The Cellar

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HungLikeJesus 10-02-2007 11:19 AM

What kind of a nurse are you, DucksNuts? A real bad one?

DanaC 10-02-2007 11:19 AM

With a biig syringe?

SteveDallas 10-02-2007 12:25 PM

Windows 2000 Server and .NET Framework are really pissing me off.

HungLikeJesus 10-02-2007 12:55 PM


Originally Posted by DucksNuts (Post 391161)
Can I take your temp the ole fashioned way????? Can I?

Do you know the difference between an oral thermometer and a rectal thermometer?

The taste.

BigV 10-02-2007 03:26 PM

nu uh...
they both taste shitty.

bit and broke mercury thermometer as child.

truuuuust me on this one.

DucksNuts 10-02-2007 08:58 PM


Originally Posted by HungLikeJesus (Post 391228)
What kind of a nurse are you, DucksNuts? A real bad one?

They say practice makes perfect

Spexxvet 10-03-2007 08:04 AM

I argued with my wife, daughter, and son this morning. I guess it's me. I think I'll spend some time alone.

Trilby 10-03-2007 09:13 AM

I'm getting my port put in tomorrow and I'm pretty nervous--actually, VERY nervous and my looming hair loss is freaking me out. I'm scared, lonely, nervous, exhausted. I haven't gone to class at all....I'm not being very strong or positive about this. all I do is make mistakes. sigh.

LabRat 10-03-2007 09:25 AM

Brianna, I wish you lots of strength.

Trilby 10-03-2007 09:40 AM

thank you, labrat. thank you.

glatt 10-03-2007 09:46 AM

You can do this Brianna. I know it's scary, but you can do it.

Sundae 10-03-2007 09:58 AM

Go Brianna, you know we'll all love you when you're bald as a coot.
Especially if you post pictures!

jinx 10-03-2007 11:42 AM

Is someone going with you Bri? I'll be thinking of you...

orthodoc 10-03-2007 01:26 PM

Take things one bit at a time, one breath at a time if need be ... you'll do it, Brianna. After tomorrow's appointment, do something to treat yourself. Sending best wishes your way.

limey 10-03-2007 02:29 PM

Brianna, I'm thinking of you ....

Trilby 10-03-2007 02:32 PM


Originally Posted by jinx (Post 391619)
Is someone going with you Bri? I'll be thinking of you...

Yes, my mom is going with me.

Thanks to all of you--I'm having a pity party today--however, I am feeling better right now. I just need to get a hold of myself. Thanks for helping me out. You guys are the best!

rkzenrage 10-03-2007 03:24 PM

I never passed any of the fragments of the stones they blasted...
Getting some more blood again.
I have not told my family.
I don't want to get cut on again.

limey 10-03-2007 04:08 PM

Oh, rk, I'm so sorry.

jester 10-03-2007 05:20 PM

Bri, hoping all goes well with you tomorrow.:)

rkz, you shouldn't keep secrets from your family. It will only make it worse, when they find out. I do hope you pass though suckers and begin to feel better, soon.

Aliantha 10-03-2007 05:39 PM dad had kidney stones and he started drinking apple cider vinegar. Just a little each day. He swears it dissolved his kidney stones between one visit and the next because they were there one visit, then he went back to have them blasted and they weren't there. maybe you could give it a try?

Bri, good luck with the port. You'll be so glad you've got it once it's in though - on some strange level that really doesn't make any sense. About your hair, have you considered shaving it off before you start chemo? Someone (women in particular) find this empowering because it's like taking back some control over your own body. I don't know if it works like that for everyone, but I know it does for some and I suspect you might be one of the ones it'd work for.

DanaC 10-03-2007 06:03 PM

Rk, that sucks :( *hugs*

Bri, don't be down on yourself for missing classes and 'not dealing with it'. You're going to have good days and bad days, and that's're allowed to have those down times. Thinking of you hon.

