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Sundae 05-13-2014 01:26 PM

Just waved Dani off on her bus.
Had to explain to here that she had pole position (upstairs, front seat). I think it comes under the heading of "Things Cherry has made up" along with all the various games I play.

Anyway, the girl did good.
Travelled for hours to come and clean my kitchen.
I'm in a far better place mentally and emotionally than when I moved in. Having the boy with me, and having worked my first shift at work have helped enormously. Slowly unpacking and piecemeal cleaning have also helped. Having someone come and roll their sleeves up helped even more. Oh, and medication of course.

Another mention for all the extraordinary help I've had from the Cellar.
I don't know whether Limey shared my response to my house-moving card/gift with those who contributed. I cried so hard I had to go to bed. Okay, a good cry was what I needed, but how wonderful to feel loved at a time when I really was at my most vulnerable and emotional.

I can never pay Limey back for the extraordinary kindness and organisation she showed in this most difficult of moves.
And the most wonderful thing is she doesn't think that way, and will probably welcome me into her house in January next year.
Oh and I had a nightmare that first night. Literally (by my definition). I was trying to scream in my dream, not entirely sure what noise I made in reality but it was enough for Limes to wake me up and reassure me I was safe. Priceless.

Dana too, who has rescued me enough times for it to be boring.
All I can say is when the zombie apocalypse comes I'm not leaving without her.

And everyone. Everyone on the Cellar.
If the wheel of fortune turns your way then it's probably coincidence, but it's certainly no more than you deserve. I don't wake up in a state of sheer distress every day just because of you. Thank you.

limey 05-13-2014 03:10 PM

Keep taking the tablets ;)
It was a pleasure to be able to share the start of your new adventure!

Aliantha 05-13-2014 06:03 PM

Glad things are looking up for you Sundae. Xx

Griff 05-14-2014 05:18 AM


Originally Posted by Sundae (Post 898980)
...but I get that she might not get that. If you get me.

This made me smile.

Carruthers 05-17-2014 03:48 AM

I finally managed to finish cultivating the vegetable patch. Hooray!

It is a task of time consuming drudgery which I put off if at all possible. Having managed to complete the first half a couple of weeks ago, I did the rest yesterday.
The interregnum was due to the weather changing. The local earth becomes cloying with just the slightest of rainfall, or is turned to concrete when the sun shines.
Having hacked the grass and weeds out of it with a mattock, I finished off the job with a rotary cultivator, which eases the pain.

If any Dwellar, resident in Pennsylvania, is reading this, please would you call in at the Mantis factory in Southampton and relay my grateful thanks to them for helping to ease this Englishman's pain!

ETA: It isn't a contender for the 'Tilth of the Year Award' but it's respectable enough and, what's more, it's finished! Praise the Lord.

xoxoxoBruce 05-20-2014 01:41 AM

You can thank them yourself right here. :D

Carruthers 05-20-2014 02:37 AM


Originally Posted by xoxoxoBruce (Post 899334)
You can thank them yourself right here. :D


Lola Bunny 05-21-2014 04:03 PM

I just got my new washer. Yay!!!! The old one broke 10 days ago. But now I've got to figure a way to bring it upstairs. Boo! Someone ordered it for me and dumped it in the courtyard. If I can't find 2 abled men by tomorrow, I'm gonna hire some Mexicans. :angry face: I would do it myself if I weren't so damn weak.

xoxoxoBruce 05-21-2014 06:07 PM

You only need one able bodied man... and the right incentive.;)

limey 05-22-2014 11:02 AM

But two is more fun, Bruce!

Sundae 05-22-2014 02:53 PM

New Summer clothes.
New to me anyway.
Hit the charity shops today.
When the sun came out last weekend I realised how little I had to wear in warm weather. I mean in a real Lady Godiva way. Got rid of my large Summer clothes in one of my pre-move purges. And if I still had them I wouldn't be able to wear them anyway, the skirts were literally falling off me.

So I got some nice new ice-cream colours in case the sun ever comes out on a day I'm not working again.
Not today.
Rain seems to be the default setting in Otley.

Also got a second hand copy of Game of Thrones.
It may have been an unwanted gift because it looks more lived in after I've had it half a day than it did when I bought it.
I've started my journey, people.
And as I know what happened to Sean Bean because of an interview he gave, I dont want to know which character he plays. Not all that hard to guess though... I will have to stay away from the thread from now on. The names will begin to mean more to me.

And again, so sorry for Mum, but bittersweet for me.
Had a letter from her saying again how she misses the way I calm her down and diffuse situations between her and Dad. Of course it only happened occasionally; most of the time I either hid or it backfired, making her even more angry. But she also added that I made her laugh every day. And that's not quite so wide of the mark.

Lola Bunny 05-23-2014 10:54 AM

Sundae: You know what they say, "You don't know what you have until it's gone." Your mom finally appreciates you and actually tells you. That's a good thing. I'm glad. :)

Bruce: I found two, and one of them actually knows how and connected the new washer for me too. :thumb2: And I didn't even have to offer incentives. :D

lumberjim 05-23-2014 11:21 AM

This made me happy when I found it hiding at the back of a row of black ones at target this morning:

Kind of mitigated when I got home to use it, and realized that I forgot staples. No starter strip in the package either, unfortunately. Oh well. This baby is coming to work with me today. I'll grab some there and bring the work one home.

Nirvana 05-23-2014 01:55 PM

My generator died almost 3 weeks ago and Sears sent it to be fixed. It had a 3yr warranty that cost me almost nothing. [YAY!] They called me this AM and decided they could not fix it and they are giving me a $599. credit towards a new one. [YAY!] The same model is now $120 more than my credited amount. The same warranty is now $109. Should I get the warranty too?

glatt 05-23-2014 02:10 PM

Sounds like with this generator, a warranty is a good idea.

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