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anonymous 07-05-2015 11:35 AM


Originally Posted by monster (Post 932629)
yay anon!

At one point I actually said 'yay' out loud. :D

Thanks limey and monster.

xoxoxoBruce 07-05-2015 12:02 PM


Originally Posted by Carruthers (Post 932628)
Couldn't they have sent a truck capable of 'a full suspended lift'?

A what? The cop radios in a tow truck request and the dispatcher calls whoever the town has contracted. They are virtually all rollbacks these days. My only decision was the cop was NOT going to push me into a parking lot.


Originally Posted by sexobon (Post 932632)
You'd think the tow truck operator would carry a jump box to enable unlocking the shift lever on vehicles like yours.

I was hoping the cop would give me a jump but he kind of ignored that suggestion, not confirming or denying having cables, and I couldn't open the bed to get at mine.

The cop chastised (although not seriously) the guy for not having a jumpbox, but I got the impression they are supposed to.

Before they rebuilt the intersection in front of my house there were a lot of accidents. I've seen more than one state cop tear a tow truck driver a new asshole for not having a broom to sweep up broken glass. Evidently it's in the contract to be on the state police call list.

Carruthers 07-05-2015 12:09 PM

'Full suspended lift'...

It's what the police (UK) request when a vehicle with automatic transmission needs to be removed.

A hydraulic crane on the back of the truck lifts the vehicle bodily on to the flat bed.

xoxoxoBruce 07-05-2015 12:22 PM

Rarely see them here. Being a big country we have room to drag it up the rollback. :haha:
They do have trucks that slide under and lift the front or rear drive wheels, but they're almost exclusively in the cities where towing illegal parkers can be tight.

Out here, if it's a wreck or illegally parked they don't give a shit, just get it to hell out of the way. Otherwise the driver is usually present to unlock everything, and most trucks carry a jumpbox or cables if needed. If necessary he could have dragged it up the tilt bed without appreciable damage.
Getting it off is another matter.

Gravdigr 07-06-2015 05:10 PM

My late friend John's mother has been kicked out of her nursing home, some insurance thing. The grandson (John's son) and I are leaving at 6a.m. tomorrow to make the 250 mile trip to get her home. I have no idea what she's gonna do, or, where she's gonna go.

I feel a strong responsibility to help them both (his mom, and his son) as much as I can, but, I don't what to do, or, what I can do...

They're all each other has.

xoxoxoBruce 07-06-2015 06:00 PM

That's a tough spot to be in but I'm sure you just being there for moral support will be a help to them.

DanaC 07-06-2015 06:21 PM

Are there any social services agencies that might be able to offer support of some kind for her? At least maybe they could offer advice on next steps or something.

Surely local services have some kind of mandatory responsiblity for vulnerable elderly people?

Griff 07-06-2015 07:47 PM


Originally Posted by xoxoxoBruce (Post 932653)
battery deal

So what happened with the battery? It just come loose or did corrosion get ya?


Originally Posted by Gravdigr (Post 932811)
My late friend John's mother has been kicked out of her nursing home, some insurance thing.

Damnit. Sorry man.

xoxoxoBruce 07-06-2015 07:53 PM

It came mounted on a crossmember under the rear, but I relocated it to behind the right rear wheelwell so I could add a spare tire carrier from a Trailblazer under there. Didn't like not having a spare.
The bracket I used was a $150 stainless box that slid up and down on rails bolted to the frame. There are at least a thousand SSR guys using that bracket for years, hell, I've been using it for six years. I don't yet know if it broke loose from the frame or the box broke loose from the brackets. I was driving with the top down but I can't hear shit anyway. I'm pondering moving the battery into the bed but that's a major project.

Gravdigr 07-07-2015 03:37 PM


Originally Posted by xoxoxoBruce (Post 932818)
There are at least a thousand SSR guys using that bracket...

In my very short learning safari after your first post about your battery, I learned that that kit is very, very popular, and is considered almost a mandatory upgrade by most SSR owners.

I was wondering about it's construction and durability. That's a fairly vibration-happy area it's in, too, I would think.

Gravdigr 07-07-2015 03:46 PM


Originally Posted by DanaC (Post 932815)
Are there any social services agencies that might be able to offer support of some kind for her? At least maybe they could offer advice on next steps or something.

