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Shawnee123 03-20-2008 01:07 PM

I bet you do. I always think about people in lines of work like yours, where you work a lot of holidays. Are sales up because others are off work, or are they usually otherwise occupied but you need to be there for those who do come to buy?

lumberjim 03-20-2008 01:16 PM

mostly it's because we're all whores. the owners fear that if they close, and the guy down the street is open, he'll lose deals. which is probably true, but to be open on new years day is just sick.

what i meant about getting fucked is that on the rare occasion that we actually thanksgiving and christmas.....we have to work our day off. i'm all bitter.

SteveDallas 03-20-2008 01:21 PM

This is "mildly irritated." "Bitter" is the thread across the hall.[/Monty Python]

Shawnee123 03-20-2008 01:23 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Sorry, man. When I win a bigass bunch of money, I will buy my beamer z4 from you, if you sell them.

lookout123 03-20-2008 01:29 PM


Originally Posted by lumberjim (Post 440387)
mostly it's because we're all whores. the owners fear that if they close, and the guy down the street is open, he'll lose deals. which is probably true, but to be open on new years day is just sick.

what i meant about getting fucked is that on the rare occasion that we actually thanksgiving and christmas.....we have to work our day off. i'm all bitter.

Dude, I sooo remember that. We actually got all the owners on our street to agree to close on sundays. It was acknowledged that if one opened all would reopen. Each store was averaging 5/6 sales per sunday - not enough to make it worthwhile, but they were so stinking paranoid that the first two weeks they made a skeleton crew come in and just sit there while they watched the other dealerships on the street to see if they stayed closed. We just sat there and played cards with the doors closed and lights off. On the third week the Buick store's sales manager sent one of his guys after someone just window shopping. We were all reopened within an hour.

binky 03-20-2008 01:42 PM

I remember years ago I worked a a large chain craft store which shall not be named, and they decided to open on Christmas. Luckily for me, my job depended on UPS and FEDEX deliveries, and their bosses were sane so I got to stay home that day. Since then, the poor sales that day have made them decide against opening on Christmas, Thanksgiving etc

Shawnee123 03-20-2008 01:49 PM

I worked a second job at the Country Club for quite some time (also did full-time when I was between other jobs) and the two biggest days of the year were Easter and Mother's Day. I"m talking hundreds of people, double seatings, etc. We worked our butts off and all I could think about was my family having a great time together. And, it wasn't lucrative, they aren't supposed to tip at the Club (15 % gratuity added to checks but we never saw it.) I hated it. So, I am sooooooooo spoiled now, and it eases the pain of some of the other not so great things.

Shawnee123 03-20-2008 04:19 PM

The guy across the hall who listens to all phone messages on speaker phone at high volume (and usually calls back that way too.) I just heard some helicopter mom saying "blah blah blah financial aid blah blah do we do blah blah ICK CETERA ICK CETERA."

People who say ick cetera should be shot. People who say it twice, when one ick cetera already encompasses any future ceteras, should be drawn and quartered, and then shot.


Sundae 03-25-2008 05:56 AM

From the start of the day:
Our blender is broken. WHY is it still there HM, I thought you'd fixed it? If it's broken - bin it!
So I put my smoothie in progress in the Magic Bullet (more washing up) which made a fierce racket and didn't blend properly either. Had to throw 1/3 of smoothie away due to big lumps of banan (bleurgh) left in it.

Diz tried to pee on the mat. I am all for bringing the litter tray back, but HM wants to carry on. It worried me because I'm not meeting my cats' needs at present so they are making their own choices and it's not their fault that the choice is wrong. Anyway, I chucked him out, and this way learned the cat flap is not working, as he was waiting, shivering 45 mins later when I left the house.

I noticed HM has put wet washing to dry overlapping my should-be-dry-by-now washing. Okay the top I wanted to wear was dry, but I object on the grounds of common sense - I told him last night not to put another wash on, he needed a clean white shirt for tonight at approx 18.00 so there wasn't really any need to get it done before my clothes were dry.

People keep ringing about the Olympic Torch finale - all well and good, but every single call so far has been answered in the information pack they have received. Sigh.

Despite this, I am actually very happy as I have been paid, I have a smaller pair of trousers on today and I am on top of my work (and therefore slacking in the Cellar while the office is empty)

Oops - just remembered another thing. My sister's birthday tomorrow and I thought I'd send her something from Lush - nice & small, goes in the post, token gift etc. Oops, forgot. I don't live in Leicester any more and there is no Lush within walking distance. She'll just have to have a card like the last few years!

Flint 03-25-2008 11:51 AM

I poked the side of the top of my foot with a stick yesterday, and it's mildly to moderately irritating me today. I'll keep you updated.

DucksNuts 03-25-2008 02:07 PM


Shawnee123 03-25-2008 03:29 PM

I'm going to count apprehension as mild irritation:

I don't know if Homeless Guy will be gone when I get home or not. He either a) quit his job b) decided not to go to his job last night c) actually did get suspended for an error (although he told me last week it was a write-up and his supervisor told him not to worry about it) d) got fired or e) quit going and quit going long before last night (but he did give me his bi-monthly, bi-weekly, whatever it is...every two weeks contribution last night.) He has been employed for about 3 months after about a year and half of not working.

I told him this morning he might want to check to see if his sister wants a roommate. I said I can't go through all that crap again (i.e. supporting him.) He asked me why I was upset when after all he is the one who should be upset and what does it have to do with me?

What it has to do with me is that I can't support a guy who I'm not even in a relationship with.

Still, here I am feeling bad. But, him moving would be the best thing for all. This is going nowhere, it's been going nowhere, and it will continue to go nowhere.

That is all. :(


Lois Loan

Clodfobble 03-25-2008 03:29 PM

OMFG my SourceAnyWhere connection is going so goddamn slowly today, at this rate it's going to take me over an hour to check in less than thirty stupid files. But they're all in different folders, see, so I can't even select all of them and just let the stupid thing run, I have to start off a new process every 2 minutes.

Clodfobble 03-25-2008 03:32 PM


Originally Posted by Shawnee123
what does it have to do with me?

The correct answer is, of course, "It has nothing to do with me, since you are not living here anymore. Get out. And you still owe me the money from last night, whenever your lazy ass does get another job."

Shawnee123 03-25-2008 03:34 PM

Thanks Clod. (I'm such a freaking wimp.) :blush:

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