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DucksNuts 02-12-2008 03:38 AM

Black Sheep (cellar thread)

Buahahahahaha fantastic movie. I need to watch it again

ferret88 02-12-2008 07:42 AM


Originally Posted by glatt (Post 431390)
Is he/she constantly singing "I like to move it, move it" now?

Actually no.

She just keeps saying "I wanna watch the movie. The one with the Rawr, the zeeba and the Jaff and the Wyno."

"It's a hippo, honey, not a rhino. Hippo."

"oh. hippo. I wanna watch that movie. 'member that?"

Giant Salamander 02-24-2008 12:23 PM

Just watched it, so my feelings are raw.

spoiler alert

Way too long for the story it told, with a gigantic clusterfuck where the plot should have been.
Disjointed. Disappointing.
More of the same stuff - not that the stuff wasn't entertaining enough (it was great in the first and second movies), but there was such potential for this one to stand out from the other two the way the other two stood out from each other, what with
there to mess with things...which you totally fucking expected her to...but no, she turned into a bunch of crabs and became a whirlpool, and that was that.

Could have been a whole slew of new, fresh stuff to throw at the audience's heads - deities, monsters, merpeople, voodoo, Pacific Island folklore, Bermuda fucking Triangle - but pfft. Nope.
"This worked before, it'll work again, but this time we'll have Asian people. Kick ass!"
Also, what was with the Council of the Brethren or whatever?
I thought it was based on Pirates of the Caribbean, not It's A Small World, which it apparently is, because it is quite possible to travel from Singapore to Antarctica to Singapore, then around the horn of South Afuckingmerica and up to the Caribbean, all without gaining a day's worth of stubble - and it is cut to seem as if were a half-day's ride.
Calypso could have just led them to the Bermuda Triangle for fast travel - hell, they could have used that to go to Davy Jones' Locker, and not had to worry about Singapore at all. Could have saved tons of budget, and made the whole story way more cohesive.

And come ON. Merpeople. Bad ass sirens doing Calypso's bidding.
Fuck the whirlpool, bring in the army of the oceans, held at bay until Calipso was set free. Lets see the East India Trading Company beat that. SOMETHING other than "the second movie, but with more explosions."

And God forbid any of the characters EVOLVE.

*I'm sure I'm being way too critical, but whatever. I'm extremely disappointed.
They could have done much better is all I'm saying. MUCH better.
The outnumbered good points were vastly overshadowed by the mind-numbing monotony.

glatt 02-25-2008 08:11 AM

With the writer's strike and the lack of good tv to watch, we'e been getting The Wire on dvd through Netflix. That show is really good.

Flint 02-25-2008 09:21 AM

Watched The Warriors this weekend.

Warrr-i-ors, come out to pla-ay!!!
Was cracking up over the tough-guy talk, like "wimps" and "fa66ots" ...

BizarreTees 02-25-2008 05:47 PM


Originally Posted by Flint (Post 434776)
Watched The Warriors this weekend.
Was cracking up over the tough-guy talk, like "wimps" and "fa66ots" ...

The Warriors frickin' RULES! Already have that one in my DVD collection.

We watched 3:10 To Yuma this weekend - hated it, dumb actions by characters etc... sorry for anyone who liked it. Also saw Evan Almighty which was cute.

Finished Dexter Season 1 recently, that was pretty good... very different but portrayed sociopaths in a pretty realistic manner.

BizarreTees 02-25-2008 05:49 PM

Kiss Kiss Bang Bang was hilarious and I liked it much more than I thought I would.... I suggest for everyone to check it out. Also Equilibrium.. a great sleeper hit with Christian Bale.

Gotta love my Netflix!

Giant Salamander 02-25-2008 06:42 PM

I didn't really like Equilibrium all that much. It was entertaining enough, I did like the script, but there were too many things, plot-wise and thematically, that were just copy-pasted from other stories. And I know everyone was supposed to be cold and emotionless, but damn, that movie was cold and without emotion. Perhaps they could have done that in a way that didn't feel like taking anesthesia...or perhaps they could have actually made it emotional when he found his emotions, instead of "I now cry. I now appreciate art and music. Indeed, I didn't know what I was missing."