Surely local services have some kind of mandatory responsiblity for vulnerable elderly people?

Oh, she'll come up with alternatives pretty quick. She has some not-minor-not-major physical limitations, but as far mental ability, and functioning, she's a pretty withit old gal. She is also not without financial comfort. She just has to pick a place 'that's good enough'...for her.;)

She was only so far away because the place where she was is run by a religious/social organization she's been affiliated with for decades.

Trip delayed a day, btw.

xoxoxoBruce 07-07-2015 04:05 PM


Originally Posted by Gravdigr (Post 932894)
In my very short learning safari after your first post about your battery, I learned that that kit is very, very popular, and is considered almost a mandatory upgrade by most SSR owners.

I was wondering about it's construction and durability. That's a fairly vibration-happy area it's in, too, I would think.

Well constructed, all stainless. I would expect any failure would be the box breaking away from the slide brackets that allows the battery to be lowered for service. However the four stainless screws that attach the mounting bracket to the frame snapped off. I didn't post about it on the SSR sight because I didn't want to start a panic. I did tell the guy I bought it from, and he's freaked as this is the first failure he's heard of. I've met the guy and trust him implicitly, so I'll let him decide how he wants to warn his customers to check theirs. He offered to replace it free, which I feel is way over and above his obligation.

Gravdigr 07-07-2015 04:26 PM


Originally Posted by xoxoxoBruce (Post 932904)
He offered to replace it free, which I feel is way over and above his obligation.


DanaC 07-07-2015 05:11 PM


Originally Posted by Gravdigr (Post 932896)
Oh, she'll come up with alternatives pretty quick. She has some not-minor-not-major physical limitations, but as far mental ability, and functioning, she's a pretty withit old gal. She is also not without financial comfort. She just has to pick a place 'that's good enough'...for her.;)

She was only so far away because the place where she was is run by a religious/social organization she's been affiliated with for decades.

Trip delayed a day, btw.

Ahhhh - ok, that's not as bad as I was thinking :) Still - you're a good bloke, Grav, keeping a watch on your friend's mum and son. A good friend.

Gravdigr 08-01-2015 04:00 PM


anonymous 08-11-2015 08:48 PM

False hope is bumming my stone. Horrendous news, days of pain, then an inconclusive test........ I just realized I hung a shitload of hope on this peg without meaning to. All other evidence points to the worst case but I just don't want it to be true. All my experience of inconclusive nuggets is that the rest of the box definitely taste like chicken. My inner child took control for a moment and fucked up my perspective on the reality of bad. So now I'm bummed. Because if I have so little control, I'm not going to make it through the shit that lies ahead.

xoxoxoBruce 08-11-2015 09:30 PM

You'll make it through, it just won't be pleasant. You know how unpleasant depends largely on your perspective, your frame of mind. You know why your bummed now but this news is behind you, try to rally for the long haul. OK?

Griff 08-12-2015 06:57 AM

You know what to do. It's the deciding to do part... Like Bruce said, time to rally.

anonymous 08-14-2015 08:13 AM

Seems I was not the only one. It was chicken. But someone else was still convinced it could be something exotic and vegan. And still is, I think, even though the chef brought out the box with the ingredient list.

fargon 08-14-2015 10:44 AM

I had to cancel my credit card today, because somebody (rough language, and racial slurs.) who i'm sure is a kind and gentel soul. Hacked some company that I had done business with, and charged $50.00 on it with more charges pending. This is twice this has happened since last October. I won't say what I would like to say, because it is not politicly correct.

it 08-15-2015 05:23 PM

Not to take the title too literally...

Since most of the times anyone goes to a public bathroom is to pee, as a man I have the patriarchal privilege of a nearly exclusive relationship between my home toilet sit and my bum. It didn't always used to be like this, but I've changed, and I was happy with that change. Except that today I woke up just before work, I didn't have the time, and an hour or so later I've become desperate... Long story short, I've cheated. It was protected ofcourse, I used the large paper towels to cover the sit with double layers, I washed my hands 3 times over. But I feel like I crossed a line that I haven't crossed for years, and it's the first time for this particular toilet sit in my apt.

footfootfoot 08-15-2015 06:31 PM


Originally Posted by anonymous (Post 936149)
Seems I was not the only one. It was chicken. But someone else was still convinced it could be something exotic and vegan. And still is, I think, even though the chef brought out the box with the ingredient list.

