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Perry Winkle 05-28-2007 04:36 PM

Pirates 3 was better than Pirates 2. Long though.

That's just about the only thing I got out of bed, er . . . the house for this weekend. That, too, makes me happy.

jinx 05-28-2007 04:54 PM


Originally Posted by xoxoxoBruce (Post 347788)
Raw seafood is the most dangerous thing you can eat, next to live Grizzly bear.

Aw c'mon Bruce, that's not even close to true. Raw shellfish is pretty scary, but certainly no more so than a hamburger, alfalfa sprouts, deli meat, or a restaurant omlette. How about an all-you-can-eat chinese buffet? :headshake

(and both meals that SG listed have the same amount/type of raw food)

Cloud 05-28-2007 05:08 PM

no, there was no intermission. weird.

I really like the way they build up the mythical pirate culture and ethos--a mishmash of things and yet, very clever. Very Disney.

And speaking of which--I like that these movies were spawned by a theme park attraction. The attraction has now been updated to coincide with the movies, so it's come full circle!

Arrgh! (Doesn't Geoffrey Rush do a great "Arrgh!"?)

I think this latest film lacked some of the splashy (ahem!) or funny special effects, like the kracken, or the wagon wheel. It was more based on the big methos of ideas and darker themes like death, betrayal, and the history between the characters.

Sundae 05-28-2007 05:18 PM


Originally Posted by Cloud (Post 347839)
no, there was no intermission. weird.

No, honestly. The fact we had an intermission is weird. I've been to see longer films and haven't experienced this since.... well probably since the 70s!


Originally Posted by Cloud (Post 347839)
very clever. Very Disney.

That's definitely an oxymoron :)

skysidhe 05-28-2007 10:39 PM

The weather was very mellow and warm. It's been a great weekend for a couple of drives.
I made double time in a half today at work. That's like work one get one free!:)

Ibby 05-30-2007 09:25 PM


kerosene 05-30-2007 09:32 PM

I get to go on a field trip with my son, tomorrow!

zippyt 05-30-2007 09:37 PM


ThirstySoul 05-31-2007 01:05 AM

In ~10 hours and 40 minutes, I get these casts off of my hands! I've been in casts for over 10 weeks after breaking both wrists. Can only type with a finger or voice recognition software. Oh to be able to scratch my hiney again, or feed myself without making a mess, and to finally get to drive again!!! Woohoo! :driving:

elSicomoro 05-31-2007 02:31 AM

I just sent the final copy of my thesis to my professor. The only thing that stands between me and my Masters degree is a 20-minute presentation, which I'll be doing either later tonight or next week.

jester 05-31-2007 02:43 PM

whowee the bosses are gone & it's just me, for the rest of the day:D

Griff 05-31-2007 04:22 PM


Originally Posted by sycamore (Post 349018)
I just sent the final copy of my thesis to my professor. The only thing that stands between me and my Masters degree is a 20-minute presentation, which I'll be doing either later tonight or next week.

Rock on fella!

BigV 06-01-2007 12:14 PM

I have completed the collecting and organizing of the current state of our digital photography collection. 48 gb and 65 k files. Whew!

I am around the third turn and heading down the home stretch on the music library. Current status: 67 gb and 17 k files. I will finish today. Happeee!

Oh, then I'll be making a couple of images of the disk for backup.

glatt 06-01-2007 12:26 PM


Originally Posted by BigV (Post 349617)
I have completed the collecting and organizing of the current state of our digital photography collection. 48 gb and 65 k files. Whew!

I am around the third turn and heading down the home stretch on the music library. Current status: 67 gb and 17 k files. I will finish today. Happeee!

Oh, then I'll be making a couple of images of the disk for backup.

What's your organizational method for the photos?

BigV 06-01-2007 01:53 PM

Good question!

I found a bunch that didn't work for me.

Random -- easy to do, impossible to live with.

Date order -- the same.

Short subject name on folder -- still easy to do, but not... not navigable.

