The Cellar

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xoxoxoBruce 02-20-2013 02:04 PM


I don't feel amazing, just so exhausted that I could lie down on the floor and go to sleep at any given moment.
But you haven't, have you. You've kept plodding on, with a course schedule that would make a 100% healthy person cringe, family drama that would snap a strong branch, and taking the time to keep us updated on the whole shooting match without whining/self-pity.
Awesome, lady, awesome. :notworthy

You know, it's a good thing Canucks aren't aggressive or the US would be in deep shit.

DanaC 02-20-2013 02:23 PM

yey ortho! Go girl!

@ Sundae: glad Dizcat is ok :)

footfootfoot 02-20-2013 02:45 PM


Originally Posted by xoxoxoBruce (Post 853722)
But you haven't, have you. You've kept plodding on, with a course schedule that would make a 100% healthy person cringe, family drama that would snap a strong branch, and taking the time to keep us updated on the whole shooting match without whining/self-pity.
Awesome, lady, awesome. :notworthy

You know, it's a good thing Canucks aren't aggressive or the US would be in deep shit.


orthodoc 02-20-2013 05:24 PM


Originally Posted by xoxoxoBruce (Post 853722)
You know, it's a good thing Canucks aren't aggressive or the US would be in deep shit.

That makes me think of the scene in Canadian Bacon where the Canadians are all getting pushed around, knocked down the hill etc., and they're calling out, "Sorry! So sorry, old chap! Excuse me for being in the way!" :lol:

Of course it's a fallacy that Canadians are unusually polite; just take in a hockey game to see the true Canuck personality. We all play hockey, growing up. It's required.

Griff 02-20-2013 08:50 PM

Maybe not happy but a small bit hopeful, for the time being, a couple kids will not be living with a belt wielding Dad or a beyond neglectful Mom whose friends use children for God only knows... tiny tiny hope

infinite monkey 02-21-2013 12:16 PM

Griff, you're an angel, you know? The things you see and deal with must break your heart sometimes. You're needed, and you make a difference. I admire that.

For me, kind of happy though I know it can be fleeting if I don't watch it: I really like my therapist. She gives me great advice on how to keep going with the skills i've been working on since the bin. It can be hard to remember to stop and think before my anxiety elevates to an unmanageable and inordinate level. It's a learned skill, and one not learned quickly or easily. It takes diligence. So I can't beat myself up when I slip, I just keep working on putting things into perspective.

She just really gets at the bottom line gist of things, or gets me to do that. I have lucked out on the therapist lottery.

Aliantha 02-21-2013 08:00 PM

Max loves Kiki
1 Attachment(s)
Of course, it's actually Max lying on Cleo, but so cute. I took this pic a week or so ago, but was just looking at it, and realised I had a big smile on my face. :)

Attachment 42943

Griff 02-21-2013 09:04 PM

:) Now I have a grin on!

Aliantha 02-21-2013 09:28 PM

He lays on her like that all the time, or sometimes he lays on the tiles and just uses her for a pillow and Sally, our mini foxy lies on Max. I don't know what that kid would do without his puppy dogs. He usually feeds them now too, which is great.

Pets are an essential part of childhood imo. Sometimes I've thought that our increasing urbanisation away from rural roots and general animal husbandry is half the problem with kids today. Some kids have never had a pet! I just can't envision a home without animal members in the family. As much as they can be very annoying at times (similar to teenagers really), you still love them.

DanaC 02-22-2013 06:03 AM

Beautiful! Kids and Dogs, go together like Ice and Cream.

What's making me happy today:

A birthday card from Sundae:) It is totally awesome. I'll take pics later and post. But it really put a huge smile on my face.

Ta muchly mate:)

[eta] hahahahahha I just read the back of the card - 'A Cherry and Diz Perduction' nicely done.

Sundae 02-22-2013 06:36 AM

Glad it arrived in polenta of time and glad you like it :)
I thought about it for Christmas for you & Limey, but as you know things were tricky then.

