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Urbane Guerrilla 10-26-2009 02:02 AM

Radar, you were the one who said, last November, that you voted for Barack Obama -- on the grounds that he was not just the more libertarian candidate, but the "most libertarian." That's a matter of Cellar record, and of normal memory also. I know what that says about your ability at politics -- and you don't. The one person on the planet who thinks you have any standing to lecture anyone on politics is you -- and your declared vote declares you are wrong. You have an enormity of fault to admit, one quantifiable in the trillions of federal deficit dollars. Will you? I know what to expect. Libertarians are generally impelled to be economic literates, but what you did was vote your crazed anti-Republican prejudices, and dissemble as to the reasons. That for your integrity! No wonder you left the Libertarian Party; doubtless your departure was not attended with any regrets in any quarter -- you picked the Democratic Party to run with. Perhaps you should change your handle to Lampwick.

And unlike you, I was wise enough to vote against this Socialist Democrat. I expect to continue to outthink you.

05 Nov 08, #13 -- not a lucky number for you, old son.

Radar 10-28-2009 08:24 AM

UG: You couldn't outthink my dog.

I stand by what I said. There was no candidate who was more libertarian or who would have done anything to make government any smaller than it is right now on the ballot than President Obama. If you disagree, all you can offer is conjecture and opinion. And we all know your opinions are worthless, and you don't know a tenth of what I do when it comes to politics, civics, history, the Constitution, or pretty much anything else. You're just a useless fuck with a big mouth and nothing to back it up.

The health care reform proposed by President Obama is not socialist. If you claim it is, you prove your own stupidity.

xoxoxoBruce 10-28-2009 10:59 AM

Careful Radar, he's got a knife. :unsure:

ZenGum 10-28-2009 07:10 PM

Do we need to get MTP to tell you two to hug again?

spudcon 10-29-2009 01:39 PM


Originally Posted by Radar (Post 600685)
All of those people, including Yassir Arafat, are more accomplished and important than a useless turd like you will ever be.

Jimmy Carter is practically a saint. His awards for humanitarian efforts, environmentalism, disarmament and development, arbitration, and the promotion of non-violence and peace include...

.Destroyed the US economy in only for years
.Aided and abetted the Islamic terrorist movement by kissing Khomeini's ass while disowning America's only Islamic ally
.Highest inflation rate in my lifetime(63 years)
.Weakened our military and intelligence agencies
.Debated Reagan like a little boy trying to justify his tantrums
.Won the "I didn't get re-elected award" hands down, based on performance. That award was given by an overwhelming majority of the American people, not by you, the Oslo committee, or the acadamy awards.

Al Gore didn't win the election for the presidency. He exposed the irrefutable, indisputable, scientific fact that man-made global warming is not real in an inaccurate, untruthful, dishonest, and scientifically unsound movie that won an Acadamy Award, and he deservedly won the Nobel Peace Prize for his efforts in bringing about international coercion in dealing with something that is very likely to set him up financially for life.

President Obama's efforts to close Gitmo, and reverse the foreign policy of his predecessor while reaching out to other nations in an effort to repair our damaged reputation and moral standing in the world greatly increase peace in the world.
I will repeat myself. Ha ha ha. Afghanistan and Pakistan are certainly more peaceful since he took over.

Yassir Arafat was the leader of a terrorist organization, but he's come the closest of any Palestinian leader to bringing lasting peace to that part of the world when he publicly stated that Israel had a right to exist in peace and security and he very nearly got Israel to agree to return to the 1949 armistice lines while recognizing a state of Palestine. This is the closest to true peace those people have ever been.
In case you didn't notice, Arafat stated publicly one thing while doing the opposite. If you choose to believe the words of a murdering lying terrorist, it just tells me that besides being the names you accuse me of being, you are more of a loudmouthed feminine device with a chip on your shoulder and nothing to back it up than all the other treasonous bottom feeders that you adore.


Radar 10-29-2009 02:03 PM

Keep lying douchebag. Nobody but the retarded buy into your lies and idiotic propaganda.

classicman 10-29-2009 02:23 PM

There has to be a smilie for that.

TheMercenary 10-29-2009 02:24 PM


classicman 10-29-2009 02:29 PM

I was hoping one of you internet wizards would post one.
well so much for that hope :O(

spudcon 10-29-2009 02:59 PM

I don't think Radar likes me.:)

classicman 10-29-2009 03:35 PM

Why do you say that? He referred to you as "spring fresh"

spudcon 10-29-2009 05:09 PM

I'm afraid Radar's claim to being a libertarian has been exposed by his use of name calling when his bullshit is exposed. Typical liberal tactic.

Redux 10-29-2009 05:13 PM


Originally Posted by spudcon (Post 604353)
I'm afraid Radar's claim to being a libertarian has been exposed by his use of name calling when his bullshit is exposed. Typical liberal tactic.

Does that make Urbane Guerrilla (the biggest name caller here, from my experience) a liberal as well?

Hey...I dont want him on my team. :headshake

Radar 10-29-2009 06:14 PM

First, I don't use name calling when my bullshit is exposed because I have posted zero bullshit.

I use it to drive home a clear point about those who are taking a position that is contrary to freedom, liberty, equality, truth, honor, justice, the U.S. Constitution and common sense...for instance the series of lies by spudcon in post #155 about Al Gore and the illegal war in Afghanistan that was inherited by President Obama while dishonestly discounting the valuable and important work President Obama has done to increase peace in the world by opening lines of communication and practicing diplomacy rather than idiotic cowboy tactics that increase terrorism and decrease American security as George W. Bush did.

regular.joe 10-29-2009 07:37 PM

I think that the award of the Peace Prize to President Obama speaks more to the rest of the worlds perception of the United States and our implementation of Foreign Policy under the eight years of the last President.

United States Centric thinking Americans are wondering "What the fuck did this guy get the Peace Prize for?" The award of the Prize, and the overwhelming reaction of Americans to wonder why, speak large volumes to our poor understanding of the rest of the world, and I think to our arrogance and detriment.

But hey, it is more important who is playing in the World Series, and how long the commute to work is, right? The rest of the world, what ever that is, just isn't that important...unless those gas prices start to go up again..those selfish bastards.

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