Other concepts that are more a part of the problem than of the solution:

Multiple cameras -- unavoidable, so just plan accordingly

Multiple computers -- also unavoidable, but can be networked, or shared etc. combination of problem and solution.

Multiple hard drives -- BIG part of the problem until synchronized. Then, BIG part of solution, especially regarding sharing and enjoying and redundancy.

Oh, you wanted me to answer your question. Ok.

I use Windows, and in Windows Explorer I settled on this directory structure:

..\placeholder dir\another placeholder dir\Pictures\



I repeat this structure for 2001 - 2007.


Under each month I create a folder name with a short descriptive title. Many times I repeat this folder name, or part of this folder name. For example, I have many different copies of \year\month\Kids or \year\month\Misc or \year\month\KidA sport or \year\month\KidB event or \year\month\KidC Bday. This lets me record the "birthday party pics" for different kids in the same year, and for the same kid in different years. I can also record picture taking sessions that happen only once "\year\month\Space Needle trip".

The chronological superstructure suits how I live in the world, how I remember stuff (mostly). For the things I'm not sure of I can "search" for a folder name and get multiple hits "Volleyball" or "Bday" and just get the subset of those folders.

There are exceptions to this method, of course. I have a folder named Misc, a sibling to the year layer of the directory structure. Under this I have \misc\pix and \misc\vids. In these folders I've put a bunch of .... junk stuff that I have accumulated that doesn't really fit anywhere else. At least until I come up with a better way to organize these misfits.

Back to the major structure. I envison adding another feature to the leaf folders described above: ..\year\month\event\outtakes. This will let me segregate the photos of a given event into keepers (focused, composed, interesting pictures) and then everything else. I have a hard time discarding photos unless they're complete crap, but when I'm going through the pictures of an event, it's nice to be able to view and show off the nicest ones first. I can/may even rename the pictures so that they sort properly.

Which reminds me, one of the critical attributes of the files that permit this kind of organization is "Date picture taken". It's in there in the metadata of the file produced by most cameras, even though the default Windows Explorer doesn't show that attribute. This is the hard date I use to determine where/where to put the picture/folder. Not the created date, that's the date the file was created on the disk and I might download from the camera to the computer several different photo "sessions". Not the modify date either. Some cameras don't provide this data, so I wing it.

Even further down the road I envision adding meta data to the pictures themselves, singly or in bulk. Right now the folder says \year\month\kida\bday but the pictures are named DSC00791.jpg. It would be nice to tag the picture with this data too. And with any other useful future search hook. Down the road though...

Did I answer your question? How do you do it? How do y'all do it?

Shawnee123 06-01-2007 02:09 PM

Our college-wide system just went out for an upgrade for at least a week.

Now, this means that there is a lot of work I can't do, but it also means there is a lot of work I can do that either does not involve the system, or I can do parts and put the rest in the system at a later date. It means that the crisis mode has to stop for a while, giving me time to work on stuff that is also important (federal reporting, scholarships, etc) but has taken a back burner to all the freaking CHAOS!

Why, I might even find there is a desk under these mounds of crap, I mean paperwork.

And when a student says "but, but, but...wah" I can reply "I'm so sorry. There's nothing we can do at this point. Rest assured you are held into class, and we'll talk in a week." To quote zippyt: buh-bye.


glatt 06-01-2007 02:39 PM


Originally Posted by BigV (Post 349667)
Did I answer your question? How do you do it? How do y'all do it?

I'm not saying this is a great way to do it, but I have folders set up by year, and then within each year I have sub folders by day for each day I took pictures. The naming convention for these subfolders is YYMMDD, so folder 070526 contains all the pictures taken May 26, 2007.

Then in Windows, I have thumbnails turned on. This shows thumbnails on each subfolder for four pictures in that folder. Normally that's enough to find what I'm looking for.

