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Lamplighter 11-02-2011 04:10 PM

Reading my 2 posts above, I just realized that maybe, only maybe, I'm in the 1%

I don't spend $ beyond paying our utilities, insurance, taxes, etc.
So advertising doesn't induce me to spend $ on goods & services.

I would be a good prospect for the HQ's transaction tax or Cain's 999... But not really.

infinite monkey 11-03-2011 09:18 AM

My work comp is fubar. I'm posting from my phone while tech looks at it. He is perplexed too.

HungLikeJesus 11-03-2011 09:25 AM

They're going to find out you spend 10 hours a day in the Cellar.

infinite monkey 11-03-2011 09:27 AM

I don't care. I multitask and I type fast, and a lot of my processes run in the background. Meh. Severance pay and unemployment and a break from the rat race. ;)

HungLikeJesus 11-03-2011 09:33 AM

I do whatever the opposite of multitask is called.

And I do it poorly.

nowhereman 11-03-2011 01:18 PM


classicman 11-03-2011 03:57 PM


Lamplighter 11-03-2011 04:01 PM


Nirvana 11-03-2011 04:09 PM

1 Attachment(s)
I hate it when those f tards at the Wal Mart check outs don't put everything in my cart!!! :mad2: I asked is that everything "oh yes" Well it was not everything and now I have to go back tomorrow and get what they left out which costs me more in gas than the item is worth but I really need it. >grumble< :mad: Oh and WTF its not even Thanksgiving and they have x mas music blaring in the store GAH! :eyebrow:

Attachment 35103

HungLikeJesus 11-03-2011 04:58 PM


Originally Posted by classicman (Post 769891)


Griff 11-03-2011 05:24 PM


Originally Posted by Nirvana (Post 769898)
I hate it when those f tards at the Wal Mart check outs don't put everything in my cart!!! :mad2: I asked is that everything "oh yes" Well it was not everything and now I have to go back tomorrow and get what they left out which costs me more in gas than the item is worth but I really need it. >grumble< :mad: Oh and WTF its not even Thanksgiving and they have x mas music blaring in the store GAH! :eyebrow:

You do realize getting you back into the store is why they have that crazy carousel product hiding system in place? They'd have a real checkout if they wanted you to actually get your purchases.

Nirvana 11-03-2011 05:45 PM

Yah I am sure that is their plan :mad: This was a weather strip for a door I looked at all the bags on the carousel it was the first thing she rang up Where TF did she put it, it won't fit in a bag! :eyebrow:

HungLikeJesus 11-03-2011 06:51 PM

That's why I don't shop at Malwart.

Perry Winkle 11-03-2011 07:44 PM

I posted an interesting video about a knifemaker to a knife forum I frequent. It had some mild profanity, and I noted that in the post.

24 hours later, and I notice it got removed. No notice. No warning. Just gone. It shouldn't bother me, but it does.

HungLikeJesus 11-03-2011 08:28 PM

Post it here instead. It will get more appreciation.

Lola Bunny 11-03-2011 08:55 PM


Originally Posted by Perry Winkle (Post 769979)
I posted an interesting video about a knifemaker to a knife forum I frequent. It had some mild profanity, and I noted that in the post.

24 hours later, and I notice it got removed. No notice. No warning. Just gone. It shouldn't bother me, but it does.

Really? A knife forum, where assumely men goes to, is offended with mild profanity? :eyebrow:

HungLikeJesus 11-03-2011 09:17 PM

Yeah - what do they say when they accidentally smash a finger or cut off a leg?

ZenGum 11-03-2011 09:23 PM


BigV 11-04-2011 10:47 AM


Originally Posted by HungLikeJesus (Post 770022)
Yeah - what do they say when they accidentally smash a finger or cut off a leg?

Meh... I guess that's sharp enough.

monster 11-07-2011 03:18 PM

Thor. :mad:

Beest 11-07-2011 03:33 PM


Clodfobble 11-07-2011 05:47 PM

I love it when someone else's kid deposits toxic diarrhea on my carpet.

monster 11-07-2011 08:13 PM

Thor did that too? Damn that kids gets around.

jimhelm 11-08-2011 07:02 PM

I'm kind of pissed about the deck I'm building.

Granted, it's taking forever...but dude knew that when I took the job... and yesterday, he had a buddy work on the decking. The guy did a shit job. he paid no attention to the pattern I had going, his joints suck, ...he even put 2 joints right next to each other so there is this glaring focal point that looks like shit... motherfucker.

after all that goddamned work, the part people will see looks like a 12 year old did it. I don't want to work on it anymore.

