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dave 11-24-2003 08:31 AM

Could you just respond to all of my posts in like, say, eight successive posts? That would be awesome.

God 11-24-2003 08:33 AM


Originally posted by HaywardNelson
The type who's very existance makes us all feel as though a higher power has blessed us internally?

Well, yes. Dave is a gift to all cellarites. Dont forget though, he's just a program running in some remote server.

I work in mysterious ways.

dave 11-24-2003 08:34 AM

No, really. You need to break it down more. Each sentence should have its own post.

Incidentally, I post because I find it amusing that you've gotten so worked up over... NOTHING!

That, and you're a tard, for going "Oooh, sarcasm doesn't transfer to <b>written text</b>, waaaaah. But it's cool when I do it, and obviously everyone will understand, Schadenfrau."


HaywardNelson 11-24-2003 08:35 AM


Originally posted by dave
Could you just respond to all of my posts in like, say, eight successive posts? That would be awesome.
Again- where's the snark and wit?

dave 11-24-2003 08:37 AM

Hayward, look. Can we just have a truce? I hate to admit it, but your words kinda hurt. I understand now that words can hurt. It took you to make me realize. Sitting here behind these monitors, sometimes I feel shielded from the world. Numb. It just hit me though. I really feel bad about it. I'd like to just be friends. Or at least friendly. I'm tired of just having enemies.

HaywardNelson 11-24-2003 08:37 AM


Originally posted by dave
No, really. You need to break it down more. Each sentence should have its own post.

Incidentally, I post because I find it amusing that you've gotten so worked up over... NOTHING!

That, and you're a tard, for going "Oooh, sarcasm doesn't transfer to <b>written text</b>, waaaaah. But it's cool when I do it, and obviously everyone will understand, Schadenfrau."


Noting the back-to-back posts from Dave.
Can we have a three-peat?

God 11-24-2003 08:39 AM

I havent completed the computer programming course, so this is a work in progress. Consider it a lab project.

I'm working on a new Jesus. An electronic one, you know, more relatable for the masses today. This time around I'll call him.....Dave.

Undertoad 11-24-2003 08:40 AM

Yo Hayward, there's a subtle difference between you and dave that perhaps you hadn't noticed. You have 46 posts of little but trolling crap. Dave has 2 years of thousands of postings of enormous substance. Therefore he is respected and you are not.

This is doubly true because you came on during a time when many duplicate accounts were created in a stupid unsubtle attempt to troll us, and you immediately attempted to defend the trollers.

It's easy to remedy this, though. All you have to do is leave this thread and start posting things of real substance. You will quickly gain a good reputation if you do. That's how this place works.

If you don't intend to do that, you are hereby encouraged to leave.

dave 11-24-2003 08:47 AM


Noting the back-to-back posts from Dave.
Can we have a three-peat?
(She obviously missed the joke, which was indeed posting back to back to make fun of her. I don't actually think she's retarded or particularly stupid, so she must actually be <b>angry</b>. Why else would she not pick up on this? Come on - it was obvious! Wasn't it?)

HaywardNelson 11-24-2003 08:55 AM


Originally posted by Undertoad
Yo Hayward, there's a subtle difference between you and dave that perhaps you hadn't noticed. You have 46 posts of little but trolling crap. Dave has 2 years of thousands of postings of enormous substance. Therefore he is respected and you are not.

This is doubly true because you came on during a time when many duplicate accounts were created in a stupid unsubtle attempt to troll us, and you immediately attempted to defend the trollers.

It's easy to remedy this, though. All you have to do is leave this thread and start posting things of real substance. You will quickly gain a good reputation if you do. That's how this place works.

If you don't intend to do that, you are hereby encouraged to leave.

With all due respect, I attempted to defend a minor's rights, not her value as a person. I said repeatedly that she was an ass, but that did not justify her information being posted on an adult oriented message board. From there, I was called profane names and devalued, apparently (from what I gleaned from your post) because I had bad timing about when I joined.

