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limey 06-21-2011 07:07 AM

Glad to hear it UT. And very well said, LJ.

infinite monkey 06-21-2011 07:09 AM

Seconding the 'well said' and glad you're feeling better UT.

DanaC 06-21-2011 07:23 AM

Glad you're on the way back up mate :)

Spexxvet 06-21-2011 07:24 AM

Glad things are on the upswing, UT. Keep on keeping on.

DanaC 06-21-2011 07:26 AM

I also appear to be on the way back up again, thankfully.

Still finding it almost impossible to get up in the mornings, but at least once I have persuaded myself out of bed I have been able to get a little work done. Yesterday i even washed my pots and hoovered! (vacuumed)

Trilby 06-21-2011 07:28 AM

UT - you are a rock to me. Hang in there and know that this too shall pass.

I'm taking my kid to the doctor today for a checkup on his meds. His OCD is driving him crazy. If he doesn't do the rituals, he thinks he'll go to hell.

Infi - when someone is harshing you like that you look at them and say, "You are interfereing with my work," which is a work place no-no. NO ONE has the right to harass you at your place of work. Call security. Make a report. Report the asshole. That will give them pause for thought.

footfootfoot 06-21-2011 07:49 AM


Originally Posted by jimhelm (Post 741099)
when you consider suicide, you should always remember to consider killing what's causing you to feel that way. it aint you. take action against the smallest of your obstacles first. then the smallest one that's left after it's dead.

you are not the problem. you are just you. and i love you. and so do we all.


Jim, that is a tremendous insight. Thanks for that. You made my week. It makes Herculean tasks less intimidating.

classicman 06-21-2011 08:13 AM

wut jim sed.

Just keep on truckin'

DanaC 06-21-2011 04:46 PM

I'm crashing again. out of nowhere. I was upbeat earlier. Had a really good day, so why the fuck am i just crying uncontrolably? My throat is hurting with it.

Pete Zicato 06-21-2011 04:59 PM

Is it possible you're bi-polar?

DanaC 06-21-2011 05:14 PM

I dunno. Maybe. I think if I am it's mild (relatively).

See, now I am ok. Had an hour or so of feeling utterly shit. Actually that's not true. Here's the weird thing, I seem to be both up and down at the same time.

I dunno. Sometimes it's like there's a scream lodged in my throat. Then *snaps finger* whoosh. Am fine again.

sexobon 06-21-2011 05:40 PM


Originally Posted by DanaC (Post 741260)
... Here's the weird thing, I seem to be both up and down at the same time.

I dunno. Sometimes it's like there's a scream lodged in my throat. Then *snaps finger* whoosh. Am fine again.

Even a caffeine overdose can do that. Over 400 mg (a couple cups of coffee) and caffeine becomes a mood enhancer that swings you back and forth as your thoughts change subject. Something so simple is probably not case with you though is it.

DanaC 06-21-2011 05:49 PM


I suppose it could be. Truth be told I drink a hell of a lot of coffee :p And tea...

It's also possible that the hydroxizine is having an adverse effect.

I dunno. I've always been like this. From being about 8 or 9 years old, I'd go through phases of this. Then I'm fine again. *shrugs*

It doesn;t help that I am out of pot ;p Usually I am able to self-medicate my way out of it lol

BigV 06-21-2011 06:45 PM


Originally Posted by jimhelm (Post 741099)
when you consider suicide, you should always remember to consider killing what's causing you to feel that way. it aint you. take action against the smallest of your obstacles first. then the smallest one that's left after it's dead.

you are not the problem. you are just you. and i love you. and so do we all.


pure gold jim. thank you.

Aliantha 06-21-2011 06:56 PM


Originally Posted by DanaC (Post 741277)

I suppose it could be. Truth be told I drink a hell of a lot of coffee :p And tea...

It's also possible that the hydroxizine is having an adverse effect.

I dunno. I've always been like this. From being about 8 or 9 years old, I'd go through phases of this. Then I'm fine again. *shrugs*

It doesn;t help that I am out of pot ;p Usually I am able to self-medicate my way out of it lol

Maybe you're bipolar Dana. ;)

Seriously though, the feelings you describe sound very much like those my friend describes.

eta: oh I see someone's already suggested that. That's what I get for reading threads from the bottom up!

Aliantha 06-21-2011 07:00 PM

UT, I've been in this mindset myself for the last few weeks. I don't have any answers other than to just ride it out. Try and focus on the knowledge that these feelings don't last forever.