Figured it wouldn't hurt to be reminded of our trips whatever the time of year!

DanaC 02-22-2013 06:41 AM

It's wonderful :)


Trilby 02-22-2013 06:54 AM

Sundae is a member of two very exclusive and important groups:

The Christmasteers and the Strawberry Festival Queens.

Nice work, Sundae.

BigV 02-22-2013 09:21 AM


Originally Posted by Griff (Post 853801)
Maybe not happy but a small bit hopeful, for the time being, a couple kids will not be living with a belt wielding Dad or a beyond neglectful Mom whose friends use children for God only knows... tiny tiny hope

Is there such a thing as mandated reporters in your area Griff? Are you one?

BigV 02-22-2013 09:30 AM

@i.m. Very good news about your success with your therapist. That is such good news!

@ali I love that picture. You're right, teenagers are wonderful yet challenging pets. I think all parents should give their kids a chance at such an important experience. Wonderful, wonderful photo. Thanks.

DanaC 02-22-2013 11:11 AM


Originally Posted by Aliantha (Post 853964)
Pets are an essential part of childhood imo. Sometimes I've thought that our increasing urbanisation away from rural roots and general animal husbandry is half the problem with kids today. Some kids have never had a pet! I just can't envision a home without animal members in the family.

Couldn't agree more.

Unfortunately alongside our increased urbanisation in general terms, there's a growing tendency not to allow kids to learn about animals and animal handling.

Example: our vet was telling us about a dog that was brought in to be put to sleep. Because, as the owner said, it had 'bitten' their youngest kiddie.

There are different kinds of bites. This was a nip. When asked if it had drawn blood, they said, yes....then no...not really. It had slightly broken the skin.

When asked what the child was doing at the time they said 'climbing in the dog's bed with the dog'.

So, a dog whose only private space in a house with three kids is his bed, has nipped at one of the children to tell it to go away.

Had the dog growled before this? yes...apparently it had growled at the child several times whilst she was clambering about in it's bed, and the adults hadn't intervened.

In their opinion that dog should never have nipped and should accept young children climbing on it whenever the fancy strikes them, regardless of whether said dog is trying to sleep, and regardless of the fact that it had gone to its one private refuge.

Not only were they not taking into account the dog's needs in this equation, but they also lost a great opportunity for the child to learn how to safely interact with dogs.

Time and again, I hear of cases like this. Where a family dog is given up because it has given a warning nip. How else is a dog supposed to communicate its needs, when its initial growls are ignored? How else is it supposed to teach the child where its boundaries are?

I'm not suggesting that a dog be allowed to savage a kid, but come on...that was a good dog, a well-mannered dog, teaching the youngling in exactly the way it would do a puppy: a harmless little nip when all other warnings have been ignored.

Another case involved a similar incident of a family dog nipping a kiddie...why? Because kiddie had stuck her fingers into the dog's feeding bowl whilst it was eating.

Pisses me off.

Griff 02-22-2013 01:53 PM


Originally Posted by BigV (Post 854004)
Is there such a thing as mandated reporters in your area Griff? Are you one?

Yes. Yes.

Aliantha 02-22-2013 06:21 PM


Originally Posted by DanaC (Post 854017)
Couldn't agree more.

Unfortunately alongside our increased urbanisation in general terms, there's a growing tendency not to allow kids to learn about animals and animal handling.

Example: our vet was telling us about a dog that was brought in to be put to sleep. Because, as the owner said, it had 'bitten' their youngest kiddie.

There are different kinds of bites. This was a nip. When asked if it had drawn blood, they said, yes....then no...not really. It had slightly broken the skin.

When asked what the child was doing at the time they said 'climbing in the dog's bed with the dog'.

So, a dog whose only private space in a house with three kids is his bed, has nipped at one of the children to tell it to go away.

