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Flint 09-11-2008 11:38 PM

I once got busy in a Burger King bathroom. Humpty and Shock G were the same dude. Did you ever hear the "Sex Packets" concept album?

Anyway, here's a meat and potatoes rocker for jim and jinx.

Toadies, anyone?


I'm not gonna lie,
I'll not be a gentleman.
Behind the boathouse,
I'll show you my dark secret.

It's that he's a vampire!

Flint 09-13-2008 01:05 PM

Steve Vai (played the devil in Crossroads) with an orchestra...

Same song, from the G3 wankfest (1996).

Number 2 Pencil 09-19-2008 06:53 AM

The Bastard Fairies' video of "We're All Going to Hell". The lead singer is Yellow Thunder Woman - yes that's her real name why do you ask?

*Flag* possibly NSFW

And this ukulele player is just terrific, listen to her other songs too if you like ukes, Jonathan Colton, and catchy funny songs...

The Cake is a Lie!

Shawnee123 09-19-2008 10:56 AM

Pico and ME 09-19-2008 12:48 PM

D'aaahhhh...Rowan and Martin. Those were the days....and I do remember them. We never missed Laugh-In.

Shawnee123 09-19-2008 01:36 PM

You bet your sweet bippy! :)

lumberjim 09-23-2008 03:03 PM

jinx 09-23-2008 11:19 PM

Spinnerettes - valium knights

toranokaze 09-24-2008 01:41 AM


Originally Posted by Kitsune (Post 317927)
Code Monkey like Fritos. Code Monkey like Tab and Mountain Dew.

What is the name of the end credit song?

toranokaze 09-24-2008 01:59 AM

Never mind I found it

Undertoad 10-03-2008 02:48 AM

David Lee Roth's vocal from "Running With the Devil".

Yeah, just the vocal track. With no post-production compression, reverb, etc. It's educational... and unintentionally funny.

TheMercenary 10-03-2008 01:33 PM

Very good.

Shawnee123 10-03-2008 01:45 PM

UT, I had tears from laughing so hard at that.

This is a "had to be there" but I worked a huge wedding at the club once, they had attached outside wedding tents to the rest of the building to accommodate the guests. Towards the end of the evening, the wedding party was trashed. Everyone had migrated indoors and I was outside in the tent cleaning up. They had the speakers attached to the microphone, but not the DJ. The drunk groom and groomsmen were all standing around singing "Friends in Low Places." Very badly. What was funny was that in the tent you couldn't hear the music at all, just a bunch of drunk guys mumbling along to the rest of the words until they got to the "I've got friends in low places" mumble mumble mumble..."Ohh ohhh asis..." it was one of the funniest things I have ever heard in my life.

My name is mud 10-05-2008 07:12 AM


My name is mud 10-05-2008 07:17 AM

My name is mud 10-05-2008 07:19 AM

My name is mud 10-05-2008 07:26 AM

My name is mud 10-05-2008 07:31 AM

glatt 10-13-2008 05:22 PM

Ah, the '80s.

Shawnee123 10-14-2008 08:34 AM

lol...running DA DA DA across the screen, in case someone forgot the words.

TheMercenary 10-15-2008 11:17 AM

Pico and ME 10-15-2008 11:23 AM


Originally Posted by TheMercenary (Post 493932)

I think that ranks as one of the best Weird Al's. I love that one.

Cicero 10-15-2008 11:27 AM

lol! Unfortunately, about half of that reminded me of me.

Yea..I'm sippin' my earl grey tea. Gansta style. Rly.

The power chord? UUh yup. By I give out better power supplies. nah nah. What's wrong with that? People need those damn it? They never switch them out from the ones they had in '92...c'mon....

Shawnee123 10-15-2008 11:44 AM


Originally Posted by Pico and ME (Post 493936)
I think that ranks as one of the best Weird Al's. I love that one.

Another One Rides the Bus is pretty darn funny!

Especially the part where he mimics Freddie Mercury (I think) doing the "hey eh eh eh eh..." part. (About 1:47?)

Hey, I'm gonna sit by you!

Cicero 10-15-2008 11:47 AM

lol! LOL!

Pico and ME 10-15-2008 11:51 AM


Originally Posted by Shawnee123 (Post 493949)
Another One Rides the Bus is pretty darn funny!