Eat more turkey! (high in serotonin)

jimhelm 06-21-2011 08:29 PM

chin up, dana! we loves us some dana too!

so, uh... tony... can i get some of that Bud Light?

Jaydaan 06-22-2011 11:23 PM

Well... just got off the phone with my mother... seems my aunt was found bloodied and beaten to a %$^@#%$ pulp, and within an inch of her life (if we are lucky). There was dried blood on her face and hair, so she had been there alone for at least a few hours when her husband found her. She is in intensive care right now, with bleeding in her brain, swelling and god knows what else.

There was no evidence, and they think maybe one of her kids ( 27yrs old) might have done it... but they are not sure. Because my uncle was so calm on the phone ( he always is calm, its his nature) they took him into custody over night... they let him out this morning, because of the fact the dried blood says he could not have been in 2 places at once. If she wakes up, and is not a vegetable, she might be able to tell them.

SIGH This sucks. She does not know anyone right now... do I take the time off work, grab as much cash as I can... and go see her... or do I wait? She is my favorite aunt, but honestly have only talked to her a few times in the past few years. My mother is not even sure of what to do, and they are super close... they talk every day. We are afraid if she passes, we will need to go out for a funeral. Or if she does not come out of it, and never recognizes us again, is it worth the money right now? I doubt I will go out. I am not close enough to the family to go out in their time of stress... I do not even like my mother overly much... but this still sucks. My heart goes out to them, it really does.

zippyt 06-22-2011 11:28 PM

Time for the wood chipper !!

Lola Bunny 06-23-2011 06:55 AM

So sorry to hear about your aunt, Jaydaan. :( I hope your aunt will get better. If she's in a coma, there's nothing you can do for her even if you're physically there. Is her husband by her side?

Lola Bunny 06-23-2011 06:56 AM


Originally Posted by zippyt (Post 741503)
Time for the wood chipper !!

I just realized that Zippy is a man of few words. Well, I hope they catch the bastard.

casimendocina 06-23-2011 07:51 AM

Jaydaan, that's awful. I hope that she recovers. In these situations, I would always say that if you can, go and spend time with her, even if she is in a coma. Your presence may assist her even if she is not able to show recognition. My view is that if she does pass on, but you've spent time with her beforehand, then the funeral is not something that must be attended.

glatt 06-23-2011 08:06 AM

If I'm ever in a coma, I would not want distant relatives to go to any trouble to come visit me. I'd want my wife to visit, and if my kids are in town, that would be nice too. But I wouldn't want anyone going to any real trouble or financial burden.

Jaydaan 06-23-2011 09:16 AM

Her husband is there... now... he was not at first, because they took him to jail! My aunt is very practical, I will not go myself, but have encouraged my mother to. The last thing her 6 kids, grandkids, 3 siblings and who knows who else needs is another person to worry about/feed/shelter etc.

Then I find out my great aunt passed away 2 weks ago, my daughter was to tell me, and didn't because " you were not online " I told my mother to contact me personally, and not expect my daughter to tell me anything important. This is also the same daughter that "forgot" to tell my my mother had a heart attack in Nov. SIGH

Then... my husbands dad calls. Hubby's uncle is in hospital with a 30% of surviving. I didn't get details.

What a day!

classicman 06-23-2011 10:44 AM

So sorry to hear all that. Some family is great to have with you at a time like this.
Too many is an added burden. YMMV

Spexxvet 06-23-2011 10:48 AM

That's horrible, Jay

infinite monkey 06-23-2011 10:57 AM

Sending warm thoughts your way Jay. How awful. :(

footfootfoot 06-23-2011 11:03 AM

Jaydaan, that is too wretched for words. Is your Aunt in Canada?

Trilby 06-23-2011 02:26 PM

Why do I read this thread? Terrible things happen here.

I'm so sorry Jaydaan.

Lola Bunny 06-23-2011 03:49 PM

I'm so sorry to hear everything's happening. Today is not a good day indeed. :(

zippyt 06-23-2011 04:49 PM

sorry to hear all this jay

Clodfobble 06-23-2011 05:50 PM

Goddammit. I'm sorry about everything, Jaydaan. I hope your aunt starts recovering soon.