But yeah, it was well done in any case, and Christian Bale is a sexy mother fucker, so that made up for something at least.

wolf 02-25-2008 08:35 PM

Paprika - Anime
Soup to Nuts - Early Three Stooges Feature

TheMercenary 02-26-2008 10:36 AM

This is one of my all time favs

shina 02-26-2008 11:23 AM

Some Like it Hot - Marilyn Monroe and Jack Lemmon

wolf 03-23-2008 09:36 AM

The Brave One

Griff 03-23-2008 06:21 PM

The Devil's Arithmetic

Crimson Ghost 03-30-2008 01:30 PM

Grindhouse - Planet Terror/Death Proof

BigV 03-31-2008 10:08 AM

Open Water


Excellent film. I am a certified scuba diver. I have been on dives similar to what is shown in this film. I could *easily* imagine this happening. I found the film very frightening. Highly recommended, or perhaps I should say deeply recommended.

Link one

SPOILER ALERT!! Click and read at your peril!! Link two

Cloud 03-31-2008 10:48 AM

Hula Girls. Picked it up on a whim at the video store--turned out to be really good. Kind of arty--won a bunch of awards in Japan.

'Bout a depressed coal mining town in northern Japan in the 60s--someone gets the idea to open a "mini-Hawaii" up there to save the town, and the local girls start learning hula.

Really good. worth it.

shina 03-31-2008 01:49 PM

The Graduate. What a classic!

Clodfobble 03-31-2008 02:38 PM

Season 1 of Dexter. So far we're both enjoying it immensely. Highly recommended for anyone who enjoyed Six Feet Under.

glatt 03-31-2008 03:32 PM


I found redeeming qualities in it, but my wife despised it. I'd give it a thumbs up.

Clodfobble 04-09-2008 12:13 AM

Shoot 'Em Up.

Absolutely hysterical. I wasn't even planning on paying attention while my husband watched it on the couch, but I ended up enjoying it immensely.

Cicero 04-09-2008 09:42 AM

"Goya's Ghosts", it was awesome. And I'm going to watch "3:10 to Yuma" again since it's out on dvd now! Oh, and "American Gangster" was good, but the ending, well, you judge for yourself I'm not going to say anything about it...

shina 04-09-2008 10:29 AM


Crimson Ghost 04-10-2008 01:45 AM

Clerks II

It covers such a wide array of topics - from interspecies erotica to the joys of going ass-to-mouth to a vivid discussion of the homosexual undertones of "Lord of the Rings"...

Truly, a classic for the ages.

luckyone8184 04-27-2008 01:29 PM


Buffalo Bill 04-27-2008 05:52 PM

Alien VS Predator (Requiem)

Cloud 04-27-2008 06:11 PM

The Water Horse. Very cute!

Sweeny Todd. Abysmal. Even with Johnny Depp.

I am Legend. Better than I thought it would be. Glad I didn't see it in the theater, though.

peach52 04-27-2008 07:58 PM

Water Horse

Buffalo Bill 05-03-2008 03:46 AM

Across the Universe, much better than I taught it would be. I was sur it was a girlie movie. Maybe it's my feminine side talking.

Sundae 05-03-2008 04:05 AM


Originally Posted by Cloud (Post 448911)
Sweeny Todd. Abysmal. Even with Johnny Depp.

I adored it!

Most recently Guillermo del Toro's Pan's Labyrinth.
Beautiful, intense and surreal film set in Spain at the end of the civil war. It blurs the fantasy world of a young girl with the troubled times she is living through, so you are never quite sure what is her imagination and what is really happening. The fantasy creatures have a wonderful quality of otherness to them too - miles away from any cosy Muppet imaginings.

Two thumbs up.

dar512 05-05-2008 03:46 PM

Watched The Ring (US Version) with darlet#2 last night. I didn't find it very scary. But the mood and look was very well done.

binky 05-05-2008 05:29 PM

Enchanted. It was very cute, and didn't drag the way kid's movies usually do.

Elspode 05-05-2008 09:57 PM

Just watched "Juno". What a complete hoot. Ellen Page was brilliant. Complete tour de force.

Buffalo Bill 05-08-2008 01:38 PM

The Mist, based on a Stephen Kink novel.
Good, if you enjoy that type of action.