Had the dog growled before this? yes...apparently it had growled at the child several times whilst she was clambering about in it's bed, and the adults hadn't intervened.

In their opinion that dog should never have nipped and should accept young children climbing on it whenever the fancy strikes them, regardless of whether said dog is trying to sleep, and regardless of the fact that it had gone to its one private refuge.

Not only were they not taking into account the dog's needs in this equation, but they also lost a great opportunity for the child to learn how to safely interact with dogs.

Time and again, I hear of cases like this. Where a family dog is given up because it has given a warning nip. How else is a dog supposed to communicate its needs, when its initial growls are ignored? How else is it supposed to teach the child where its boundaries are?

I'm not suggesting that a dog be allowed to savage a kid, but come on...that was a good dog, a well-mannered dog, teaching the youngling in exactly the way it would do a puppy: a harmless little nip when all other warnings have been ignored.

Another case involved a similar incident of a family dog nipping a kiddie...why? Because kiddie had stuck her fingers into the dog's feeding bowl whilst it was eating.

Pisses me off.

Some people shouldn't have kids OR dogs I guess. That's probably a bit harsh, but it gets back to my point before about people getting so far away from their rural roots that they've got no idea about how to deal with animals, so they make wrong choices.

Sally snaps at Max occasionally. Mostly because she's an old dog now and sometimes just wants to lay in the sun rather than be dragged around the yard on a lead or carted around in a kids wheel barrow or something similar. Most of the time she's up for anything, but every now and then she just can't be arsed. It's taken Max some time to learn that if she doesn't respond the first time, she's probably not keen.

One thing I will say though. If a dog is possessive of its food, it's needs some retraining. Our dogs snap at each other over food from time to time, but they know very well that any human is superior and therefore they must submit as far as food is concerned. I wont tolerate snapping or growling at humans over food. I think that's the good thing about getting a dog as a puppy. I know with Cleo, Max used to practically sit in her bowl while she was eating, so she got used to human interaction at meal times. I've also, always put food down and taken it away during the course of the meal so the dog knows that it could happen at any time and it will just have to wait patiently till the food is down again. Cleo is at the stage now where she wont touch her food till you've taken a few steps back and given her a nod, just to be sure it's ok.

She's a beautiful dog though. We've been very lucky with our doggy pets really. We've never had any issues at all, except for Cleo jumping the fence at other dogs. She has built in springs i think. Anyway, she's safe an secure now, so it's all good.

DanaC 02-22-2013 06:30 PM

Oh I agree. Fortunately neigther Pilau or Carrot have shown any signs of possessiveness around food. I always made sure whne they were little, if they were chewing a bone, for example, I'd occasionally say give to me and take it from their mouths.

But a toddler suddenly sticking her hand into a dogbowl as they are mid munch is not a good idea. I'd certainly tell the dog off in that situation. But it would also be a valuable lesson for the child. Certainly wouldnt consider it a rehoming issue. Unless the dog properly bit over it, or was randomly and regularly snapping at little ones.

glatt 02-25-2013 05:24 PM

Spent the day at home with my sick boy, which was pretty dull. But I am very pleased with myself that I figured out how to stream Internet videos to my TV from my iPhone. Using only cables I had on hand.

So I just watched that PBS Nova special Earth from Space that tw was recommending.

So far, it works with PBS, YouTube, and Dailymotion. Sweet.

morethanpretty 02-26-2013 10:15 AM

More like a big relief than anything. My insurance company denied coverage for part of the surgery I had to fix my sinuses, they sent me a letter telling me I had to appeal and show that I tried other treatments first blah blah blah. A big fucking headache I don't need. I call the doc's office today and they said that my balance was paid by the insurance company and that they would write off anything the insurance didn't pay. Also, they would appeal the case for me if it needed to be done. You have no idea how much better that makes me feel. One less worry.

Chocolatl 02-27-2013 07:55 PM

My gray hairs are coming in all in a little clump above my left ear. I'm hoping to get a nice little bride of Frankenstein streak going.

