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jimhelm 11-19-2012 02:33 PM

I just made my last Jeep payment.

footfootfoot 11-19-2012 03:06 PM


Originally Posted by jimhelm (Post 839539)
I just made my last Jeep payment.

Awesome! Now you can start putting aside $400. a month toward repairs.:p:
Parts or Payments, isn't that how the saying goes?

jimhelm 11-19-2012 03:13 PM

Yeah, I actually considered posting that in the tad apprehensive thread....

orthodoc 11-19-2012 03:40 PM

I hope the Cisco training works out for you, BigV. It sounds like a great idea; definitely a strength to bring to interviews. Good luck with it :)

BigV 11-19-2012 09:02 PM

Thank you orthodoc.

orthodoc 11-21-2012 10:59 AM

Blood counts are coming up! I have 55 neutrophils today! :)
(They should be over 1700, but I also have immature cells showing up, so I'm making more - turning the corner. Once they're over 500 I'll be able to come out of hiding.)

Enough browsing the Cellar, sigh. Must. Study. Epidemiology.

footfootfoot 11-21-2012 11:28 AM

Neutrophils, the other white blood cell.

too obscure?

infinite monkey 11-21-2012 11:46 AM

Nah, not too obscure.

I don't know what any of it means but it is good news ortho so YAY!

orthodoc 11-21-2012 11:50 AM

Yeah, just call me Babe. ;)

Thanks, it IS good news! Although I think I'll do the Neulasta shot after this; all this hiding out is boorrriinng. Boredom punctuated by intermittent fear of fatal infection: I'll pass next time.

footfootfoot 11-21-2012 12:41 PM


Originally Posted by orthodoc (Post 839881)
Yeah, just call me Babe. ;)

Thanks, it IS good news! Although I think I'll do the Neulasta shot after this; all this hiding out is boorrriinng. Boredom punctuated by intermittent fear of fatal infection: I'll pass next time.

Fatal Infection? Wasn't that Glenn Close or am I thinking of Rene Russo?

orthodoc 11-21-2012 01:00 PM

:lol: Fatal Infection is what follows the Glenn Close thing.

infinite monkey 11-21-2012 01:05 PM

Not really related but sorta:

My mom was talking flowers. I said "Cyclamen? Isn't that the new five day treatment for Clematis?"

I'll be here all week. Try the Dandelion Wine.

orthodoc 11-21-2012 06:12 PM

Cyclamen - no, those are the guys who follow the Tour de France.

I'm happy because I spanked my Epidemiology mid-term this afternoon. Yahoo! Now for my SAS programming project ... :worried:

footfootfoot 11-21-2012 07:33 PM

spanking? who knew? paging BigV...

BigV 11-21-2012 08:11 PM

*picks up the red courtesy phone*


orthodoc 11-21-2012 08:18 PM

What, we have a resident Cellar spanking expert? If I'd only known ...

Sorry, spanking's done. Nothing to see here ... :cool:

busterb 11-21-2012 09:55 PM

Jose Cuervo and Dixie, the puppy only shit in floor once today

BigV 11-21-2012 10:01 PM

"Expert" gets a bum rap... "Enthusiast" hits the sweet spot nicely.

Lamplighter 11-21-2012 10:42 PM

I've become a skinny old man that has started feeling the cold damp winters of PDX.
Sure, I've worn polyester long johns (the bottoms) while fishing,
but last winter I actually started wearing them daily, even around the house.

Yesterday, I went to buy two new pairs.
But when I got home I realized I had one bottom and one top.

So today, I tried on the full uniform.
It's amazing how much warmer and am happier I am now.

Those old timer country folk with their red John L Sullivan
union suits really did know how to stay warm.

footfootfoot 11-21-2012 10:51 PM

Bum rap?

Did you really type that? Have you no sense of decency, sir, at long last? Have you left no sense of decency?

Call the next witness!

orthodoc 11-22-2012 01:25 AM


Originally Posted by BigV (Post 840023)
"Expert" gets a bum rap... "Enthusiast" hits the sweet spot nicely.

Uncle! Uncle! :notworthy

Don't tell me .... "Expert" and "Enthusiast" are types of paddle?

infinite monkey 11-22-2012 08:29 AM


Originally Posted by Lamplighter (Post 840028)
I've become a skinny old man that has started feeling the cold damp winters of PDX.
Sure, I've worn polyester long johns (the bottoms) while fishing,
but last winter I actually started wearing them daily, even around the house.