Especially the part where he mimics Freddie Mercury (I think) doing the "hey eh eh eh eh..." part. (About 1:47?)

Hey, I'm gonna sit by you!

Yup thats pretty

TheMercenary 10-15-2008 06:56 PM

I may be weird but Weird Al is da Bomb. :D

TheMercenary 10-15-2008 10:09 PM

A classic all time fav:

Cicero 10-16-2008 02:20 PM

I like this band and wtf?

Sundae 10-17-2008 04:24 PM

Okay, couldn't find a good version of the SLF song I really wanted (Alternative Ulster). So here are two of Suspect Device.

This is a down and dirty recording which reflects the way they played when I saw them live (more than once)
Pictures, not pretty though, just the band playing
If you only want to hear it once, watch this one.

This is the album version.
No pictures, pretty or otherwise.
But it's a nice clean recording.

And just to make this the most comprehensive post ever, the lyrics.


Inflammable material is planted in my head
It's a suspect device that's left 2000 dead
Their solutions are our problems
They put up the wall
On each side time and prime us
And make sure we get fuck all
They play their games of power
They mark and cut the pack
They deal us to the bottom
But what do they put back?

Don't believe them
Don't believe them
Don't be bitten twice
You gotta suss, suss, suss, suss, suss out
Suss suspect device

They take away our freedom
In the name of liberty
Why don't they all just clear off
Why won't they let us be
They make us feel indebted
For saving us from hell
And then they put us through it
It's time the bastards fell


Don't believe them
Don't believe them
Question everything you're told
Just take a look around you
At the bitterness and spite
Why can't we take over and try to put it right


We're a suspect device if we do what we're told
But a suspect device can score an own goal
I'm a suspect device the Army can't defuse
You're a suspect device they know they can't refuse
We're gonna blow up in their face
This is not aimed completely at getting the British out of Ireland. More about getting violence off the streets of Ulster. It can be read equally as anti-IRA or anti-UDR.

I've been thinking about living with terrorism quite a bit recently, so they've been on my mind.

Sundae 10-17-2008 05:38 PM

Okay doke, here's the dirty version promised in the Jihad thread. Merc sez dirty is okay.
But you'll see what I mean by dirty below. Not the lyrics, just the quality.
It has the force that I remember though (then again I know the words!)

From Bolton.


Nothin' for us in Belfast
The Pound so old it's a pity
OK, there's the Trident in Bangor
Then walk back to the city
We ain't got nothin' but they don't really care
They don't even know you know
Just want our money
And we can take it or leave it
What we need is

An Alternative Ulster
Grab it change it it's yours
Get an Alternative Ulster
Ignore the bores and their laws
Get an Alternative Ulster
Be an anti-security force
Alter your native Ulster
Alter your native land

Take a look where you're livin'
You got the Army on your street
And the RUC dog of repression
Is barking at your feet
Is this the kind of place you wanna live?
Is this were you wanna be?
Is this the only life we're gonna have?
What we need is


They say they're a part of you
But that's not true you know
They say they've got control of you
And that's a lie you know
They say you will never be

Free free free

Get an Alternative Ulster
Get an Alternative Ulster
Get an Alternative Ulster
As previously, it's not an anti-British song. It's just about disaffected youth and in this case they happen to live in a warzone. I wish I could find a better live version. If anyone is interested please do.

Again, this has been on my mind very much this last week.

Cloud 10-28-2008 09:16 PM

huh. "Evolution of Dance" -- an apparently famous YouTube clip which I have never heard of. unsurprising, really, but they mentioned it on NCIS, so I had to Google it.

Clever and hysterical!

TheMercenary 10-29-2008 09:07 PM

<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>

lumberjim 10-29-2008 09:29 PM

did you mean, this?

DanaC 10-31-2008 07:38 PM

My latest favourite band: MGMT

I am so impressed with their debut album.

This is same song but live:

DanaC 10-31-2008 07:56 PM

Oh and I love this video. Same band:

and that's it. That's all I'm posting.... not gonna do my usual thing of bombarding the Cellar with my most recent fascination... mmm mmm not me.