DucksNuts 10-03-2007 06:23 PM

Thinking of you Bri.

Rk - I have heard the apple cider thingie too.

rkzenrage 10-04-2007 02:35 PM

I'll do the cider thing. It helps my arthritis when I do a shot a day anyway.
The meds I take for them don't do shit.

monster 10-04-2007 05:25 PM

Hope it went well, Bri.

good luck with the vinegar rkz

Sundae 10-04-2007 07:14 PM

This is minor compared to other people's problems but here goes: I miss my boys.

I know that's like the colleague who comes to work in tears and has to go home because her hamster died, but I've not been without them in a year (almost to the day) and they are such people cats... All I can think of is what they must be thinking - me not there. Ridiculous of course, a sensible person pointed out recently that cats aren't people. But I am, and a silly one at that.

I'll send HM another me-mail tomorrow. I need to resolve this misunderstanding anyway, but the sooner the better with my babbas missing me (me missing them).

DanaC 10-04-2007 07:17 PM

Which misunderstanding is this?

Sundae 10-04-2007 07:30 PM

Ah. Ahem.

I got mad at him because he got mad at me for not going to Water Workout. Because I genuinely had a troubled stomach.

I confronted him when he came back (from yoga), trying - honestly! - to sort it out without festering. He kept his back to me during the conversation, which riled me ("I'm cleaning the sink!" yeah first time in 3 months...)

I eventually got him to admit he did have "a slight issue" with the fact I'd sampled food during my visit to the supermarket to get cat litter ("Well you must have been feeling better then" was the comment that kicked it all off). In my burned-skin-sensitivity his admission meant he'd been lying to me when he said originally the probelm was all in my head not his.

So it ended up with SG going out & getting drunk (paying only for 1 pint) and being walked home by a stranger.

I came to Mum & Dad's because I couldn't handle 1) my anger, 2) my hurt, 3) my guilt. All my fault.

Oh and I stood on the patio table this morning, trying to get Diz down from the roof of the kitchen. It collapsed. I am bruised to buggery - which serves me right - but it adds to the guilt. I know he wanted to replace it, and he was the one who told me to let the cats out the skylight ("it's not a high roof") but I feel like a shit.

That's the real reason I'm unhappy. I'm trying, but I'm still a mess and have given my oldest friend good reason to throw me out. And I miss the boys on top of that!

DanaC 10-04-2007 07:37 PM

Sundae.....give him a call.

monster 10-04-2007 08:12 PM

SG, go back. And maybe take him something nice. Some biscuits you baked. A picture you drew. Something. Flowers from your parents' garden. If you want this to work, it's not important who's fault it is. It's important to let him know that you want it to work and you still appreciate him.

Sounds to me like he's being arsey because he cares. One of the hardest things to do is apply "tough love". Another hard thing is accepting that for what it is. If he didn't care about you so much, he wouldn't give a shit if you skip class. I reckon he cares enough that you can just let this go without further discussion and yet both still know where you stand.

By the way, how much do your parents know about your current situation?

limey 10-05-2007 01:34 AM

I'm with Dana and Monster on this one. Life consists of loads of set-backs in amongst the good stuff, and you can either let them be a minor set-back, or let them drive you off course. Don't let this drive you off course - think of what you've achieved so far, and keep up the momentum. Say "Hi" to HM from the Cellar!

Sundae 10-05-2007 04:09 AM


Originally Posted by monster (Post 392082)
I reckon he cares enough that you can just let this go without further discussion and yet both still know where you stand.

You're probably right. I just get scared that I've done something unforgiveable and worry myself silly while he is completely unaware and has already moved on.


By the way, how much do your parents know about your current situation?
Nothing about my financial situation. I don't want to worry them. I've told them that HM & I had a falling out, but none of the details (like going out & getting drunk for example).

I'll spend the weekend here, then go back and face the music. And I'll take something back for him too, I like that idea.