Jaydaan 06-23-2011 07:15 PM

Well... see what over reactions and presumptions do? SIGH
There was no beating. It seems my aunt is a horrible alcoholic and decided to detox. With no help, no dr support or anything, she had a MASSIVE seisure. Looks like she seized for quite a while... all the bleeding on the brain, swelling, blood etc was caused from constantly banging her head. She was alone.
She still has not come out of it yet, and when she did kind of wake up, she knew she was in the hospital, knew her name.... but had the wrong city, and gave the year of her birth instead of this year, when asked the date. They now have her on the detox drugs ( whatever that entails) and now we wait. It looks like the thing that caused her seisure might be responsible for saving her from *some* of the brain damage. Did you know that drinking overmuch for over 35 years causes your brain and surrounding cushioning to shrink? I didn't. Well it gave room for the swelling, without serious pressure... causing less damage somehow. This could be a good thing.

DanaC 06-23-2011 07:21 PM

God, Jaydaan, what a shitter of a week you're having. Hope things settle down soon and that your loved ones are ok. Maybe this detox will be the thing that saves your aunt. At least it wasn't violence and family strife. Small comfort, but probably less distressing for the family than what it initially appeared to be.


Trilby 06-23-2011 07:26 PM

good god.

Sending good, healing vibes to her. I always relate to these kind of things...having detoxed myself (too many) times.

Good luck and godspeed.

Trilby 06-23-2011 07:30 PM

and, Jaydaan, I don't know what your relationship to this aunt is like, maybe she's a completely awful person, etc. but she's going to need some good people around her for this. I'll bet she's hating herself right now.

wolf 06-23-2011 07:53 PM

Having sent numerous people to detox, I do know that stuff. And yes, the seizures can be really extreme, especially in heavy drinkers.

Jay, I hope things go as well as they can. Hopefully the memory stuff will clear somewhat (or may not be related to the seizures, since there are chemical/architectural changes in brain structure of severe alcoholics). Hopefully this will serve as a wake up call for her, and she'll keep the initiative that's been started by this terrible event.

limey 06-24-2011 03:14 AM

Adding my shock and good wishes to you and your family Jay.

casimendocina 06-24-2011 05:20 AM

What all the postees above have said.

Griff 06-25-2011 10:32 AM


Originally Posted by Undertoad (Post 741102)
Thanks man. I love you right back and all of you.

This one is going to turn out to be 80% meds, I know it now. The 20% of it that's real life suckage doesn't provoke this kind of response. Been better the last two days, as well.

Sorry I missed this development. I hope you are well. I'm taking a breather as my continued emotional response to a certain poster's ongoing battle with reality is completely disproportionate. Be well brother, I'll poke my head back in after washing my machine.

DanaC 06-25-2011 01:46 PM


Originally Posted by jimhelm (Post 741300)
chin up, dana! we loves us some dana too!

so, uh... tony... can i get some of that Bud Light?

Just saw this:p

Thanks sweetie:)

zippyt 06-29-2011 02:07 PM

Well yesterday we had a NASTY Thunderstorm pass thru ,
it dumped about 4-5 inches of rain in a Verry short period of time ,
Fucken rain washed out part of the Pool pad we had Made ,
So this Holiday weekend insteed of Floating in the pool Chillaxen and the such we get to drain the Pool , Fix the fucken Sand that washed out and refill the pool !!!
the side dropped 5-6 inches
DSCF7351 by zippyt, on Flickr
DSCF7352 by zippyt, on Flickr
I dont know if you can see , but the Whole Pool has settled and slanted about 4-6 inches
Dscf7353 by zippyt, on Flickr

Oh Well , such is Life

Spexxvet 06-29-2011 02:15 PM

That sux

HungLikeJesus 06-29-2011 02:27 PM

It's better that way. You can practice swimming up hill.

xoxoxoBruce 06-30-2011 12:53 AM

Borrow a fire truck and wash out the other side.;)

Clodfobble 07-01-2011 03:18 PM

I've been very lightheated for about 2 hours now. I ate an apple with peanut butter in case it was from low blood sugar, even though I knew it wasn't. So now I'm nauseous and lightheaded. At this rate I don't know if I'll be able to drive to pick up the kids from preschool, dammit.

kerosene 07-03-2011 10:57 PM

I hope you are feeling better, Clod. Did you figure out what was wrong?

Clodfobble 07-04-2011 07:52 AM

Not specifically. My mom eventually drove me to the after-hours clinic, but the guy just gave me a generic "labyrinthitis" diagnosis (i.e., inner ear infection, but he said probably caused by a virus, not bacteria) and some anti-vertigo pills. The pharmacy wanted me to wait 45 minutes for them, so I just went home and went to bed, and by morning it was pretty much gone.

