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Seeing SG in this thread.
Ah thank you!
That did make me smile. The thing that's making me happy today is when I couldn't sleep last night (boooo) I went over and over in my head how I'd managed to let my anti-depressants run so low. I wasn't beating myself up, just thinking that it wasn't really like me - I'm slack, but something like that I'm usually on top of. And in thinking that I had to ponder where I might have put them if I did in fact have another bottle. Lo and behold, I had a proper look this morning. My extra PPIs are in the front of my knicker drawer, so I see them every morning and remember to go downstairs to take one. My extra anti-depressants, it turns out, are at the BACK of my knicker drawer. So I sent off for a replacement driving licence today. I have plenty of tablets to see me through until it arrives in the New Year, and I can then take my shiny new photo ID to get registered at the local practice. Phew. Won't do them much good though. I'm about 60 pounds heavier and ten years older than I was in that picture. Looks nothing like me. Still, it's legal (in this country) and they'll have to take it. Silly practice if you ask me - those tiny photos could be anyone of approx the same age and colour once you've had them a few years. And the second piece of good news is I have an interview at the Job Centre tomorrow. I expect they will tell me I am not entitled to any benefits, but I'm prepared for that. What they will do is register me as a Job Seeker and I will have access to more job advertisments. They might also be able to enrol me on courses or suchlike - I expect to be in some sort of job in the New Year. |
Way to go, Sundae!
YAY Sundae! :celebrat:
Very very good to hear Sundae!
So glad to hear it SG. Keep taking care of yourself...you are sooooo loved by lots and lots of people, including me. :)
I was going to post that I had cold pizza for breakfast, but that is nothing compared to your good news, Sundae. Cheers! I'm very happy for you.
Yay SG!
I successfully disassembled our dryer, replaced the broken belt and worn out drum rollers, and put it back together. Before, due to the rollers, it sounded like a herd of elephants running through, and now it's extremely quiet. (The downside? The sound no longer carries through the heating ducts, so we can no longer immediately notice when it stops running.) |
Though I've been feeling out of sorts and out of place (dunno why) my boss told me today she thinks I'm doing a fabtabulous job.
Fabtabulous! |
Thanks buddy!
1 Attachment(s)
Eduardo is back. He only played 45 minutes in a reserve match but the point is he actually played. 10 months ago there were concerns that he may not even be able to ever run again so severe was the injury.
He still has a long road ahead of him before he returns to his best, but Eduardo is on his way. |
That's great news, SG!
It's great to see SG here again and to hear how she dealt with her difficulties in such a constructive way.
And to hear that Shawnee is getting correctly assessed as fabtabulous by her boss. WTG grrrrrrrrls!:celebrat: |
Awesome! Keep up the good work Shaw or I will scalp you. :) I am always unsure at my work, but I was told the other day that they realy like me working here. :) And that I'm a nice lady. :D I said, Oh Really? *cock head to side* Cool! Sweet! :D |
I'll agree with them, and I don't even work with you. :)
:) I'm not randy just because I am getting a divorce. M'not!!!! Because that would be weird.
This kept me happy all day. |
wharrgarbl |
All kids love a sprinkler on a hot day huh? :) Very sweet. |
Griff, thank you for a much-needed aaaawwwww and giggle.
I didn't have a drink today.
I listened to the second thought, and the second thought said, "If you think you're miserable now, just remember how you felt last Friday - that's what drink does to you." And I walked past all the pubs on the way home and didn't go in any. And I was actually happier by the time I got home. Not kicking my heels up with glee, but happier than when I left the Job Centre. |
Just finished gorging self on the plethora of yummy pickins at our office pot-luck. I think I may be close to a sugar coma!!!
Hanging with my dog. Happy with her new bone. Things aren't perfect around the house, but it's clean enough. Good enough fo' me. :)
The bakery up the road from us makes the absolute best cinnamon donuts I've ever had. They're soft and spongey on the inside but there's bits of the outside that have a slight crunch...and they're smothered in sugar and cinnamon. They are so good!
The only problem is, I ate 3 of them and I should have stopped at 2, but it was the first time I've actually felt like eating something in days. I guess I just went a bit silly. 'tis the season! :) |
More hugs for Sundae. Well done on staying out of the pubs. Many wars are won with a hundred small victories, you're on the way.
I'd like to echo that Rock on and add a Tommy (one for the Brits)
snow day!!!!
It's fifty degrees over here! |
Technically, not the University, but my daughter's school was cancelled, so I'm staying home with her.