Sun_Sparkz 05-12-2008 05:43 AM

27 dresses - was crapola
Touchin the void - was aweseome
PS. I Love You - So SO, made em emotional but wouldnt really rate it
Assassination of Jesse James - Drawn out, not worth my time
The run down - B grade - but made me chuckle.
Death at a funeral - Great! lotta laughs.


Griff 05-12-2008 05:47 AM

Saw the Royal Tennanbaums last night. It might have been my mood but I found it totally hilarious.

TheMercenary 05-12-2008 11:05 AM

Michael Palin's Pole to Pole

wolf 05-15-2008 07:45 PM

NOVA - Search for the Serial Arsonist
Schoolhouse Rock

wolf 05-18-2008 12:09 PM

Music Within

The Netflix movie recommender is scary-accurate yet again. It told me that I would like this movie a lot, and I did. I'm not big on indie films, too many of them are either poorly made, or too heavy handed in terms of the social message you're supposed to carry away with you.

This was a just plain, nice movie. No spectacle to speak of (couple Vietnam firefights, but that's really it), but well written and well acted. It's the story of Richard Pimental, who spearheaded the Americans with Disabilities Act. Extras are scant, but one is a video of Pimental telling his story.

skysidhe 05-18-2008 12:15 PM


I watched it OnDemand after work one day. I am glad I didn't go to a theater to see it. It was ok.

PS I love you.

A tear jerker. What's with these comedies lately ?

Griff 05-18-2008 05:16 PM

Into the Wild- damn good

dar512 05-18-2008 08:00 PM

The Cell - a very good sci-fi/thriller movie. The story is interesting and paced well and the visuals are spectacular.

Clodfobble 05-18-2008 09:35 PM

Yes, but ever since watching that movie, Law & Order: Criminal Intent has been completely messed up for me. Really changes the dynamic of the show when you can't stop imagining the head detective as a sadistic psychopath.

DucksNuts 05-18-2008 10:03 PM

I am Legend.

3 and 5 yr olds decided they wanted to watch it too. 3yr old only lasted until the first *yucky monster* and then he was out of there. 5yr old wanted to know what the yucky monster's names were...I named them Bob.

So, now all he talks about is "Master Bob", the "Bob Dogs" and the "Goey Bobs".

Its amusing to me because no one else knows wtf he is talking about.

Great movie. Love the car!!

DucksNuts 06-08-2008 06:50 PM


Weird, the monster thingie could of been much more impressive!

wolf 06-16-2008 12:36 AM


Originally Posted by Clodfobble (Post 454869)
Yes, but ever since watching that movie, Law & Order: Criminal Intent has been completely messed up for me. Really changes the dynamic of the show when you can't stop imagining the head detective as a sadistic psychopath.

I have never seen Cell, but Vincent D'Onofrio just come across that way for me. He's just your average creepy-scary crazy guy.

Over the weekend I watched Michael Clayton. This was not the movie that I expected it to be based on the trailers. I did like it, though. I must say, it did include what was possibly the best short description of mental health commitment law that I have ever seen in a movie.

I also watched Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back. That has got to be one of the funniest movies ever made.

Not on DVD (HBO onDemand strikes again) but I watched that indie documentary about Roman Polansky and the statutory rape trial, Roman Polansky: Wanted and Desired. I spent most of the 100 minutes just plain being annoyed. Oh, and I found another reason to despise the French.

JuancoRocks 06-16-2008 02:38 AM

For Fathers Day we watched "Big Fish" in Blue-Ray with my son and daughter in law. They recognize Big tales when they hear them.
It's really a movie about my brother in law. Sometime I'll tell you about mountain dogs in West Virginia that are bred with one set of legs shorter than the other so they can run around the mountains better. According to him, there are left handed and right handed dogs that can cover both sides of the mountain, depending which way the quarry is running.:D :D

Sundae 06-16-2008 05:34 AM

I loved Big Fish :)

DanaC 06-16-2008 06:29 AM

Big Fish was great!


I also watched Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back. That has got to be one of the funniest movies ever made.
I loved that film. I like all the askewniverse movies. Dogma was on tv the other night.

glatt 06-16-2008 01:43 PM

1 Attachment(s)

Originally Posted by Clodfobble (Post 454869)
Yes, but ever since watching that movie, Law & Order: Criminal Intent has been completely messed up for me. Really changes the dynamic of the show when you can't stop imagining the head detective as a sadistic psychopath.