I am so confused. Is this about food poisoning?

Clodfobble 08-18-2015 05:02 PM

A friend of mine's daughter has major red flags. I told her a year ago, she rationalized and brushed it off.

My friend has gone internet-dark for over two weeks now, since just a couple of days after her daughter's second birthday. Normally she is posting photos of her kid every two days on average, and at the very least responding to email. I sent one a week ago; nothing.

I'm basically assuming at this point that her daughter had her two-year checkup at the pediatrician, and my friend got told something she didn't want to hear. But I can't help her if she won't talk to me, dammit (the email I sent was innocuous, basic stupid update about our first day of school.)

Denial: it's better not to have it. :(

monster 08-18-2015 06:01 PM

Sometimes denial is an essential survival tool. I'm beginning to appreciate it's value for some people. Coping is not a one-size-fits-all

xoxoxoBruce 08-18-2015 07:20 PM

You're right, sometimes dealing with it takes more energy than it's worth.

DanaC 08-19-2015 01:11 AM


Originally Posted by monster (Post 936497)
Sometimes denial is an essential survival tool. I'm beginning to appreciate it's value for some people. Coping is not a one-size-fits-all

This is a realisation I have come to in recent years with regard to religion.

it 08-19-2015 03:25 AM

Compartmentalization is a survival tool, denial is compartmentalization gone wrong. In this case denial might be preventing her from getting whatever help she can get her daughter and I am guessing the emotional support and possible advice she might need herself (from Monster). It's getting a downvote from me.

Happy Monkey 08-28-2015 05:46 PM

I had no idea this was even possible.

Neglected horses end up with 3-foot-long curly hooves.

xoxoxoBruce 08-28-2015 07:54 PM

Some people just need killin'. :mad2:

it 08-28-2015 09:25 PM

So is that... Us? Has mankind bread so many generations of horses under human care that there is no longer selection for whichever genes used to control and shape the natural growth of healthy hooves?

xoxoxoBruce 08-28-2015 10:11 PM

That has nothing to do with genes. If the horse was running wild the hooves would wear away to keep them from getting over grown. They're the same as finger nails. If a man has a job that's hard on hands, like a stone mason or something, he wouldn't have to trim them.

Even if the horse was used regularly by the owner they would still need care, as most horses that are used, are shod. The shoe prevents a lot of things, but one is wear, so the hoof would grow until the shoe no longer fits and falls off. Then the Farrier trims the hoof back and fits a new shoe.

These horses obviously weren't shod or used, or cared for. Christ, even prisoners get an hour a day in the yard. This is blatant abuse.

Griff 08-29-2015 08:08 AM

That really pisses me off.

Clodfobble 08-31-2015 10:25 PM

Started reading (listening to) "Infinite Jest." Absolutely ADORE it. Even better than everyone said. Then I learned David Foster Wallace died in 2008. Stone officially bummed.

Sundae 09-05-2015 08:12 AM

Dads has a urinary infection and a chest infection :(
Mum's asked me to go down so she can make a long-awaited hospital appointment; he can't be left on his own at the moment.

Also, because this came on on Friday, she can't ask anyone else in the family to take time off work at such late notice to help out. And because it's a urinary infection, there is the possibility of accidents and cleaning up after. No-one wants to have to do that for their Dad, but at least he can deal with it better than if it was a family friend male OR female)

So off to Aylesbury tomorrow. I wish it was in better circumstances.
Am worried about him, worried about Mum, worried about the journey and worried about whether they will be able to come up to Otley next Monday, which is all booked and paid for - they certainly wouldn't get a refund on the most expensive part of the trip, which is the train tickets.

Signed, worried of West Yorkshire.