Now, if I could only stay out of those damn peanut butter balls... |
Schadenfreude - the place that got rid of me just advertised the position in Craigslist again, which means they couldn't find someone in three months now, and are almost certainly desperate.
My friendly ex-cow-orkers all say they don't like it there without me. It also means pager duty rolls around every 3 weeks instead of every 4 for everyone in my ex-group... with no end in sight. Three people are on the pager, so they share it on a one week on, two weeks off basis. With me in rotation, there were four of us, so it was three weeks off. They are regretting it. Upper-level management is responsible for 98% of all problems at that place. |
Have you applied for the job? Maybe you can get a raise.
I think you should too, UT. Just see what happens.
Today, we had our luncheon, then met in our divisions. At the luncheon I was thinking how emotionally invested I was in my old job, and sort of missing that common purpose, even though I know the common purpose is here as well. At division, they made everyone new get up, along with their boss, who introduced us and said what our role is. Before my boss spoke, my cow orkers started clapping. They told me later they said "we plan to keep her" and that made me feel really good. There are good people here. The things i was apprehensive about, in going to a new place, have already become irrelevant, and I am so lucky and happy. |
lol! Goodz Shaw! No better xmas present than work validation, and the assured promise of more work!
UT, I would do it. Go for it. You could go back in with the "no harm no foul" attitude. Give people a chance to realize a mistake, and rectify it. If they can't, they blow. :) |
Yeehaw!!! I was just informed I am getting a bonus in my next check. Totally unexpected. My company doesn't do Christmas bonuses; this is based on work I did this year that they want to reward me for. My wife is sooo excited. I am sure it will be spent before I finish typing this! LOL
Hey, they accepted my unemployment insurance claim this time. Next time they might not. I won't work there unless there are several changes in upper management.
And long term, a company that can only reliably monitor FM radio is going to die anyway. |
Heh...true. Still, what great vindication to know they suck without you!
My Dad accidentally shut Diz out when he went to the shed to get ice cubes during an ad break (the shed is only a step away from the back door and is where they keep the freezer).
Good news though. He was out for 20 minutes before I went to check on him - I assumed he was on the heater in the hall. I immediately went to the back door and called, and he streaked in on his cold little paws. This does make me happy because he didn't run and he has the sense to know this is home. |
I hope your dad is OK. Maybe you should try to convince him to wear shoes next time he goes out for ice.
Why didn't he knock? |
Maybe I just never noticed before but I find you are very funny lately HLJ.
i had a fun time singing Christmas carols with my kids tonight.
I have finished going through all the music on my laptop and filled my shuffle with my favorite workout music. I could run 10.5 miles and never hear the same song twice!!!! Now, to rip all the rest of my CD's... :thepain: |
When will you fill it to marathon-status?
:) |
Went for lunch with Mum today.
We did have alcohol, but it was managed. If it were the middle of the year I would probably have settled for Diet Coke, but being Christmas, and Mum looking forward to this for weeks (my Dad has been taken to a premiership football game by my BIL as a Christmas present) I thought it was apposite. We had a jug of cocktails. Which worked out the same as a double spirit measure each, drowned in Coke and ice. I'm happy with this. AND we had a great time, talking and laughing and telling stories. We do get on well as company. |
I just got off customer service chat with zappos. I ordered a dress for homegirl and I opened the package to check that it was ok and saw that it was covered in cat fur and lint. Still had the tags on it.
Zappos was OS but offered me 20 bucks to have it cleaned. |
What? Nasty!
If help and support come from someone who has dealt with things differently or who has a different perspective than me, I'd still appreciate it. It's your choice whether you want to of course.
Hey Sundae, PM me your new postal addy please:)
I'm just worried that you're so focused on the measuring aspect of this that you'll set yourself up for trouble after a few weeks of controlled drinking. Just watch for patterns dear.
I will, honest.
I can only prove this by doing it - and I will. Thanks for your input - I (probably unfortunately) set a lot of store by other people's opinions. When I read your post my stomach dropped. But it's good - it makes me question what I have done and will be part of my second thought reaction next time. |
I have lived with alcoholics and they are mean nasty mouthed buggers. Just keep sweet ok. [edit] I know you are not one of those SG. It has just been my experience that alcohol changes the personality when it gets out of control. I do not wish that on anyone. I wish you all the best in strength and peace. |
I was concerned about tone on the re-read. Anyway, let's do happy stuff now.
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