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DanaC 06-17-2009 10:26 PM

Sound advice Monster.

Shawnee123 06-18-2009 05:45 AM

As predicted: my car died.

It was smoking when I stopped at the gas station last night, and I knew if I could just get it home I could worry about it later. After the day yesterday, and late nights this week, I was too tired to deal with it. Plus, it was 8 pm by the time I got home so there wasn't much I could do.

I noticed liquid pouring out of it. So, in proper denial fashion, I played on the computer for a while and went to bed.

One thing about my old job was I could always call and have someone come and get me. Not so anymore.

So, I've ordered a rental. I love the internet: set most of it up online. I will be late for work today but at least I will get there: taking the day off is not an option at this time.

I should be thankful that, if it weren't for this job, I wouldn't have my measly little emergency credit card so I could get a rental car. I should also be thankful that it is within my means to get another car. But right now I am too bummed to be thankful...I'll do that later. ;)

ZenGum 06-18-2009 06:33 AM

* moment of silence for passing of car *

classicman 06-18-2009 08:02 AM

Sorry to hear about your car - getting the new one will be nice though.

DanaC 06-18-2009 08:20 AM

Aww shit. Bad luck Shaw.

glatt 06-18-2009 08:22 AM


Originally Posted by Shawnee123 (Post 575439)
As predicted: my car died.

That sucks. I think sometimes they know when we start talking about buying a new one, and they just give up.

With my last car, we went to the bookstore to buy the consumer reports new car buying guide, and the old car's transmission blew as we left the parking lot.

Trilby 06-18-2009 08:44 AM

oh, shawnee, that sucks! cars and plumbing - worst things to deal with.

*sending good vibes*

Shawnee123 06-18-2009 08:49 AM

Thanks guys! :)

Driving the rental, I realize how bad my car really was. I think you're right, glatt, it just gave up. It has almost 209,000 miles on it. And, I never named this one. Probably feels slighted.

Guess what I'll be doing this weekend? Oh it's too much of a committment. ;)

Trilby 06-18-2009 08:51 AM

209,000? that's brand new to me!

eta - I actually got 270,000 miles out of my old Buick. Poor old thing - I just drive them into the ground.

Juniper 06-18-2009 10:15 AM

Sorry about the car, Shawnee. I know how that is; I had a car with about that mileage too, a 1985 Rabbit. I LOVED that car, though it kept letting me down, breaking my heart, leaving bits of its exhaust system laying around. :) I think I most got a kick out of saying "the rabbit died" every time it broke down. ;)

About the busy life, though - seriously, how do you do it and not feel guilty? I just know that if I could take a week and do nothing but things I enjoy - crafts, long walks, etc. - I'd feel a lot better. But my DH doesn't get to do that. He works All The Time. He works all day then comes home and does yard work, fixes stuff, builds stuff, digs, etc. He always makes me feel so lame. He's your typical work-your-ass-off German, y'know? I'm so damn sick of working all the time. I mean, he doesn't *make me* do it, it's just that I feel so guilty every time I sit down to read a book or watch TV that even when I do I can't relax anymore.

How do you do it? And just what gives me the right to not work all day like everyone else, anyhow? If I take a break, I feel sort of like I'm taking a vacation from a sabbatical. Seems redundant. If I'm working so damn hard, how come it doesn't every look like I accomplish anything?

Clodfobble 06-18-2009 03:47 PM


Originally Posted by Juniper
If I'm working so damn hard, how come it doesn't every look like I accomplish anything?

I think this is actually the answer to your problem: you are working hard, but not necessarily efficiently or effectively. Perhaps if you took time to sit and plan out your tasks more thoroughly (or, you know, stand if sitting feels like a cop out, but stand still for Christ's sake,) you would find yourself getting more done. The best workers know they need time off, because they know they will be twice as effective when they've had a short break. Perhaps it's that your husband finds relaxation in menial tasks like digging, so the way he lays things out it's just not as much stress for him as it would be for someone else. If you get satisfaction from completing tasks, then you've got make it a priority to organize yourself better so you're not constantly running from one uncompleted thing to another.

SteveDallas 06-18-2009 07:36 PM

So, Young Master Dallas' baseball season ended ignominiously last week with a 13-3 loss in the playoffs.

Monday Mrs. Dallas received a call. Our league's coaches pick a team of players to go to a couple post-season interleague tournament in the area. As it happens, YMD was the second alternate, and was now on the team due to a couple other people backing out. The next practice was at 6PM that day, if he could make it. Sure, why not.

Oops, it was really at 4:30. We didn't learn this till about 5:30. Well, we got to meet the coach. Next practice: 6PM Wednesday.

Wednesday rolls around. Oh, we need to move it to 4:00. Well, his trumpet lesson is at 5. Call the trumpet teacher to reschedule to 6:00. All is good.

Until the notification that the practice was moved back to 6:00. OK, ask the trumpet teacher nicely if he'd prefer to go back to 5--or we'll stay at 6 if you want. He went back to 5.

First game today, 6 PM at a field we've never been to in King of Prussia. KoP (home of UnderToad, or close to it) is about a half hour hall from our house, or the same from my office, not counting traffic. However, the vicinity is home to some of the worst rush hour traffic in the Philadelphia area. Today, it was raining most of the day. We really didn't expect the game to go on, but at 4PM we had a message that yes, the game was on. We dutifully started trucking on out there. Mrs. Dallas was running late due to torrential rain(!) which had knocked over a tree and block a street(!!). In spite of having to make an unexpected detour near Norristown (home of wolf's Nuthouse) for bridge construction, I got there about 5:25.

At which time an assistant coach told me that the game had just been cancelled. The other team was there (I assume they are from the host league & so are much closer to the field), and our head coach was not there because he had pulled off the road on the way and started calling everybody he could to tell them about the cancellation!


jinx 06-18-2009 08:10 PM

Sounds like my kid's entire NFL Flag football season...

DanaC 06-18-2009 09:15 PM


Originally Posted by Juniper (Post 575532)
But my DH doesn't get to do that. He works All The Time. He works all day then comes home and does yard work, fixes stuff, builds stuff, digs, etc. He always makes me feel so lame. He's your typical work-your-ass-off German, y'know? I'm so damn sick of working all the time. I mean, he doesn't *make me* do it, it's just that I feel so guilty every time I sit down to read a book or watch TV that even when I do I can't relax anymore.

And is your husband trying to get well and cope with dangerously high blood pressure? *smiles* Some people enjoy being busy.


How do you do it? And just what gives me the right to not work all day like everyone else, anyhow? If I take a break, I feel sort of like I'm taking a vacation from a sabbatical. Seems redundant.
What gives you the 'right'? Seriously Juni, take a step back honey. It's not a contest. Nor do you have to try and match anyone busy for busy. This isn't about 'rights' it's about 'need'. You. Need. To. Rest.

Think your DH will be pleased if you kill yourself trying to keep up with his busy?'re likely busier than you realise. And he probably looks at you and thinks....damn, that woman never stops :P And even if he doesn't. Even if you aren't half as busy and active as he Everyone is different. Everyone has their own limits. However busy you are, it is clearly too much. Step back.

ZenGum 06-18-2009 09:23 PM

Message to Mr Juniper.

Get some beer and chips, and slob your ass on the couch and watch the sport of your choice. War movies are an acceptable substitute.

Because you love her. She needs you to do this.

Ah, its tough being a guy. We suck when we're lazy, and we suck when we are hardworking. I figure lazy is better, at least one of the pair will be happy.

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