Yesterday, I went to buy two new pairs.
But when I got home I realized I had one bottom and one top.

So today, I tried on the full uniform.
It's amazing how much warmer and am happier I am now.

Those old timer country folk with their red John L Sullivan
union suits really did know how to stay warm.

My town used to be, like, the underwear capital of the universe or something. Seriously. It's true.

I used to have heather gray long johns complete with trap door. I loved those.

Griff 11-22-2012 08:31 AM


Originally Posted by Lamplighter (Post 840028)

So today, I tried on the full uniform.
It's amazing how much warmer and am happier I am now.

Those old timer country folk with their red John L Sullivan
union suits really did know how to stay warm.

I love to break out the union suit. I have a wool blend one that is fantastically warm and it makes me look like a real hillbilly! Maybe its time to start embarrassing my women by wearing it around.

infinite monkey 11-22-2012 08:40 AM

I have lost my underwear
I don't care
I'll go bare!

Bye bye longjohns

They were very good to me
Tickle me
Hee hee hee

Bye bye longjohns.

Trap door always following behind me
Follow it and you will always find me

I have lost my underwear
I don't care
I'll go bare!

Longjohns, bye bye

(To the tune of bye bye blackbird)

Lamplighter 11-22-2012 09:35 AM

Griff, my 8 yr-old G-daughter is totally embarrassed by mine !

IM, you bring a smile.
You seem to be feeling better this morning. This too makes me happy.

infinite monkey 11-24-2012 12:06 PM

Thanks Lamp. :)

My friend in Jr Hi taught me that song and I don't know where it came from but I rarely forget things I've memorized and they pop back up when needed.

I still have a good amount of pain but it is better. Funny thing is, now my knees are killing me. I think I overdid it on Thanksgiving. But I am doing well.

I want to post a story of how dumb i was the other night and how virtually unfazed I was by the inconvenience to myself. My back is hurting right now so it will have to wait until another time but suffice to say it involved running out of gas.

The thing is, I don't know why I didn't blow a gasket, so to speak. I don't know if this pain and decreased mobility has really put things into perspective about choosing battles, or if the meds just mellow me out so much I don't care. ;) They sure don't seem to do much for the pain. But I start physical therapy Monday and I think that will be very telling in my diagnosis/treatment.

Sundae 11-28-2012 03:40 PM

My phonics group responded really well today.

It's supposed to be two groups of nine, but for the last two days we've had to do without Mrs Ink for school reasons.

I was originally worried about having my own group, as the last group I managed was five, and were at the very lowest level in Reception. Now I have nineteen smart children.

These kinder are learning grammar rules I never knew.
I learned to understand them by sight and practice - no-one ever explained them.
And English being the mongrel language it is, I still don't know which approach is the best - just that I am now teaching rules and learning at the same time!

No surprise that the top group is stuffed with personalities.
None of them are "trouble" but some of them need to be sat on pretty hard in order not to distrupt the lesson. Managed it yesterday and today. I'm NOT a shouter (except just then :)) and I do give warnings. But I have found I am a disciplinarian. At this age (5-7, yes we have a high-flying 5yo in the group) I find silence and an an incredulous look work well enough. Again a shake of the head works wonders.

Sadly I find I am a little sarcastic. Which isn't quite right. But some of the more bombastic children do respond to it *. I'd never say anything to upset a child - talk about a barrier to learning. But I'm pleased that I haven't had to. Discipline is good in the school and they are used to it.

* "Mrs O, some of the chairs haven't been pushed back under the tables" in the room we were working in.
Me - "Look at my face. Do I look worried about that? No. This is phonics, not furniture class."

Apols to Catherine Tate there, They're too young to get the reference.

But I did walk away feeling I had imparted knowledge regarding -er suffixes.
And R got five house points for sticking to the bargain we made, when I assured him he was amazing and brilliant (he is heads above the rest, it's true) and the only thing he needed to work on was his behaviour. It may not work again. But it did today and we split the group again tomorrow.


Clodfobble 11-28-2012 03:42 PM


Originally Posted by Sundae
Me - "Look at my face. Do I look worried about that? No. This is phonics, not furniture class."