HungLikeJesus 11-08-2011 07:05 PM

I think you should go back and undo all that you've done.

monster 01-31-2012 12:32 PM

The asshole that pushed in front of me at the gas station and refused to admit he had done wrong or move and instead was all "jeeze you seem to be having a bad day" YES THE HELL I AM NOW CAUSE I JUST WAITED IN LINE FOR THIS PUMP AND NOW IT"S MY TURN YOU THINK IT"S FINE TO JUST BARGE IN THERE? I hope he rolls his Lexus and all his precious gas pours out.

infinite monkey 01-31-2012 12:43 PM

Oh ARGH! Hate it!

This weekend I stopped at McDs. There were some old folks in there with canes and walkers and stuff. I held doors, made sure they got in OK. Made sure they got to be next in line when it was their turn. When those cleared out, the lady on the right register still looked past me and asked another person (my age) if she could help them. Puh. So, I didn't get mad, but I left. Thinking...come on, we all share the earth here.

So I went to Bob's instead. In Bob's, an older manager was calling out a young waitress in front of everyone. I hung back and asked the girl if he always talked to them like that. The girl, near tears, said yes and a couple others nodded in agreement. I said "that's not right." The girl asked if I would tell the GM. Sure, bring them over.

GM lady came over and I explained that it isn't right to dress down an employee out front in front of customers (not my place to say how he talks to them in the back, but certainly angry snotty stuff shouldn't be in front, customers don't want to see that.)

The lady thanked me for bringing it to her attention. The waitress in question thanked me a few times, and said "someone stood up for ME" with tears in her eyes. Other waitresses thanked me.

My point being, people suck but if I hadn't been nudged out of line at McDs I wouldn't have been there to tell the GM what I thought about Mr Meanie. I was in a feisty mood!

Someday, karma will work the way it's supposed to. Sure. I'll keep dreaming.

ps On the same day I got a really nice email back from Verizon customer service, it was personalized so I know it wasn't a form letter, thanking me for thanking them, extolling the virtues of the girl I had complimented saying she was a valuable part of their team, etc. That made me feel good too. I know my message got through.

So...waiting on karma.

footfootfoot 01-31-2012 02:21 PM


Originally Posted by monster (Post 791961)
The asshole that pushed in front of me at the gas station and refused to admit he had done wrong or move and instead was all "jeeze you seem to be having a bad day" YES THE HELL I AM NOW CAUSE I JUST WAITED IN LINE FOR THIS PUMP AND NOW IT"S MY TURN YOU THINK IT"S FINE TO JUST BARGE IN THERE? I hope he rolls his Lexus and all his precious gas pours out.

monster 01-31-2012 02:26 PM

OMG I was totally thinking that and made like I didn't give a shit as I drove past him and blocked him in while waiting for the next pump. i hope his dick drops off. assuming he has one

infinite monkey 01-31-2012 03:30 PM

My mom made that remark the other day "Face it girls, I'm older and I have more insurance."

monster, of course he doesn't have a dick. Guys like that act that way because they don't have a dick with enough substance to swing around, so they swing around their dickheadedness instead.

Loved that you blocked him in!

HungLikeJesus 01-31-2012 03:32 PM


Originally Posted by infinite monkey (Post 791963)

So I went to Bob's instead. In Bob's, an older manager was calling out a young waitress in front of everyone.

Maybe she wasn't wearing enough flair.

infinite monkey 01-31-2012 03:38 PM

Joanna: You know what, Stan, if you want me to wear 37 pieces of flair, like your pretty boy over there, Brian, why don't you just make the minimum 37 pieces of flair?

Stan, Chotchkie's Manager: Well, I thought I remembered you saying that you wanted to express yourself.

Joanna: Yeah. You know what, yeah, I do. I do want to express myself, okay. And I don't need 37 pieces of flair to do it.
[flips off Stan]

glatt 01-31-2012 03:40 PM

Just take a deep breath, let it out slowly and relax. Repeat after me: "Serenity now. Serenity now."

wolf 01-31-2012 06:28 PM

Tastykakes aren't Tasty anymore.

Unfortunately I learned this by purchasing the 4/$10 Family Paks.

