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Carruthers 03-01-2014 01:09 PM


You got: You’d die by dragon fire!

You’re a true Machiavellian — cunning, manipulative, and power-hungry. Friends would say you’re the most outgoing of the group, and you consider yourself the leader. Unluckily for you, most people despise your manipulative nature. And doubly unluckily for you, a dragon will burn you to a crisp.

I'm thinking of suing.

sexobon 03-01-2014 02:12 PM

You can sue dragons in your country now! Man, you guys have got it made.

orthodoc 03-01-2014 05:08 PM

Oh, nooo!
You got: You’d be decapitated!

You’re well-intentioned and loyal to a fault. All you really want is to see justice in the world, but you find that others don’t quite understand you. You work very hard, but unfortunately your efforts never seem to get the attention they deserve. Sadly, this means you’d be killed by a backwards system of justice.

Do I have to sleep with Khaleesi to get a better ending?

xoxoxoBruce 03-01-2014 05:44 PM

Heh heh heh.

You got: You’d have a rat eat through your chest!
You’re the least eloquent of your friends, but the most well-meaning. Much to your chagrin, you’re often in the shadow of other people’s accomplishments and, as such, you live a fairly lonely life. Tragically, an inability to properly express yourself means a rat will eat its way through your chest.
Gonna take awhile through my moobs.:blush:

orthodoc 03-01-2014 05:54 PM

Wow. I just did the quiz three more times, sleeping with various characters, eating different last meals and using different weapons, choosing different poisons and sins ... and all I get is decapitated.

I'll keep that in mind as I watch GoT Season 3 tonight ... (I watch the DVDs so that I can use subtitles. I know everyone else is far ahead.)

BigV 03-01-2014 07:04 PM

This video.

glatt 03-03-2014 04:24 PM

Snow day today, and it was a good one. I was not looking forward to this storm. I'm sick of winter. But I got a chance to sleep a little late, although not too late. And I did my little workout routine shortly after waking up. Played a couple games of chess with my boy, watched the last episode of Sherlock. And then, after an excellent panini lunch, I went down into my shop and cleaned. And cleaned. And organized. I should have taken before and after pictures. But I filled a contractor sized garbage bag, and was able to clear off two benches. Three hours down there. So productive.

I didn't do any shoveling, but the rest of the glatt family promised to take care of all that tomorrow. I'm pretty sure I'll be at work and they won't have school.

It just feels good to have something to show for the day. That never happens.

Sundae 03-03-2014 04:59 PM

I'm not on Bakery on Fridays!
Although I am on Meat & Fish. Which apparently I have been trained on. Hahaha.
I know what I am doing with fish from my creaky personal knowledge, not from training. I can skin, gut and descale fish for myself for example, but the official staff were sent to Billingsgate Fish Market for training...

Oh blimey.
If I'm asked to de-bone something or make some sort of special cut I will really show up my upmarket employers. But that's okay, because I'm being asked to work the counter alone on the third most busy day of the week. The two other days are covered by two members of staff! One of whom has been a butcher for most of his life...

But honestly, yay.
Only one morning of Bakery a week!
I can learn everything else. I'd rather come in without pay and shadow trained employees than come in without pay to put together a box of bread for the next morning in the freezer. Which is nothing to do with skill and only to do with misery.

Carruthers 03-07-2014 03:22 PM

I got Dad to his hospital appointment without blood being shed. MINE!

I'm not going to paint too dark a picture but, just between you and me, he's not blessed with endless patience. Nor is he blessed with an even temper or subtlety of expression.
There is no problem on God's green Earth that cannot be rectified immediately (if not sooner) by the simple expedient of SHOUTING VERY LOUDLY at me.
In the great scheme of things this afternoon was relatively civilised so I'm H-A-P-P-Y! :thumb:

Sundae 03-07-2014 04:13 PM

I understand those small victories, Carr.