Originally Posted by wolf (Post 462688)
I have never seen Cell, but Vincent D'Onofrio just come across that way for me. He's just your average creepy-scary crazy guy.

Remember him in Full Metal Jacket?

Clodfobble 06-16-2008 02:07 PM

I had totally forgotten he was in that.

What casting director in their right might thought he'd be a good choice for a detective role? Maybe they were intending to play up the "brilliant but weird" side of him a lot more than they eventually did.

Cloud 06-16-2008 02:26 PM

his role that always stays with me is the Bug Man from Men in Black.

he's great as that detective, though.

TheMercenary 06-17-2008 11:22 PM

The Bucket List. Fan-fucking-tastic.

Heartbreak Kid. Funny as hell. Not for little ones.

The new Rambo and Fools Gold, eh.

JuancoRocks 06-18-2008 02:25 AM

"The Big Lebowski" for the umpteenth time.....

Clodfobble 06-18-2008 02:15 PM

We've had Stranger Than Fiction sitting on the counter since January and No Country for Old Men since March, according to Netflix. You wouldn't think it would be that hard to nail down a 2-hour block to watch one sometime...

Sundae 06-18-2008 05:55 PM

Meh, I lent my Aussie boss Hot Fuzz nearly a month ago.
She admitted she watched half of it last night and will watch the other half tonight.

Am tempted to tell her to keep it and I'll get the special edition for myself, but if she can switch it off halfway through I'll be wasting my money!

She's going to lend me a Kath & Kim dvd (I've only caught random episodes) and a Summer Heights dvd (new on BBC3). In return I might lend her The League of Gentlemen. Hmmmm, that's three series, two live shows a film and a Christmas special. I might buy and then lend her Benidorm instead!

BigV 06-19-2008 09:42 AM


The Bucket List -- Excellent. Messrs Freeman and Nicholson are masters at their craft.

Beowulf -- Boring story, but interesting execution. I strongly recommend the "Making of..." featurette for the technically inclined.

Airplane! -- STILL funny as hell. SonofV enjoyed it.

The Other Boleyn Girl -- Interesting story, and I really enjoyed the cinematography. Tink says there were considerable deviations from the book. The extras on this disc are also recommended.

Mr Magorium's Wonderous Emporium -- Kind of predictable, but enjoyable. The young boy, Eric, steals the show.

Flint 06-19-2008 09:46 AM


Originally Posted by Clodfobble (Post 463429)
We've had Stranger Than Fiction sitting on the counter since January and No Country for Old Men since March, according to Netflix. You wouldn't think it would be that hard to nail down a 2-hour block to watch one sometime...

Ah, you're thinking of the "What DVD's are we Watching Collect Dust?" thread.

bluecuracao 07-21-2008 03:44 PM

The Bank Job--Based on a true story! Intriguing how all the pieces fit so well together; I doubt it went down exactly like that, but it was a fun film to watch anyway (and Jason Statham is always nice to look at). Watch out for the extremely brief Mick Jagger cameo.

Grandma's Boy--I saw this on TV this past weekend, but it's available on DVD of course. Hilarious stoner movie, but can be watched while on the verge of heatstroke, with equally enjoyable results.

Tink 07-22-2008 02:59 PM

Hostel - Gruesome. Bloody. Kept me riveted though.

The Cave - aliens underwater. Good.

Peaceful Warrior - slowto start but a good rental

Batman Begins - gotta love the bat! Prepping for 'Dark Knight'.

Bonus bought me a new 40" LCD HDTV. Had to make it a movie weekend.

BigV 07-22-2008 04:27 PM

Hostel -- Thankfully away from the room during the screaming/screening. Ugh.

The Cave --- Creepy. Requires higher than normal level of suspension of disbelief. NOT FOR THE CLAUSTROPHOBIC. Underwater spelunking? You have *got* to be kidding me.

Peaceful Warrior -- First half is good. Please be in your seats before the movie begins.

Batman Begins -- Morgan Freeman as Fox versus John Cleese as Q... Think about it, eh?

The tv is freakin AWESOME!

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