Aliantha 01-31-2012 06:54 PM

A couple of weeks ago, we decided to pull into the local mall on the way back from Dad's place, so after about 2.5 hours on the road, we were looking for a park and finally found one, and just as I pulled over and indicated, someone coming the opposite way did the same.

So anyway, the person pulled out of the park, and I pulled in - and I really was there first anyway - but the other guy (20 something in a sporty number with racing stripes), sat there revving his engine as I was getting out of the car.

So anyway, I said to the boys which included Aden, Mav, Adam and Quinn who all play footy and look pretty imposing all together, to just get out of the car and stand about while I got Max out.

The guy hung around long enough to see Aden standing up and then moved on.

I must admit, I got a nasty sense of satisfaction as I watched him leave.

We got his number plate just in case we came back to find any damage on the car. lol

Griff 01-31-2012 07:05 PM

I'm in a left turn only lane waiting for a break in traffic, I don't see a helmetless teenaged dope with an overstuffed backpack on a bicycle riding illegally on the left side of the road behind me. He turns left across my lane as I make my turn. Instead of braking I should have run the fuck down just so he'd stop making us cyclists look obnoxious. jackass

wolf 01-31-2012 07:52 PM

I grew up in a "ride against traffic" jurisdiction. I never got used to bicycling in the same direction as cars.

HungLikeJesus 01-31-2012 08:05 PM

I didn't know that there were any areas where the rule was to ride against traffic, but I'd recently been thinking that it would make sense here in the mountains.

On curvy mountain roads with no shoulders it's sometimes very difficult for cars to pass bicycles going the same direction, particularly when they're going down hill at 20 mph or more. When the car does go to pass it can take a relatively long distance - often farther than sight distance. Whether you're driving the car or riding the bike, it's a dangerous situation. If the bikes were going against traffic the passing would happen very quickly and you wouldn't have a long line of cars backed up waiting to pass.

monster 02-01-2012 07:10 AM


Originally Posted by HungLikeJesus (Post 792059)
If the bikes were going against traffic the passing would happen very quickly and you wouldn't have a long line of cars backed up waiting to pass.

Yebbut, what if they happened to meet at a point where passing wasn't possible/safe? Like a car on the other side?

HungLikeJesus 02-01-2012 08:24 AM

Well, it's still very quick.

BigV 02-01-2012 10:28 AM

I think the best solution is to apply the same logic to bikes that applies to cars in that situation. If a car is obstructing/delaying five or more vehicles, it should pull over, where safe, a shoulder, a slow lane, etc, and let the faster cars pass. It should not be too tough for a bike to yield to stacked up car traffic.

I know giving up that precious momentum is painful, but not as painful as getting run down and crashing by some impatient asshole driver.

HungLikeJesus 02-01-2012 10:44 AM

Quite often the only place to pull over is in the creek or off the edge of a cliff. Other times there's an almost endless line of cars, so you could pull over and never get going again.

BigV 02-01-2012 11:53 AM

Well, of course I wouldn't suggest you pull over into the creek or over the edge of a cliff. I suggested pulling over "where safe", yeah? As for an endless line of cars, well, if there's no place to pull over, I guess they're just gonna whip around you, one at a time, with a minimum of clearance, endangering your life each time, endlessly. Or, maybe I don't have the right mental image.

As a bike rider, what do you do in this situation?

HungLikeJesus 02-01-2012 11:59 AM


Clodfobble 02-01-2012 12:00 PM

Ride somewhere else? I'm not saying it's the best situation from a socially conscious inclusion perspective, but sometimes you have to compromise because the world isn't going to.

BigV 02-01-2012 12:18 PM

Lash your bike to your own car, get in line with the other cars behind that fucking biker, and plod up the mountain until you can be right next to the biker huffing up the hill, slow down and run interference for the biker as you switch drivers and hop out and unload your bike and pedal with him! Let the whisper of a headwind gently dry your tears.


wolf 02-01-2012 04:08 PM

Bike lanes aside ... it's a ROAD. Made for CARS.

Get off your damn bike and walk it to somewhere safe.

So, anyway ... there I was today, peacefully typing a book review of The Yiddish Policemen's Union (meh. never really went anywhere), and I reached for my big plastic cup of ice tea. Now usually, I'm drinking out of either a proper glass, or some sort of spill proof container, but I'd just started the dishwasher and got one of those Solo party cups, the big ones? Luckily I'd been drinking it for a while and it was only about half full, but in my distracted state I must have misjudged the weight of the cup and ... sploosh. Nine ounces of cold ice tea on my thigh, the carpet, and two shoulder bags that were sitting on the floor next to me.

