The Cellar

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ZenGum 04-27-2009 11:09 PM

Mildly irritating me is the need to mark students' tests in informal/applied logic. We went over this stuff many times, did two practise tests in class, discussed and explained the answers, and some kids appear not to have a #$%&ing CLUE about how to even go about answering the questions. Some of my students are good, but some are just a waste of my time and their daddy's money.

Razzmatazz13 04-27-2009 11:10 PM

I had a coat that I absolutely loved in highschool. Warmest thing ever besides my letterman's jacket. It was down-filled...and it was WHITE.

It's the only thing I've ever had dry-cleaned in my entire life, because it's the only item of clothing I cared enough to pay to have cleaned...and they MELTED IT...BIG GOBS OF PLASTICY FEATHERS AND ARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHH

They said that sometimes items "wash incorrectly" depending on how they're made, and refused that they had done anything wrong.

I miss my coat.

lumberjim 04-27-2009 11:14 PM

at least they didnt steal your pants!

im going there in the morning. i plan to kick ass and take names. I want my pants!

get my pants, bitch!

SteveDallas 04-28-2009 09:21 AM


Originally Posted by lumberjim (Post 560904)

Maybe you should try a plain cucumber. Without the pickling process, I expect it'd be much less likely to cause irritation.

dar512 04-28-2009 09:42 AM

Dry cleaning uses some fairly nasty chemicals and the fumes can stay a while.

The lady next door had cancer a while ago and her doctor recommended that she reduce the number of days she wore clothes that had been dry cleaned and that she let dry cleaned clothes air out before wearing them.

ZenGum 04-29-2009 01:09 AM

If anyone is stealiing Razz's pants, I want in.

So to speak. :D

DucksNuts 04-29-2009 03:43 AM

Corporate wear

xoxoxoBruce 04-29-2009 04:01 AM

Don't you have casual Fridays so you can show them what they are missing? ;)

DucksNuts 04-29-2009 05:24 AM

No, but we go out and get uncorporately drunk occasionally, and I introduced them to vertically challenged pr0n its coming.

sweetwater 04-29-2009 09:33 AM

I was playing yet another game of DeepLeap (I can't seem to break 1,000) and managed to get my RL first name - cleared the board, too. Woohoo! And then i noticed that I could get "Cellar" from the next batch of letters, and I started typing so fast to get it in so I could post it here that I typo'ed and messed the whole thing up. :(

lumberjim 04-29-2009 10:00 AM


Originally Posted by lumberjim (Post 560907)
at least they didnt steal your pants!

im going there in the morning. i plan to kick ass and take names. I want my pants!

get my pants, bitch!

i went there yesterday, and returned whoever's grey pants, and they had my black ones. as for the other pair they lost....they gave me $50 store credit. I'm mollified, i suppose. still....they better get that stain out of my shirt.

morethanpretty 04-29-2009 11:55 AM

Store called demanding I tell them why their controller pc keeps having problems. 3rd time last few months. Annoying I understand, but its not a constant problem, it gets fixed, works for awhile and then goes down again. A tech was out there today and will replace a part when it gets in, so that might fix the issue for good. Store is still calling demanding to know why the controller keeps having issues and that it needs to be fixed permanently.
We're workin on it bud, thats why a tech was out and we ordered a part to be replaced. How hard is that to understand?

glatt 04-30-2009 08:36 AM

Train I was riding in this morning broke down. Brakes seized. It stopped, and the lights and ventilation went out at the same time in the entire train. With no power, there were no announcements, but the driver walked through a couple times and said they were working on it. Other train traffic was diverted around us, so we saw all those lighted trains occasionally going by as I stood there in the dark for half an hour with hundreds of other people.

Eventually, they released the brakes and the train limped back to the previous station. Had to walk the length of the train to go out the only open door. And then, of course, our broken train had caused major delays on the line, so it was another half hour before I could squeeze onto a train.

I'm over an hour late for work, and feel like I put in a full day already.

SteveDallas 05-07-2009 09:15 PM

Fios is finally available in my neighborhood. (Can you say 20/5 internet?) The installation is scheduled for Monday.

After carefully examining the options, we decided to go with a Tivo rather than the Motorola boxes rented by Verizon. Our Tivo arrived yesterday. And it's dead. (It started up fine, but it barfed halfway through the setup process and refused to boot up again.)

The new one will not be here till Monday. This means we may have to reschedule the installation. "Oh, boo hoo, Steve has to wait for the new stuff." In the grand scheme of things, it's completely trivial. But on a more mundane level, I'd already made arrangements to be off from work Monday, and changing things on such short notice would be challenging.

(The delivery itself is annoying. The first unit was ordered on Monday, shipped on Tuesday from Harrisburg, PA, and arrived on Wednesday. The replacement was ordered on Wednesday and shipped on Thursday--from Indianapolis!! If it had come from Harrisburg like the first one, we'd have it tomorro.)

Trilby 05-07-2009 09:45 PM

damn amazon and their "buy with one-click" ways!

Fie on them~!

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