Apols to Catherine Tate there, They're too young to get the reference.

Am I bovvered? Am I bovvered? Do I look bovvered? Am I bovvered? Am I? Am I bovvered?

Sundae 11-28-2012 03:46 PM

Thought that was a step too far for an LSA ;)

ZenGum 11-29-2012 01:22 AM


Originally Posted by infinite monkey (Post 839906)
Not really related but sorta:

My mom was talking flowers. I said "Cyclamen? Isn't that the new five day treatment for Clematis?"

I'll be here all week. Try the Dandelion Wine.

I rode a cyclamen once, but I fell off. After that, I rhododendron.


Originally Posted by BigV (Post 840023)
"Expert" gets a bum rap... "Enthusiast" hits the sweet spot nicely.

:facepalm: :lol:

orthodoc 11-29-2012 08:15 AM

You're back! How was the trip through the desert (you survived, always a good thing!)? Do you have travel pics to share?

infinite monkey 11-29-2012 08:54 AM


Originally Posted by ZenGum (Post 840834)
I rode a cyclamen once, but I fell off. After that, I rhododendron.

Did you like, write that? 'Cause I wrote my joke. Hey, maybe you and I should take our bikes on the road. No one seems to want to risk being part of my comedy tour: Infinite Monkey, Infinite Madness! You're a risk taker.

Oh, and welcome back. ;)

Sundae 11-29-2012 04:50 PM

Just found what looks like a really good recipe for Chicken Dhansak (except for the addition of Mr Huda's Curry Paste, which I will not be buying especially - the curry paste I have will suffice.)
And tomorrow is payday.
They go together as I'll have to buy 500g chicken, but even separately they work as Good Times.

Will make on Saturday when the 'rents are at Mass.
Ha ha, will come home to delicious chickeny smell and there won't be none for them!
Like last week when they came home with a spur-of-the-moment KFC and there weren't none for me!

No, I'm not that petty ;)
Dads doesn't like well spiced dishes and Mum hates lentils, so I'd only be cooking for myself anyway. I'll be storing/ freezing any leftovers and they will be more than welcome to eat them of course. Still, I might warn Mum that there will be a curried breeze on Saturday evening, just so she makes sure to have something nice in to counteract it.

BigV 11-29-2012 05:20 PM


ZenGum 11-29-2012 05:25 PM

Hiya folks!

There will be pictures in the Sun/blotted thread, eventually. Gawd, the mess I have to sort and clean and stow. FAWET part 2.

Infi, those two puns were sourced from the theme song of a gardening radio show on local ABC radio in Canberra about a decade ago. But, like, I reused them in a an original way. :blush:

footfootfoot 11-30-2012 11:56 AM

the inch is 9 today.

glatt 11-30-2012 12:03 PM

9 is a good age. You're still a kid, but you can do stuff and you have confidence.

footfootfoot 11-30-2012 12:26 PM


Originally Posted by glatt (Post 841020)
9 is a good age. You're still a kid, but you can do stuff and you have confidence.

Exactly. This morning he had his cuddly acting as second in command to his small army of toy soldiers.

Clodfobble 11-30-2012 12:49 PM

Happy birthday to the inch!

orthodoc 11-30-2012 01:09 PM

Happy Birthday, inch! Happy day to all.

Nirvana 11-30-2012 01:20 PM


Originally Posted by footfootfoot (Post 841018)
the inch is 9 today.

Getting "Closer" to 10! HB Inch! I hope his cuddly "Nails" the war strategy!

[/ridiculous me]

Undertoad 11-30-2012 01:32 PM

Once he hits 12 he'll be an official foot.

Sundae 11-30-2012 03:31 PM

Tried to make an origami box at BOSC the other night.
Okay I was made it out of ICT scrap paper tray rather than card, but it was very trying.
All under the questioning eyes and brain and non-stop questioning of William. Who I have a lot of time for, but yes he is trouble and I worry about what will happen to him in future.

Anyway, it was from an American website and the measurements were in inches. Turns out we have no rulers in the school which show inches any more. So I did it the old-fashioned way. Online with a translation calculator ;)

I made a hash of it anyway.
And in fact the sheet has to have so many folds to set up the shape that even the expert version in the photo looked a little like it had been sat on - just with crisper corners and a top that actually closes.

