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footfootfoot 10-09-2012 08:39 AM

Hobbit tradition?

Make Way For Ducklings:
...and they had a second breakfast better than the first.

glatt 10-09-2012 03:15 PM

I'm choosing to be happy about this. :)

We live in a great neighborhood. My wife just called me to let me know that she forgot to close the front door this morning, and it was wide open all day. She just got home and called me after checking the house and everything was fine. :facepalm:

Screen door was closed, but not locked. We have a mail slot in our front door, so the mail lady just dropped the mail on our living room rug since the door was wide open.:3_eyes:

I love my neighborhood.

footfootfoot 10-09-2012 03:47 PM

Where, exactly, did you say you live?


Aliantha 10-09-2012 08:18 PM

Eva has gained 470gms (that's about 1lb) since birth. She's not even 2 weeks old. She's a clever girl!

HungLikeJesus 10-09-2012 11:39 PM


Originally Posted by infinite monkey (Post 833422)
p.s. I kid Canada. Canada is cool. ;)

Were you not the one that said the 80s didn't reach Canada until the 90s? Or something... I know you said something.

infinite monkey 10-10-2012 08:19 AM

I was quoting from How I Met Your Mother: they always tease Robin for being Canadian. I love the humor, but I have nothing against Canada, eh? I'd like to visit, if I ever get out of this state again. In fact, I'd like to move there if Romney gets elected.

grumble grumble can't find the Canadian flag in the smilies.

Trilby 10-10-2012 08:22 AM


Originally Posted by infinite monkey (Post 833645)
grumble grumble can't find the Canadian flag in the smilies.

It's the one with the orange pot leaf on it.

would you move to French Canada or the bullshit Canada?

Lamplighter 10-10-2012 08:23 AM

:f32: :f32

infinite monkey 10-10-2012 08:32 AM


Originally Posted by Trilby (Post 833646)
It's the one with the orange pot leaf on it.

would you move to French Canada or the bullshit Canada?

Thanks lamp, I couldn't find it.

I don't know. I'd love Montreal, I'm sure...but right now being in the middle of nowhere sounds nice (think Northern Exposure..those people were all kind of laid back and weird and stuff, weren't they? Just the ticket!)


footfootfoot 10-10-2012 02:18 PM

Umm that would be the Alaskan part of Canada...

infinite monkey 10-10-2012 02:23 PM

Oh. Yeah, I never really watched the show. Close enough.

Thanks for checking in. Come back soon! ;)

Trilby 10-10-2012 02:37 PM

Don't go to Alaska. Truly.

Head for St. Edward's Island or some such - a place like where the Shipping News took place. My Pepere was originally from a very tiny town called Kamarouska. Sounds Russian for a French town, eh?

OH, I googled it.. It's Algonquin for where reeds meet the water or something.

Voted one of the most beautiful towns in Quebec. Not when Pepere was a little guy, though, I'll bet. He nearly starved to death.

He told me one winter they ate flour mixed with water and maybe an onion if they were lucky.

Aliantha 10-10-2012 09:50 PM

Today we received a lovely card from Sundae and also one from her Mum. Such a lovely surprise.

We've had so many lovely cards and small gifts for Eva. The generosity and care of the people in my life warms the cockles of my heart. Honestly. :)

Undertoad 10-10-2012 10:39 PM

They hate in Montreal, bunch of haters, they are all about the separating and the French speaking

It's all about the Vancouver these days

monster 10-10-2012 11:56 PM

Move to Windsor, Ontario, infi, we could do lunch......

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