Diz decided to pee behind the sofa today, for the first time in ages.
What can I do? He's an animal, not a truculent or indulged child.

Anyway, short rather than long, to get to the happy, Mum and I talked it through reasonably. I know she was angry, but I decided to act as if she was just upset, because I know that was the base emotion.
Tantrum avoided.
FSM knows what I'll do next time though - I honestly thought he was cured of this.

I'm pleased you had a stress free hospital visit.
Now I know your credentials you have to come to Luton & Dunstable with me on the first of April, because I will certainly need a punchbag when I leave. Long bus journey, long wait, grim hospital and what I know will be bad news (buse) delivered by the perennially disapproving Dr K. Sigh.

But back to happy, I had a lovely morning at work.

DanaC 03-07-2014 04:26 PM


Originally Posted by Sundae (Post 894151)
what I know will be bad news (buse)


fargon 03-07-2014 04:30 PM

You got: You got decapitated. EEK!!!
Never watched the show, do lots of people die?

BigV 03-07-2014 06:34 PM

only a few people die...


each episode.

don't get attached.

end spoiler

orthodoc 03-08-2014 01:47 AM

Home after five days on a fatality investigation. It was draining, but I also met some inspiring people. Happy to be home.

Carruthers 03-08-2014 03:16 PM

2 Attachment(s)
I trimmed the Buddleia this afternoon. Loathing gardening as I do, it isn't the actual pruning that makes me happy, it is the fact that it marks the end of winter as far as I am concerned. The 'Butterfly Bush' as it is sometimes known, benefits from a fierce cutting back that verges on the brutal but it pays dividends in the long run. By early July it will be a mass of blooms that will, with a bit of luck, be covered in butterflies.
For what it's worth, here are the before and after shots. Don't say you weren't warned.

Gravdigr 03-08-2014 04:43 PM

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monster 03-08-2014 08:46 PM


Originally Posted by Carruthers (Post 894231)
I trimmed the Buddleia this afternoon. Loathing gardening as I do, it isn't the actual pruning that makes me happy, it is the fact that it marks the end of winter as far as I am concerned. The 'Butterfly Bush' as it is sometimes known, benefits from a fierce cutting back that verges on the brutal but it pays dividends in the long run. By early July it will be a mass of blooms that will, with a bit of luck, be covered in butterflies.
For what it's worth, here are the before and after shots. Don't say you weren't warned.

Mine's still buried under 20 feet of snow. But the temperature crept above freezing today. Drove with the windows down :)

Carruthers 03-09-2014 06:36 AM


Mine's still buried under 20 feet of snow. But the temperature crept above freezing today. Drove with the windows down
We were fortunate yesterday, the temperature was up to about 60F.
It's the first half decent day for months and there's a high pressure area building nicely that should keep things fairly warm for the next week or so.

Let joy be unconfined!

Sundae 03-09-2014 09:55 AM

The big burny thing in the sky is scaring me.

Jaydaan 03-10-2014 01:11 PM

Well many ups and downs in the world of me.. but Even though my dream job ended up being a nightmare, and I am no longer employed, and I am still waiting for a date for my MRI on my hip... I feel things are about to look up.

***WARNING this is a rambling mess of information, and might not even make sense to most :) ***

Really good news on the family part...

My daughter is 24, she has a 6 1/2 year old daughter herself. I was not allowed to raise my daughter, and in fact have only seen her a total of 25 days in 23 years! We talk on the phone, and on Facebook almost daily the past few years, and I have always thought us to be as close as possible, considering we live 3000 miles apart. I have never met my grand daughter.