DanaC 07-04-2011 08:06 AM

Avk. Glad you're feeling better Clod. Hope thats done with.

Lola Bunny 07-06-2011 11:09 PM

I'm upset, annoyed, irritated...I don't know. I got my credit report by signing up with one of those privacy assist thingy. Looked over it today. It listed infos from Equifax, Experian, and TransUnion. So, my social is correct, but there are two different (wrong) birthdates, two different (wrong) employers, and 4 wrong addresses. There were mortage and auto loans that I never took out. There is department store card with a balance that I don't carry. There is a card with past due balance which I'm sure is not mine because I pay everything on time. There are several credit cards of the same bank, each with balances, and I only carry one card! Grrrrrrrr! There are more but I'm too lazy to open the report to see what else is there. The thing is I've got one excellent and two good scores. :rolleyes:

zippyt 07-06-2011 11:14 PM

get that fixed lola !!!!

lookout123 07-06-2011 11:31 PM

heading to illinois tomorrow. Happy because I'll get to see my closest friends but gutwrenching because it is our final farewell/wake for the mighty CWB. reality has set in.

classicman 07-07-2011 10:23 AM

Lola - I went through something similar. GET THAT FIXED ASAP!
Its not as much of a hassle as you'd think. Call them & explain the situation.
They'll give you step by step instructions on how to correct it all.
You gotta stay on top of it though. Check it every 3-6 months to make sure none of it comes back.

classicman 07-07-2011 10:24 AM

Sorry L123. Focus on the good times.

Sundae 07-10-2011 02:01 PM

I've lost a night out in Cardiff.

My bro won it, but because it had to be taken by the end of August and they both work full-time (and she works some weekends) there was no way they could manage it.

So he offered it to me. Well, to the family, but I was the only one here to accept it and Mum suggested it should be us rather than her & Dad. She even said she'd pay for an extra night for the two of us.

And what did this stupid f**king waste of space do?
I can't find the f**king prize slip. He only gave it to me this afternoon!
I did not take it out of the house. It has to be here somewhere. But I have NO IDEA where I left it. And now that Mum knows about it I am too terrified to admit I've lost it because by her opinion my room is already a bomb-site and a pig-sty and I am already following my Dad by having Alzheimers.

Poor old Stevo was doing something nice and I have turned it into a disaster.

monster 07-10-2011 10:32 PM

you'll find it.

DanaC 07-11-2011 06:11 AM

Did you find it Sundae?

anonymous 07-11-2011 07:07 AM

A friend told me this weekend that she has breast cancer. Not diagnosed, she hasn't been to a doctor in a very long time. Prior to this, the only people who knew were her and her husband. She hasn't told her 30-something kids, who adore her. She says she doesn't want to seek treatment: she's watched a couple people go through it and be sick all the time and die anyway, she says. I don't know if she's scared, or if no treatment is just how she feels about it.

But she showed me why she thinks she has it. Her nipple is inverted and her breast looks all twisty and she has a huge lump. She says "it's too late" but I don't know that's true. Once those signs are there, visible, frightening...has it progressed far at that point?

I don't know what to do. Keep bugging her to at least find out...if she then chooses no treatment it will be a choice not made out of fear. Should I tell her daughter (who is studying nursing) who I know would drag her to a doctor (this really isn't my place, I know.) I feel helpless that I can do anything to help her. I will be here for her no matter what she decides, but I want her to decide to fight.

She's a good person, good kids, loving family...she loves her dogs and her grandchildren. She's mid 50s. Too soon to leave us.

Thanks for the ears. I don't know if any advice exists, but if any comes to mind, I'm listening.

limey 07-11-2011 07:16 AM

Can you talk to her more, anonymous, and try to persuade her? Seeing a doctor does not mean that she has to undergo treatment, after all, she can still choose not to. Are there any examples of people that you both know who have successfully undergone treatment, to offset the sad storiesw she is referring to? Can you enlist the help of her husband in persuading her? How does he feel about this?
Hugs to you in a very difficult situation.

DanaC 07-11-2011 08:06 AM

Generally speaking (correct me if I am wrong) it isn't so much the size and spread of the cancer in the breast but whether or not is has spread to other parts of the body that is important. It doesn't always follow that an advanced cancer in the breast is inoperable, but if it's spread to the lymph nodes and bones for instance, then there a real chance it's too late.

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