DanaC 10-05-2007 04:20 AM

Heya shug, I think a weekend away will do you good :) him and talk today if you can. You'll feel a hell of a lot better...and so will he.

LabRat 10-08-2007 11:45 AM

I'm having a *really* shitty day at work. Culmination of a lot of little things just going to pot all at once. I would just say fuck it and leave for the rest of the afternoon, but if I do it's just going to make the rest of the week as bad as today. Damn it. :mad2:

Razzmatazz13 10-11-2007 10:46 PM

My last (real life) social outlet has been officially taken from me. Depressing beyond words.

DucksNuts 10-11-2007 10:50 PM

Please explain razz?

Razzmatazz13 10-12-2007 02:17 PM

Oook...I'll try...

I don't drink, and I live in a small town. One or the other of these facts about me really wouldn't make any difference, but the combination of them, does. I don't know anyone else who doesnt drink. At all. I'm not saying I force others to do it, I'm just stating facts. My highschool friends all moved off away from me and became....persons I didn't want to be around anymore. (Became very self-destructive in various multiple ways) and so I don't have them to fall back on. I'm probably the youngest at my work, so even other girls around my age only go out to the bars when they want to have fun. Seriously, don't mind if others drink...but I dont want to be pushed around about it, AND I don't want to be the only sober person in the room. Watching a bunch of drunks be dumb is only fun for so long. PLUS the girl who invites me out the most often is always trying to get me to meet her creepy 26-28 year old guy friends. Hm...a bunch of drunken...older...horny a house in the middle of nowhere...where I'm the only person in a sober state of mind....sounds real safe, no?

So my last refuge was my family. Luckily, my family is REALLY FUN, so I wasn't missing out on much. Sure they get together and drink, but there's no pressure for me to drink with them (obviously) and there are a few in the family who are around my age and therefore don't drink with family as well. Cool. Now...they had this time...a boy's night out...every thursday. The Man's Club...a joke really, but since I have always gotten along better with the guys in the family (they're funner) I've always hung around them. And well, I got invited and included to the man's club as well, with one other girl (my cousin's cousin....don't think we're ACTUALLY related through that, but meh) so her and I would go every week and hang out and have fun. Great, it's my only social activity, and it was a blast.

Two guys who aren't family come too....they are the owner/leader of the club's best friends. One of those guy's wive's found out that there were "girls" in the club...and said...either we go or he now...I'm kicked out as is my other friend. They've said "We'll just have to try and have more family nights" (where anyone is welcome)...

I could only go once or twice a month as it was before because of my work but the point is that I had something to LOOK FOREWARD really don't. Not with all of the stress of bf living so far away and girls at work doing the whole "hey what are you doing ton--- oh old are you again?" over and over.

Blugh. Shitty.

Probably left stuff out...but hey..can't fit my WHOLE life story into one post...this one looks long enough as is.

BigV 10-12-2007 02:53 PM

I got nuttin.


Ok, now I got nuttin. sux0rz!

jester 10-12-2007 02:54 PM

Razz, sorry you're going thru such a tuff time. I don't drink either - we are probably the only ones on this site that doesn't. Anyway, maybe you & the other girl, could plan other things or try and get some of the guys in the group who aren't married, to hangout. Small towns, I know, don't have a lot to offer to people your age. They have no outlets. Hope things work out for you, though.

Razzmatazz13 10-12-2007 03:03 PM

I should mention, the other girl is more manlier than all of the men combined. She drinks, talks, and swears like a sailor. Not exactly my sort of company.

(Thanks though...didn't mean to sound snippy at you, that would've been helpful if not for her um...personality.)

jester 10-12-2007 03:12 PM


SteveDallas 10-12-2007 03:38 PM


Originally Posted by Razzmatazz13 (Post 394408)
One of those guy's wive's found out that there were "girls" in the club...and said...either we go or he does

This kind of attitude really bugs me... what is this, does she think you & your "cousin"are just spreading out on the pool table for all the guys? If this woman thinks the situation you describe is too much for her husband to handle without her there to hold his leash, then they just have no hope together. What's next? The guy can't go to the grocery store because his hand might brush the cashier's when he pays? Or he might see a woman in a cute pair of shorts lean over to get something out of the freezer case?