Gravdigr 09-05-2015 02:27 PM

Well, damn, Sundae...Hoping Dad shapes up quickly.

xoxoxoBruce 09-05-2015 03:26 PM

Yeah bummer, but no matter what happens you'll be there to help your Mum, so that's cool.

it 09-05-2015 04:07 PM

SanitroTM Toilet Urine Absorbent & Deodorizer Mat
Mat absorbs over 18 oz. urine around commode & prevents puddles
Eliminates odors & improves appearance
Results in cleaner, drier, safer & odor-free floors
Long lasting up to 8 weeks without leaking
Easy clean-up reduces maintenance hours & costs

monster 09-05-2015 09:49 PM

On the plus side, you'll get to spend time with your dad with no mum interference, you might get to see your friend with the leg tumor and you get to cook for your parents again..... and you get to be there for yout r mum if the hospital appointment stresses her out

DanaC 09-06-2015 03:58 AM

What Monster said:)

I know you're worried, hon. It ain't easy. If they don't end up coming to yours then at least you'll have been down to spend some time with them. Forget about the potential loss of train fare - it isn't the worst thing in the world. Sounds trite I know - especially from and to someone with fuck all - but it's only money.

Sundae 09-06-2015 12:57 PM

Antibiotics have kicked in with a vengeance.
Dad much brighter, Mum less worried but very pleased to see me. She told me quietly she thought he was going to die on Friday night (and she's not that easily spooked) because of the rattle in his chest. Apparently it sounded the way Nanny did when she was dying.

He can make it to the toilet with only minor help, and always on time.

Thanks for the mat idea, Trac - I'll suggest it to Mum. That wasn't the kind of accident he was having, but it's a great idea anyway.

And thanks to everyone else for perspective. I'm not as stoic as Mum.
Apparently both the paramedics and the Doctor spoke to Mum privately and said this may be the start of a decline, and it's likely that urinary infections will become more common now. So she's getting all the gear in, including a commode (because she can get it free from the Red Cross, even though he won't need it immediately now this is passing... if I can say that! Ditto a bedsheet and pads.

He's going to be assessed by a falls specialist (ABOUT TIME!) and they will probably add grab rails between bedroom and bathroom. Of course Mum doesn't know I've bought him glow-in-the-dark tape yet, but that will come in handy to outline them.

All is calm, all is bright. Waiting for our Indian takeaway to be delivered! Yummy.

xoxoxoBruce 09-06-2015 02:14 PM

Good to have a moments rest to gather thoughts and make contingency plans. Don't forget to breathe. ;)

Gravdigr 09-06-2015 02:29 PM

I was soooooooo wondering why the thought of a cleaner restroom floor was bumming Traceur's stone, but, I'm caught up now.


it 09-06-2015 05:58 PM

I got the accident wrong... Must have been projectile/ing.

I am glad to hear he is getting better Sundae. I am sorry for what he's going through, but ending are rarely pleasant, and overall he seems like he is a pretty lucky father.

monster 09-06-2015 10:09 PM


Originally Posted by traceur (Post 938131)
I got the accident wrong... Must have been projectile/ing.

I am glad to hear he is getting better Sundae. I am sorry for what he's going through, but ending are rarely pleasant, and overall he seems like he is a pretty lucky father.

it's a transatlantic difference, Trust me, I'm a Dr ......and I freaked a few people out at first when I said my kid had had an accident..... I learned (eventually)

xoxoxoBruce 09-11-2015 04:11 PM

After a lot of bullshit installing a new boiler in my house, which is the same make and model but nothing alike, the oil burner guy came this morning and fired it up. Done at last! Done at last! Thank God Almighty, I'm done at last!

Waiting for him to come back from his truck, I see a drip. Just one drop of water falling from where? The expansion tank tucked up between the joices, has a wet spot where the paint is bubbled, obviously from rust under the paint. I could patch with epoxy, or weld on a patch, but rust under the paint indicates rust from the inside, so the whole tank might be on the verge of catastrophe. But more importantly, it means I'm not done.

glatt 09-11-2015 08:27 PM


Gravdigr 09-12-2015 05:04 PM

What's bumming your stone today?
Goddamn, inconsiderate, disrespectful people who think the world revolves around them, and nobody matters but them, no one else's time and energy means shit to them because they are the sole reason the universe exists.