Since 1999, I've taken 25,386 digital pictures organized in 880 folders using this system. I've been wondering lately how to do a better job organizing. I don't go back and look at the old pictures that much because the majority of them are nothing special. There are probably 1000 gems out of those 25K pictures. I think I need to create a "greatest hits" folder of some sort so I can deal with a smaller number of just quality pictures.

Maybe I should get a premium account in Flickr or Google's Piccasa and put all the good ones on the web where I can put captions under them and share them. I hesitate to create something good that will be controlled by someone else though.

HungLikeJesus 06-01-2007 03:36 PM

(Regarding photo organization) In MS Outlook you can assign categories to e-mails, and each e-mail can have multiple categories assigned.

I wonder if there is a way to do something similar with photos (and other files). Then you could assign a photo to the category of "Wildflower" and "Hiking" and "Interesting," or some other label showing that it's a picture that you particularly like. And another picture could be "Wife" and "Hiking" and "Rocky Mountain National Park." Then when you group by category, each picture would show up in each of the appropriate categories, but without storing multiple copies.

This is how it works for e-mails, so it seems like something like this must (or should) exist for other files.

[This discussion should probably be in the Technology forum.]

BigV 06-01-2007 06:43 PM

ta da~!

final music lib status: 71 gb 17 k files. Boy are my fingers tired!

Now to rebuild my itunes library and my picassa library.

Oh, and the backups.

zippyt 06-01-2007 07:29 PM

we leave for FLA in the AM !!!!

Yznhymr 06-01-2007 08:49 PM

This made me very happy...or at least made me smile like a fool...:D

If you don't like spiders, don't click me!!!

Can someone teach me how to just post the vid without a redirect??? Thanks pard'ner!

JuancoRocks 06-06-2007 03:17 AM

Me Happy Eh!
Finding a new site full of interesting, educated and opinionated individuals........A collection of photographs......Many are exceptional.....some are spectacular.......And witty commentary espousing a point of view on any subject.......No matter how strange.....

Makes you happy after a long day of work.
Made me laugh...out loud.

limey 06-06-2007 09:32 AM

Well Hello Juanco!

zippyt 06-06-2007 02:00 PM

Howdy , Juanco

Now ya got a monkey on your back , see he is Up there at the top ,
he IS watching and typeing your description,
in a report to the MAN !!!

Griff 06-06-2007 02:10 PM

I had a good first interview today and earned a command performance next week doing my dog and pony show with a classroom full of dangerous youts.

zippyt 06-06-2007 02:31 PM

whear your CUP ,,,,,,, Dude !!!

Oh and Congrats !!

Dagney 06-06-2007 02:34 PM

Congrats Griff! Best of luck in the dog and pony show next week :)

Three things in the Dagney-home to rejoice about today:

I've been looking for a job since I quit/escaped my old one in January. Well, this morning the long awaited phone call came. I was offered, and accepted a position that I wanted badly. I start in a week, make more money than I did, doing less work than I was, with set hours, no travel, and a 10 minute commute. Life is good.

My side business is taking off, I have three orders for wedding invitations coming down the pike - custom design, the whole kit and kaboodle. The extra money is going to surprise my husband with a new camera for supporting me while I wasn't working. Life is good.

My brother and sister in law had their second child this morning. Every one is doing well. Aunt Dagney is smacking the snooze alarm on her biological clock, but otherwise, everyone is healthy. Life is great. (She's so CUTE!)

Griff 06-06-2007 02:52 PM

Thanks guys! hmmm... body armor...
Looks like you hit the trifecta Dagney. Excellent.

BigV 06-06-2007 02:54 PM

what makes you think I'm happy? does this look like my happy face? I didn't think so. Bugger off.

Griff 06-06-2007 02:56 PM

[sunshine]C'mon V, turn that frown upside down![/day]

BigV 06-06-2007 03:09 PM

Not you Griff--you poor innocent bystander, collateral damage, friendly fire victim. I'm all "w00T!!!11" for your new news.