Ok back story is done, the depressing crap is done.. on with the news!
So last week I get a phone call, and it is my daughter. Her boyfriend left her & did it by skype one night as he is in the military and not home all the time... in fact HAD been home that weekend, and broke up with her on the Tuesday. ( to me this was not a suprise, I have been expecting this for many months in fact) Since she lived with his family, they were expecting her and her daughter to move out... well now. She hasn't been happy for quite a while, and while she still loves her Grandmother ( the woman who took her from me years ago) she has decided it is time to do what makes her happy, and what is right for her, and her daughter. So she called to ask if she could come out here. Not for a visit, to MOVE OUT HERE and start over! I talked it over with my husband of 20 years, who she has talked to but never met, and told her we would re-arrange our house, and by all means she could move out here. We expected this all to happen this summer. So then I get a picture sent to me... it is her plane tickets. MARCH 19! I will have my daughter, and my grand daughter here in 9 days.

I am so very excited.. and nervous. I am not used to having kids in the house all the time, and having 2 more bodies around... eeeek. On the other hand, great timing, as I am eventually going to have surgery and having someone else here that can help us out with the simple things, like cooking, looking after the dogs, and that sort of thing, is a good thing.

On the other grand child news front: My little grand daughter who was shaken last summer by her father ( my oldest son- the one who was my problem child) was taken by social services until the investigation was finished. As of last week she is now back in the full custody of her birth mom, and while I might not see her as often as I was before the incident, I am able to see my little miss :) Her 1st birthday party is March 28, and I will be able to take her cousin and aunt with me :)

Court is not for a few months yet, so we have no idea what will happen to my son, but at least the baby is doing well. She is trying to walk and talk, and smiles. all things we were not sure was going to happen. She had a brain bleed, and had emergency surgery and told us she might not had the functions she would have had before. So far, she seems to doing ok :) so not as much brain damage as first thought! This is very very good news!

So I guess I could have just said: I get to see and know both my grand daughters afterall! Something I was not sure I was going to be able to do with either of them, for very different reasons.

xoxoxoBruce 03-10-2014 01:56 PM

Why 9 days, I though they were moving?

Jaydaan 03-10-2014 04:04 PM

They are moving here... in 9 days :) flight arrives in Kelowna March 19th at 2:30. Then, the come live with my hubby and I until they find a place of their own here in town :)

Gravdigr 03-10-2014 04:12 PM

Sounds like great news. Hope everything goes well!

BigV 03-10-2014 06:41 PM

wow, tha's a lot of news, and congratulations!!!

Griff 03-10-2014 07:11 PM

Seriously, congrats!

monster 03-10-2014 07:22 PM

Wow, big changes and great news Yay! :D

lumberjim 03-11-2014 11:03 AM


Originally Posted by Griff (Post 893685)

You got: You’d be mauled by a direwolf!
You’re easily agitated and consider yourself a loner. Most people would describe you as grumpy, and you’d describe most people as stupid. While you might be right, you often miss out on life due to your attitude. Such a disposition makes you great fodder for an angry direwolf.

Dragon fire.

DanaC 03-11-2014 02:32 PM



You got: You’d fall through the Moon Door!

You’re tough, but not as tough as you think. Your best trait is your loyalty, not your strength — you’d do well to rely more on your friends. This miscalculation is enough to send you straight through the Moon Door.

DanaC 03-11-2014 02:34 PM

@ Jaydaan: so good things do come to those who wait :)

Glad you'll have your girl, and your grandbabies nearby.

Sundae 03-11-2014 04:22 PM

We can fall through the moon door together in that case Dana.
Although that sounds suspiciously like we're on the bus to Hebden Bridge...

lumberjim 03-11-2014 04:31 PM

I rode my motorcycle to the gym this morning. That made me pretty happy

orthodoc 03-11-2014 08:29 PM

Bone scan is good!!!
My bone scan is all good. NO skeletal mets!! I am VERY happy. I feel more confident after this scan than I did after the PET/CT last summer, because it just does the torso. Granted, most bone mets show up in the spine, pelvis, ribs, and occasionally skull, but they can show up in the limbs. Now I know that my stress fracture is just that, and my other persistent pains are just aches and pains and nothing more.