If you are one of these people, fuck you, you're what's wrong with the human race.


xoxoxoBruce 09-12-2015 05:24 PM

Why do you think they made it illegal to kill somebody? ;)

it 09-13-2015 12:07 AM


Originally Posted by Gravdigr (Post 938824)
If you are one of these people, fuck you


Well fuck you too! :p:

footfootfoot 09-13-2015 08:36 PM


Originally Posted by Gravdigr (Post 938824)
Goddamn, inconsiderate, disrespectful people who think the world revolves around them, and nobody matters but them, no one else's time and energy means shit to them because they are the sole reason the universe exists.

If you are one of these people, fuck you, you're what's wrong with the human race.


That's 99% of the human race giving the rest of us a bad name.

footfootfoot 09-13-2015 08:44 PM

What's bumming my stone is that my locally owned and operated for two or three generations pharmacy has closed its doors. Surprisingly, not because of Rite Aid or CVS. It was mainly because of mail order and the insane nickel and dime charges such as, every time the doc faxes a scrip refill to the pharmacy they get hit with a 2 or 3% fee. I don't know who's got their hand out, but I guess it can'y be a regular fax. Insurance companies take a cut from the pharmacy, the pharmacist rattled off about five different fees they are hit with just to fill your scrip. They even have to pay a couple of cents per pill dispensed as a dispensing fee! They finally said, fuck it, we're not making any money. After all the fees are added up they make very little on the sale.

So, they've closed and now I have to go to the big chain grocery store 12 miles away because the RiteAid around the corner doesn't accept my insurance.

Gravdigr 09-14-2015 01:33 PM

Beautiful day. Nobody to get nekkid with on the river bank.

Stone bummed.

infinite monkey 01-29-2016 10:13 PM

It just seems like I'm always runner-up for any jobs I apply for these days. I'm like the bridesmaid of employment. When I was younger, I swear people threw jobs at me, and in many cases, promotions. Am I just more sucky than ever or is it my middle-aged-ness? Is it just the way things are going right now?

I'm just so discouraged. I'm self-talking to myself...counting my blessings as it were, and I'm OK...but I am so damn discouraged.

I don't really like my day job that much because I'm basically just the main person's bitch. It's not entirely an unpleasant job, but I use none of my talents, I have none of my own responsibilities, and I feel that more often than not I'm swallowing my pride to keep the peace. I do like my other job, except the hours suck. I really like the people I work with here. I was sad about the thought I would probably have to leave if I got the other job, because it would be too much. But the idea of not having to do the daily "work, nap, work, sleep" five days a week was a really refreshing thought.

So I'm torn between 'hey, I'm doing OK. NOt great but OK. I like some things about my jobs. At least I have that' and 'I'm going to die alone with nothing to show for a lifetime of effort.' And it's not lost on me that I'm OK in SPITE of the self-sabotage I've exhibited most of my life...due to a constant struggle with various issues of the mental health kind. Hey, it's who I am. But I'm at this age where it seems like there should be some sort of comfort zone. Some sort of feeling that I've accomplished something, that I have someone to share that with, that it's not all just the same disappointment over and over.

Well, just doing that 'processing in public' thing.

Clodfobble 01-29-2016 10:28 PM

You have all of us to share it with. It's not the same as touchy-sexy-pillowtalk intimacy, I know, but it is something. You've accomplished making a sizable group of people laugh on a consistent basis.

lumberjim 01-29-2016 10:40 PM

There is no first prize for life. You live. You just live. Try to have some fun.

infinite monkey 01-30-2016 09:00 AM

I luvz you guys. Thanks. :)

fargon 01-30-2016 09:06 AM

We love you too.

Gravdigr 01-30-2016 04:59 PM

Should have went to the river today. Sat in the house all damn day.

I'm a lazy bastidge.:(

xoxoxoBruce 01-30-2016 05:22 PM

No no, a rugged individualist, you did what you wanted, not what you maybe should have. If you try hard you can probably think of a dozen things that would have made you more productive, but that's not what you wanted, so fuck it.

I'm hoping you buy this so I can use it myself. :blush:

infinite monkey 01-30-2016 07:13 PM


Originally Posted by fargon (Post 952525)
We love you too.

Fargon, you are such a sweet person. If I ever get to meet you I will give you a big hug. In lieu of that, here's a virtual one... :hug:

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