum 08-05-2010 11:46 PM

I'm a bit late, but ... Lookout, you rock. Gun or no gun, that was a very brave and noble thing to do.

And just to be a dick, I'm going to advocate bat control. Clearly, the USA needs to restrict access to baseball bats. Aluminum bats should be banned altogether! No one should be able to own more than two bats, and you should need a permit to carry one in public...

Aliantha 08-05-2010 11:50 PM

I don't think that's the answer. I think we should just clone lookout so we can put multiple lookouts on every street. That way nothing will ever get out of hand.

lookout123 08-06-2010 10:58 AM

The problem with that idea is that at my core I'm an overly competitive dick. If you clone me then surely my clones will get out of control and have their own little arms race shooting, at eachother from their respective corners.

Yznhymr 08-06-2010 03:11 PM

2 Attachment(s)

Originally Posted by classicman (Post 674761)
pics Pics PICS PICS REQUIRED of teh nu puppeh

Ay, ya, ya! How rude of me! Here are two pics for your enjoyment! I love his Ernest Borgnine eyebrows!

Undertoad 08-06-2010 03:30 PM


Aliantha 08-07-2010 06:05 AM


Originally Posted by lookout123 (Post 674843)
The problem with that idea is that at my core I'm an overly competitive dick. If you clone me then surely my clones will get out of control and have their own little arms race shooting, at eachother from their respective corners.

Yes but that's ok. While that was happening, all the other violent pricks in the world would get in on the act too...effectively taking them out of 'real world' play!

It's genious I tell ya!

sweetwater 08-10-2010 06:35 AM

I found and loaded some word games for my Kindle. That will be a nice break from straight reading on an upcoming long, long flight. Added a few more books, too.

sweetwater 08-10-2010 06:40 AM

Happy, and proud, of my sister and niece who completed the Susan G. Komen 3-Day for the Cure 60 mile marathon in Chicago. WTG, ladies!

Pete Zicato 08-11-2010 10:08 AM


Originally Posted by sweetwater (Post 675523)
Happy, and proud, of my sister and niece who completed the Susan G. Komen 3-Day for the Cure 60 mile marathon in Chicago. WTG, ladies!

In this weather? Well done, them.

classicman 08-11-2010 11:07 AM


TheMercenary 08-11-2010 06:07 PM

My last child leaves for college in the am.

Lamplighter 08-11-2010 06:43 PM

A lifetime milestone... Congrats

But a difficult transition for Moms.

TheMercenary 08-11-2010 06:51 PM

Yea, she is struggling with it. Stressful for her. Me, I am happy for my dau because I have done my job based on the fact that she is ready to go.

classicman 08-11-2010 08:45 PM

congrats and condolences.

Shawnee123 08-12-2010 01:52 PM

Liars getting caught lying again! It's fun to watch, and chock full of vitamins!

zippyt 08-12-2010 05:49 PM

The Big scale I had troubles trying to Adjust in on Monday ,
My Boss Said he and another tech were going to FIX it Yesterday ,
He got home around 9 Last nite ,
They made NO More Progress than I did ,

HA !!!

( But I Have to Go Back this Next Monday when parts come in to try again :( :right::mad:)

lookout123 08-12-2010 06:08 PM

My free sandwich.

Lamplighter 08-12-2010 08:25 PM

My youngest G-son starts his new (first, full-time) paying job tomorrow.

He has been diligent all summer looking for work, but high school Juniors are not so much in demand lately. Since he will be allowed part-time work when school starts again, he will at least have gas-money coming in on his own hook.

Go Max !

Trilby 08-12-2010 10:00 PM

Peanut M&Ms


HungLikeJesus 08-12-2010 11:06 PM


Originally Posted by lookout123 (Post 676168)
My free sandwich.

From Subway, I assume.

ZenGum 08-12-2010 11:51 PM


Originally Posted by HungLikeJesus (Post 676227)
From Subway, I assume.

One of these, I expect.

Yznhymr 08-13-2010 12:30 PM


Originally Posted by TheMercenary (Post 675903)
My last child leaves for college in the am.

:thumb2: COOL!
:beer: CHEERS!
:devil: TIME FOR PARENTS TO PARTY! <Where's our invite?>

Undertoad 08-13-2010 02:08 PM

I just got a nice contract to develop a web application for a netgas drilling operation's requisitions and purchasing system. It will be a great portfolio piece... as is the cellar, the field of 64, and the projects.

This furthers my goal to move from unemployment to self-employment.

Lamplighter 08-13-2010 02:24 PM

UT, Congratulations... I know the anxiety of contracting for software development.
It can be something of a feast or famine occupation.
But if you can hang in there thru the startup, it can be quite profitable.

Just be sure the words "Deep" and "Horizon" do not appear anywhere in your contracts. ;)

sweetwater 08-13-2010 02:25 PM

Very good news, Undertoad!

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