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Griff 10-08-2012 07:53 AM

Ali can control for that though. Just make sure the Australian equivalent of the Disney Channel is blocked so she isn't taught to be shallow teen at 5 years.

Clodfobble 10-08-2012 08:56 AM

It's not about being shallow, it's about the drama. As in, Minifobette has to put on her shoes because nobody loves her. And lunch is 5 minutes late because the world is a dark abyss. I'd blame the neurological probems, but I'm pretty sure that being a female between the ages of 3 and 15 is, in fact, a universal neurological problem. :)

Jaydaan 10-08-2012 10:14 AM

My oldest son and his girlfreind, her 2 yr old son are coming over for thanksgiving dinner tonight. The kids come over almost every other sunday, but most times the boy is at his dads. It is just so nice to see the child we were not sure would intgrate back into our lives on ANY level, is now doing so very well. He has held the same job for a year and a half, he lives with his girlfreind and her child. And now... they are expecting! I am so very proud of him.
I'm going to take the dogs for a long walk before they get here, so that Cameron can actually walk around hopefully, without getting knocked over to get kissed and sniffed by my boxers.

On the thanksgiving front: Turkey is ready to be stuffed and put in the roaster, ribs have marinated for 24 hrs and are ready to go out on the smoker. Cranberry sauce was made last night. Potatoes and carrots are peeled and waiting. Just have to do the broc, cheese sauce and gravy. I will be making a quick apple crisp as well. Kitchen is cleaned up already, and it is 8 am. I will have all day to spend with family, and look like a miracle worker when I say "dinner is ready". :)

BigV 10-08-2012 01:21 PM


Originally Posted by Griff (Post 833376)
Ali can control for that though. Just make sure the Australian equivalent of the Disney Channel is blocked so she isn't taught to be shallow teen at 5 years.

being vaccinated against Princessia is huuuuge.

BigV 10-08-2012 01:24 PM


Originally Posted by Jaydaan (Post 833389)
My oldest son and his girlfreind, her 2 yr old son are coming over for thanksgiving dinner tonight. The kids come over almost every other sunday, but most times the boy is at his dads. It is just so nice to see the child we were not sure would intgrate back into our lives on ANY level, is now doing so very well. He has held the same job for a year and a half, he lives with his girlfreind and her child. And now... they are expecting! I am so very proud of him.
I'm going to take the dogs for a long walk before they get here, so that Cameron can actually walk around hopefully, without getting knocked over to get kissed and sniffed by my boxers.

On the thanksgiving front: Turkey is ready to be stuffed and put in the roaster, ribs have marinated for 24 hrs and are ready to go out on the smoker. Cranberry sauce was made last night. Potatoes and carrots are peeled and waiting. Just have to do the broc, cheese sauce and gravy. I will be making a quick apple crisp as well. Kitchen is cleaned up already, and it is 8 am. I will have all day to spend with family, and look like a miracle worker when I say "dinner is ready". :)

!?!?!?! whaa????



Thanksgiving, or Thanksgiving Day (Canadian French: Jour de l'Action de grâce), occurring on the second Monday in October, is an annual Canadian holiday which celebrates the harvest and other blessings of the past year.[1]

On Thursday, January 31, 1957, the Canadian Parliament proclaimed:
“ A Day of General Thanksgiving to Almighty God for the bountiful harvest with which Canada has been blessed – to be observed on the 2nd Monday in October.
Blessed Thanksgiving, eh!

Clodfobble 10-08-2012 01:27 PM

This morning my first-grader taught me that we actually do celebrate Canadian Thanksgiving, we just call it Columbus Day instead.

infinite monkey 10-08-2012 01:31 PM

Barney Stinson: Did you just say Canadian Thanksgiving was, and I'm quoting, the "real Thanksgiving"? What do Canadians even have to celebrate "aboot"?
Robin Scherbatsky: Canadian Thanksgiving celebrates explorer Martin Frobisher's valiant yet ultimately unsuccessful attempt to find the northwest passage.
Barney Stinson: Why are you guys even a country?


infinite monkey 10-08-2012 01:44 PM

p.s. I kid Canada. Canada is cool. ;)

Sundae 10-08-2012 03:28 PM

Why is Canada called Canada?
Because there's nobody there.

monster 10-08-2012 03:52 PM

I am an expert in Canada because I can almost see it from my front porch, eh.

infinite monkey 10-08-2012 03:57 PM

Eh, yah. You live on a beauty view of one of the lakes, eh? Nah, you're farther inland; the lake is a couple clicks away, eh?

monster 10-08-2012 04:01 PM

I live by the beauty that is the Detroit River, which one could swim across to Windsor if it were not for the pollution. One could also take one's chances dodging cars on the Ambassador Bridge. I can definitely see Detroit's polution from here....

Lamplighter 10-08-2012 07:50 PM

In a family scrapbook, there's a 1940 picture of 5-yr old me at Boblo Island on the Detroit River.

There was a ferry ride out to the island and it's amusement rides,
but now, I guess, it's the only the for the landed gentry.

orthodoc 10-09-2012 06:14 AM

Canadian Thanksgiving, hooray! Getting to celebrate twice - what could be bad about that??

@Jaydaan, your feast sounds fabulous. I'm guessing there weren't many leftovers. :)

Trilby 10-09-2012 07:46 AM

I thought everybody celebrated Thanksgiving the Hobbit tradition of Second Breakfast.

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