And thanks for the cue about my smile installation error. It looked right from where I was standing...

BigV 06-06-2007 03:11 PM

y'know... I get that a lot. "why are you angry?" "Your face is so angry." sheesh.

I'm not angry. I'm ugly.

BigV 06-06-2007 03:12 PM

*leaves thread before he completely stinks up the joint*

Clodfobble 06-06-2007 09:51 PM

I finally have a telephone connected to the house, after a month without service! I tell you, it's really hard to figure out whether AT&T or Time Warner are the bigger group of idiots here.

Also, it must be new job season because Mr. Clod got one too! He starts on Monday. Good luck on your performance, Griff, let us know how it goes!

Cloud 06-07-2007 08:56 PM

I bought a new pair of glasses today for under $400. That's a bargain, considering I wear progressive bi-focals and transitions lenses.

Yeah, I know I posted that thing about ordering glasses online. I think if I had a simpler prescription, I would have tried it.

JuancoRocks 06-08-2007 03:27 AM


Originally Posted by zippyt (Post 351340)
Howdy , Juanco

Now ya got a monkey on your back , see he is Up there at the top ,
he IS watching and typeing your description,
in a report to the MAN !!!

I thought the monkey was the man?

Monkeys generally make everyone happy except the one on the receiving end of the thrown feces.

dixy 06-08-2007 11:20 AM

An old friend messaged me and we are soon going to make some lunch plans!

HungLikeJesus 06-08-2007 04:03 PM


Today is the annual tenant appreciation day; the landlord provided bar-b-q (beef, ribs, chicken), chips, beans, cookies, pie, cake, softdrinks and beer. Right now I'm drinking a local beer, Fat Tire.

(This is work, not home.)

Sundae 06-08-2007 04:28 PM

I found out who was chasing me for money - and it's a bill I can afford to pay.
I don't have to hide when the doorbell rings now.

Oh and Animal Crossing on the Nintendo DS. I'm not a game person usually, but am ridiculously into this right now. To the extent that I'm going home pretty soon because I forwarded the clock and the shop will be opening in my game world soon. I have red turnips to buy and a Bug Off to attend you know.

BigV 06-08-2007 04:35 PM

I have that game!

I have only *just* started it. Game minutes only, no hours.... it looks like a lot of fun!

PS friend code?

HungLikeJesus 06-08-2007 04:51 PM

Another beer! and a cookie.

Cloud 06-08-2007 05:05 PM

mmmm, beer and chocolate!

My snack when I'm having a really bad day!

Yznhymr 06-08-2007 05:14 PM

Wife and kids coming home today!!! Woohoo!

Yznhymr 06-08-2007 05:16 PM

Duh...forgot to mention...kiddos were at Camp and wife was a chaperone. Been gone since Monday morning.

skysidhe 06-08-2007 08:41 PM

Just just right new refrigerator was delivered.

Frozen ice cream for the summer! Yay!

Griff 06-09-2007 10:31 AM

I scored 5 touches on a 13 yo at fencing practice last night. baby steps

monster 06-09-2007 10:37 AM

new bike. sunshine. last soccer mom day. school will be out by this time next week. fried egg butty.

HungLikeJesus 06-09-2007 11:12 AM


Originally Posted by skysidhe (Post 352658)
Just just right new refrigerator was delivered.

Frozen ice cream for the summer! Yay!

skysidhe -- we're in the process of shopping for a new refrigerator - our old one is really old, the temperature is no longer controllable, and all the shelves are always full of water.

I didn't know there were all these new styles (freezer on the bottom, french doors, etc.). What did you get?

Elspode 06-09-2007 11:28 AM

I had a date last night. I went very, very well. Thus, I am happy.

Trilby 06-09-2007 11:58 AM went very, very well or the date went very, very well?

Either way---YAY! :) Good for you!

skysidhe 06-09-2007 08:33 PM


Originally Posted by HLJ (Post 352864)
skysidhe -- we're in the process of shopping for a new refrigerator - our old one is really old, the temperature is no longer controllable, and all the shelves are always full of water.