Bizarre. They're no longer available. Oh well I'll post a link to their channel

Sundae 11-03-2008 08:03 AM

Awwwww, just found some Glastonbury clips of Crowded House.
I'd rather watch them, pitch perfect real musicians, than any spectacular all dancing big production big budget show.

The wonderful thing is, whether you see them at Glastonbury, the Royal Albert Hall, the Indigo2 or down your local pub, they could never be any the less for it. Okay, will stop the fangurl stuff now.

lumberjim 11-06-2008 05:32 PM

troy live

DanaC 11-06-2008 06:14 PM

Oh I love that song, LJ. I had that album when I was 15.

lumberjim 11-06-2008 06:36 PM

that's funny...I'm really a 15 year old girl on the inside.

DanaC 11-06-2008 06:53 PM

I can see that

lumberjim 11-07-2008 04:51 PM

while my ukulele gently weeps

DanaC 11-08-2008 07:30 PM

That's stunning.

My name is mud 11-09-2008 08:23 PM

TheMercenary 11-11-2008 10:03 PM

zippyt 11-22-2008 12:56 AM

Jim Says I Haz a Feets Fetcious ,
I dont care , this is GOOOOOD !

Flint 11-22-2008 10:38 AM

Mingo Fishtrap . . . who knew these were white guys?!

lumberjim 11-22-2008 11:22 AM

this might already be in this thread, but 587 posts is too many to review to make sure. Anyway.....

This is Wicked Game. Maybe the sexiest video evar. Chris Isaacs and Adriana Lima rolling around in the surf pretending to be into each other.

lumberjim 11-22-2008 11:32 AM

Personal Jesus

covered by the late Mr Johnny Cash

It's a non video, but i love the picture. great version of the song. He draws the Rs in some of the words out almost awkwardly, but it works.

oh, it's a fucking toe tapper too, so get your big shoes on first!

DanaC 12-23-2008 01:25 PM

I have been revisiting the 90s, musically speaking :)

from the elder statesmen of British dance:
Afro Left, by Leftfield

DanaC 12-24-2008 03:49 AM

I'm loving this new Youtube embedding style. being able to search the collection without having to go to the site is much better.

DanaC 12-24-2008 03:56 AM

Leftfield did a song called Phat Drummer (I think) which was used in one of the best adverts ever. Here's the advert, for Guiness:

The full track (that's just the intro) is second on the menu. Well worth a listen, but has to be loud to be appreciated fully *grins*

Sundae 12-24-2008 02:08 PM

Oh ba. Still raises the hairs on my forearms.

Jacquelita 12-31-2008 06:41 PM

I found this searching for something else - Not that I typically go for the oldies - but this just has a timeless classic vibe

Frank Sinatra and Peggy Lee "Nice Work if you can get it"

warch 01-14-2009 05:28 PM

Michael Franti and Spearhead Say Hey to make you happy...will in embed work?!

denied. linky no hottie. why am I densest? help for me?

Wickedly_Tasteful 01-14-2009 05:52 PM

Undertoad 01-14-2009 06:07 PM

warch you have spaces inside your youtube vbcodes. I fix. WT we can't embed that way, instructions on how to put in youtube videos are here

warch 01-14-2009 06:40 PM

(nodding, shaking clenched fist and gritted teeth...)


thanks fav toad.

DanaC 01-25-2009 06:58 AM

This what I am listening to right now:

Both from BSG soundtrack. Totally different feel to the other I posted last week.

The Dance. A proper dance. Jig style, lots of Irish influence. (I think...I don't know enough about musical forms to be sure ;p)

Fight night. Military beats, celtic fringe and wailing pipes.

Sundae 01-25-2009 10:34 AM

I love this song, but this YouTuber hasn't faithfully transcribed the lyrics.
Meh - you probably won't notice on one hearing.

It's not a video (album track) so just keep the window open as you do something else.

FTR - this was my marriage break-up song. I had the album (Firecracker) in my car and used to drive the roads of Bucks, singing and crying and trying to work out what the hell I was doing. Still, if you have to do it, the scenery and the soundtrack are as good as any to do it to.

And the line which I still sing sometimes to myself is, "And I'm barely balancing as it is, and I don't want to drown in my dreams" which I think is a lovely fusion of tune and voice and words.

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