Originally Posted by Razzmatazz13 (Post 394408)
and girls at work doing the whole "hey what are you doing ton--- oh old are you again?" over and over.

Invite them over to your place.

Torture them.

Will it help? No, not a bit. But it'll make you feel much better.

Cicero 10-12-2007 03:42 PM


Originally Posted by Razzmatazz13 (Post 394416)
I should mention, the other girl is more manlier than all of the men combined. She drinks, talks, and swears like a sailor. Not exactly my sort of company.

(Thanks though...didn't mean to sound snippy at you, that would've been helpful if not for her um...personality.)

The other under-age girl? Who?

Well whoever it is ....sounds like....She's my sort of company...... Most of my female companions have to at very minimum talk. Especially if we are in public.

In fact they have to at least be one of the 4 descriptions you have outlined above....or any variation therein and you missed a couple adjectives!

Sundae 10-13-2007 05:19 AM

I am home alone :(

My parents always get up earlier than me, it's a given.
Last time I was here on a Saturday I got up about 09.30 and they were both out, but were back by 10.00 and we all went to town together.

Today I woke up at 09.47 and the house was quiet. Oops, I thought, better scramble to be ready by the time they get back!

So I gobbled down breakfast, showered, tidied up and have been sat here waiting since 10.10. I was sorta hoping they would be impressed too - expecting me to still be in bed when I'm waiting for them like a good girl.

All I can assume is that they figured I wouldn't be ready in time and just went into town without me. By the time they get back, not only will I have missed a chance to wander round with them (and I was going to get measured for a new bra today as well - an ego boost as I know I'm shrinking but want official confirmation) but I have also lost the chance to prove I really was up and ready at a reasonable hour.


ZenGum 10-13-2007 06:32 AM


Originally Posted by Sundae Girl (Post 394611)

Is there something you can do around the house for them? Tidy something, sweep somewhere? It'd impress them, and make you feel a little better for having done something.


Sundae 10-13-2007 06:36 AM

Actually they came back about 20 mins ago and Mum was impressed that I was up, dressed smartly and wearing make-up. She didn't say so exactly, but she did say I looked lovely. (Usually when I'm here I just sit & read in tracksuit bottoms).

She's agreed to go back into town with me - saying she enjoys walking around anyway. This is code for "I'm so pleased you're acting normally I'll do anything to encourage it" but I appreciate it all the same.

From grumpy to happy - yay!

ZenGum 10-15-2007 12:01 PM

I made a little girl cry today.

Of course it wasn't deliberate and I found out later that it wasn't really my fault but I still felt like crap. Kind of still do.

I teach a class with four kids aged four or five. Three boys (two smart but boisterous, one low level and fairly quiet) and one girl (sweet and well behaved, but lower end of mid-level abilities, low confidence).
We were running through the vocab, chorusing the new words. She did ok with a few simple words, but a three syllable word came up, and it was all too hard. She froze, I slowly sounded it out, but it was too late. The lip started trembling, I could barely manage "hey, its okay" before the tears burst. :bawling:
The parents are always in the next room watching through the window, so I tapped on the glass and beckoned her mum into the room. There's not much in a 4-year-olds world that can't be fixed by a hug from mum. Mum stayed for about ten minutes, helping her settle and rejoin the class, helping with the words, and was able to leave after a while. Things were okay for the rest of the lesson.
I spoke with her mum afterwards (who, thank goodness, speaks English fairly well) and she explained that she had scolded the girl just before the class (I don't know why) and this had thrown her confidence and led to the tears. I feel a little better for this, but not much. When a cute sweet little child starts crying in front of me, and I am the trigger, if not the whole cause, of it, no amount of rationalization can wholly wipe away the emotional reaction. :(
I know I have posted some callous-sicko sounding stuff here, mostly about how to weigh heads, but really, I'm not mean.

ahh well, I'm purged now. Thank you cellar.