This is the new lease, the ticket to the next few years. I don't have to worry as I try to get into shape again; if I'm sore, it's just that I worked out too hard (or I'm getting old). It's hard to express how much this means. I was very very nervous prior to this scan (I'm embarrassed to say how nervous, but some of you know). Now I can take a huge breath and let it out, and get some sleep.

And get to work on my poster presentation, since I have a 'practice run' in front of several faculty next week. :eek:

I desperately need to learn how to turn data into bar graphs in Excel. Elementary, I know, except for those of us who've never had to use Excel. Never mind, I'll figure it out - although hints are welcome!

Thank you for putting up with me, guys ... you're the best.

limey 03-12-2014 04:05 AM

Awesomeness personified, Ortho!
And use the chart wizard button in Excel.

Sent by thought transference

lumberjim 03-12-2014 10:24 AM


Originally Posted by orthodoc (Post 894457)

And get to work on my posterior presentation,

This is all I saw in that post.

Kidding. Great news for you. I guess God did hear you after all.

footfootfoot 03-12-2014 11:12 AM

Bones can be good!


footfootfoot 03-12-2014 11:25 AM

Dogs can hear a tree's bark.

Sundae 03-12-2014 01:08 PM

Very happy for you, Ortho.
And happy for us to have you sticking around.

Sundae 03-12-2014 01:09 PM


Originally Posted by footfootfoot (Post 894492)
Dogs can hear a tree's bark.

But they can't look up.

Carruthers 03-12-2014 03:12 PM

Won £25 on the National Lottery!

Well, more accurately, given that the ticket cost £2 I only won £23, but I'm not going to quibble.

Sundae 03-12-2014 09:18 PM

It's Cellarity Luck Week!
I won £3.20 on the Euromillions. Net profit £1.20. But it was bought half-past February, so it now simply counts as a windfall rather than a return on an investment.

limey 03-13-2014 07:50 PM

Yay. Another two-week job completed which involved just about all the document-handling software I've got. PDF to screenshot to JPG and back to PDF (to repaginate), OCRd to Word, then translated using my translation memory software ... (Nerd? Me?!? Well, maybe ... :D)

xoxoxoBruce 03-13-2014 10:49 PM

Not a nerd, a highly trained, properly equipped, professional conjurer of magically transformed from crap to perfect documents. 3 times fast. :haha:

Carruthers 04-06-2014 07:01 AM

I was, as per usual, wide awake in the still watches of the night so I decided to have a look out of the window to see what the outside world had to offer.

I have mowed the lawns twice this year but have had to leave a few patches uncut as wild flowers grow there. As I peered into the gloom, I was attempting to remember why I had left an unmown patch by a small tree. Further thoughts on the subject weren't required as the 'patch' started to move. I grabbed a torch and spotted the biggest Badger I have ever seen in my life. There isn't a shortage of Badgers in the country, quite the reverse, but most people will only ever see one dead at the side of the road. I've seen my fair share of live ones but they tend to be at a distance and rather fleeting, but this fellow was just feet away from me and completely unbothered by the light from my torch. He spent a couple of minutes nosing around the garden and then disappeared under the hedge to next door.

It made my sleeplessness worthwhile. Well, almost...

Griff 04-06-2014 07:08 AM

I like to leave patches of wildflowers as well, but we won't be mowing any lawns around here for quite some time.

Carruthers 04-06-2014 08:18 AM

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By way of illustration...

In the Autumn of 2012 many lawns along the road were churned up by Badgers foraging for food overnight.
The summer had been particularly wet which caused a food shortage for them so they extended their range and feeding habits.
Our front lawn was churned up but in such a manner as to be able to replace and repair the turf without too much difficulty.
The local church yard suffered in a similar manner in the Autumn of 2009. Repairs of previous damage can be seen to the left of the excavations.
People are pretty forgiving of the local wildlife, I'm glad to say.