ZenGum 02-27-2013 09:31 PM

I got a job!

Plans A (teaching at private college where I was 2008-9), B (Teaching in Uni preparation course) and C (casual tutoring) didn't fire, but plan D has come through!

I'll be a casual academic advisor in the Writing Centre at one of the universities in this town. My abrupt departure from my last job is no problem because two of the people in the new department are also refugees from the same evil manager.

It's only 20 hours a week, but at around $37 per hour, that's enough for a bloke with no family or mortgage.

orthodoc 02-27-2013 09:44 PM


Aliantha 02-27-2013 09:59 PM

I hope you get lucky Choco. lol

Good for you Zen. :)

Clodfobble 02-27-2013 10:45 PM

Hooray! It's been awhile since I heard of anyone getting a good new job. Congrats, Zen.

footfootfoot 02-27-2013 11:29 PM

Excellent Zen!

Remember to wear a raincoat in the shower and you'll be all good, vis a vis neither kids nor mortgage.

Aliantha 02-27-2013 11:47 PM

Is it wrong to be happy about having a clean bathroom? Two in fact. Even if you cleaned them both yourself?

DanaC 02-28-2013 05:49 AM


Originally Posted by Aliantha (Post 854954)
Is it wrong to be happy about having a clean bathroom? Two in fact. Even if you cleaned them both yourself?

No. Happiness is an entirely appropriate response to clean bathrooms.


@ Zen: bloody hell, well done mate. That's excellent news.

Griff 02-28-2013 06:15 AM

Congrats Zen!

limey 02-28-2013 10:38 AM

Well done Zen! And Choco - I might be joining you on that Addams family catwalk - all my grey hairs are up on my right temple.

BigV 02-28-2013 11:03 AM

where's the damn jealous thread....


I'm *happy* for you Zen. OK?


BigV 02-28-2013 11:04 AM


Originally Posted by limey (Post 855018)
Well done Zen! And Choco - I might be joining you on that Addams family catwalk - all my grey hairs are up on my right temple.

Morticia's hot.

glatt 02-28-2013 11:07 AM

That's awesome news, Zen.

So these 20 hour weeks, are they going to be 4 hours each day, or can you arrange your schedule to get 4 day weekends? Work Monday, Tuesday, and every other Wednesday. That would be quite the life. Good job, pays the bills, long weekends.

Chocolatl 02-28-2013 11:20 AM

Great news, Zen! Congrats.

BigV 02-28-2013 12:12 PM

The State Supreme Court of Washington has ruled that the laws we've had on our books for the past twenty years requiring a two-thirds majority for tax increases is clearly unconstitutional.


ZenGum 02-28-2013 06:18 PM


Originally Posted by glatt (Post 855025)
That's awesome news, Zen.

So these 20 hour weeks, are they going to be 4 hours each day, or can you arrange your schedule to get 4 day weekends? Work Monday, Tuesday, and every other Wednesday. That would be quite the life. Good job, pays the bills, long weekends.

Well, looks like six hours Monday, Thursday and Friday, two on Tuesdays. So, not *ideal*. Whatever.

Jaydaan 03-01-2013 01:25 PM

Ohhh so Saturday and Sunday off, The remainder of Tuesday for errands/groceries/etc since you are already up, dressed and out of the house, and Wed is a free day... sounds pretty ideal to me ;)

ZenGum 03-01-2013 07:15 PM

Roster changes ... 3 hours Weds, 6 Thurs, 6 Fri ... 4 day weekend.

I'm planning on getting a small business going doing freelance writing/editing in the spare time.

footfootfoot 03-01-2013 08:07 PM


Originally Posted by ZenGum (Post 855222)
Roster changes ... 3 hours Weds, 6 Thurs, 6 Fri ... 4 day weekend.

I'm planning on getting a small business going doing freelance writing/editing in the spare time.