HungLikeJesus 10-15-2007 12:09 PM

Just wait, ZenGum. One day she'll make you cry and you will be even.

That's my prophecy to you.

ZenGum 10-16-2007 12:30 PM


Originally Posted by HungLikeJesus (Post 395329)
Just wait, ZenGum. One day she'll make you cry and you will be even.

That's my prophecy to you.

Gee thanks heaps, I feel sooooo much better now. matter of fact, YOU have made ME :cry:



Well I guess if all the kids I have made smile and laugh also return the karma, that aint so bad.

jester 10-16-2007 12:34 PM


Originally Posted by ZenGum (Post 395744)
that aint so bad.

Teaching Vocab? And I thought only "southerners" said ain't;)

ZenGum 10-16-2007 12:41 PM


Originally Posted by jester (Post 395746)
Teaching Vocab? And I thought only "southerners" said ain't;)


What's really funny is that I debated whether to use an apostrophe and make ain't.
I used it purely for theatrical effect. And we all knows, there aint no apostrafee in aint. Thats mah ejamacashun torkin there.

jester 10-16-2007 12:45 PM

word to ya, brotha

DanaC 10-16-2007 03:27 PM


Teaching Vocab? And I thought only "southerners" said ain't
I use ain't. In England you use the apostrophe :)

jester 10-16-2007 03:29 PM

Glad to know it has worked it's way across the globe. :D

Though I'm sure it's been around a really long time

DanaC 10-16-2007 05:38 PM


Glad to know it has worked it's way across the globe.
.......yes.....from here to there. Though, in fairness, apart from in the South it's usually pronounced a little differently. In the North it tends to be more of an "ant" or "int" sound. It's difficult to convey, but part of the sound gets swallowed.

freshnesschronic 10-17-2007 04:11 PM

I found mold growing on my toothbrus since I didn't use it over the weekend (I went home from college).

But the real question is, why is there mold on my WIRELESS MOUSE?

Razzmatazz13 10-17-2007 04:15 PM

:eyebrow: you need some better ventilation and a more sterilized living area


Sundae 10-17-2007 04:23 PM


Originally Posted by ZenGum (Post 395325)
When a cute sweet little child starts crying in front of me, and I am the trigger, if not the whole cause, of it, no amount of rationalization can wholly wipe away the emotional reaction. :(

Would it make a difference if it was a pig ugly child?

Originally Posted by DanaC (Post 395830)
.......yes.....from here to there. Though, in fairness, apart from in the South it's usually pronounced a little differently. In the North it tends to be more of an "ant" or "int" sound. It's difficult to convey, but part of the sound gets swallowed.

When I talk to my cats, I use the cat-speak I heard growing up. Aren't you in my Dad's voice becomes amcha, and ain't (a word I don't use otherwise) becomes ent (i.e. "So you ent done nuffing wrong then ah? You'm not guilty then amcha?") It's vaguely Dickensian.

glatt 10-17-2007 04:25 PM


Originally Posted by freshnesschronic (Post 396335)
I found mold growing on my toothbrus since I didn't use it over the weekend (I went home from college).

But the real question is, why is there mold on my WIRELESS MOUSE?

Mold grows when there is moisture.

The real question is why is your mouse moist?

freshnesschronic 10-17-2007 04:33 PM

It's the underside and near the trackwheel. No idea man, seriously. My hands aren't wet when I use it. Baffling.

jester 10-17-2007 04:45 PM


Originally Posted by Sundae Girl (Post 396340)
(i.e. "So you ent done nuffing wrong then ah? You'm not guilty then amcha?") It's vaguely Dickensian.

That, to me, sounds so "ebonic".

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