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What a great picture! I think Spencer was pulling our leg.
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Well, I couldn't tell you the last time I had such a great time. We ran ...literally ran... from ride to ride in that last 2 hours. SOOOOO happy that I'm in good enough shape to keep up with them now. My shins hurt, and I'm friggin tired... but last year this time... nope.
PLUS! I wasn't too fat to fit on the cool rides like I used to be. I know that's fucking sad that I am happy about that... but... goddamn. I intend to make an October Hershey Park trip an annual event with my kids. This was BY FAR the best amusement park experience of my life. here's a picture taken at appx 2:30 pm. This is the Super Duper Looper line. Spencer wanted to try the last car ....this was the 3rd of 5 consecutive trips we took on this ride. (this was THE RIDE when I was a kid) |
Looks like a great day. You should be happy and proud that you can now do all this.
Fantastic Dood!
Here in the US, 1/4th lb cubes of butter are wrapped in waxed paper.
For 60+ years I have fought these wrappers every time I opened one. While doing so I've always wondered why professional cooks would put up with such an awkward wrapping. The wrapper is folded around the butter in such a way that it almost always tears, leaving pieces stuck to the cube. In my household, I get irritated when family members don't even bother to remove the paper. Instead they just dig it out of the wrapper as needed leaving the mess for someone else to fix. But, it's the small things that make you happy... This morning I discovered how to remove the paper quickly and easily - without touching the butter - and without tearing the paper !!! Maybe I'll publish a "How to" article in our local paper and tape it to the fridge. |
That's great LJ! And Lamplighter do tell! ;)
Lamplighter, professional cooks buy their butter in bulk. 2 pounds would be a small quantity, at one place I worked we got butter in 25 pound boxes and scooped it out as needed.
We order butter in two pound rolls from our co-op. Check out your local farms and see if they will sell you larger packages. We usually buy 20 or so pounds and freeze it. |
Glad for ya Jim !!!
Lamp Lighter , Cum on Dude !!! Ya cant tease us like that !!!!! |
We're still alive and kicking out here. Lil Lookout's meds are still messed up but he's hanging in there.
Good for you lookout and jim.
FANTASTIC picture, Jim!
and . .lamplighter--you can't tease us like that! What's the butter secret? |
Congrats to DanaC. That must be a huge load off your schedule of "things to do". Well done.
Shawnee. I've always been a dog-person.
If it's in a paper bag, I don't look for the opening to reach in and get it. I just grab the bag in my teeth and shake like hell til everything comes out. It's a lot more fun to have some silliness in daily life. So I post on The Cellar :D |
Hey lookout, I was wondering how you've been.
Band of Brothers!
I had my teacher-observation today! This was the fourth class in the course, and this is the first course I've taught at this level.
It went really well! Here's what my observer had to say about the class: Quote:
I am overjoyed. It couldn't have gone better. 90% of that was the group :P They're a lovely bunch of students: really engaged and enthusiastic; constantly surprising me with what how much they bring from their reading. They made me look good *smiles* and I will be thanking them for it next week lol. |
No, Dana, you've just go to face up to it. You're F A B FAB!
Dana, I'm very impressed !
It's OK for you to be proud of yourself. |
Awesome, Dana!
Me? I'm going to a Gala. A Regatta Gala. Biff is picking me up in the Rolls and we're jetting to Montego Bay for the Yacht Club's annual regatta gala. Muffy says there will be a clambake, and of course a festive ball. We love Regatta Galas! Only, there is always to much sand. Poo-poo hmmph. |
Seriously, I'm not surprised. You've alway shown a passion for sharing your knowledge, a willingness to honestly examine new slants on what you believe, and 6.5 years of Cellar training, dealing with idjits. :thumb: |
There are no idjits in the Cellar, are there?
I put in my petition for my associates degree. I will officially have finish a degree by the end of this semester!
Now, just for the next step...whatever that will be. Maybe I'll become a stripper. |
You go girl! Stripper? Well it worked for me but I owned the business. Psych /social work would not pay my bills. I think you have better things ahead of you. :)
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It's our first rain of the season and is a major storm...
Radar images have been changing all night with wind and rain. Here's a link to get current radar and a lot of other weather info |
Yesterday (10/23) The Wife and I celebrated our 17th wedding anniversary.
Condolences. :haha:
congrats, CG.
What movie did you two watch to celebrate? |
We went to see "The Town".
We ended up making out in the back row. |
I start my new old job tomorrow.
I can take the kids. They'll have their own office when they're there. I could not have asked for or imagined a better situation. |
Cool! What's the job?
I cut the living shit out of my finger. Why is that making me happy? Well, despite not being able to tpye very well, my finger is no longer full of livig shit.