Oops, I dropped mine on the floor and accidentally stood on it. William, in full knowledge of how deliberate my action really was, laughed like a drain.

Anyway, the last part made me happy.
The first bit was exposition.

Writing out my grocery list for tomorrow.
That does make me happy. Def making the dhansak. Not buying ghee for it either. But am still expecting Nom.

classicman 11-30-2012 03:37 PM

HB inch.

glatt 11-30-2012 04:33 PM

My drawing came today! It looks way better in person than the excellent picture kerosene sent me.

Now for the perfect frame...

Griff 11-30-2012 05:34 PM

Lil' G got invited to Yuletide by a lad today. Asked to describe him she said, Zeppelin fan. :)

xoxoxoBruce 11-30-2012 05:39 PM


BigV 11-30-2012 05:59 PM

Happy Birthday, inch.

Sundae 12-01-2012 12:09 PM

Thank goodness Bri is still with us.
This is the house I'm going to buy us, hon.
You see how it's far too large for me & Diz alone.

We'll get married when the Government sanctions it.

zippyt 12-01-2012 11:37 PM

Im for it

Chocolatl 12-02-2012 04:03 PM

I've been dairy free for two weeks now, after being told my daughter was probably lactose intolerant. I noticed an immediate difference as soon as I dropped the dairy -- Beans was visibly no longer in pain. Her tummy troubles have been getting better day by day, and today we had a poop that was very quiet and perfectly normal -- as opposed to two weeks ago, when I'm pretty sure they could be heard on Mars. My lactose freeness has paid off. :D

Pretty soon I'll try some dark chocolate and see how that goes. :yum:

Happy baby, happy mom.

Clodfobble 12-02-2012 04:07 PM


limey 12-02-2012 05:50 PM

There's a company in the UK called Booja Booja who make dairy free chocolates. Jus' sayin'.

Sent by thought transference.

BigV 12-04-2012 06:50 PM

Tonight Twil and I are going to Town Hall Seattle to listen to a talk given by Naomi Wolf about her new book Vagina: A New Biography. The title of the talk is "The Science of the Brain-Vagina Connection". I heard a very interesting interview with her on KUOW today.

I'm an eager student when it comes to female sexuality. I love learning and the homework is *awesome*. ;) ;)

Aliantha 12-04-2012 07:40 PM

I'm happy because I AM a good person after all. Thanks Tril! :)

Sundae 12-05-2012 06:03 AM

I think you are a good person too. And so does my Mum.
I would suggest we're a quorum at least, and the vote has been counted and verified.

Aliantha 12-05-2012 06:06 AM

Awww...I love you Cherry! (and your Mum too, but you don't have to tell her that if you don't want to) xxx

Trilby 12-05-2012 06:35 AM

Ali, you always were a good person-I just didn't understand Oz women very much - just like I don't understand why Dana lives in Stubbing Wharf - or is that her alcoholic lesbian auntie? I can't remember. ;)

Cherry-LOVE the house. but where's the pool, darling? We MUST have one, even a small one, so we can have a pool boy- preferably of Argentinian heritage.

DanaC 12-05-2012 06:48 AM

Hey! I resemble that remark!

I live in the village of Northowram. Quite nearby Southowram and the twinned hamlets of Shelf and Stone Chair :P

Yes those are real places. Though the designation 'hamlet' is no longer apt.

Sundae 12-05-2012 09:05 AM

Tril, so sorry to break it to you, but a pool would be used approx 5 days a year in my part of the world.
And we do not have Argentinian pool boys either.

You'd be moving to a place of Morris Dancers, unpasteurised cheese, church fetes, meat raffles, pork pies and supermarkets where the rudeness is local but the bread is not.

But I will ensure underfloor heating, woodburning stoves, Jedi robes like the one Dani has, PROPER showers, a street market every Tuesday and a fair which closes down the whole High Street for five days every Autumn. And we can go to stores in London that sell any food you miss from home. And we'll be so charming we'll get them to deliver.

There. How could anyone resist being Mrs Sundae?
Oh. Right. The above all depends on me winning millions of £.
Hmmmmm. Maybe I should make a case for the real me, beggardly as I am. And to a member of the opposite gender, given that that's my preference.

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