I didn't know there were all these new styles (freezer on the bottom, french doors, etc.). What did you get?

This is the one.

The old one had the same problem as yours did. It was very old and lost temperature control. The freezer wasn't separate and didn't freeze.

The new one is a low end Whirlpool. It's not fancy but it's new, keeps the milk cold and the icecream frozen so I couldn't be happier. :D

If money isn't an object I'd advise you to go with stainless steel and ice cube maker/ water dispenser, french doors,see through crispers but then you'll need to remodel your kitchen around it! :neutral:

skysidhe 06-09-2007 08:39 PM


Originally Posted by Griff (Post 352851)
I scored 5 touches on a 13 yo at fencing practice last night. baby steps

congradulations ?;) You'll get there. It's fun to try new things.

dixy 06-09-2007 09:58 PM

Stealing wireless internet :D


Originally Posted by Elspode (Post 352867)
I had a date last night. I went very, very well. Thus, I am happy.

Hooray, best wishes :)

Elspode 06-10-2007 04:14 AM


Originally Posted by Brianna (Post 352883) went very, very well or the date went very, very well?

Either way---YAY! :) Good for you!

For those of you who aren't trying to skate the thin edge of interpersonal relationships the way I am...good. While what I am experiencing of late has been nothing short of remarkable, stupendous and altogether life affirming...I cannot recommend it for the faint of heart.

Bri...*I* in particular went very very well. And, unless I am extremely gullible and hopelessly pollyanna, my partner on Friday night would say much the same. But even though the bumping and grinding, and all that preceded it, was magnificent, everything that comes along after is not necessarily something that a casual observer would envy. Let me preface what follows by saying that my date last night is not involved in what has gone on today.

The whole open marriage/poly thing is a lot of damn work. Between trying to remain confident and secure within my own view of marriage and sharing, and that of my spouse's point of view, sometimes masturbation seems a superior option. At the very least, no one else has to feel okay about it all save for myself, and i'm responsible for my own messes.

I had a wonderful date last night. Minimal blowing of sunshine up the crinkly fabric hippie skirt of the lady with whom I was out, and maximum return on my investment of time, conversation, emotion and chi. The fact that yesterday turned into today, entirely focused on a planned visit from another couple with whom we had been intimate at Pagan Fest, and with whom we had anticipated a repeat encounter which came to fruition tonight, has put something of a pall on our point of view, all things being equal.

Bri, I'm sure you in particular will resonate with the concept of "odd man out" - an ostensible foursome that somehow leaves one participant with little to do save for to observe...or leave. It was the latter path which I chose tonight. Trying to get four people sexually on the same playing field is dicey under the best of circumstances, and those favorable circumstances were not on the table tonight. Being the nice guy I am, when it became apparent that I was the less necessary party to the proceedings, I bowed out gracefully. At the time, it was the right thing to do. In the end, not so much, apparently.

Even when one is able to access amenable parties to group frolic/sharing, there are things that you cannot quite predict or anticipate. When I left the foray, according to Selene, things didn't actually get better, they just got weirder. The wife of the correspondent couple ended up feeling as though her man was paying rather more attention to Selene than she was comfortable with (I'm sure he was, as they are quite smitten with one another), and bad feelings evinced on the part of the female correspondent. Last I know, the other couple has driven off, with the Mrs in tears, and they've not yet returned although a couple of hours has passed. This is troublesome, because their 18 year old daughter is staying the night with my son, and they were supposed to sleep here and attend a meeting with us on the morrow.

There's so much more to all of this than I can even begin to tell here...I suppose I'll have to sit down and write about it all, and post it, but really...for most people, this must seem sordid and unnecessary. I'm not sure that I'd want to read about any of this if it weren't part of my life, and I with such a love for the narrative.