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Ok , Lets try this again,
1 st pic is the entertainment center befor 2 nd is work in progress 3 rd is bedroom befor 4 th is Bed room After Still some shelfs to populate with Stuff , but we Are getting there !!! |
This is definitely an upgrade from Redneck level B decor to Redneck level A. Well done.
The cart you see in the second liveing room pic , we had intended for the TV to sit on it , Too TALL Carol said , Hell well use it for Something |
Plus, the casters, man, the casters. That could land you back at level B. We'd need judges.
But it is important for the TV to sit on something not intended for a TV to sit on. Wait, so what's the cart used for now, aside from duty as a Glade spray can and olive-colored plastic iced tea 20oz mug holder? |
Oddly, she doesn't seem as happy as before. I've not seen that before in a new mom. She has got to realize how lucky she is, and you too! Quote:
oh and I chickened out of unplugging my cable. I am so far out I cannot get anything over the air. Just that once. |
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Friday was my mother's birthday. She is doing well after hip replacement surgery. She is happily at my sister's house until a suitable place opens up. I bought her a digital frame since she cannot have much of her own things there, but nature had a better idea. I gift for everyone. A deer decided to keep us company the whole day. It rested behind the vehicles most of the time.
I did an ultra-modern pentathlon today. 2 hrs. mtn biking, 2.5 hrs fencing, watched a Broadway Theatre League production of Spamalot, dinner at Lampey's Mediterranean Grill, and now for the Tivo'd game.
you need to replace one of those with sex -just sayin'
Look! An even-toed ungulate!
It was odd.
People were walking over to shoo it away toward the river. My sister came out and told them the animal could lay there all day if it wanted to. Get off my lawn! |
Look! He's attracted to truck bumpers.
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It only stood up to go nibble on a rose bush. Most of the time it was curled in a ball on the ground just hanging out. Finally toward evening it wandered away. I hope it found it's mother.
They tend to stay put till Mom comes back, unless they're spooked.
Mom probably did wait till dusk. It made those, 'mom calls' when the dumb people were throwing rocks at it, but what is really odd is how they got separated in the first place. Mom heading for the hills and leaving her down by the river is so strange. |
Must be one of those welfare mothers, out floozying, leaving her latchkey fawn to fend for itself.
OMG I just got so lucky.
I was supposed to do a training presentation tomorrow for a large group in enrollment services. Usually I throw these things together at the last minute anyway, but I have been completely unable to concentrate all week, and I was dreading this training. (This speaks to a larger problem of job dissatisfaction and waking up with a stomachache every morning, just thinking of coming to the office, for what reason I do not know...but I digress.) I just got a call that they had something come up that is really crucial and that they would have to postpone the training. Maybe by the time it is rescheduled I'll be through menopause or this mid-life crisis or whatever the hell it is. Haahahaha! She was so apologetic. Perhaps if she had seen my happy dance she would have felt better. :) Whew. |
The bathtub drain in our old house has been leaking for years.
Today, we tore out the sub-flooring and chipped thru 3 inches of concrete to expose the old plumbing. We snaked out the drain line and replaced the old brass fixtures with new. Tonight, I took a hot shower and feel happy that the tub drains quickly, there are no leaks, and now I'm clean and totally relaxed with a cup of good hot coffee. |
Good working plumbing is a joy that's rarely surpassed, yet usually taken granted.
I'm back.
I have a job. Yes, I'm now an employed Teaching Asisstant at the wonderful school I was volunteering at. I can't start until I get my Enhanced CRB check back (booooo) and wouldn't you know, my stupid photo driving license was set to expire 31/10/10. So I've sent that off (£25! Aargh!) and hope to get it back ASAP. They can't legally employ me until I am cleared, so I have to continue "Job Seeking" until then, as unless I can prove I am looking for work I am not entitles to any benefits. Fair enough, but it is a silly pretence after all. It's only 20 hours a week, so sometime this side of Christmas I'm going to be looking for additional work to bump up my wages. The good news being that once I come off benefits, I can work when and where I want and earn money. When on benefits, I couldn't earn anything extra. I'm going to be working with a named child who has social and communication difficulties. It's not 100% my ideal job (which would be as classroom support, and full-time) but I honestly expect to enjoy it, and it's wpnderful to be considered worthy of employment in a place which I respect, and who have seen me work. Expect to hear a lot about the school and what I do - obviously without including any names or personal details. But at least I'll be able to tell you about school events without feeling like I'm a silly obsessed woman acting like she is a part of something she isn't :) |
Congrats SG!
But don't they all have names? |
Yay Sundae! that's great news!!
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