Dude, This is so YOU

ZenGum 03-01-2013 08:47 PM

I've heard of that before, and while the title "Shadow Scholar" is kind of cool, I am burdened with a sense of right and wrong which is stronger than my current sense of financial responsibility.

So, I'll be helping struggling students to earn their better grades.

Griff 03-01-2013 09:12 PM

Hmmm... feeling like unburdening

footfootfoot 03-01-2013 09:47 PM


Originally Posted by ZenGum (Post 855229)
I've heard of that before, and while the title "Shadow Scholar" is kind of cool, I am burdened with a sense of right and wrong which is stronger than my current sense of financial responsibility.

So, I'll be helping struggling students to earn their better grades.

Morals are for the shallow and weak. I'm pretty sure that was either the fifth noble truth or the 17th precept.

Besides what will you do on your days off, get fucked off a bucket bong and walk around in trucker's thongs?

ZenGum 03-02-2013 02:42 AM

Well, mercy is for the weak, so I guess morals are for the shallow. Swim between the flags, I say. If you're going to sin, at least be original.

BigV 03-04-2013 09:01 AM

Wild West Showdown. It was great fun and we saw a TON of roller derby.

Sundae 03-04-2013 09:17 AM

Pretty sure I said this before. But I'd love to go to a Roller Derby.
And especially be dominated by the girls who skate them. Then again, most of the audience probably have that wish too.

BigV 03-04-2013 12:16 PM


It's not the same as being there, but the WFTDA has a live broadcast stream, as well as an archive page. The top results when I last loaded the page featured bouts with the Leeds Roller Dolls and the London RollerGirls vs the Central City Rollergirls and the Helsinki RollerDerby, respectively. There might be a bout near you, but there almost certainly is a way to view one near you.

Check it out!

Chocolatl 03-12-2013 09:45 AM

I mailed in my resignation form today. My job title is now simply: mother, wife, homemaker.

It. Feels. Awesome.

xoxoxoBruce 03-12-2013 04:18 PM

Moved to a harder job, eh. :haha:

footfootfoot 03-12-2013 04:24 PM


Originally Posted by xoxoxoBruce (Post 856677)
Moved to a harder job, eh. :haha:

Yeah, and from part time to full time.

ZenGum 03-12-2013 07:03 PM

She's in for a horrible surprise come payday.

ZenGum 03-12-2013 07:16 PM

Making me happy...

After ten straight days of maximum temperatures between 32 and 38, a cool change has finally come through, heading for a top of 25 today and similar temps for the next week or so. We shouldn't have any more stinking hot weather this season.

Last night, around 9pm, I went for a walk with a friend in the hills near the city, and we were out on a hill top as the cool change blew through. Yeeeeeee-haaaahhh!

infinite monkey 03-12-2013 07:23 PM

You know, i've always had a thing for The Little River Band, from Oz, and Cool Change is my favorite song of theirs (i transcribed the lyrics to my poetry collection notebook in high school) but i never knew a 'cool change' was an actual weather term there. At least i'd never heard it before.

That's cool! :)

Chocolatl 03-14-2013 03:48 PM

Celebrating five years of marriage today!

glatt 03-14-2013 03:58 PM


orthodoc 03-14-2013 06:12 PM

Happy Anniversary, Choco! May you have many more.

footfootfoot 03-14-2013 06:19 PM

♪ ♫
Happy anniversary to you
Happy anniversary to you
Happy anniversary to you two
Happy anniversary to you.
♫ ♪

jimhelm 03-14-2013 10:57 PM

Wow, I remember you guys getting married. Happy anniv!

Aliantha 03-14-2013 11:13 PM

Yeah me too. Like it was just yesterday! lol

Max is turning 4 today.

Gosh how times flies when you're getting old. :(

Gravdigr 03-15-2013 05:28 PM

What's making me (kinda) happy today?
1 Attachment(s)
This dad's letter to his gay son.

Coolest dad contestant, fer shure.

Attachment 43223

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