Griff 04-06-2014 12:25 PM

Do they eat insects or root systems or what? Lovely church btw.

Griff 04-06-2014 12:43 PM

Me happy
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because morning ride. 3.5 hours. I sense weakness in my riding partner this year and new old bike is kick-ass. This was in my head which helps keep the feet moving.

Carruthers 04-06-2014 12:55 PM

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Originally Posted by Griff (Post 896147)
Do they eat insects or root systems or what? Lovely church btw.

They're opportunist feeders so will broadly eat whatever is in season.
I think that, in this instance, they were after chafer grubs although snails, slugs, beetles and berries are all acceptable. A neighbour has complained that they dig up her daffodils. Their droppings vary according to their current diet, if they leave a muddy 'deposit' it's probably slugs and grubs that are the dish of the day. In late summer it is very apparent if they have been eating grain left behind by the combine or berries from the lower branches of shrubs and hedges.

By the way, the European Badger differs quite markedly from his North American cousin:

Attachment 47278

The church is St. Mary's, Wendover. I'd have to look up some history but it is safe to say that it is centuries old. Street View.

ETA. The Street View coverage was taken in October 2009, as was my photo, and the damage pictured above can be clearly seen.

xoxoxoBruce 04-06-2014 01:43 PM


Originally Posted by Griff (Post 896147)
Do they eat insects or root systems or what?


Griff 04-06-2014 01:55 PM

I should have anticipated that.

infinite monkey 04-06-2014 02:08 PM

"We don't need no stinkin' badgers!" :D

Corn on the cob. And ribs. But mostly corn on the cob. My buddies are grilling out today and she lured me with the promise of corn on the cob. Meanie. ;)


Sundae 04-06-2014 04:04 PM

The Princess Royal agrees with you, Infi (although I do know that's a quote...)
On badgers I mean; I'm unsure of her views of corn on the cob.

Gas the badgers she says.
Gas them all and let God sort them out.
Or some such.

Gravdigr 04-09-2014 05:08 PM

Popdigr just came back from downtown with fresh corndogs for me & Momdigr.:yum:

There was a trailer in an empty lot selling corndogs and such. Popdigr ordered two corndogs, and the guy brought them out with just a piece of paper wrapped around them. Pop asked "Do ya have a bag or box to put these in? I have to go about four miles with these." The guy said "Oh, you want them to go." Popdigr (who has NO sense of humor, mind you) took one step back and looked the trailer back to front, then looked back at the guy and said "You're a trailer, everything you sell is to go."

Popdigr tickles the shit outta me sometimes.

Gravdigr 04-09-2014 05:11 PM

Also, I'm off to the river.


infinite monkey 04-10-2014 10:43 AM


Originally Posted by Gravdigr (Post 896407)
Popdigr just came back from downtown with fresh corndogs for me & Momdigr.:yum:

There was a trailer in an empty lot selling corndogs and such. Popdigr ordered two corndogs, and the guy brought them out with just a piece of paper wrapped around them. Pop asked "Do ya have a bag or box to put these in? I have to go about four miles with these." The guy said "Oh, you want them to go." Popdigr (who has NO sense of humor, mind you) took one step back and looked the trailer back to front, then looked back at the guy and said "You're a trailer, everything you sell is to go."

Popdigr tickles the shit outta me sometimes.


I like Popdigr!

busterb 04-10-2014 01:14 PM

I'm alive! :jig:

Gravdigr 04-10-2014 01:44 PM

Hells yeah!

Aliantha 04-11-2014 03:59 AM

haha...thats funny grav.

Griff 04-12-2014 08:49 PM

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I spent 3 hours in a bee yard today messing with bees. Very cool. (not me in pics)

glatt 04-12-2014 09:40 PM

Pretty cool! I'd be freaking out with all that exposed skin and bees crawling on me.

I'm happy today because it was a shorts and sandals day. It snowed less than two weeks ago!

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