In between yelling "fuck!" and "now what" I managed to find the box of Shamwows, dampened one, and sucked the stains right out of the carpet, my pants, and the wool shoulder bag.

Aliantha 02-01-2012 04:20 PM

Yeah, I have to say, that cyclist who ride up mountain roads etc are just asking for trouble. Particularly if they choose the ones that're popular for driving up too. It's just plain dangerous and personally I think it's unfair because although they might try hard, they simply can't do a reasonable speed on an uphill climb, and they put a lot of lives at risk.

Even on the winding roads around our place I find cyclists to be a problem, and I've seen more than one (in the 3.5yrs we've lived here) who's been knocked off his/her bike because there's just not enough vision, and it's only one lane each way, and there are all sorts of large trucks and tractors and plenty of cars who have to use the same road.

I respect that cyclists want to ride their bikes and all the other stuff, but seriously, if it's dangerous for you and your fellow road users, why do you do it?

Aliantha 02-01-2012 04:21 PM

good job with the shamwow wolf. lol

HungLikeJesus 02-01-2012 05:18 PM

Yes, I agree.

We really need to get all these cars and trucks off the mountain roads. They need to stay on the freeway where they belong.

ZenGum 02-01-2012 06:14 PM

Sounds like cycllists are in plague proportions. Time for a permit-based culling system! Thin out their numbers, for their own good!

Aliantha 02-01-2012 06:14 PM

I just don't think it's fair that good and safe drivers should be made to feel fearful because of someone else's choices.

I know when I am in the situation, it worries me because i feel a sense of responsibility for any damage I might inadvertently cause through my actions.

If I didn't give a shit about cyclists, I wouldn't care either way would I? I'd just keep driving and let them suffer whatever the consequences happen to be.

I also should add that my brother and his wife and a number of good friends of mine are road bike cyclists. My brother was knocked off his bike when he was only about 18 and has suffered chronic back pain ever since.

I feel that I'm speaking from a position of care and concern. Not simple greed for road space.

wolf 02-01-2012 06:21 PM


Originally Posted by ZenGum (Post 792346)
Sounds like cycllists are in plague proportions. Time for a permit-based culling system! Thin out their numbers, for their own good!

Riding bareheaded used to take care of that, but these modern safety standards and keeping them in the gene pool long enough to reproduce.

footfootfoot 02-01-2012 06:32 PM


Originally Posted by HungLikeJesus (Post 792309)
Yes, I agree.

We really need to get all these cars and trucks off the mountain roads. They need to stay on the freeway where they belong.

I rode my bike up "going to the sun" road or highway in Glacier National Park in 1980 or 1981. Bikes were not allowed to enter the road after something like 10:00am to give them enough time to reach the top before the car traffic got heavy.

On that same bike trip I was in Wyoming or Montana and there was no way to get from one town to the next except by interstate. The entrance ramps did not have the typical signs prohibiting pedestrian or bicycle traffic. First time I've ever rode my bike on the interstate. The second time involved way too too much Tequila and a temporarily stolen bike that was returned to its owner who was none the wiser.

HungLikeJesus 02-01-2012 07:14 PM


Originally Posted by Aliantha (Post 792347)
I just don't think it's fair that good and safe drivers should be made to feel fearful because of someone else's choices.


Originally Posted by HungLikeJesus (Post 792309)
Yes, I agree.

We really need to get all these cars and trucks off the mountain roads. They need to stay on the freeway where they belong.

Aliantha 02-01-2012 07:16 PM

There'd be no roads there if it weren't for cars and trucks. Just a trail you'd need a mountain bike to negotiate...and maybe not even that.

So let's say that scenario is true, would the mountain bikes expect the walkers to hop off to the side of the trail so they could continue on at their own pace?

I wonder...

HungLikeJesus 02-01-2012 07:18 PM

The roads were here before the cars. Even Romans had roads.

Aliantha 02-01-2012 07:19 PM

I'd love to see a road bike after a couple of km's over a roman road. lol

Griff 02-01-2012 08:00 PM

The League of American Wheelman, a cycling organization, is often credited for getting road paving started in the US.

BigV 02-01-2012 09:07 PM


Originally Posted by Aliantha (Post 792384)
I'd love to see a road bike after a couple of km's over a roman road. lol

Road? we don'tneed no stinkin road

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