I wish I could tell you that it was otherwise, but right now, it seems slightly sordid, even to me. For what it is worth, I can say this much...big risk equals big rewards. With any luck, I know better than to bet the farm.

Selene is asleep now, upset and feeling tawdry. I'm sitting here, typing to you, my Cellar family, and not making a lot of sense. Please don't think me a scoundrel, a lost soul or a slut. I'm not. No one involved in any of this is. Try to imagine going from Heaven to Hell in one 24 hour period; then, try to imagine yourself thinking that maybe it isn't such a bad thing to have made the trip.

That's where I'm at.

Clodfobble 06-10-2007 09:49 AM

I'm sorry things didn't work out the way they were supposed to, Els. But to be honest, I'm more just relieved that you and Selene are okay--when I started reading the above I was worried it was going somewhere much more unhappy. Hopefully the other couple will find a balance that works for them in the long run.

HungLikeJesus 06-10-2007 10:07 AM


Originally Posted by skysidhe (Post 353005)
... The new one is a low end Whirlpool. It's not fancy but it's new, keeps the milk cold and the icecream frozen so I couldn't be happier. :D

If money isn't an object I'd advise you to go with stainless steel and ice cube maker/ water dispenser, french doors,see through crispers but then you'll need to remodel your kitchen around it! :neutral:

skysidhe -- thanks. This refrigerator should use a lot less electricity than your old one. If you have access to your electric bills from the previous year you should see a decrease of maybe 50 or more kWh per month. (Of course, there are so many factors that this might be hard to notice.)

We're limited in space (~32-1/2 inches wide), but we're hoping to get one with the freezer on the bottom, french doors and no exterior icemaker or water.

Cloud 06-10-2007 09:35 PM

Elspode, I am simultaneously envious and dismayed at your post. I don't think anyone can really advise you on such a situation, but hope it works out okay for you.

Elspode 06-10-2007 09:41 PM

Oh, hey...not looking for advice. Selene and I process pretty well, both together and separately. We are utterly good together, she and I. If not, none of this would be going on.

As those here who have known me longest can attest, I often use the Cellar as my written processing outlet about things that go on in my life. I truly am not trying to shock anyone, impress anyone or get a rise out of anyone here. I truly consider all of you my extended family, and as such, being an essentially honest person, you all tend to get included in my world once in awhile. Those who find it beyond their comfort zone would be well advised to avoid my posts, as I am verbose in the extreme, and tend to lead what even I consider to be an interesting life most of the time, fraught with topics that I like to share and air.

I just feel so blessed that you folks are here to share in my process, offer your feelings about stuff in return, and mostly accept me for who I am. That's very special.

skysidhe 06-11-2007 10:17 AM


Originally Posted by HLJ (Post 353092)
skysidhe -- thanks. This refrigerator should use a lot less electricity than your old one. If you have access to your electric bills from the previous year you should see a decrease of maybe 50 or more kWh per month. (Of course, there are so many factors that this might be hard to notice.)

We're limited in space (~32-1/2 inches wide), but we're hoping to get one with the freezer on the bottom, french doors and no exterior icemaker or water.

French doors are definitely nice and it makes sense the refigerator part should be on the bottom.

Any saved electricity will be good! It's expensive here as it is for everyone these days I am sure.


Originally Posted by Elspode (Post 353181)

I do accept you for who you are.

You process well. I can say I understand and don't understand at the same time. I am glad you can keep your heart under such circumstances where a lesser person might make up excuses in their head that have no basis in reality. It's a hard line to walk I am sure.

glatt 06-11-2007 10:17 AM


Originally Posted by Clodfobble (Post 353087)
I'm sorry things didn't work out the way they were supposed to, Els. But to be honest, I'm more just relieved that you and Selene are okay--when I started reading the above I was worried it was going somewhere much more unhappy. Hopefully the other couple will find a balance that works for them in the long run.

I couldn't have said it better myself. I was afraid Elspode's post was heading in that direction too. Hope things worked out for the couple, Elspode.

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