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Spexxvet 01-10-2007 12:08 PM


Originally Posted by Flint (Post 306063)
I will buttfuck you in the mouth.

BigV 01-11-2007 05:44 PM


Originally Posted by Happy Monkey
Just as libel and slander aren't mentioned in the First, nukes and weaponized biological agents aren't mentioned in the Second. Arguing the dividing line for both amendments is and should be an ongoing process.

emphasis mine.

This excerpt from yet another gun control argument is yet another example of Happy Monkey's eloquence. I read this post, and all the others in this context many times before I decided to put this part in the HoF. Many times, too many times, the discussion transforms into an argument, which is ok, but then continues to decay into a shouting match. One of the saddest responses in these situations is the assertion that since "it says so right there in the Constitution / Bill of Rights" that the discussion is closed. Such a reaction is a desperate tactic to end the discussion, not to persuade the other side.

Even if the other side is unpersuadable, even if the discussion is "freaking boring", closing the discussion this way, only shows a closed mind. Retire from the discussion if you wish, but realize that the discussions and the decision will continue despite your abdication. The Constitution is a starting point, not a finish line.

"All just power is derived from the consent of the governed." -- John Locke. There can be no consent without discussion. Silence is *not* assent.

xoxoxoBruce 01-11-2007 09:02 PM

That's not true. I drag out the constitution when I get tired of hearing the same shit, over and over and over and over and over again. Dragging it out says no, I don't care how many times you say it, the constitution says I don't have to do what you want. End of story. :cool:

Spexxvet 01-12-2007 01:58 PM


Originally Posted by xoxoxoBruce (Post 306615)
That's not true. I drag out the constitution when I get tired of hearing the same shit, over and over and over and over and over again. Dragging it out says no, I don't care how many times you say it, the constitution says I don't have to do what you want. End of story. :cool:

Until the constitution changes... :rolleyes:

BigV 02-01-2007 10:27 AM

1 Attachment(s)
Kitsune gets fast-tracked to the Hall of Fame. Brilliant, freakin brilliant.

Flint 02-01-2007 10:31 AM

I'm totally makin' a T-shirt out of that :::adds dark printable iron-ons to shopping list:::

I've also considered getting a white coated head for the front of my bass drum and painting that design onto it.

Kitsune 02-02-2007 07:05 AM

Honored, but don't attribute that to me -- it was made and printed by protesters who held them up outside the courthouse where the two ad placers were taken. I just found it in the news clutter during the day's events.

BigV 02-02-2007 04:44 PM


Originally Posted by Urbane Guerrilla
I'm always gung-ho, Jay. If war comes, I shoot. Simple as that.

You're a f*cking tool. Well suited to a narrow, specific purpose. But a noisy one. And certainly not a source for editorial or moral direction.


Originally Posted by Urbane Guerrilla
Lot of losers. Hell with 'em. I'd've behaved better.

And the war-losing faction in this Cellar may keep its ill-founded comments to itself.

Too bad we don't have a "silencer" for you. I wish you were consistent enough to take your own advice, but you're not, you hypocrite.

busterb 02-05-2007 10:40 PM

Urbane Guerrilla

I, of course, have neither of these maladaptive views.

xoxoxoBruce 02-13-2007 06:35 AM

deadbeater, from here.

Just goes to show that fundamentalists of all stripe are playing the power game. Maybe the Christian and Jewish fundies are jealous of the Muslim fundies being more successful at it.
Words to remember.:2cents:

Flint 03-12-2007 03:21 PM

"Every Day is Christian's Day."

Originally Posted by Undertoad (Post 321712)
There's a cloyingly sweet little tale that's almost universal... in response to a child asking, if there's Mother's Day and Father's Day, why isn't there a Children's Day? And the parent replies, Every day is Children's Day.

Well I'm here to tell you: Every Day is Christian's Day.

You may not have been aware of this.

Y'see, when Linus goes into the speech about the Real Meaning of Christmas, non-Christians don't say anything.

When someone at a dinner says first let us bow our heads and say grace, almost all of us politely bow our heads and pretend to pray. We may even say Amen.

For two years, I worked for an employer that put "Reverence for God and all His Works" into their Official Company List of Values. I just shut up, did a good job and collected my paycheck.

So now you find the name of this thing to be a little in-your-face? How DARE people actively proclaim that they don't agree with you!

Well you poor thing! How hard it must be for you! Let me call you the WAAAAAHBULANCE!!!

Nothing irks me more than a Christian claiming to be "persecuted" for their values. This translates to: they've had their way for so long they'll throw a temper tantrum when one little thing doesn't go their way, IE they don't automatically get the special treatment they think they deserve. Not that they think they're "better" than other people or anything. ... And I must have an agenda if I dare to criticize them, yeah right. Wwwaaaaaahhh!

Elspode 03-12-2007 03:32 PM

Yeah. Feed 'em to the lions once in awhile. It keeps 'em humble.

BigV 03-20-2007 01:42 PM

Flint has a...quirky sense of humor, and most of his posts demonstrate this. They often draw attention away from his more intelligent and articulate remarks, like this one. I'm happy the clown mask slipped down, and I look forward to more wardrobe malfunctions such as this.

Originally Posted by Flint
There is a logical explanation for everything; some are known, others are yet to be known, most will never be known. Everything we have accomplished, the sum of our collective knowledge, occupies an imperceptibly thin slice of data on the surface of an unimaginably vast mystery.

Nonetheless, this is the best data we have, and we should cherish it, and use it to our advantage in every situation. Also, we should be ready to cast it aside, without reservation, when it does us a disservice. A small bit of the great mystery may be revealed to us, at any moment, in a way we never imagined. However, we aren't really designed to make the distinction between good and bad data, we must make an extreme effort.

Finally, we should always fight, tooth and nail, against those who wish us to surrender to ignorance. As ignorant and insignificant as we are (and we most certainly are, to a degree our minds are incapable of comprehending) we have carved out a small niche of organized data, the qualities of which need constant protection from deliberate obfuscation. Knowledge is our most valuable resource, and attacks upon it are the most heinous crime.

LabRat 03-20-2007 04:46 PM

I don't know where that was originally posted, but I am hanging it up on my lab bench.

Perfectly said IMHO. Bravo.

[i]Im not worthy... I'm not worthy[/wayne-n-garth]

BigV 03-20-2007 04:58 PM


Originally Posted by LabRat (Post 324781)
I don't know where that was originally posted, but I am hanging it up on my lab bench.

Perfectly said IMHO. Bravo.

[i]Im not worthy... I'm not worthy[/wayne-n-garth]

I agree. That's why I feel it belongs in this thread. By the way, when I make such a post, I always include a link to the original post so it may be seen in context. If you look at the post, there's a link behind the words: "like this one." which will take you to the post and thread of origin. Enjoy.

And well done Flint.

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