I did not defend anyone else that I can recall. I will gladly leave this alone, but when people continually post disparaging remarks about me I feel compelled to defend myself.
I also do much extracirricular work for an anti-misogyny league and even more with children's rights in this city so you can understand why april's school's addy plus the word c**t struck a sore spot.
I'll let it alone.

ETA: calling someone a c**t and retorting that they have the psychological capacity of a roid are hardly, *hardly* on the same level.

Undertoad 11-24-2003 09:06 AM


I also do much extracirricular work for an anti-misogyny league and even more with children's rights in this city
I think many of us will find that sort of thing very interesting and would like to hear more.

I would start a thread about the word c**t and its various meanings and repercussions to society, but I'm too much of a dick to do that. :)

HaywardNelson 11-24-2003 09:09 AM

Well, I've made a thread that maybe you could help me with:)

dave 11-24-2003 09:15 AM


Originally posted by HaywardNelson
ETA: calling someone a c**t and retorting that they have the psychological capacity of a roid are hardly, *hardly* on the same level.
With all due respect, this really isn't for you to decide. It's all in who gets called what. So maybe to you, getting called a "cunt' is extremely offensive. To 123tess, someone being called "retard" is offensive. To sycamore, whom I call "retard" and "ugly" all the time, he knows I'm kidding and it doesn't bother him (or at least, I figure if it did, he would tell me, because I've been doing it for about two years now and he's never said anything).

Now, you're right, saying that I have the psychological capacity of a "roid" isn't offensive to me - but only because I don't let myself be bothered by what's thought of me by <b>people I don't even know</b>. If you and I were dating, Hayward (and I think I see a future here), yeah, I might get a bit upset. But right now, honestly, it doesn't bother me at all.

If Tony was like "Dude, you're a fucking dickhole", I'd probably be like "Well shit, I'm fucking up. I should tone it down." That's 'cause I know him, and I respect his opinion. Barely a week ago I was sitting in his house getting licked by his dogs. He breaks my guitar strings. We're friends, and his opinion matters. But I don't get worked up over what others think of me if I don't even know them.

The Cellar is, generally speaking, a pretty friendly place. It's a community. You will undoubtedly rub a few people the wrong way. That's normal and to be expected. (I think the only person who never rubbed anyone the wrong way was April. Er, wait...) But if you're actually interested in being a part of the community, you need to be understanding. You didn't do your homework on the cybercrimes thing. Okay. It happens. But when someone comes in so serious as you, it's <b>insulting</b> when things so obviously false are passed off as authentic. I can't speak for Bruce, but I would venture a guess that that's why he said what he said.

As for me, I just like watching people go at it. There, I said it. It's amusing. That's why I dumped fuel on the fire. I don't actually think you're a cunt or a retard. You responded to those words, and so I used them. I actually defended April in a number of other threads. I'm not sure how I feel about the posting of the name of the high school. You and I are probably basically on the same page. And, funnily enough, if we got to know each other, we'd probably like each other. (I see a future here!)

But, here's the real thing, my one piece of advice that I really truly do mean sincerely: <b>chill out</b>. You come off sounding like you're wound tighter than a... really... tightly wound... thing. You're not going to win friends calling them Nazis (if indirectly).

So, like Tony said, it's really up to you. Everyone goes through a hazing. Consider this yours. The question you need to answer is "Do I want to be a part of a relatively intelligent, mostly caring, sometimes bitterly sarcastic online community?" If you do, awesome! We're glad to have you. If not, that's okay too. It's an acquired taste. It's not for everyone (I still don't drink coffee). But ultimately, in the end, it's your choice to make.

(Did I miss anything?)

HaywardNelson 11-24-2003 09:18 AM

Fair enough *cyber handshake*
Now get thee heiny to my new thread.

September 11-24-2003 11:53 AM

I think I have a crush on Dave now.

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