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Griff 03-11-2018 09:33 AM

Very much like Bonnie and Clyde, that's where the money is. Although defense contracting is where the real money is...

xoxoxoBruce 03-12-2018 10:58 AM

1 Attachment(s)
A Dutch pistol (with Google translations).

Gravdigr 03-12-2018 02:13 PM


Gravdigr 03-12-2018 02:14 PM


Gravdigr 03-12-2018 02:14 PM


xoxoxoBruce 03-12-2018 03:15 PM

What, you never heard of the Sex Pistols? :p:

xoxoxoBruce 03-20-2018 09:24 PM

1 Attachment(s)
At last, a cheap solution, only $5 per student.

Clodfobble 03-21-2018 07:51 AM

You guys been following this serial bomber story in Austin? They caught the guy early this morning (he blew himself up when he realized that apprehension was imminent.) We'll find out when they release his identity, but I predict that he will have been 1.) a white supremacist, and 2.) specifically using bombs because the dumb argument always is that if we take away the guns, they'll just use bombs.

Also, he was staying in a motel just 1.2 miles from my kids' school.

glatt 03-21-2018 07:54 AM

I didn't see that they caught him. That's awesome!

Had it gone on long enough to impact your life with fear and worry? The DC sniper back in the day did that to us.

Clodfobble 03-21-2018 08:49 AM

I wasn't personally worried in the beginning, because he seemed to be targeting politically-prominent black families. (Angry, of course, and concerned for others, but not nervous for my own home.) Then the most recent bombing was a trip wire across a sidewalk near a school, placed Sunday night--it was triggered by passing late-night cyclists, but in all likelihood was meant for kids first thing Monday morning. That got to me.

tw 03-21-2018 10:53 AM

Currently only known is his name, 23 years old, and home schooled. A first indication of someone without the necessary outside contacts so as to not become an extremist. Curious will be if that applies here.

When cornered, he (apparently) committed suicide. Just like suicide bombers in other countries that only learn what the dictatorial powers have order them to believe.

Overlooked is the school shooting of the week. This time in Maryland.

Clodfobble 03-21-2018 11:17 AM

Lifelong homeschooling can stunt you socially and give you poor self-awareness, but it's usually along the lines of thinking you're hilarious because Mom always laughs at your jokes and no peer ever told you to shut up. It doesn't do this. If this kid was homeschooled, it was likely because the public school system couldn't/wouldn't deal with him. I know tons of kids whose parents had to become involuntary homeschool teachers.

DanaC 03-21-2018 12:24 PM


The Austin American-Statesman newspaper reports that he was homeschooled by his mother during his high school years. His parent's home is now being searched by authorities, according to the newspaper.

"I officially graduated Mark from High School," his mother wrote on Facebook in a 2013 post showing her son.

"He's thinking of taking some time to figure out what he wants to do...maybe a [religious] mission trip," his mother wrote.
Followed by this:


US media have uncovered a 2012 blog which was written under the suspect's name and appeared to be for a university course that he attended.
In the blog called "Defining my Stance", he purportedly describes beliefs that "gay marriage should be illegal", opposition to abortion and why the sex offender registry should be eliminated.
I think we can start to connect a few dots here.

The other reason for homeschooling is to be able to prevent one's child from being exposed to competing ideologies or information that runs counter to an extreme religious position.

Clodfobble 03-21-2018 01:37 PM

Absolutely, and maybe that's the case here. But those folks also don't generally become religious at the moment their kid hits 9th grade. By that time, he would have already had multiple exposures to both evolution and sex ed.

It's possible that he went to a K-8 Christian school, though, and then had to figure out what to do next. There aren't nearly as many religious high school options around here as there are for the lower grades.

xoxoxoBruce 03-21-2018 02:12 PM

Parents teach their children, directly or indirectly, morality. Their morality, nobody else's.
Some think eating meat is immoral, some don't. Some think abortion is immoral, some don't. Some think racism and sexism are immoral, some don't. So you can't count on morality to thwart anyone's actions

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